The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 868 Brother, Are You Good or Bad?

"Brother, in fact, I'm usually very ladylike." Miffy looked back at Li Zedao, a little embarrassed.

"I know, I know." Li Zedao said very against his conscience. Before Miffy's hands did not know how many lives had been harvested. Compared with those, the kick in front of him that broke his balls was nothing.

And the two non-mainstream gangsters who followed behind the gangster saw their accomplice kicked on the crotch by the girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals, and then lay there crying, the two of them were completely indifferent. Senseless.

Subconsciously, both of them stretched out their hands to cover their crotch, looked at each other, turned around and wanted to run away.

Li Zedao stretched out his hands suddenly, hooked the necks of the two of them respectively, then aimed at their two heads, and slammed into the middle fiercely.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, their faces bumped into each other, and they had an intimate contact, and then they also lay down neatly.

"I'm usually not violent at all." Li Zedao looked back at Miffy and said.

"Haha, I know." Miffy laughed, "Squad Leader Li, you are the most gentle person in the world... No wonder! Did you see that BMW?"

At the same time, the other passers-by saw that the couple was so tough, beating people was like playing, and they hurried away one after another, fearing that a blind fist would fall on them like this.

Li Zedao glanced at the white BMW parked there, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a strange way: "Just now I accidentally saw a familiar person get into that car."

"I also saw that idiot Zeng Xiaoxian, and noticed the gloating look on his face when he looked at us. Did he send these three non-mainstream idiots?" Miffy asked.

"Isn't this obvious?" Li Zedao shrugged and said, "It's a pity that these three idiots were beaten up before they came to remember to pick things up."

"It's already provoked... Didn't your hand be touched?" Miffy said a little funny.

"..." Li Zedao had the urge to find a place to wash his hands quickly.

"Well, I am kind, but the world is not benevolent. I am simple, but people are unpredictable." Miffy shook her head and said with emotion, "In that case,, look for bricks and put his The car was smashed?"

"Okay, okay." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Then squatted down slightly, grasped the sidewalk with five fingers, and buckled a piece of green sidewalk brick laid on it abruptly, then stood up, and weighed it in his hand a few times, um, the feel is the same as The weight is good, and it can't be more suitable for smashing cars.

"Here." Li Zedao handed the bricks to Miffy, "Don't break the bricks, I'll lay them back later... Those who smash cars belong to them, and they can't damage public facilities."

"Thank you, senior brother." Miffy smiled sweetly, then took the brick and walked towards the BMW parked there fearlessly.

In the car, the man was shocked when he saw that extremely violent bitch walking towards the car with a brick in his hand. Looking at Zeng Xiaoxian, who was also restless, he asked, "She is holding a brick. What is it for? She knows that we arranged for those three gangsters? She also knows that we are in the car, so she plans to invite us to eat bricks?"

"Can't you?" Zeng Xiaoxian smiled reluctantly, "How could she know?"

The man thought about it, and then his eyes widened in an instant, and the muscles on his face twitched slightly. After the bitch walked up to the car with the brick, he simply picked up the brick and drove towards his BMW. The headlights of the car knocked on.

"Bang Dang!" The fragile headlight was smashed by her hard sidewalk brick.

While the muscles on the man's face were twitching violently, he wanted to roll down the car window to argue with this woman who is not only a whore but also a lunatic, or even fight, but when he saw the three people lying there , decisively gave up this stupid idea.

Glancing at Zeng Xiaoxian who was sitting on the side, he almost spurted blood. This guy wanted to hide his head in his crotch.

"Kang Dang!" Miffy walked to the other side of the front of the car, and made another clean shot.

After smashing, Miffy let out a sigh of relief, looked at the glass of the car, and showed a devilish smile, then turned around and walked to Li Zedao, gave the brick to Li Zedao, and said with a smile: "Squad leader Li, It's a lot of fun to smash, so I'm leaving you the two taillights in the back."

"Isn't that bad?" Li Zedao felt a little embarrassed grabbing the brick.

Miffy looked at Li Zedao with contempt in his eyes, and who knows who heard that bricks were needed to smash the car, so he picked the bricks out of the sidewalk.

"I mean, I'm afraid I'll break the brick." Li Zedao explained.


At that moment, Li Zedao ran to the rear of the car with the brick in his hand, aimed at the taillight of the BMW and knocked on it.

"Kang Dang!" There was a crisp sound, and the taillight was smashed by the brick in Li Zedao's hand, and then Li Zedao felt that his whole body and mind became happy. It turned out that it felt so good when he smashed the bitch's car. , the most important thing is that there is nothing wrong with the brick in his hand!

So Li Zedao took a brick and ran to smash the taillight on the other side. After knocking, he smashed the rearview mirrors of the two cars casually. He wanted to smash the glass, but he was afraid that the glass of this high-end car was too hard. Instead, he broke the brick, so he had no choice but to give up, and then turned around and left with the brick like a normal person.

"Bastard, bastard, you wait for me." Looking at the pair of dog-men in front of him who were walking away from each other, the man had a gloomy expression on his face. He didn't dare to get out of the car from beginning to end. I'm afraid that after getting out of the car, the opponent's hand will hit Dirk's head with a brick instead of the headlights and rearview mirror.

Zeng Xiaoxian was even more unbearable, his head was almost stuffed into his crotch, and he dared to raise his head only after Li Zedao left.

"Brother, all my fault." Zeng Xiaoxian said in embarrassment after seeing the man finish making the phone call.

"It's not your fault, it's that pair of dogs and men who bullied people too much." The man said with a gloomy face, "Damn it, I won't let them go." He took out his cell phone and started making a call.

Li Zedao carefully laid back the sidewalk bricks that he dug out, and then took Miffy's little hand who was looking at him with a smile and said, "Let's go."

"Squad Leader Li, you could grab that guy's wrist just now, why did you touch me?" Miffy whispered with a pretty blushing face.

You still need me to answer such an obvious question? Li Zedao said with a very guilty conscience: "Well... am I afraid that if I miss one of them, I have to sacrifice my own hand to make that bastard cheaper."

"Cut..." Miffy gave Li Zedao a big hygienic eye.

"Where are we going next?" Li Zedao smiled.

Miffy glanced at Li Zedao, his eyes were slightly sad again, and said in a low voice: "I don't believe you can't guess."


"...Yes, and it's still a seven-star ship. How about the Angel?"


Li Zedao looked up at this bustling downtown street, and then asked, "Is that place located on this street? Is that the place where I was taken away by that old liar?"

Miffy nodded and said: "The headquarters of Yan Luodian is indeed located on this street, and you were taken to that place by that old man Guan Le..."

Seeing Li Zedao looking around and trying to find something, Miffy smiled and said, "My squad leader Li, don't waste your time, no matter how wide your eyeballs are, you can't see Yan Luodian." Where exactly is the headquarters?"

"There is a mystery hidden in a certain store?" Li Zedao asked.

"What do you think?" Miffy felt that Li Zedao's words were nonsense. Where is Yan Luodian? How could it be possible to hang a beautiful LED billboard on the gate like those ordinary storefronts, with the three words "Yan Luodian" written on it?

Li Zedao nodded, and then glanced at the passing shops selling different things. He really couldn't believe that with his sharp eyes, he wouldn't be able to see what a shop was selling. There are clues... Well, Li Zedao has to admit that there are really no clues, and this can prove one thing, that is, they haven't passed the shop that sells dog meat for bait!

Finally, Miffy stopped at the entrance of a pharmacy, looked at Li Zedao and said, "Squad leader Li, you... go in."

"Here?" Li Zedao looked at the pharmacy named "Qiang Zhu Da Pharmacy", his eyes slightly narrowed... still can't see any clues.

However, Miffy has said before that the main purpose of setting up Yan Luodian is to develop ghost pills, and there are also some biological drugs, such as the so-called poison that Miffy gave him before to deceive people that you were poisoned. It is also very reasonable that Yan Luodian is hiding in this big pharmacy.

"You go in and buy a condom, I don't want to have a baby yet." Miffy whispered with a blushing pretty face, and then pushed Li Zedao's shoulder.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, why was she so dishonest when she was so serious? Do you know that this is a very dangerous behavior for you? I can't help but throw you down right here?

Seeing Li Zedao staring at her strangely, Miffy's face became even hotter. She glanced at him secretly and said in a low voice, "You don't like can buy me a box of contraceptives."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched even more. He rubbed his face and said with difficulty, "Isn't this the headquarters of Yan Luodian?"

"Who said it was?" Miffy said embarrassingly, "He passed by here and suddenly remembered that and that, so that and that... Brother, you are good or bad."


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