The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 869: 1 hit, 1 quasi

Just when Li Zedao hadn't decided whether to enter the pharmacy to buy condoms or contraceptive pills, which might kill his son or daughter, as Miffy asked, several people They quickly surrounded them, and surrounded Li Zedao and Miffy.

Looking at their facial expressions and attire, these people are all sloppy. They look more like hooligans than the non-mainstream kid who just lay there and didn't know whether he got up or not. A steel pipe was dangling there, with eyes still in its mouth, staring at Miffy and Li Zedao, the two little lambs, with a sneer.

Li Zedao and Miffy looked at each other, and then Miffy said: "Squad Leader Li, your heart is too soft, you should have smashed the glass window of that car just now, pulled him out and slapped some bricks hard Yes, it’s no longer the case.”

"Aren't I afraid of smashing that sidewalk brick?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "We are civilized people and cannot damage public facilities."

"Damn it, you dare to lay such a heavy hand on my brother, you want to die!" One of the red-haired men cursed viciously, "If I don't beat you to death today, I will take your surname..."

"Okay, okay, don't always threaten the same thing over and over again, it's so boring, who cares about your last name?" Li Zedao interrupted his words and persuaded him earnestly, "And now society has developed so much , you should find some legitimate jobs, such as guarding the house, such as catching mice, you can’t just use other people’s money to beat people for others, right? Not to mention the low income, it’s still dangerous, what do you think? ?”

"I'll fuck your mother!" Seeing that Li Zedao was about to be beaten up, the red-haired man treated them like dogs. He couldn't help it, and the steel pipe in his hand went straight Li Zedao's head was smashed.

Seeing that the other end of the steel pipe was about to hit Li Zedao's head, unexpectedly, it stopped at this moment, about ten centimeters away from Li Zedao's head.

One end of the steel pipe came into the hands of the other party at some point. Hong Mao only felt that the steel pipe was like taking root. It really wasn't careless that the guy got knocked down.

The smirk on Li Zedao's face has disappeared, but it was replaced by a gloomy expression: "You shouldn't bring my mother with you, she is the person I respect the most." The voice was cold, as if from Jiuyin Difu is average.

Because Miffy was about to take him to the legendary Hall of Yama, Li Zedao was already in a heavy heart, but now he heard someone greeting his mother, completely annoyed.

The steel pipe in Hong Mao's hand was grabbed by the other party, but he found that he couldn't move it no matter how much he pulled it. He was a little afraid at first, but when he heard the other party's tone was so cold, his heart trembled even more.

But when I think about it, there are six people here, all holding steel pipes, how can I not lose to this unarmed brat?

Immediately he said sternly: "So what if I bring it? I do...ah..." A shrill scream came out of his mouth.

Li Zedao had already slammed his fist on his face very simply, and even though Li Zedao had shown mercy, the red-haired nose collapsed all of a sudden, and the blood jumped like a heavy rain It came out, and in the next second there was a "plop" and fell to the ground, and the steel pipe in his hand had already reached Li Zedao's hand.

"" Several other people were shocked when they saw Li Zedao's fierce method, which knocked their accomplice's nose down with one punch, and they were all stunned, unable to say a word.

Li Zedao had a nervous smile on his face. He shook the stick in his hand and came to the side of the red hair. He smiled and shook his head and said, "Why did you come to provoke me? Why did you bring my mother with you? Sure enough, When meeting you scumbags, reasoning is not acceptable..."

The stick in his hand was lifted up suddenly and hit the red hair's thigh.

"Crack..." The sound of bones breaking suddenly resounded, and the audience fell silent. Immediately, a shrill scream came from afar.


Everyone was stunned. His dull and terrified eyes fixed on Wang Zi.

The remaining hooligans were dumbfounded, they were the hooligans, they came to break the hands and feet of this bitch, but why was it the other way around?

The crowd watching from a distance was also dumbfounded. This kind of fighting made them feel terrified, so some people hurriedly took pictures there and sent them to Moments, and some secretly called the police.

Zeng Xiaoxian and his friend in a black Mercedes parked on the side of the road were even more dumbfounded.

The BMW that was smashed just now belonged to that friend of Zeng Xiaoxian, and now the Mercedes-Benz belongs to Zeng Xiaoxian. The two got out of the BMW and got into Zeng Xiaoxian's Mercedes-Benz parked behind the BMW. They followed up quietly, planning to take a look. It's a good show, but I didn't expect that the play didn't develop according to the script they outlined.

At that moment, the two of them looked away with great difficulty, looking at me and looking at you, they couldn't help the cold.

"What the hell is he...?" The man asked with great difficulty, wishing to slap himself a few times. If he was just a brat, how dare he be so arrogant?

Before Zeng Xiaoxian could say anything, the man's eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief, because the remaining gangsters had all fallen to the ground and couldn't get up.

"Damn, is this still a human being? Can he fight like that?" The man swallowed hard, unable to believe the scene he saw. Even if the other party can beat you very well, he is a professional gangster! You all have weapons in your hands! There were a total of six people, and they had to hold on for a while, but no, they were all knocked down by a stick in an instant, as if they were crushed.

Zeng Xiaoxian was also frightened and stupid, and he was even more thankful that his practice of forbearing to be a grandson that day was so fucking correct, otherwise he would have to crawl away from Miffy's house, right?

"Damn, look, he's coming? Is he coming towards our car?" The man was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he said in a trembling voice.

Through the window glass, I saw that Sha Shen was walking towards the Mercedes-Benz, shaking the steel pipe.

Zeng Xiaoxian's eyes widened and the muscles on his face twitched violently: "This...can't be? How could he..."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao slammed a stick on the hood of the Mercedes-Benz, and in an instant a deep hole was sunk in the hood, so frightened that Zeng Xiaoxian couldn't even speak. Subconsciously, he even avoided his eyes, lowered his head, and said silently in his heart: "I can't see me, I can't see me..."

He couldn't understand why Li Zedao chose to smash that BMW before, and he couldn't understand why Li Zedao chose to smash this Mercedes now...Why did he choose to smash it?

The next second, "Kang Dang!" There was a crisp sound, and the window glass was smashed by a stick, turning into a spider web, and then an indifferent voice sounded in the ears of the frightened Zeng Xiaoxian and the man: " get off."

Zeng Xiaoxian and the man looked at each other, and both had the urge to cry, and already understood that the other party knew they were in the car, and that's why they smashed the car, but how did he know?

But I'm afraid it's impossible not to go out, so Zeng Xiaoxian took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, then got out of the car with a hard head, looked at Li Zedao, and tried hard to squeeze a little smile on his face, just But he was so stingy that the smile was so tiny that it wasn't even easy to spot without looking carefully.

"So it's...Mr. Li...haha...Fei...Miss Mi, you're here too..." Zeng Xiaoxian greeted, and for the sake of the steel pipe in Li Zedao's hand, he was in a hurry." Feifei" was swallowed into the stomach.

Miffy looked at Zeng Xiaoxian, his eyes were full of pity, this idiot, he has already bypassed you once, why would he come here to provoke again?

"Your car?" Li Zedao pointed to the Mercedes-Benz that he had smashed twice and asked.

"Yes... yes... ha... must have blocked Mr. Li's way, I'll move away now, move away now..." Zeng Xiaoxian wanted to get in the car and drive away as soon as he said that. It was so scary that it gave him a feeling of weakness in his legs.

Seeing that Zeng Xiaoxian was about to get into the car, Li Zedao went over with a stick and slammed it hard on the front windshield. In an instant, the large piece of glass turned into a "spider web", so Zeng Xiaoxian decisively I was too scared to move casually.

Li Zedao's eyes fell on the man who was working hard to weaken his sense of existence, and asked indifferently, "What's your name?"

"I... I'm Andersan, one of his friends, I don't know anything." Andersan took a look at Zeng Xiaoxian, and pushed himself away. He couldn't afford to provoke this "cruel" guy , at least I can't afford to provoke him now.

"An Deshan?" Li Zedao was taken aback, and then asked immediately, "There is a eunuch from Yutang Media who looks like a fat pig and is called An Dehai, do you know him?"

"An Dehai..." An Deshan was also taken aback, "An Dehai is my brother, do you know him?" I thought that when this violent man talked about his elder brother so casually, he seemed very familiar with him, In this way, for the sake of elder brother's face, he shouldn't do anything to himself.

It's just that this matter was done, didn't this become a flood that washed away the Dragon King Temple?

"I met him once... I remember the last time he pretended to be aggressive in front of me, and I threw him out and broke his legs." Li Zedao said with a weird smile.


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