Every time he sees Nintendo, Li Zedao feels amazing for no reason! Among all his women, Nintendo may not have the best figure, the most delicate face, and the tallest height, but she has the unique "going to the hall" and "rolling on the big bed." "The ability to switch freely between the two is something that other women don't have.

The knee-length skirt tightly wraps her plump buttocks, and a solid-color burnt T-shirt makes her look exquisite and capable. She is not wearing a coat, and her long sleeves are rolled up to the elbows. On her wrist, the watch given by Li Zedao is shining The gorgeous and subtle light, this slightly extravagant OL outfit, brought her elegance and charm to the extreme.

"Master, are you satisfied with my job?" Nintendo gently stirred the steaming cup of coffee in front of him, looking at Li Zedao sitting there with eyes full of water.

She's fucking me with her eyes! Li Zedao said thoughtfully, and looked up at Nintendo, once again forced by her thrilling beauty, he already felt a dry mouth.

"Well, it must be that the cup of coffee she's stirring now is too tempting. I'm not the kind of person who can't help himself when he meets a beautiful woman!" Li Zedao excused himself in his heart.

"Very satisfied." Li Zedao flipped through the documents in front of him and smiled.

How could Li Zedao be dissatisfied?

When he was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he mentioned to Wu Xin that Tiandao Foundation was going to establish a hospital of his own. After Wu Xin came back to discuss with Nintendo, within two days, Nintendo resolved the matter. All the frameworks were set up, and the planning plan was handed over to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao didn't quite understand what was involved, but he also knew that the planning of the hospital's construction and later operation plan was perfect... because he knew that Nintendo was an expert in this field.

"Really?" Nintendo asked with a smile, "Little man, do you understand?"

"..." Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly, "Sister Ren, you are stabbing a knife."

"If I stab you with a knife, you can stab me too?" Nintendo's sexy red lips parted slightly, and he cast a wink at Li Zedao.

"..." Li Zedao was not Xiaobai at all, and he immediately heard the overtones of Nintendo, and felt extremely thirsty.

Nintendo sat up straight, took a sip of coffee and said, "Now there is only one problem left."

"I know." Li Zedao nodded.

If you want to establish a hospital, you must first have such a hospital building, and if you want to own such a hospital building, you must first have a large piece of land. Owning such a piece of land is really not an easy thing.

Although there is money, the money is mainly used to help patients in need. If all of it is used to buy land to build a hospital, plus a series of operations in the later stage, there will inevitably be a big gap in funds.

This is why when Li Zedao asked for 50 million from Hua Shulin when he was in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he was full of regrets. Taking 50 million to help 180 patients, based on 500,000, is indeed enough, but it is just a dream to build a hospital building. In a place like Fenghuang City where every inch of land is expensive, five million It would be nice to be able to buy one-third of the land.

"Since you already know, little man, have you found a solution to the problem?" Nintendo asked with a smile, "Do you want to suppress the entire Tiandao Group? Or should you suppress the Angel Hotel? Or go to Auntie That is to say, where is your mother begging for help? Oh, it’s okay to go to your little lover named Baili Bing, and serve her well for a few nights. With the wealth and power of the Baili Group, building a hospital is just like playing of."

Li Zedao said with a face full of dumbfounding: "This is all the methods you thought of?"

Nintendo looked at Li Zedao with wide eyes and smiled, "Who made me stupid? After thinking about it all night, there are only a few ways to go...Little man, I personally suggest that you can take the last way. The reward is absolutely generous, and the most important thing is, you are also happy, aren't you?"


"But you have to feed the old lady before you go, otherwise..." Nintendo's long eyelashes twinkled, he stood up and sat down on Li Zedao's lap, wrapping his hands around him neck, and said in Li Zedao's ear in that extremely whiny voice, "I'm going to die of acetic acid, so don't blame me for finding a cucumber."

"Gudong!" Li Zedao swallowed, his body was suddenly on fire, so that his face was red.

"Sister Ren, you are forcing me to make mistakes." Li Zedao said.

"Little man, will you commit the crime?" Nintendo whispered with a peachy face.

Li Zedao didn't answer, but took action directly... He blocked Nintendo's mouth with his mouth in a brutal way...

When the battle was over, the two had already changed several positions.

Nintendo's body was lying on the desk, lazily without any strength.

"Little man, you can go find Sister Bing'er and continue to struggle, I won't be jealous anymore..." Nintendo murmured contentedly, then got up from the table, tidied up the clothes on his body, and then helped Li Zedao Packed up.

After tidying up, I went over to make two more cups of coffee... The coffee before was already cold.

Li Zedao took out his phone, searched for some information, handed it to Nintendo and said, "What do you think of this place?"

"Ruijin Hotel?" Nintendo took it and glanced at it for a few moments, then frowned sexyly, "You mean, you want to buy this hotel, and then tear it down to build a hospital building?"

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "First, I'm not going to buy this hotel, but the owner of this hotel is me."

"What?" Nintendo's mouth became O-shaped, "When did it happen?"

"After getting off the plane the night before yesterday."


"Secondly, I don't think the hotel needs to be demolished, but the hotel can be turned into a hospital building by decorating the inside and outside." Li Zedao said, "Anyway, we don't need a hospital that looks like a hospital, do we?"

"That's true." Nintendo said with a giggle.

"This is the headquarters of Yan Luodian." Li Zedao looked at Nintendo and said, "I have disbanded that organization, and no one will be caught as a guinea pig."

Nintendo narrowed his eyes slightly, put his hands around Li Zedao's neck and smiled, "Little man, I still want it."



After leaving Nintendo's office, Li Zedao came to Wu Xin's office again. When Li Zedao came to Tiandao Building, Wu Xin was not there. She and Jia Qianqian went to the hospital to visit. The sophomore in high school who received the first treatment was stunned.

And now, the Tiandao Foundation is trying its best to help Gao Er Leng find a matching kidney source for him.

As for Gao Niu and his girlfriend, Xiao Diao, they also reported to Tiandao Group yesterday, but Wu Xin didn't let them go to work immediately, but asked them to take care of the senior high school student first, and Wu Xin also helped They paid three months' wages in advance to facilitate their daily life.

"How is Mr. Gao?" Li Zedao looked at Wu Xin and asked.

"Don't worry, everything has been arranged, and she looks much better now." Wu Xin said with a slight smile. Doing good deeds to help those in need is indeed something that makes people feel happy from the bottom of their hearts.

Jia Qianqian wrinkled her nose, then looked at Li Zedao suspiciously.

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao laughed a little guilty, what does this chick smell? Is this taking me as Hanxiang?

"You seem to have a certain smell..." Jia Qianqian pointed at Li Zedao's body and continued to wrinkle her nose.

"Smell, do you have it?" Li Zedao was even more guilty. He did have a certain smell, to be precise, it was mixed with the scent of Nintendo and the hormonal scent that came out when the two were passionate. .

But after a short period of time, the smell should be very weak, why did Jia Qianqian smell it? She is a dog?

"He just came out of Sister Ren's office." Wu Xin smiled lightly, a shyness appeared on her little face.


"Come out of Sister Ren's office..." Jia Qianqian was taken aback for a moment, but soon understood, she spat, her little face turned red, and she gave Li Zedao a hard look, this pervert !

Li Zedao was hesitating whether to eat the two chicks right away to save them from laughing at him, when the phone in his pocket rang.

I took it out and saw it was a somewhat familiar number. After thinking about it, I picked it up: "Hello, who is it?"

"Hello, classmate Li Zedao..." A slightly nervous voice came from the other end of the phone, "I'm Qin Xiangjun..."

"So it's Teacher Qin, what's the matter?" Li Zedao asked. Because of Zhou Qian's affairs, he didn't have much affection for this woman.

Li Zedao also went to the hospital yesterday to visit Zhou's father and Zhou's mother. Both of them recovered well, and even Zhou's mother was able to get out of the hospital bed and walk around.

Of course, after seeing Li Zedao, Zhou's mother naturally showed her special "feelings" for Li Zedao again, which made Li Zedao think he was already thick-skinned, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his face was embarrassing.

"It's like this, can I... can I invite you to have a meal at noon?" Qin Xiangjun said with some regret, "Although there was a reason for the incident that day, if it weren't for you, I would have caused almost irreparable harm to Zhou Qian. I'm very guilty...and you helped me destroy those photos...so can you give me a chance to thank you and treat you to a meal..."

Li Zedao pondered for a while and said, "Tell me a place, and I'll go there." When the other party spoke, he was pitiful, and his posture was so low, Li Zedao couldn't bear to refuse.

"Thank you...thank you..." Qin Xiangjun's hurried voice came over, "Then I'll wait for you in the banquet hall...I'll send you the address right now."

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