The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 880 Angel Kindergarten

Li Zedao knows where the banquet hall is, and he went there with He Xiaoyu and Zhao Xiaoying before. It is a well-known restaurant. It is considered to be a private restaurant in Fenghuang City that has the characteristics of Fenghuang City. Retro, the decoration of the door and window panes is simple and simple.

Even the taste of the private dishes made in this banquet hall is better than that of the real Phoenix.

After driving to the banquet hall, Li Zedao got out of the car and walked into the store. Under the guidance of the waiter, he went up to the second floor and came to a box.

Before the waiter had time to knock on the door, the door of the box was already opened, Qin Xiangjun appeared there, and said with a happy expression: "Student Li, you are here, come in quickly..." Qin Xiangjun moved away .

Li Zedao glanced at Qin Xiangjun, knowing that Qin Xiangjun saw him driving over in front of the window just now, and immediately nodded slightly, and walked in politely without knowing what it meant.

But Qin Xiangjun's outfit today really made Li Zedao feel a little surprised. I saw Qin Xiangjun a few times before, and she was dressed tall, sexy and charming at the gate of the community at night. Because of this, she tends to dress up in a mature and stable way.

But today's outfit made her look not like a mother who already had a child, but a young girl who had just entered school.

And I don't know why, after seeing Qin Xiangjun, Li Zedao suddenly heard He Xiaofeng coming, and I don't know if he is still seeing female netizens, or should I introduce Qin Xiangjun to him?

After thinking about it, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much. Although He Xiaofeng would lose his soul immediately after seeing Qin Xiangjun, Qin Xiangjun most likely would not like He Xiaofeng.

However, women always go blind sometimes. Didn't Qin Xiangjun go blind just once? Maybe I will be blind a second time. So Li Zedao decided to help Qin Xiangjun and He Xiaofeng create an opportunity. As for whether it will succeed in the end, it depends on whether Qin Xiangjun is blind... Oh, no, it depends on whether He Xiaofeng has such abilities.

After sitting down, Qin Xiangjun pushed the menu to Li Zedao to order. Li Zedao really didn't know what it means to be polite, so he ordered a butterfly bone...the name is very elegant but it is actually a sauce bone, and he ordered a mutton stew , when he came here with Zhao Xiaoying and He Xiaoyu before, he had eaten these two dishes, and they tasted really good.

Qin Xiangjun also ordered two dishes and ordered the waiter to go down to prepare, and then the atmosphere quickly became a little weird, mainly because Li Zedao was silent, staring at the teacup at hand, wondering what he was thinking, while Qin Xiangjun But don't know what to say.

As a people's teacher,

She is not a dumb person, and she doesn't know what stage fright is, but now, facing this enigmatic student who just went to college and doesn't look like a student, she is dumb, nervous, and stage frightened.

His kind of rage that day, he strangled his neck tightly and then lifted himself up and almost strangled himself... This made Qin Xiangjun have a nightmare for several days, and Qin Xiangjun had to use a silk scarf afterwards Wrapped his neck, there was no other way, after being pinched by Li Zedao, a black pinch mark was left on that snow-white neck.

"Yes... I'm sorry..." Qin Xiangjun felt that he should say something.

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "Mr. Qin, you have already apologized."

"Then...thank you..."

"You have already expressed your gratitude." Li Zedao said.

"..." Qin Xiangjun didn't know what to say, so he could only sit there with an embarrassed expression on his face. This boy really didn't show mercy at all.

Li Zedao sighed softly and said, "Teacher Qin, what I mean is, you don't need to say sorry to me, and you don't need to express your gratitude to me anymore, because you have already expressed your apology and gratitude sincerely. And most importantly, Xiaoqian didn't suffer any harm, did she?"

"No, really, I don't know how to repay you." Qin Xiangjun was so emotional that a blush appeared on his face, "If it weren't for you, Xiaobao would have been taken away by the bad guys... If If it wasn't for you, I would have committed a heinous mistake, and my conscience would be disturbed for the rest of my life... If it weren't for you, I... If those photos are spread, I'm afraid..."

Qin Xiangjun bit her thin lips lightly, and her expression was a little embarrassed. She knew that all those photos had been destroyed, but she was not sure if the boy in front of her had seen those photos too. If she had, wouldn't she be so embarrassed?

"You have already repaid me, haven't you?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "I have long heard that the private kitchen of the banquet hall is a must in Phoenix City, and many big stars are even famous here, so I have long wanted to come. It's a real treat, today, Mr. Qin, you have helped me realize this wish..."

A smile appeared on Qin Xiangjun's face, and just as he was about to say something, the mobile phone in the bag beside him rang.

"Student Li, I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone." Qin Xiangjun said apologetically.

Li Zedao nodded and said nothing.

At that moment, Qin Xiangjun took out her mobile phone and walked to the window, and then picked up the phone. She was very open, and her face was already full of anxiety.

After hanging up the phone, he walked quickly to Li Zedao and said apologetically, "Student Li, I'm really sorry, something happened to Xiaobao in the kindergarten, and I have to deal with it now... The food will be delivered soon , I will pay the money when I go downstairs..."

Qin Xiangjun's face was already full of anxiety, and while speaking, he even picked up the bag that was placed there, and was about to leave.

"Little Treasure..." Li Zedao already remembered that cute little boy, and said immediately, "Then hurry over..."

"Okay, okay, I'm dating you another day..."

"Forget it, I'll go with you." Li Zedao stood up and said. For that little boy, Li Zedao felt somewhat apologetic in his heart, after all, he was the one who threw his father into prison, and he had to lose his father at such a young age. Although all of this was Zhang Heng's own fault, the apology in Li Zedao's heart was real.

And he has already decided to help Qin Xiangjun and He Xiaofeng find opportunities. If they do, then he will become Xiaobao's uncle. His future nephew has been bullied, so Li Zedao naturally has to help him out.

"Really? Thank you so much." Qin Xiangjun's eyes lit up slightly and he said hastily, the anxiety on his face was also a little less.

After leaving the banquet hall, Qin Xiangjun didn't get into the car he drove over, but opened the co-pilot's door of the car driven by Li Zedao, and got in.

"Student Li, I'm really sorry to bother you." Qin Xiangjun said, "Please take me to Angel Kindergarten quickly."

"What happened?" Li Zedao asked.

"The teacher in the kindergarten called me and said that Xiaobao had a conflict with his classmates. As a result, the child's parents came over and refused to let go, and seemed to slap Xiaobao..." Qin Xiangjun's eyes were a little red, The child is her darling, and when she heard that something happened to him, she felt like a knife was twisting her heart.

Li Zedao frowned and nodded, he didn't say anything, but kicked the accelerator and accelerated the speed of the car.

Angel Kindergarten is not too far from the banquet hall, so soon, Li Zedao drove to the gate of the kindergarten.

As soon as the car stopped, Qin Xiangjun hurriedly opened the car door and got out of the car and ran to the kindergarten, even ignoring saying hello to Li Zedao and the like.

Li Zedao looked at her back, and felt inexplicably sad. He remembered that when he was in kindergarten, he was bullied every day and was ridiculed by other children that you were a child without a mother.

After returning home, Li Zedao asked Li Dahai why others have mothers but I don't.

Li Dahai patted his head with a simple and honest smile and said, I am your mother.

Li Zedao didn't understand why someone else's mother was an aunt, but his mother was an uncle, but if you don't understand, you don't understand. Out of the trust and attachment to Li Dahai, Li Zedao was very happy to talk to those people after going to the kindergarten the next day. He joked that his little friend showed off and said, I have a mother, but my mother is still at the level of an uncle.

As a result...he was beaten up by those children again, and was laughed at for a day or two for several days!

Li Zedao shook his head, threw those messy memories out of his mind, then opened the car door and got out of the car. From a distance, he could see a group of people surrounded by the small playground of the kindergarten, most of whom were parents hugging The children in his own family were watching the excitement, and it was obvious that the center of the incident was there, so Li Zedao walked over quickly.

"You and you must give me an explanation, otherwise, don't blame me for slapping your face and tearing down your kindergarten!"

When Li Zedao approached the crowd, he heard a woman's high-spirited voice coming from inside.

At that moment, Li Zedao squeezed in without a trace, and the scene in front of him made him frown suddenly.

I saw Qin Xiangjun squatting there with red eyes and distressed face comforting her son Xiaobao. At this time, there were two purple-red slap marks on Xiaobao's immature face, which completely made his face pale and plump. The fat little face was covered.

In front of Qin Xiangjun, there was a girl with an ugly and nervous face. The girl seemed a little green and at a loss. She should be the teacher of this kindergarten.

Standing opposite to Qin Xiangjun is a coquettishly dressed woman. The woman is in her twenties, tall and tall. the Lord.

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