The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 899 The Frog Prince

"Li Zedao... Li Zedao... Li Zedao..."

"Frog Prince...Frog Prince...Frog Prince..."

"The Prince of Basketball..."

The cheers from the students almost toppled the stadium, Li Zedao and his various nicknames resounded throughout the gymnasium and almost toppled the roof of the gymnasium.

Handsome and unrestrained facial features, suitable height, fat and thin body just right, the kind of elegance when running, the kind of chicness when dribbling the ball, the kind of domineering when dunking...

God, how could there be such a handsome boy?

One girl fainted, two girls fainted, three girls fainted... They just felt that their breathing was difficult and they had already lost their strength.

Even the students from the polytechnic college who sat on the south side turned against each other... Of course, those who turned against were all girls, they forgot the purpose of coming here, they only knew that their hearts were conquered by the boy in front of them , together with the students of Phoenix University, shouted Li Zedao's name at the top of his lungs...

Li Zedao is actually not willing to end the game. After all, playing basketball with these people with his ability is indeed bullying, and this so-called basketball league will lose its competitive spirit.

But for Zhou Yan, for Long Aotian, for the honor of Phoenix University, and to satisfy Miffy and Lin Susu's desire to watch him play basketball, Li Zedao still made a move.

Then the situation became the one-sided state it is now.

The boy who was trying to block Li Zedao but was dunked fell down under the basket. The basketball fell from the blue net and fell heavily on him.

He gasped heavily, feeling the severe pain in his chest, and looked at Li Zedao with horror in his eyes.

I haven't heard that there is such a number one player in the University of Phoenix basketball team. Where did this guy come from, and why is he so scary?

Unable to stop, unable to catch up, and trying to kill him, he was knocked into the air. This was the first time he felt such a strong sense of powerlessness.

"Damn, fight!" The boy gritted his teeth, stood up hard, and then exchanged glances with the other team members. Damn, he will kill him directly.

But they still underestimated Li Zedao, or they overestimated themselves too much.

They wanted to make a serious flagrant foul,

Instead, they were knocked away every time. In the end, they could only watch Li Zedao bombing the balls into their baskets one after another with dull eyes. See if they can spend more time while protecting the ball from being cut off. They want to quickly end this horrible last quarter. They feel that they really can't stand this kind of torture.

Finally, the whistle sounded for the end of the game, which was amnesty for them, and the final score was seventy-three to one hundred and thirteen!

In other words, they didn't score a single point throughout the fourth quarter, and they didn't even have a chance to touch the ball except when they were serving.

And the other party, that person, that guy who came out of nowhere, he easily chopped sixty points off their heads in just one session!

"Lawyer Bai... You should find another person to love... Such a person seems a little far away from you..." Yao Bei looked away from Li Zedao with great difficulty, and looked at Bai Xiaoxiao who was also dull and said, and couldn't help but Don't say these words close to her ear, after all, the whole gymnasium has already fallen into a state of extremely crazy noise.

In fact, Yao Bei felt that if Li Zedao didn't leave quickly, someone might rush over and throw him on the ground to check...Anyway, she has such thoughts now, and she also believes that many people present Girls have it.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled, and didn't say much, but looked at Li Zedao with that strange look in her eyes, and didn't know what she was thinking.


With such a cool performance, the entire gymnasium has now fallen into an unprecedented madness. Li Zedao is really afraid of being surrounded by those fanatical fans and being eaten tofu or something, so he simply told Lin Susu that Miffy After talking with Long Aotian and the others, they quickly left the gymnasium with his bag of changed clothes.

What Li Zedao didn't expect was that as soon as he walked out of the gymnasium through the small door, there was an extremely excited voice behind him.

"Look, the Frog Prince is there..."

"Li way...I love you, love you, love you..."

"So dazzling, so handsome...I'm about to faint, who will help me down..."


When Li Zedao looked back, he was startled. He saw dozens of people behind him, all of whom were girls, flying towards him like a swarm of bees. , and the way they look at them is no different from how a wolf sees a little fresh meat.

Without further ado, Li Zedao ran away, knowing that if he fell into the hands of these female perverts, it would not only be as simple as being stripped of his clothes, he might even lose his virginity.

Li Zedao regretted this in his heart. If he had known earlier, he shouldn't have softened his heart and agreed to play with Long Aotian and Zhou Yan. Even if he agreed, don't be so flamboyant, right? Just get fifty points casually, why do you need sixty points?

Not good, there are also a few female men with eyes shining in front of you, fleeing to the left... Ah, there are still people in front, fleeing to the right...

In the end, Li Zedao fled into a bamboo forest in a narrow fork, and then he took a light breath, and finally no one chased him.

At this moment, the sound of tree branches rattling came from behind.

Li Zedao looked back, his eyes met a pair of bright and gentle eyes hidden under a pair of glasses.

"It's you?" The two said at the same time.

Bai Xiaoxiao never expected that when she left the gymnasium and came to this quiet little bamboo grove that she liked very much, she interrupted and went back to the dormitory, and she would meet Li Zedao who was just full of power on the basketball court here.

When this man saw him for the first time, he performed the mechanical dance very dynamic on the stage. At that time, Bai Xiaoxiao was shocked. She never thought that someone could dance the mechanical dance so well, at least She hasn't seen it.

Later, when the Spiritual Association gathered, Bai Xiaoxiao met him again, and had the idea of ​​asking him to teach her laser dance. Afterwards, in Shishi, who almost surprised everyone, this boy was very familiar with the president, and it could even be said to be ambiguous; After that, by the Furong Lake, Li Zedao's fierce and ruthless methods really scared her.

But now, Bai Xiaoxiao is full of gratitude to him. If it weren't for this boy, she and her mother would make mistakes again and again, and fall into the abyss of sin from then on.

"You are not being chased to hide here, are you?" Bai Xiaoxiao said a little funny. On the way here just now, she saw many people looking for Li Zedao over there, and some even ran up to ask her if they saw Li Zedao.

"Sister, what do you think?" Li Zedao said with a wry smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"Who made you so popular?" Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and smiled, "However, why do I think you enjoy it? After all, those who chase you are all girls."

"Senior Bai, you're thinking too much." Li Zedao smiled wryly, she's not a beauty, enjoy what a fart, even if she is a beauty, she got up with He Xiaoyu Nintendo and the others, that is, Chai Heniu.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and said nothing.

Then the two were relatively silent, Bai Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say, but looked at Li Zedao with bright eyes.

Li Zedao also didn't know what to ask, because he already knew about Bai Xiaoxiao... After coaxing Yang Xueer to sleep, before sneaking into Bailibing's room to coax Bailibing to sleep, Bailibing briefly told him about Bai Xiaoxiao With her mother's situation.

Bai Xiaoxiao and her mother declined the residence provided by Baili Changhe, and they still lived in their original warm and comfortable little family. Bai Xiaoxiao's mother, Bai Niu, had almost recovered from her broken leg after careful treatment. And her hatred for Baili Changhe didn't turn into bloody love, and the two are now good friends or brother and sister.

Because Bai Xiaoxiao became the goddaughter of Baili Changhe, she occasionally went to that villa to look for Baili Bing, and the two called each other sisters.

Li Zedao also said cheaply, why are they not together? why? Is the family education too strict or something?

Baili Bing looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said that it was because Baili Changhe was not Li Zedao.

Li Zedao only felt that his face was hot, as if an invisible hand had slapped him several times.

Because neither of them spoke, a slightly awkward atmosphere emerged spontaneously.

"Oh, that's right." The two spoke at the same time with a tacit understanding.

"Tell me first..." The two were stunned for a moment and spoke again in a tacit understanding.

Bai Xiaoxiao was embarrassed and smiled and didn't speak anymore, but made a gesture of please to indicate that you should speak first.

Li Zedao smiled and said: "Where do you live... Oh, I mean, I want to find some time to visit your mother, after all, her leg was taken by me..."

Well, actually Li Zedao wanted to find out more about Gu poison from that white girl.

"Thank you for your concern. My mother is recovering very well." Bai Xiaoxiao nodded and said, and then gave an address.

"That place is not easy to find, so give me a call before you go..."

"Hmm." Li Zedao nodded and asked, "What did you want to say just now?"

"I want to say..." Bai Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment and then said jokingly, "When will you teach me to dance laser light?"

"Uh...Senior Bai, it's not that I don't want to teach you, I really don't know how to dance the laser dance." Li Zedao explained with an embarrassed smile, "As for the stage...the thing is actually like this, the ones on stage should be our class My classmate Ma Renjie, but he had diarrhea and couldn’t get on the stage. It happened that I watched Ma Renjie dance once during the rehearsal, so I wrote down those movements. learned."

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