Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes widened all of a sudden, and she looked at Li Zedao like a freak and said with difficulty: "You mean, you only watched it once... and you remembered all the movements?"

"That's it..." Li Zedao heard the movement, and then his expression changed, "Senior Bai, it seems that someone is chasing after me again. I'll go first and talk another day."

Before Bai Xiaoxiao could say anything, she turned around and ran forward as if avoiding a snake.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at his receding back, and exclaimed slightly, what a monstrous person.

Thinking of what Yao Bei said again, this boy is indeed far away from him, and only a girl like her is worthy of him, right?

Li Zedao finally fled to the parking lot and got into his car parked there.

After taking off the basketball uniform he was wearing in the car, Li Zedao started the car, left the school and drove towards the Angel.

Tomorrow, the Chinese and foreign cultural relics exhibition will be held as scheduled, that is to say, the snake head has to be escorted to the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall tonight. Li Ze said that he is going to meet them in Antarctica and set off together.

In the next two days, he will also work with Anji and the others to ensure the safety of the snake's head to prevent it from being stolen by those thieves.

Arriving at the Angel, Li Zedao jumped out of the car, boarded the ship with the respectful greeting of the security guards, went straight to Room 808, and knocked on the door.

The moment he knocked on the door, Li Zedao already had a feeling of being spied on. He knew that the people inside were spying on the person who knocked on the door through the cat's eyes, and even the people inside were ready to fight.

Soon, the door was opened from the inside, and the cold face of Antarctica appeared there.

"Good evening." Li Zedao greeted with a smile.

"Come in." Nanji looked at him like a fool, then moved away.

Li Zedao walked in with a smile, and saw that there were three other men in the room besides Nanji.

He has seen two of them before, Big Head and Iron Hand, just like Antarctic, they are both elites from the Shenlong organization. In terms of skill, they are not inferior to Antarctic, but in terms of appearance... Well, this issue has been ignored and will not be discussed.

Li Zedao felt that this cold woman in Antarctica must be the face of the Shenlong organization!

The last one is a majestic middle-aged man,

It must be Qian Shaopeng, Minister of Cultural Relics that Antarctica said before, who was responsible for sending the snake heads to Fenghuang City, and who was in charge of hosting this cultural relics exchange meeting.

After seeing Li Zedao, Tie Shou and Datou nodded in a friendly manner. After all, they all owed Li Zedao a life. When they killed Reyimu before, thanks to Li Zedao, they successfully completed the task. Li Zedao rescued them, and they were probably already dead.

After Qian Shaopeng saw Li Zedao, he stood up with a smile and greeted him, saying, "I know you, you are Li Zedao."

"Minister Qian knows me?" Li Zedao nodded and reached out to shake him.

"Don't worry about Minister Qian, give birth to more." Qian Shaopeng said with a slight smile, "Calling me Uncle Qian won't hurt you, right? Of course I know you, and I let you become Lin Zisen's bodyguard to enter with him. I arranged for me to investigate the ruins in the desert."

"So." Li Zedao nodded suddenly, it seems that this person and Master are old acquaintances.

"It's a pity that Lin Zisen... Sigh!" Qian Shaopeng shook his head with a sigh, deeply regretting Lin Zisen's death, "It is a great loss for our Chinese archaeological community that he left."

Li Zedao nodded with a wry smile. He also blamed himself for Lin Zisen's death, and even had something to do with him.

"The inspection of the ruins in the desert last time worked hard for you." Qian Shaopeng said, "In addition, I have to trouble you for the protection of the snake head this time."

"Sure, Uncle Qian." Li Zedao said quickly. Let's not talk about what this snake head means to the country. If this cultural relic is really stolen by thieves, then China will become the laughing stock of other countries in the world.

"The snake head is in that safe." Qian Shaopeng pointed to a boxy safe on the table and said, "This is the latest type of safe with the highest safety factor. Without the password and my fingerprint, anyone can Can't open..."

"Of course, if the whole box is moved, it's another matter." Qian Shaopeng laughed. After all, a safe is a dead thing, and a person is a living thing! If it is stolen, no matter how safe the safe is, it will definitely be opened.

"Are you interested in taking a look?" Qian Shaopeng asked.

"If possible." Li Zedao nodded slightly with his eyes brightened. He was somewhat curious about what the legendary beast chief looked like... and just curious.

"Of course." Qian Shaopeng said with a laugh, and then he did not avoid Li Zedao, just in front of Li Zedao, he entered a series of numbers on the touch-type number buttons on the box, and then put His right thumb pressed down.

The next second, I heard a soft "click!", the safe was opened, and the snake's head appeared in front of Li Zedao.

"This is the snake's head." Li Zedao moved closer to him and looked at it carefully. However, there were not too many fluctuations in his heart. In his eyes, this was just a work of art cast in copper.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that he thought so because although he applied for the archeology major, he was not very interested in cultural relics, so in his eyes, such animal heads were naturally just works of art, or rather, don't It is said to be the head of a beast, even if it is Qin Shihuang's sword, Tian Wen, who is known as the head of the top ten famous swords... If there is one, then in his eyes, it is no different from broken copper and iron.

"This is a national treasure among national treasures." Qian Shaopeng's eyes lit up suddenly, and he said with emotion, "It shows the art treasures of the fusion of Chinese and Western cultures, and has extremely high artistic value and appreciation value in the world. , Even when the invading army robbed them back then, they treated them as the most precious treasures, and those who got them were also people with special identities."

Li Zedao secretly regretted that he didn't have that kind of appreciation.

"Do you know how it returned to the embrace of the motherland?" Qian Shaopeng said, looking at the snake head seriously.

Li Zedao nodded. Anji had told him before that the snake head was brought back to China by Master from France.

"It's no wonder you don't know. After all, he is not a person who likes to show off." Qian Shaopeng didn't see Li Zedao nodding, but said to himself, with a strange look in his eyes, "This snake head is Mr. Wang and Ms. Situ went through untold hardships to get it back from France."

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched violently. What is the reason why Qian Shaopeng misunderstood Master so deeply? He said Master is not a person who likes to show off? What international joke?


"Did you find anything abnormal in the past two days?"

In the car, Li Zedao looked at Nan Ji who was driving the car with a cold face and asked.

At this time, they had already set off on their way to the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall. Because the snake head was too precious, there was a police car clearing the way at the front. He and Li Zedao followed closely behind, and behind them, there was another police car following.

Although those thieves who are thinking about the snake's head are unlikely to snatch it directly on the road, they are most likely to use some means to steal it during the exhibition. After all, they are big thieves, and some even claim to be godly thieves, not robbers! But not afraid of 10,000, just in case, so the snake head was handed over to the most skilled person present, that is, Li Zedao, for safekeeping.

At this moment, the safe was quietly held in Li Zedao's arms.

"No." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao and said lightly.

"Haha, it's just as I thought. In fact, before I left that day, someone asked people to strengthen the security of the hotel." Li Zedao began to ask for credit.

"Idiot." Nanji was too lazy to talk to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao was just looking for something to say: "I'm a little puzzled, since you have received information that the snake's head has been missed, why did you throw the snake's head into the tiger's mouth?"

Nanji looked at Li Zedao like an idiot, and was too lazy to answer his idiotic question.

"Okay." Li Zedao smiled wryly, "Even if this large exhibition of Chinese and foreign cultural relics can't be cancelled, you can find a fake snake head here, can't you?"

In Li Zedao's view, judging from the level of counterfeiting in China, it is very easy to create a fake snake head that can be faked.

Nanji continued to look at Li Zedao with the eyes of an idiot, and couldn't help but said, "Do you think everyone else is an idiot like you, is it true or not?"


"Besides, I made a fake one because I was afraid of being stolen... You can afford to lose someone, but our country can't afford to lose that person." Nanji said coldly.

"...I can't afford to lose that person either." Li Zedao smiled wryly.

"I can't afford to lose you and say you made a fake?"

"That... I was just joking."

"I don't like people making fun of me."


Not long after, the car arrived at the gate of the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall. At this time, Liu Shicheng, the curator of the exhibition hall, was waiting there with a few staff members. After seeing Qian Shaopeng got off the car, he hurried over to greet him. .

"Minister Qian, hello, I am Liu Shicheng, the curator of this exhibition hall. I welcome you and preside over tomorrow's exhibition meeting." Liu Shicheng said with a respectful smile.

"Curator Liu is polite." Qian Shaopeng shook hands with Liu Shicheng and said, "Let's send the snake's head in first."

Liu Shicheng's eyes lit up instantly, and he quickly said, "That's, that's... Minister Qian, this way please."

At present, Liu Shicheng led the way, followed by Qian Shaopeng, Li Zedao, who was holding the safe, and the Nanji group, and came to the hall of the cultural relics exhibition hall.

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