The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 907 Braised Pig Head

"I can wait, but our family Wangcai can't wait, it has been hungry for several days." Li Zedao laughed, "So if there is anything to do after our family Wangcai has vented its beast-desire, you How do you feel?"

The security guard was terrified besides being terrified, and thought to himself, I think your sister, when it finishes venting its beast-desire, I will already become a beast!

His eyes were full of pleading and he said, "No, no, I'll say it now, I'll say it now... I'm afraid... I'll forget it in a while..."

"Okay, I'll give you a chance. If your answer satisfies me, I'll let Wang Caiwang find a bitch to vent to our family. If I'm not satisfied, then I'm sorry." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders Then he looked at the watch on his wrist, "There are about four minutes before the effect of our family's Wangcai medicine will take effect, and it won't be as cowardly as it is now."

The security guard looked at Li Zedao in horror and said hastily: "I'll just say it, I'll just say it..."


Late at night, outside the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall.

Antarctica, Tieshou and Datou stood in a line, all three of them stared at the buildings standing there with ugly faces, feeling aggrieved or aggrieved.

After carrying out so many missions, it was the first time they waited outside like idiots, watching * crack the code very coolly inside.

However, Qian Shaopeng, the Minister of Cultural Relics, and Liu Shicheng, the director of the curator, are not young enough to stay up late, and winter has already entered. Although the winter in Fenghuang City is not as good as those in the northern cities, which can easily be 20 or 30 degrees below zero, But he also has his own unique bone-piercing coldness, so he has already entered the car on the side to rest, and only waits for the thieves inside to negotiate with them after they get the snake's head.

"Damn, I'm so aggrieved." The big head scolded sullenly, "Don't let me catch you, or I'll take your skin off."

"It's really aggrieved." Tie Shou smiled wryly. If the other comrades in arms knew, the three of them would definitely become their laughing stock.

Nanji stared fixedly at the building without saying a word, but a face that deserved a beating appeared in his mind.

"That guy must be sleeping in the arms of some woman right now?" Nan Ji thought, and then became even more depressed, wishing to rush in immediately and throw knives at those damned guys inside.

At the same time, a black figure stood quietly in front of a dark window of the City Cultural Relics Exhibition Management.

"A bunch of idiots.

"His sharp eagle-like eyes looked through the window at the special police waiting outside, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly with a strange twist.

At this moment, a man's joyful voice came from the headset hanging by his ear: "Boss, within two minutes at most, the pupil identification code can be cracked."

"Really? I'll go right away." The man said happily, then turned around and strode towards the location where the snake head was located in the center of the exhibition hall.

At this time, I saw a man sitting cross-legged in front of the glass display case where the snake head was. There was a handheld computer on his lap. He was typing something on the keyboard quickly, and he was staring at the screen. The look of excitement on his face became more and more intense.

At the same time, the two men stood behind the man with the same excited expression, their eyes alternated back and forth between the computer screen and the display case.

Slight footsteps sounded, and the eagle-eyed man who was standing in front of the window had already strode over.

"Xiaoguang, is it about to be untied?" The man asked excitedly.

Xiao Guang, who was sitting on the ground typing on the keyboard, did not immediately answer the man's question, but pressed a key on the keyboard with a heavy middle finger, and then said excitedly, "It's done."

As soon as the words were finished, there was only a very subtle sound of "click!", and the glass door of the glass display cabinet was slowly and automatically opened.

The eagle-eyed man's eyes brightened instantly, staring intently at the mysterious snake head under the light of the faint laptop screen.

"Snake head, this is the legendary snake head." The eagle-eyed man exclaimed with an inexplicable smile on his face, then stretched out his hand, took the snake head out of the display cabinet, and looked at it carefully.

The eyes of the other three men were also bright. It was conceivable that the temptation of the snake head to them was too great.

"Tsk's too spectacular..."

"It's bigger than the head of the boa constrictor I've seen before..."

"Go away, can this compare to the head of a boa constrictor... Boss, let me touch it too..."

The eagle-eyed man smiled and said: "When you escape from here, you will naturally let you touch it. Now start retreating."

As he said that, the man took off the bulging travel bag that seemed to contain a lot of things on his back, opened it, and there was a small safe inside.

He took out the safe and opened it, carefully put the snake's head in, then closed the safe, and did not set any password, after all, the so-called password is useless to people like them, and then put the safe in again in the backpack.

"Hey, such an 'advanced' glass display case can't be wasted." Xiaoguang, who was in charge of cracking the code, said with an evil smile.

"Indeed, that's why I have prepared a very precious and precious thing in it for everyone to visit the exhibition." The man standing behind him said with a smile, and in the next second, he took out a With a tempting aroma, something bigger than a basketball came out.

Borrowing the light from the laptop screen to see, this is a delicious... braised pig's head! Among them, there are teeth marks on the pig's ears, which are obviously bitten a few times, which is even more funny and weird.

At that moment, the man put the pig's head into the glass display case with a smirk on his face, closed the glass door, scanned his pupils, and set a password.

"Haha, those guys couldn't be mad when they saw this pig's head?" Another man leaned over and said with a smile, and then recorded his fingerprints.

Xiaoguang smiled, and finally set a six-digit password: 438438!

Anyway, they are all wanted thieves, and they are really not afraid of leaving fingerprints or something.

In this way, the most advanced and safest glass display case, which originally protected the snake's head, now continues to perform its protect the braised pig's head from being bitten by those villains.

"Okay, it's time to go." The eagle-eyed man waited for his three brothers to finish the prank, then said with a smile, and then strode forward with the backpack with the snake's head on his back.

The remaining three men each took their own things and followed quickly.

Finally, the four of them came to an office. There was a sign hanging on the door of the office. There were these words on the sign: Curator's Office!

The eagle-eyed man took out a paper clip, straightened it, then inserted it into the keyhole, twisted it a few times at will, and then heard a crisp sound of "click!", and the door lock had already been opened.

The eagle-eyed man smiled, pushed open the door, and strode in. Then, as if returning to his own room, he walked straight to the northwest corner.

There is a safe that is more than half a meter high standing here quietly.

"I guess the password has been changed again, Xiao Gao, go ahead, you are good at this." The eagle-eyed man looked back at Xiao Guang and smiled.

"Damn, this old guy, as for changing the password once a day? Isn't it just some bad debts?" Xiaoguang chuckled, then moved closer to him, and started to crack the password.

For Xiaoguang, cracking the password of this safe is much easier than cracking the password of the glass safe before. In less than two minutes, the password of this safe has been cracked.

At that moment, Xiaoguang opened the door of the safe, then took out a bag from his pocket, put the contents of the safe in one go, then lowered his head... and got in!

Yes, drilled in!

Then those two men also got into the safe, one behind the other!

The eagle-eyed man lowered his head slightly, looked at the dark hole in the wall that appeared in the safe, and the corners of his mouth curled up a little strangely, then he took off the backpack behind him, hugged it in his arms, and then bent down and crawled go in.

After he got his whole body in, he hooked his right foot slightly forward, only to hear a muffled "click!", and the door of the safe was closed from the inside.

As a result, the entire cultural relics exhibition hall has fallen into a strange dead silence, as if nothing happened.

Half an hour later, under a manhole cover in a certain street a few hundred meters away from the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, four very embarrassed figures appeared in the sewer under the manhole cover.

"Damn it, this water really fucking stinks. It smells worse than my poop. I'm about to be suffocated to death." Xiaoguang said with a disgusted face, most of his body was soaked in urban sewage , looked extremely embarrassed.

Of course, his three accomplices were soaked in the sewage just like him.

"Shh!" The eagle-eyed man made a silent movement, then frowned and tried to listen to the movement outside the manhole cover above his head, and said after a while: "There is no movement outside, Xiaoguang, you step on my shoulder to remove the manhole cover." Push it away, Zhou Tao, madman, you two help him."

"Okay, boss." The three said at the same time.

At that moment, Zhou Tao and the lunatic helped Xiaoguang to stand on the shoulder of the eagle-eyed man. After standing firmly, Xiaoguang gritted his teeth slightly, stretched his hand forward, and pushed it against the manhole cover, and then exerted a little force.

With the sound of "Ka Ka Ka...", the manhole cover was pushed up by Xiaoguang and moved to the side.

Then Xiaoguang stretched his head out, took a few breaths of fresh air heavily, glanced at the deserted small street, then grabbed the edge of the well with both hands, and with a little force, his whole body was as agile as a Like a monkey, it slipped out of the well.

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