After jumping outside, Xiaoguang took a few greedy breaths of the air that was hundreds of times better than that in the sewer, then lay down in front of the well, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, I'll pull you up."

Soon, the eagle-eyed man, Zhou Tao and the lunatic all climbed up to the ground through the mouth of the well, and then Xiaoguang quickly put the well cover back on.

"Let's go, go back and take a good bath." The snake head, one of the twelve bronze heads, was obtained with almost no effort, and the eagle-eyed man was naturally in a good mood.

Those eagle-like eyes glanced at the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall a hundred meters away, and saw a lot of armed police waiting there, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a sneer.

"A bunch of idiots!" he said in a voice only he could hear.

"Naturally, I have to hurry. I can't wait to take off this wet suit that smells like poop." The lunatic smiled coldly.

"Take it off, anyway, it's not yet three o'clock in the morning, except for those idiots guarding the exhibition hall, there is no one at all, hehe." Zhou Tao laughed.

"Damn, I knew you had been thinking about my body for a long time."


The four of them walked forward with big strides, talking and laughing. Suddenly, Hawkeye, who was walking in the front, stopped, and those eagle-like eyes became sharp in an instant.

The laughing expressions on the faces of the three people following him have also disappeared, replaced by slightly dignified expressions.

In front of them, at some point, a black shadow appeared. That black shadow was motionless, like a ghost, but it brought a great pressure to people.

"It's you?" The eagle-eyed man stared at the face that looked so young under the faint streetlight, his eyes became sharper, and he subconsciously grasped the backpack he was carrying in his hand.

"It's me, we are still talking through the walkie-talkie." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"You've been waiting here?" Hawkeye asked, thinking about how to retreat from the enemy, or how to escape safely.

The memory and concentration of this young man in front of him is really appalling. In addition, he shoulders the important task of protecting the snake's head. Naturally, his skills are not bad.

If you fight with the opponent here,

Maybe there will be no disadvantages, but if the special police who are waiting in full force around the exhibition hall are provoked, then things will probably become extremely bad, let alone take the snake head away, I am afraid that the four brothers will leave Not being able to leave is still the same thing.

Li Zedao yawned and said, "Have you been waiting for about an hour? You came out a little later than I thought. It seems that the safe is quite high-end, and it caused you a lot of trouble."

The face of the eagle-eyed man changed slightly, and the expressions of Xiaoguang and the three standing behind him also became more serious. That is to say, their so-called seamless escape plan has long been seen through? Otherwise, why would this guy in front of him come here in the middle of the night without sleeping?

"How do you know?" The eagle-eyed man couldn't believe it.

"I am the number one student in the college entrance examination." Li Zedao said very proudly... This thing is enough for him to brag about for a lifetime.

"..." The eagle-eyed man didn't understand what Li Zedao was talking about at all.

"Not only that, when you threatened us through the walkie-talkie, I knew at that time that you were fooling us, and you didn't have any so-called * in your hands." Li Zedao said.

The eagle-eyed man's eyes narrowed, and he was confused for a while. In this case, why didn't he see through it, and instead let them crack the password of the safe, but now he is here to catch them.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind?

"I see, you also want the snake's head." The eagle-eyed man's voice turned cold. Yes, who wouldn't miss such a treasure? This guy wanted to guard himself from stealing, but he was embarrassed or lacked that ability. It happened that there were so few thieves, so he could just sit back and enjoy the benefits of being a fisherman.

"Guess!" Li Zedao said with a smile: "Okay, I don't want to fight with you... Oh, it's not that I can't beat you, because you smell too bad..."


"So please, give me the backpack in your hand, and let me go obediently."


"Brother, we have been despised." Xiao Guang said with a smile.

"Is it insulted? And it's the kind of insult to death." The lunatic twisted his neck, and his expression was already a little ferocious.

"You insulted us." The eagle-eyed man stared at Li Zedao and said.

They are big thieves... that is, the kind of thieves with super high taste, not green forest robbers. It is only natural for them to steal money, but it is very taboo to get blood on their hands, but now they have already moved to kill.

"Do it!" the eagle-eyed man shouted in a low voice, putting the backpack in his hand on his back.

Then the four of them shot at the same time, and rushed towards Li Zedao ferociously.

The next second, the eagle-eyed man who rushed to the front was staggering and almost knelt on the ground. He looked down, his face turned pale and at the same time he looked down, and saw that there was already a bloody hole in his thigh. The blood is constantly gushing out like a fountain.

He was shot in the thigh!

At this moment, two men appeared, one on the left and one on the right behind Li Zedao, and one of them was blowing the blue smoke from the muzzle of the pistol in his hand with a cold look. Obviously, just now It was he who fired.

Behind them, the sound of footsteps came, and three more men appeared, all with extremely unkind sneers on their faces, especially the one in the lead, whose smile was particularly wretched.


The three brothers of the eagle-eyed man hurried to support him, and found that they were surrounded by front and back, and the mother still had a gun in his hand, and his face had become extremely ugly.

"I have reminded you a long time ago, obediently give me the backpack in your hand, and then follow me, you won't listen, now it's like this..." Li Zedao shook his head, looked back at the bullet that had just been fired, and said, "The marksmanship is good. The most satisfying thing for me is that you know how to add a muffler. After all, we are out to catch thieves. It would be bad to affect the rest of the citizens."

"Thank you, Young Master Li." Bullet said quickly.

Li Zedao turned his head and looked at the group of four thieves who were staring at him with a murderous look and said with a smile, "Now follow me obediently, or am I sending you a few bullets and dragging you away?"

The eagle-eyed man's pale face, which was already drenched in cold sweat, changed a few times, and finally heaved a heavy sigh, knowing that this time he could not escape no matter what, and if he resisted, he would only die faster.

Immediately motioned to Xiaoguang, who was holding his hand, to loosen his arm, then took off the backpack on his back, clenched the strap slightly with his hands, and squatted down slightly as if afraid of damaging the things inside. Gently put the backpack on the floor, stood up hard, looked at Li Zedao and said, "Here are the things for you, I will go with you, I hope you will let the three of my brothers leave."

"Boss..." The three brothers looked at their boss in unison, and said firmly, "Let's go together..."

"You can rest assured that I won't just arrest your boss but let you go." Li Zedao laughed.


"You know, your boss has been shot in the leg and is struggling to walk. If you leave, who will help him move forward?"

"..." The four of them were almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words. For a long time, he didn't think that letting people go was such a thing.

"Take the person away first, and I'll talk about how to deal with it when I go back." Li Zedao said.

"Okay, boss." The pervert nodded, then looked at the four thieves with a smile and said, "I know you guys are very skillful, unlocking the lock is just like playing, in order to prevent you from escaping I have to wrong you for the time being, stand still and let us remove your hands, or give you a peanut?"

"..." The four of them were full of sadness, and they agreed, let us help the boss go, didn't we?

After the pervert took his four little brothers away to take away the four thieves who had lost the ability to resist, Li Zedao slowly walked to the backpack that the eagle-eyed man put there.

"It stinks." Li Zedao frowned and said to himself, "Is the snake's head inside not soaked by the sewage? Probably not, that guy cares so much about the snake's head that he put it down gently , it can be seen that it must be well protected.”

At the moment Li Zedao didn't care if there was any dirt on the backpack, so he tore it apart, exposing the very clean safe inside.

It seems that this backpack is waterproof.

Immediately, Li Zedao wiped his hands with the towel prepared in advance, and then picked up the safe.

As he expected, the safe was not locked, so Li Zedao opened the lid of the safe very easily, and saw the mysterious snake head appearing in front of him under the illumination of the street lamp.

Li Zedao stared fixedly at the snake's head, but his brows were slightly frowned, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

It took a while to recover, and then closed the lid of the safe, then took out the phone, found a phone number and dialed it.

Not long after, the phone was connected.

"Hello, Mr. Mott, I'm very sorry for waking you up so early." Li Zedao said apologetically.

"Oh, dear Li, you know that I have been waiting for your call. I can't sleep until I see the snake's head." On the other end of the phone, the man said in blunt Chinese, "Thank God , you finally called me, does that mean that the snake head is in your hands?"

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