"Yes, Mr. Mott, the snake head is in my hand, and I will send it to you now." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, Li, that's really great. I'll prepare the best coffee and the best cigars for you now." Mott said.

"Okay, Mr. Mott, I'll be there in about half an hour." Li Zedao said.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao couldn't help opening the lid of the safe to take a look at the snake's head inside. He narrowed his eyes slightly, shook his head with a solemn expression, closed the lid again, and strode forward. Soon, like a ghost, it has disappeared into the endless night.


"The exhibition hall is closed today? Why? I still want to go in and take a good look at the snake head..."

"I'm still visiting. Didn't you see that the special police surrounded the exhibition hall like an enemy? I heard that a few policemen lurked in, and I heard that they still had guns in their hands. Woolen cloth……"

"What? True or false?"

"Can there be a fake? If the matter is not serious, so many special police can be dispatched..."

"It's better to stay away. If there is a gun battle and you are hit by an inconspicuous bullet, then you will die in vain..."

"Indeed, you should stay away, your goal is too big..."



Early in the morning, those citizens who planned to enter the cultural relics exhibition hall to see the snake head and other cultural relics saw that the special police actually surrounded the place, saying that the cultural relics museum was closed to the public, and told them not to watch and stay away from here.

But even so, these citizens still stood around and pointed at the inside, whispering all kinds of rumors that they had heard or imagined by their confidantes.

So soon, several terrorists infiltrated the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall, and they even took several hostages to negotiate with the government. There seems to be more and more exaggerated signs.

For example, someone said that in the middle of the night last night, he heard gunshots, and the terrorists exchanged fire with the special police.

It was also said that special forces were on the scene, ready to make a surprise entry.

The city news media was the first to refute the rumors,

It said that the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall did not have terrorists sneaking in as everyone said, but was temporarily conducting related exercises there.

Of course, people naturally don't believe this kind of so-called rumor refutation that treats citizens as fools. Some sharp-eyed people even saw that the secretary, the mayor, and several senior officials were all present at the scene. These people all appeared , How could it be a so-called exercise?

After talking with the party secretary and the mayor of Fenghuang City who rushed over, Qian Shaopeng, exhausted physically and mentally, came to the three people from the Shenlong organization who had been standing there with a cold face since last night. The old man smiled wryly and said, "Now all kinds of inexplicable and ingenious news are flying all over the sky. If we don't solve it quickly, I'm afraid it will cause even greater public opinion."

"That's not something I should care about." Nanji said with a cold face, without even looking at Qian Shaopeng. Now she only cares about whether the thieves inside can be successfully captured, and whether she can get the snake heads back from the hands of those extremely arrogant thieves in the end. As for other things... don't mind me thing!

Qian Shaopeng really wanted to squirt blood and yell at him, but the other party was an old man, so he couldn't blame him at all. Besides, what he said was the truth, this was indeed not something she should care about!

At the moment, he could only let out a few deep breaths, and said patiently, "I know, I know, I mean, it's already eight o'clock in the morning, why don't those thieves show up to negotiate?"

"I don't know." Nanji glanced at her and said coldly, "I'm not a thief."

"..." Qian Shaopeng felt his blood pressure soar instantly, just like Liu Shicheng. At that moment, he was so angry that he turned around and left, and he didn't serve these uncles anymore.

Oh, Liu Shicheng's blood pressure rose due to the stress and lack of rest last night, and he was sent to the hospital directly.

"They haven't cracked the code yet?" Da Tou frowned and asked.

Tie Shou shrugged his shoulders and smiled wryly: "I don't know either... But, it shouldn't be, logically speaking, we should have cracked that kind of code by now, let alone such a professional one. The thieves are gone, will they...escape?"

"Escaped?" Nanji's cold eyes froze instantly.

"How is this possible?" Datou directly denied, "You must know that we have been guarding here all night, and we haven't seen a single fly flying out, unless those thieves can escape from the ground! They can't even fly into the sky."

"Go, go in and have a look." Nanji said coldly, and then strode forward.

"Go in...but...*..." Datou's voice became softer and his eyes were a little sad, because Nanji and Tie Shou didn't listen to what he was saying, and walked straight forward.

"Don't be so." Tie Shou took a few steps forward and looked back at the big head that was still standing there and said, "Can you stop her decision?"

After thinking about it for a while, I can't! To be precise, he didn't dare... He was afraid that Antarctica would beat him up.

Qian Shaopeng saw that these three uncles were going straight to the gate of the exhibition hall, and quickly chased after them: "Wait, you are..."

"Go in." Nanji replied very simply.

"Those thieves showed up? Are we going to negotiate?" Qian Shaopeng was taken aback.

"No." Nanji continued walking without even looking at him.

"Uh...then..." Qian Shaopeng was a little confused.

Nanji refused to speak, and frowned prettily, already feeling that Qian Shaopeng had too many questions.

Datou felt that Qian Shaopeng was also the head of the Ministry of Cultural Relics, but now he looked like a grandson, which seemed pitiful, and he really couldn't bear it, so he said: "We suspect that the thieves are no longer in the museum and fled, so I want to go in and have a look."

"What... what?" The muscles on Qian Shaopeng's face twitched, and he wanted to say something more when he woke up from the shock, but the three uncles didn't give him a chance at all. up.

Walking to the gate of the exhibition hall, Nanji looked at the special police guarding there and said, "Open the door."

"Yes." The special police quickly saluted, and then quickly opened the door. After all, the captain had to nod and bow after seeing them, let alone them little soldiers.

Antarctica, Tie Shou and Datou Meteor walked in, but they didn't rush forward, but frowned and felt the movement in the museum first.

"It seems that there is no movement." Datou said, he already had a bad feeling in his heart, could it be that the crow's mouth of Tie Shou really hit the spot?

Nanji's expression turned ugly, and he quickly ran towards the display case where the snake head was located, followed closely by the big head and the iron hand.

Soon, the three of them came to the display cabinet. When they saw that the snake head in the display cabinet had disappeared but was replaced by a braised pig's head with a few mouthfuls of pig ears, the eyes of the three people instantly They were all wide open, although their minds were far stronger than ordinary people, but they couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

This is naked sarcasm, this is the ultimate humiliation!

If they felt aggrieved by being threatened by thieves yesterday and felt that face was hot, then they almost felt like they wanted to find a piece of tofu to kill themselves when they saw the pig's head. It's not just as simple as being hot, but it's so red and swollen, just like the braised pig's head in the display case.

"Damn it!" Nanji said in a cold voice.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, she slammed her fist heavily on the safe. There is no doubt that the safe was intact.

"What's the matter? Where's the thief? The snake's head is still there..." Qian Shaopeng, who rushed over with a large group of people, saw the braised pig's head in the display cabinet, and swallowed his unfinished words. The eyeballs were rounded, and he had a ghostly expression.

The eyes of those who followed him also widened, and they were dumbfounded.

How did the snake head turn into a pig head? And it still seems to be braised?

"There must be other exits that we don't know about." Nanji said with murderous eyes looking back.

Tie Shou nodded with a very ugly face: "I'll have someone check every corner of every exhibition hall, I can't believe I can't find that secret exit!"

"Damn it, don't let me catch you, or I'll peel your skin and constrict your muscles!" Datou clenched his fists and roared.

The muscles on Qian Shaopeng's face twitched violently, looked at Nanji, and said with a trembling voice: "Now... what should I do? What should I do?"

The snake's head was stolen, and he would have to be unlucky too, at least he couldn't sit in this position now.

Of course, it's fine if you can't sit in your current position. The point is, once this matter is announced, he, Qian Shaopeng, will be scolded to death, because basically it can be calculated in this way, the snake head is in his hands lost.

"I will find it back." Nanji said coldly.

"I hope so." Qian Shaopeng took a deep breath and said.

Nanji glanced at him coldly without saying anything, and walked around him with big strides.

An hour later, Nanji, Datou and Tie Shou led dozens of special police officers to check all corners of the entire cultural relics exhibition hall, including the oil paintings on the walls, the toilet in the bathroom, the tiles on the floor, and even the office. Lina checked the wall hidden in front of the cabinet and the floor under the heavy desk one by one, but in the end he couldn't find the secret exit that should have existed.

"Damn it, how did they get out of here?" Da Tou scratched his hair angrily and growled in a low voice.

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