The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 910 Lovely Woman

If it is said that the walkie-talkie was put in the pocket without anyone noticing and made the big head blush, then a few thieves played tricks and waited outside all night to make the big head feel hot, then seeing the snake head in the safe turned into The braised pig's head made Datou's face swollen and he wanted to find a piece of tofu to crash him to death. Now, he has been walking around this restaurant for a long time, but he couldn't find the so-called secret exit. Lovely feeling.

He always thought that as a member of the Shenlong organization, he had his own pride. Of course, he also deserved that pride, but now, he only hoped that this was a nightmare, a nightmare that would be healed after waking up.

The only thing that made Datou feel more comfortable was that he was not the only one who lost face, Antarctica and Iron Hand were also with him. Although he knew how unacceptable this idea was, it did exist.

"Big head, calm down, we will definitely say the right thing again, but we haven't found it yet." Tie Shou comforted with a wry smile.

"How can you stay calm at this time?" Datou said with gritted teeth, "We are almost tearing down this exhibition hall, and as time goes by, the snake's head will be farther and farther away from us, let's lose the snake's head Now, it’s not just as simple as being punished, we’ll still be sinners through the ages, sinners through the ages, do you understand?”

Tieshou smiled wryly, how could he not understand? The task failed, and being punished by the Shenlong organization was a small matter, but the national treasure was lost... Tie Shou felt that he should hurry to find a piece of tofu and bump himself to death.

"Damn it, if I catch you, I'll have to peel off your skin..."

Datou's voice suddenly became clear, because he saw Nanji's eyes falling on him as cold as knives. After all, he was a teammate, so he knew a little about Nanjitou. Every time she showed this look, he knew that she had already Completely enraged, she is babbling at this moment, she will stab you mercilessly.

"I'm just... just complaining..." Datou said with a little embarrassment, cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead.

Nan Ji didn't say anything, looked away from him, but took out his phone, frowned and made a call.

As soon as the phone was connected, before she had time to speak, Li Zedao's voice came over: "I already know everything, don't worry, I will do my best to get the snake head back... Oh, this time it's not a consolation, but a promise!"

"..." A certain string in Nanji's heart was slightly touched, and then he turned around, only to see that Li Zedao had appeared behind him at some point, looking at her with a faint smile on his face.

He held a cup in one hand, and the little finger hooked a bag, which contained cakes and the like.

The other hand is holding a mobile phone and is talking on the phone.

Nan Ji looked at him, although her expression was stern, but a string in her heart was touched even more. At the same time, she also felt that she should say something, but after thinking for a long time, she said these two words: "coming……"

And the voice was short and hard, as if he had a deep hatred with someone.

"I know you stayed outside all night, and you almost demolished this cultural relics exhibition early in the morning. You must have not had breakfast yet, right? So I brought it for you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"What's none of your business?" Nanji wanted to say this, but he just thought about it and didn't say it.

"Oh, it's also for the two of you." Li Zedao looked at Tie Shou and said to Datou.

"Young Master Li..." Tieshou and Datou smiled wryly, it was already this time, how could they be able to eat?

Li Zedao walked up to Antarctica, handed over the slightly hot cup in his hand and said, "Drink it and eat some cake... After you finish eating, I'll go find it, maybe I can find that secret exit."

"Really?" Nanji's eyes lit up slightly.

"Really." Li Zedao nodded with certainty.

Nanji's face became hot inexplicably, and then he reached out to take the cup, and already smelled a faint pungent, spicy and sweet smell. This is brown sugar ginger soup!

Therefore, a certain string in her heart vibrated like crazy, her eyes were a little afraid to meet Li Zedao, so she lowered her head and opened the lid of the cup, and drank in small sips.

The ginger soup is very spicy, but I don't know, but it is very sweet in my heart. I have never felt that kind of feeling before, but now it really exists.

"Young Master Li, can you really find that exit?" Tieshou and Datou's eyes widened suddenly, and they looked at Li Zedao in disbelief. he

The three elites of the Shenlong organization and the special police who were close to 100 spent an hour searching the entire exhibition hall, but they couldn't find it, but now he said that he might be able to find it... and the tone was so sure, That is to say, not that he might be able to find it, but that he will definitely be able to find it...

The most important thing is that he doesn't look like he is pretending to be in front of Antarctica, that is to say, he must know where the exit is.

he won't be...

The iron hand and the big head seemed to be thinking of something at the same time, and then you looked at me and you, and you could see the shocked face of the other party.

"You two don't doubt that I'm with those thieves, do you?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Nanji, who was sipping ginger soup with his head down, frowned when he heard the words, and then his extremely unfriendly eyes fell on the big head and the iron hand.

", no...ha, Young Master Li, how could we doubt you...Did you bring something delicious? I'm hungry..."

"Yeah, I'm hungry too..."

Seeing that Anji was ready to throw a knife at them, the two quickly changed the subject, but their hearts were filled with sadness. With a lover, they forgot their comrades who had been with them in life and death, so they were talking about people like Anji, right?

After the three of them simply finished their breakfast, the big head briefly explained the results of their search with a bitter expression.

Li Zedao nodded and said: "That is to say, you have carefully inspected every tile, every wall, drain outlet, and toilet in every corner of the exhibition hall. Did you find anything unusual?"

"Isn't it?" Tie Shou smiled wryly, "We stayed outside all night. Ascension to heaven is impossible, so we can only hide from the ground, but..."

Li Zedao also smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "Even if I let you find the so-called hole, it's useless, right? It's such a time, those thieves would have already fled if they wanted to escape."

"We know, but isn't this...too aggrieved? If we don't even know how the other party escaped, then we will really be aggrieved to death." Tie Shou's face was full of bitterness.

"I have already had the four suspects who appeared on the surveillance intercepted, and then issued a wanted warrant for the whole city!" Nanji said in a cold tone, "They don't want to leave Phoenix City with the snake's head."

Li Zedao looked at Antarctica, and said with an inexplicable smile on his face, "Do you know where there is a safe in this exhibition hall?"

"Safe?" Nanji frowned instantly.

"Yes, the safe is the kind that is directly fixed to the wall." Li Zedao said.

Datou and Tieshou also looked at Li Zedao suspiciously, not quite understanding why he was looking for a safe.

"You mean..." Nanji stared at Li Zedao but frowned even more, then turned around and ran quickly ahead, which was the direction leading to the curator's office, and there was a safe in the curator's office.

Seeing this, Tieshou and Datou hurriedly followed, while Li Zedao shook his head, his expression looked a little lazy, and he followed behind slowly.

Finally, when he walked into the curator's office, he saw Antarctica, Big Head and Iron Hand standing in front of the half-meter-high safe in the corner. At this time, the door of the safe was opened, and they were staring Look inside the safe.

Li Zedao walked up to him, looked in, and saw that there was no cash, no gold bars, no bribery diary, no jewelry or other valuable things in the safe. There was only one hole, a dark one leading to nowhere Hole.

At that moment, Big Head and Tie Shou looked back at Li Zedao, with an indescribably weird look in their eyes, because this guy didn't go through a lot of searching at all, but just said what he said.

"Don't look at me like that, or I'll feel very wronged." Li Zedao said helplessly, he knew that these two guys were suspecting that he was with the thieves.

"If I were with these guys, would I be so stupid to come over and help you find the hole where they escaped?" Li Zedao added speechlessly.

"I don't think this matter has anything to do with him." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao and said coldly.

So Datou and Tieshou looked at Li Zedao with normal eyes, and if they were abnormal, Nanji might attack them.

"Thank you for your trust." Li Zedao looked at Nanji and smiled.

Nan Ji slightly avoided her gaze, and asked, "But, how do you know?"

"I am the number one student in the college entrance examination!" Li Zedao said a little embarrassed.

"..." Antarctic wanted to swing the knife.

"Ha... just kidding, just kidding." Li Zedao quickly apologized with a smile, "Actually, it's not difficult to guess, the mouse wants to escape under your noses, the only way is to escape, the only way to escape, you guys You can't find their traces when you are outside..."

"You can talk about the key points." Nanji wanted to throw a knife at Li Zedao.

"Uh... The point is that I've been thinking about it for a long time, and it seems that this is the only place you haven't looked for, and I've seen a movie before, and there is a scene like this, the safe is opened, and there is a hole inside." Li Zedao said hastily.

Nan Ji frowned and nodded, then looked back at Datou and Tie Shou and said, "Have you heard his explanation? It really has nothing to do with him."

"It's's okay..." Da Tou and Tie Shou nodded hurriedly with messy faces.

Li Zedao smiled, this so cute.

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