The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 911 5-star hotel

Of course, the so-called suspicion between Datou and Tie Shou was just a temporary thought. After all, if Li Zedao was with the thieves, he can sleep at home now and say that I don’t know anything, or, just a few days ago He would not promise Antarctica to protect the safety of Snakehead together. For example, just now he could pretend to search for the trick all morning and finally found the trick hidden behind the safe.

"What should we do now?" Nanji subconsciously regarded Li Zedao as the backbone again, and Datou and Tieshou also looked at him eagerly and asked what he meant.

"It's impossible to hide this kind of thing, so let's report it to the higher authorities." Li Zedao pondered for a while and said, "Also, there is one more thing that needs to be done immediately."

Nanji narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, "I know."

Because the safe in the office is not filled with important documents, but a dark hole. After drilling through this hole, you can reach the sewer under your feet. Under the manhole cover a few hundred meters away from the Municipal Cultural Relics Exhibition Hall.

Afterwards, they found a few dirty and messy footprints and handprints around the manhole cover in Antarctica. This is enough to prove that after the four thieves in the exhibition hall cracked the code and stole the snake's head and replaced it with a braised pig's head, This is where he escaped.

Therefore, Liu Shicheng, the curator of the exhibition hall who was sent to the hospital because of high blood pressure, was quickly brought under control, because the safe was located in his office, and what should have been stored in it were important documents and his personal belongings. How can something become a hole?

There is only one reasonable explanation, that is, Liu Shicheng is in the same group as these thieves!

After getting the news, the higher-ups were extremely furious and asked the Antarctic, Big Head and Iron Hands organized by Shenlong to take charge of this matter, and the others cooperated. No matter what price they paid, even if it turned the entire Phoenix City upside down, they must find that The four thieves recovered the snake's head.

Therefore, following several orders, the entire Phoenix City was immediately blocked. Whether it was the railway station, passenger terminal, airport or dock, the exits of all roads were strictly inspected to prevent thieves from escaping.

As for the display case with the braised pig's head, it was violently dismantled. After all, it was placed there, and no matter who saw it, it would feel that his face was inexplicably hot, as if it had been touched by an invisible hand. It was as if several slaps were slapped hard.


"Where are we going now?" In the car, Li Zedao asked while looking at Nanji's cold little face. Since he knew Antarctica, this woman has had such a serious face for 99% of the time,

Whether it's joy or anger, or even shyness, it always has such a face, as if someone owed her five million and didn't pay it back.

"I don't believe you can't guess it." Nanji glanced at him and said coldly. But in his heart, he was wondering how far he was from him. It was fine if he couldn't beat him. After all, it was only natural that a woman couldn't beat a man.

But I couldn't find the invisible hole, but he found it as soon as he appeared... If it wasn't for the inexplicable trust in him, I would be like the big head and the iron hand, subconsciously thinking that he was the same as those thieves It's a gang.

"To see Li Shicheng, the curator of the exhibition hall?" Li Zedao smiled.

"Ask me if you know?" Nanji pouted.

Li Zedao smiled and continued: "It's fine to meet him, but I don't think we can ask anything from him. In other words, this matter has nothing to do with Li Shicheng. If it does, it's him* The batch of safes that came in are still not safe enough, after all, they were cracked by thieves."

Nan Ji frowned slightly and retorted: "How do you know it has nothing to do with him? That safe is his personal item, only he can open it..."

"Is he really the only one who can open it?" Li Zedao smiled a little strangely.

Nan Ji really wanted to punch his face that deserved a punch, but he had to admit that there was something wrong with his words. After all, even if he didn't have a password, he couldn't easily open such a safe?

"But, that is Liu Shicheng's office after all, and the safe is something he uses frequently. How could he not know that someone is playing tricks in his office? Such a hole cannot be dug out in a day."

"It's very simple." Li Zedao said, "Liu Shicheng also needs to go home from work, right? Besides, the security forces in the exhibition hall were not so strict before, and there were ghosts among the security guards, so it is very difficult for thieves to enter the exhibition hall at night." It's such an easy thing, they can dig it secretly in the middle of the night..."

Nanji looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, "Okay, even if what you said is true, but is Liu Shicheng blind? When you open the safe during the day, you can't see the hole?"

"It can be blocked with an iron plate." Li Zedao said, "Have you seen "The Shawshank Redemption"? The guy who spent 20 years digging the passage out of the prison will use a poster every time he finishes digging the hole." The hole was covered... of course, that's not the point."

"What's the point?"

"The point is that the woman on the poster is not good-looking, she really has bad taste." Li Zedao said with infinite emotion.

"..." Nanji really wanted to kick Li Zedao out of the car. Where is this guy's attention?

"I think there must be a baffle in the underground stinking ditch, as well as those important documents that should have been placed in the safe." Li Zedao said, "After those thieves climbed in, these things naturally got in the way, but they stayed in the safe." Outside, it will be seen again, so it will definitely be taken away, although it will be discarded in the sewer randomly in the end."

Nanji glanced at him, then took out his mobile phone with one free hand and made a call, asking people to immediately enter the underground pipeline to see if they could find what Li Zedao said.

"And think about it, no matter how secret the hole is, it will still be found in the end anyway. If Li Shicheng was with them, he wouldn't be so stupid as to let them dig a hole in his office, right? If he is discovered later, he can't get away with it at all, and he can also make holes in other places, right?" Li Zedao continued.

"You mean, someone wants to pour dirty water on Liu Shicheng's head?" Nanji frowned again.

"I don't know." Li Zedao shook his head, "I only know that if you go to interrogate Liu Shicheng, there will be no good results at all. If it's not him, he won't admit it. If it's him, then he won't admit it. Shall he be tortured?"

"Then what do you think we should do now?" Nanji said irritably. After carrying out so many tasks, she is the first to have such a feeling of being a rat and can't find her head.

"Interrogate Liu Shicheng." Li Zedao said.

"...Get out!" Nanji almost killed Li Zedao alone, this guy came here to tease her.

"What I mean is, let Tieshou and Datou go to interrogate him, and you go with me to a place." Li Zedao said.

Nanji was stunned: "Where?"


"That is……"

“Five star hotel.”

"...Get lost!" Nanji yelled angrily, turned the steering wheel, slammed on the brakes, and then punched Li Zedao with his fist.

Kill you pervert!

"Listen to my explanation..."

"You don't need to's broad daylight..."

"Your subtext is... okay at night?"

"I kill you……"

In the end, Anji still didn't kill Li Zedao, so she gave Tie Shou and Datou a call and asked them to interrogate Liu Shicheng, and she took Li Zedao to drive to the Nehao Rui Hotel that Li Zedao said, and then slowly pulled the car away. stopped.

The two got out of the car, Nanji stared at this luxurious high-rise building indifferently, and asked coldly, "Who did you bring me to this place?"

Although her expression was cold, she still felt somewhat embarrassed. After all, she had made a mistake just now. Li Zedao's original intention was to bring her here to meet an important person, but he was wrong.

But Nanji thinks that he can't blame himself if he thinks wrong, who made this guy so perverted, and he doesn't know how many times he has slept with his women in this place.

"Archaeologist Milles Motte from France," Li Zedao said.

"It's him..." Nanji was slightly taken aback, and now the bald old man he saw at the entrance of the exhibition hall came, "Why are we here to look for him? Does he know where the snake's head is? Or do you think the snake's head is missing?" Has something to do with him?"

Li Zedao said with a mysterious smile: "You will know in a while."

Immediately, the two walked in, got on the elevator, came to a room, and knocked.

Soon, the door of the room was opened, and Milleth Mott appeared there.

After seeing Li Zedao, Milles Mott said enthusiastically in blunt Chinese: "Oh, dear Li, you are here."

"Hello, Mr. Mott." Li Zedao nodded, and then introduced the two, "She is Nanji."

"Nanji... Oh, hello, beautiful Miss Anji, you look like a good match for Li. When you enter the palace of marriage, I will definitely send my blessings in person. I will also help you officiate the wedding in the church. Yes, I have experience in this area." Milleth Mott said enthusiastically looking at the South Pole.

"..." Nanji's face darkened for an instant, and he was almost stabbed. The old man's eyes are sick? How could the two of them seem to be a good match?

Li Zedao had a slight cold sweat on his forehead. He was really afraid that Nanji would draw out a knife to kill Millers Mott in annoyance, but he was relieved when he saw that Nanji didn't show the knife.

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