"The blood was from one of the thieves." Li Zedao said, "I asked him to give me the snake head and follow me obediently. He refused and wanted to beat me, but was shot by my little brother's little brother." thigh."

"..." Nanji was a little speechless, so the idiot obediently followed you.

"Afterwards, I brought the snake's head to Mr. Mott for identification. I didn't leave here until the morning, and found a place to boil some ginger soup for you to send over."


Nanji put aside Li Zedao's teasing, and looked back at the snake head, his face became very ugly, and said in a cold voice: "The result of the appraisal is that this snake head is indeed a fake? That is to say, the snake head The head was already...swapped before it was put in the safe?"

Saying this, Nanji shook his head, it was too unbelievable.

Li Zedao nodded with a wry smile: "That's right..."

Nanji reached out and picked up the snake's head, looked left and right, well, he didn't see anything at all, then looked at Milles Mott: "Perhaps, you made a mistake in the identification?"

"Oh, no, Miss Antarctica." Milleth Mott quickly waved his hand and said, "My identification is absolutely correct, this is indeed a fake, and I can tell you why it is a fake..."

"Mr. Mott, you don't have to bother. She doesn't understand you if you tell me." Li Zedao said.

"..." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao coldly, and almost couldn't hold back his knife.

Milleth Mott took it seriously and said, "Oh, Miss Antarctica, this is my fault..."


"But I'm willing to gamble my reputation. This snake head is undoubtedly a fake." Milleth Mott said seriously, "Also, you can also ask the most famous archaeologists to use the most professional machine You can do the identification, I think the final result will be the same as mine."


Li Zedao and Nanji left with the snake's head... Of course, it's an absolute fake!

Before leaving, Li Zedao told Milles Mott repeatedly that it was fine to just treat it as if he didn't know anything about it. Milles Mott naturally readily agreed, saying that he was still jet-lagged, so since arriving yesterday What happened now has been completely forgotten.

This old man is still very cute.

After getting into the car, Nan Ji, who had been silent all the time, looked at Li Zedao and said, "Who are you suspecting?"

"What do you think?" Li Zedao asked back.

Antarctica is silent.

There are only four people who have time to secretly replace the snake's head, that is Qian Shaopeng, and the big head and iron hand from the Shenlong organization, and only herself. In the past few days, they all have the opportunity to change the snake head The snake head dropped the bag secretly. Of course, Qian Shaopeng had a better chance, after all, he set the password of the safe, and he would pick up the snake head from time to time to have a look.

"Except for you, I doubt the other three people." Li Zedao said.

"Why?" Nanji asked, she meant, why didn't she doubt me?

"I don't know, I just believe in you." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Just like you believe in me."

"..." Nanji's cold face was slightly hot, and she hurriedly ended the topic that disturbed her, "No wonder, you act as if you don't know anything."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "When I think they have a problem, do I dare to startle the snake? Qian Shaopeng must be suspicious, after all, during this period of time, he is the closest to the snake head; The iron hands are also doubtful. For example, the big head, as an elite of the Shenlong organization, you will be so careless that you will be thrown into your pocket by the walkie-talkie, and you don’t know? Although the thieves are good at picking locks, but in terms of strength, one of you beat him four , that was a very easy thing.”

Antarctica frowned and remained silent.

"So it's very possible that he is with the thieves, and he put the walkie-talkie in by himself." Li Zedao analyzed.

"Where's Iron Hand?" Nanji asked.

"Iron Hands... If those thieves don't have the ability to put the walkie-talkie in the big head's pocket, and the big head didn't put the walkie-talkie in, then who do you think put it in?" Li Zedao asked.

Nanji looked at Li Zedao, and there was another silence. The answer is self-evident, isn't it? Iron Hands is perfectly capable of making Big Head let his guard down and put the walkie-talkie in his pocket.

"Of course, this is just my conjecture. Maybe the snake head has been swapped before Qian Shaopeng and you got it, or it was originally a fake and not real...Of course ,it's out of the question."


"If it's really them, I don't understand...why." Nanji said.

"Didn't that so-and-so said that?" Li Zedao said, "The simplest behavior analysis is nothing more than two words, benefit!"

Nanji was silent, and then the mobile phone in her hand rang, and she took it out immediately.

"It's the big head." Nanji looked at Li Zedao and said.

"It should be the result of the interrogation of Li Shicheng." Li Zedao said.

Nanji picked up the phone, said a few words, looked at Li Zedao after hanging up, and said, "I didn't ask anything, and when Li Shicheng heard that there was a hole in his safe, his blood pressure soared and passed out. , is now being rescued, and besides, the iron plate you mentioned and some documents soaked in the sewage were indeed found in the sewer.”

Li Zedao nodded and said nothing, after all, this was expected.

"Let's go, go see those thieves, maybe we can get something from them." Li Zedao said after a moment of pondering.

Nanji nodded, looking at the safe with extremely complicated eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Under Li Zedao's guidance, the car slowly drove into the dirty old community.

"This is it?" Nanji glanced around after jumping out of the car, "It's a good place to extract a confession."

Li Zedao quickly said: "Well, I am a good citizen who abides by the law, how could I do such a thing as setting up a private court or even extorting a confession?"

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, his eyes were full of contempt, but he didn't say much.

At that moment, Li Zedao led Nanji into the unit and went upstairs, then knocked.

Soon, the door was opened, and the perverted face appeared there.

"Boss..." The pervert said cheerfully, and then glanced at Nanji at the side, wanting to sing this sentence very affectionately to the boss: How many good sister-in-laws do I have, and why is every sister-in-law so beautiful...

"Hi sister-in-law..." The pervert continued to carry forward his fine tradition of being polite.

"Uh..." The pervert's head was already drenched in cold sweat, I saw the murderous look in the sister-in-law's eyes flashed by, and I didn't see her move the next time, my neck had already been crushed. A sharp knife was blocked.

"What did you say?" Nanji asked coldly.

"Sister-in-law... sister-in-law... ah..." The pervert really doesn't know where he is wrong, his eyes are full of innocence, but his heart is a little horrified, because this sister-in-law is not an ordinary person, if he meets her, I'm afraid I don't know how to die.

"Ah..." There was more cold sweat on the pervert's forehead, and the innocence in his eyes had turned into horror, because this woman really attacked, and the skin on his neck was already bloodstained by the sharp knife .

Li Zedao hurriedly apologized with a smile: "Well, he is sick, and every time he sees a woman with me, he always calls sister-in-law, don't be as knowledgeable as him..."

Seeing this, the pervert suddenly realized that the boss hadn't captured her yet. Hey, I thought that the boss could handle any kind of woman, but now that I see it, it's nothing more than that.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, snorted coldly, but also removed the knife from the pervert's neck.


The dagger held a blade in Nanji's hand, and miraculously inserted it into the leather slot at her waist, the speed was unbelievably fast.

The pervert shrank his neck, and suddenly felt that it was a good thing that the boss couldn't take her down. It's better not to take her down, otherwise, if this sister-in-law is upset in the future, his life will be gone like this?

"What about them?" Li Zedao walked in, but he didn't see the four of them.

"Boss, didn't you ask me to train them? So I asked them to run 20 laps around the neighborhood every day, and finally bought a beggar chicken." The pervert said hastily.

Li Zedao was speechless: "Be careful they turn against you."

"Do they dare?" The pervert said with a chuckle, "Even if I'm borrowing their courage, they wouldn't dare!"

Li Zedao was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, pointed to the "torture room" and said to Nanji: "People are inside."

Nanji nodded slightly, and then strode over. After entering the room, he saw five people lying there in disorder, because the area of ​​this "torture room" was not big, so these five people were lying here. After that, the whole room has become crowded.

Soon, Nanji also recognized it. One of the men was wearing a security uniform, and the other four men were indeed the four suspicious people captured by the surveillance video. They were all pale, with bruises on their foreheads. Breaking into a cold sweat, obviously suffering some kind of pain.

Looking at their paralyzed hands and legs, Anji already knew that their hands and feet were dislocated... Oh, and there was a bloody bullet hole in one of their thighs.

"Do you still like the environment here?" Li Zedao walked in, looked at these people on the ground with a smile and asked.

"That's right, at least it's much better than the sewer." The eagle-eyed man looked away from Nanji and landed on Li Zedao, grinning.

"That's right, I'm quite optimistic. I can still laugh now... I hope you can laugh again later." Li Zedao began to blame himself.

"Haha, it will be as you wish." The eagle-eyed man smiled.

"Who put the walkie-talkie in my friend's pocket?" Nanji asked coldly. As he spoke, he glanced at Li Zedao with some dissatisfaction, feeling that he was talking too much nonsense.

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