"I don't know." The eagle-eyed man shook his head.

"I don't know? I don't know what it means?" Nanji asked with a frown. There was already a sharp dagger in her hand, and the dagger seemed to have life in her hand, constantly flying and spinning The movements are fast and dazzling, making people dazzled.

The eagle-eyed man wanted to shrug his shoulders gracefully, but unfortunately, his shoulders were dislocated, so he couldn't do this kind of action, so he could only smile and say, "If you don't know, you don't know, what else is there..."

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing the flesh came to mind.

At this time, the dagger in Nanji's hand had disappeared, but there was a dagger firmly stuck in the hole of the eagle-eyed man's gun.

There was a bloody bullet hole there originally, and the bullet was still happily staying in it, but now he was stabbed again, the pain can be imagined.

So the face of the eagle-eyed man changed drastically in an instant, the cold sweat on his forehead poured out desperately as if he didn't want money, his mouth opened wide, but in the end he swallowed back the scream of pain forcefully.

"Boss, what's wrong with you..."


"Bitch, don't do anything to my boss if you have the guts, you stab me, if I frown and call your surname..."


Except for the security guard who was always cowardly accepting everyone's white eyes because he betrayed his brother, the other three saw that the boss had been stabbed in the thigh by this violent woman, so they quit immediately, and all stared at Antarctica with red eyes. The insulting words spewed out from the lunatic's mouth.

Li Zedao looked at the lunatic with pity, knowing that this guy was going to be in trouble.

Sure enough, Nanji frowned and glanced at the lunatic who was yelling at him, then shook his hand, and there was already a shining dagger in his hand, and then he flicked it casually.

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing the flesh came back again.

The lunatic did not frown, but seeing the extra knife on his thigh, his eyeballs were wide open, and the cold sweat on his forehead was pouring down like he didn't want money. He never expected , this beautiful woman is so ruthless, she doesn't even bat an eyebrow when she swings a knife at someone's thigh.

And he doesn't have the endurance of the eagle-eyed man at all, so the one who couldn't hold back, already let out a scream of "ah...\

,"It's like being fucked by an eighty-year-old man.

Xiaoguang and Zhou Tao just shut up, looking at Nanji as if they were looking at a demon, and the insults that had been planned in their hearts were instantly stifled in their hearts.

"Don't do anything to my brother..." the eagle-eyed man looked at Antarctica with cold eyes, and said through gritted teeth.

"Pfft!" The scalp-numbing sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded again, and another glaring knife had been inserted into the madman's other thigh.

"Ah..." The lunatic screamed again, it was so fucking painful, this vicious woman really regarded him as a scarecrow, she could stab it as she wanted?

"I didn't grow any." Antarctic looked at the eagle-eyed man coldly and said.

"..." The eagle-eyed man's chest hurt, and he almost spat out half a mouthful of blood. Sure enough, women are the ones who don't play cards according to common sense.

Li Zedao at the side involuntarily took a step back. This woman is too terrifying. She stabs people with knives every now and then, and the damage she causes is no less than that of Xiao Huang.

"I still have a knife." Nanji waved his hand, and another knife appeared in his hand.

The eagle-eyed man took a deep breath and said, "I can answer your questions, but I want you to promise..."

"Pfft!" The scalp-numbing sound of the knife piercing the flesh rang out again, interrupting the eagle-eyed man's words very simply, and then Xiaoguang screamed "Ah..." and yelled at random. Let's take a breath.

At this time, a knife was clearly missing from his thigh.

"You have to answer my question, you are not qualified to ask me to promise you anything." Antarctic said coldly.

"You..." If it was possible, the eagle-eyed man wanted to rape this guy first, then kill him, and then rape him. How could there be such a vicious woman?

"Oh, I've run out of daggers, I'll take them out of you next time." Nanji said with a cold face.

This time, not only the thieves, but even Li Zedao shuddered inexplicably.

"What do you want to know?" The eagle-eyed man gasped, completely losing his resistance. Facing this kind of woman who stabbed a knife if she didn't agree with her, resisting would be tantamount to finding trouble for herself.

"I don't like repeating the same question." Nanji said coldly, then reached out with his hand, and grasped the handle of the dagger under Xiaoguang's terrified eyes.

"No... ah..." Xiaoguang screamed, then his eyes went dark, and he lost consciousness, and there was only one thought left in his mind before he lost his intuition.

Why yourself? why? Because the lunatic has two knives on his body!

"I have a knife again." Nan Ji said with a cold face, the blood on the dagger in her hand flowed drop by drop along the blade, adding a bit of horror.

Li Zedao suddenly felt that Nanji was too gentle to him.

"...We really don't know who put the walkie-talkie in." Zhou Tao said with a trembling voice. Of the four brothers (the traitor was kicked out by him very simply), he was the only one who was not stabbed. That said, there was a good chance that the bloody dagger her men were holding now would end up in his thigh, so he couldn't wait.

"Tell me everything you know." Nanji looked at him coldly and said.

"Yes...that's how it is, our brothers are the Flying Foxes, a well-known thieves gang in the world..."

"I don't want to know you." Nanji interrupted him coldly, "If there is any more nonsense, then I'm sorry..."

"Yes..." Zhou Tao was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he spoke a little sharply, "Yes...someone paid 30 million yuan to let our brothers come to Fenghuang City to steal the snake's head...Of course, We don't know who that person is, after all, this kind of entrustment has always been kept secret..."

Zhou Tao carefully glanced at Nanji, and saw that the other party didn't even look at her, but looked at the bloody knife in his hand coldly, swallowed his saliva and continued: "After that, our brothers will arrive in Fenghuang a few days earlier. The city came, and sneaked into the city's cultural relics exhibition hall at night, opened the safe in the curator's office, began to dig a passage leading to the sewer there, and entered the exhibition tube yesterday afternoon pretending to be a citizen, With the help of Xiao Meng, hiding in the bathroom..."

Speaking of which, Zhou Tao glanced at the security guard with resentment in his eyes. If it wasn't for this bastard who betrayed them and betrayed them without any backbone, he even leaked their escape route. Otherwise, how could the brothers fall into the trap? What about this situation?

"Afterwards, we heard your conversations on the walkie-talkie, and only then did we know that you had a walkie-talkie with the same frequency as ours in your pocket..."

"Wait, what do you mean, you didn't even know there was such a thing as a walkie-talkie?" Li Zedao interrupted Zhou Tao's words with a frown, and then met Nanji's eyes.

"Yes, I knew there was a walkie-talkie after hearing your conversation..." the eagle-eyed man panted heavily and said in a hoarse voice, "I guess the client put the walkie-talkie in your pocket right?"

Speaking of which, the eagle-eyed man glanced at Li Zedao, his sharp eagle-like eyes filled with admiration: "I also heard from you that a total of 11,182 people went in, but only 11,178 came out, and there were four more lurking inside." ...When I heard it, I was shocked..."

"So, you had an idea?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, although we are thieves, fighting is not what we are good at, not to mention, our purpose is to steal the snake's head, so I lied that we have guns in our hands... Unfortunately, we were tricked by you in the end. "The eagle-eyed man shook his head and said, "You are the scariest person I have ever seen."

"Actually, you are very good, because you have deceived everyone except me." Li Zedao said.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao sharply, expressing her dissatisfaction with these words.

"Okay." The eagle-eyed man smiled wryly, "you know what happened after that, we brothers entered the sewer through the secret passage behind the safe, and then pushed open the manhole cover. We wanted to escape, but we were caught by you of."

"I really don't know who the client is?" Li Zedao asked.

"I really don't know. They are all contacted by email. Even if the ip address is found, it has been encrypted several times. You can't find it at all. After all, the snake head is a great treasure. It was stolen. Under such circumstances, how could he leave any clues?" The eagle-eyed man shook his head and said, "And we never ask each other's identity, so For one thing, even if we get caught by mistake...like now, we won't reveal the other party's identity."

"In this case, how do you give the snake's head to each other?" Li Zedao said.

"I don't know about this. I said in the email before that he will take the initiative to contact us by email after he succeeds." The eagle-eyed man said.

"Then take out your mobile phone and log in to your mailbox to check your email." Li Zedao nodded and said.

"I can't move my hands at all, not to mention, your little brother has taken away all my mobile phones." The eagle-eyed man said.

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