"Pervert, bring over his cell phone." Li Zedao shouted.

"Pervert?" The corner of Nanji's mouth twitched slightly, as expected, every boss has every kind of younger brother... The boss is also very perverted, isn't he?

Soon, the pervert sent the eagle-eyed man's mobile phone over. When he saw Nanji glanced at him coldly, he was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and forced a trace of it on the big pie face. A flattering smile, and then hurried away.

The eagle-eyed man told Li Zedao the account number and password of his personal mailbox, and Li Zedao quickly entered his mailbox. Nanji moved over, and the two began to check the emails in it.

As the eagle-eyed man said, the other party indeed entrusted this flying fox to come to Phoenix City to help him steal the snake head to be exhibited in the email. The entrustment fee is 30 million, and the deposit of 5 million has already been paid Come over, the two parties also agreed that when Feihu succeeds, the entrusting party will contact again by email.

Looking at the date, this email was sent fifteen days ago.

"That was the second day after we decided to send the snake's head to Phoenix for exhibition." Nanji said with a frown.

Li Zedao glanced at her and nodded. It seems that the snake head was missed at that time, and that person is someone in the system, otherwise the news would not be so fast.

But at this time, although Feihu succeeded in stealing the snake's head, the other party has not yet sent an email. Is it because it is not clear that Feihu has succeeded or is it because of caution?

Li Zedao frowned slightly, and his mind was spinning quickly, thinking about various possibilities.

Two minutes later, Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, then glanced at the people lying on the ground and said, "I'll send someone to help you stop the bleeding."

"Thank you." The eagle-eyed man nodded. Since the other party was still willing to help their brothers stop the bleeding, it proved that they had no intention of killing them.

After going downstairs and returning to the car, Li Zedao frowned and said, "That is to say, when the higher authorities decided to send the snake's head to Fenghuang City for an exhibition, the mysterious client decided to kill the snake's head." idea."

"So that client is likely to be someone in the system, then...Mr. Qian, and the two of them are even more disliked." Nanji's face was a little ugly, and Qian Shaopeng was suspicious. It doesn't matter at all, but her two comrades-in-arms and even her brother are also very suspicious, which makes her feel extremely uncomfortable.

"But the snake's head has long been replaced by another fake that can almost be confused with the real one.

Those thieves stole the fake one." Li Zedao frowned even more.

"That is to say, there are two groups of people who wanted to kill the snake's head. One group of people entrusted internationally renowned thieves to steal it, while the other group's approach was more clever." Nanji analyzed.

"There is another possibility." Li Zedao said, "That is, the two groups of people are actually the same group of people, and the commission of international robbers to steal it is nothing more than to cover up the evidence that he used fakes to replace the real ones. After all, after the exhibition, the snake chief If it is sent back, it will definitely be recognized as a counterfeit, and the thieves can simply let the thief steal it away, and then he can sit back and relax and keep the real one."

Nanji's expression became a little dignified: "You mean, the other party won't be sending emails anymore?"

"If my guess is correct, it probably won't happen." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "And even if the client didn't send an email, those thieves wouldn't say anything, after all, they already got five million in advance Besides, the snake head is in their hands, they can sell it and get a sum of more than 20 million yuan, but unfortunately, they don't know that it is a fake."

"There is also the walkie-talkie whose frequency is adjusted in advance, which makes me very concerned." Li Zedao looked at Nanji and said, "I believe that you can do this kind of thing."

Nanji was silent, she understood Li Zedao's meaning, she could indeed do this kind of thing, and her two comrades-in-arms, Big Head and Tie Shou, could naturally do it too, so their suspicions became even deeper.

"And..." Li Zedao thought for a while and said.

"Anything else?" Nanji looked at Li Zedao as if she was watching a freak. Her mind is already muddy now, but this guy is still sober. All analyzed.

"The three of them or two of them are actually in the same group." Li Zedao said.

Nanji nodded with a complicated expression. This possibility is not only possible, but extremely high.


What made Li Zedao feel a little unbelievable was that when he and Nanji were eating at a restaurant in a shopping mall near the exhibition hall in the afternoon, the phone that belonged to the eagle-eyed man in his pocket received an email. The client sent it.

"In the early hours of the morning, please come down to the huge banyan tree at the foot of Fengming Mountain on time. I will wait for you here, and we will clear your money and goods at that time! The password is: Snake Head! Friendly reminder, the entire Fenghuang City is now under lockdown In this state, the four of you are being fully wanted, please be careful... the client."

Nanji glanced at the email, then frowned at Li Zedao and said, "Or two people?"

"Not necessarily." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "The other party may want to..."

Li Zedao made a solemn gesture of wiping his neck.

"Murder to silence." Nanji narrowed his eyes slightly.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Miss Anji, are you interested in going to Fengming Mountain with me tonight to see the stars? It's far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the stars are so bright."

Nanji looked at him like an idiot and said, "It's dark outside now, maybe it will rain heavily soon..."

"Boom!" There was a loud thunder, and heavy rain poured in, bringing even more coolness to Fenghuang City, which had already entered winter.

"Oh, it's already gone." Nanji said, "I guess it will take two or three days?"

"..." Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, this woman is even less romantic than him.

Then he cleared his throat and said, "Let's put it another way...Miss Anji, are you interested in going to Fengming Mountain with me to see the rain scene tonight? It's far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and the rain scene is beautiful...

"Idiot." Nanji said with a smile on his face.

"I don't understand romance." Li Zedao said angrily.

Li Zedao looked at Nanji's delicate and cold smiling face thoughtfully, and he felt that something had changed about her... What had changed?

Oh, my God, she laughed, this woman who didn't know anything about romantic humor and didn't blink her eyelids when she was stabbed with a knife, who had never seen her smile, actually laughed? She can laugh?

A very calm smile, comfortable and natural, like a hundred flowers blooming instantly, glamorous and incomparable.

"You laughed." Li Zedao said, pointing at Nanji's face.

"Then what?" The smile on Nanji's face faded instantly, and his expression was cold again.

"Then you should smile more, you look good when you smile." Li Zedao put forward his own suggestion.

"none of your business?"

"..." Li Zedao decided not to argue with her, he knew that the woman's aunt hadn't left yet.


After eating, the two left the restaurant and walked out of the shopping mall. Standing in the corridor and watching the torrential rain, Li Zedao smiled wryly, "It's raining heavily, without an umbrella..."

"I never carry an umbrella." Nan Ji said coldly, and was about to walk down the steps.

Sure enough, she is a hero in the female middle school! Li Zedao expressed his admiration and at the same time grabbed her hand. Of course, he was prepared to be stabbed by her. If he found something wrong, he would run away immediately.

Nanji looked back at him, tried to struggle, but couldn't break free, so he let him hold on, and instantly felt a sweet feeling in his heart. Although it was not strong, it did exist, moistening things silently.

"I actually wanted to break free, but I didn't break free... His strength is stronger than mine." Nan Ji said to himself in his heart.

"Miss Nanji, don't you think it's very romantic for two people to walk in the rain under an umbrella?" Li Zedao laughed.

"I don't think so." Nanji shook his head, but there was a trace of inexplicable expectation in his eyes, "Besides, you said, there is no umbrella."

"This is a shopping mall, why don't you go and buy one?" Li Zedao said with a smile.

Nanji thought for a while: "I don't have any money."

"...You're so humorous." Li Zedao twitched his lips.

At that moment, the two of them walked into the shopping mall hand in hand like lovers. Li Zedao bought a bigger umbrella, and then they walked out of the shopping mall again and stood in the corridor. Li Zedao opened the umbrella.

"Let's go." Li Zedao held the fan in one hand, and wrapped his arms around Nanji's waist tightly wrapped in black leather with the other.

Nanji raised his head and glanced at him, didn't say anything, and didn't swing the knife. Even though he hugged him like this, the two stepped into the rain curtain and walked towards the cultural relics exhibition hall not far away.

"Is this romance?" Nan Ji listened to the crackling sound of the umbrella above him and felt the heat in his waist, "This feeling seems pretty good."

At this time, at the gate of the cultural relics exhibition hall, Tieshou and Datou stood together watching the pouring rain outside, neither of them looked very good.

"How?" Big Head asked.

"What should I do?" Iron Hand asked back.

"If I were those thieves, I would have escaped a long time ago." Datou smiled wryly, "It is easy to escape from this level of blockade. I only hope that those thieves are not so clever."

"Is it possible?" Tie Shou also smiled bitterly, "Can you dig out such a hole and put the walkie-talkie in your pocket without anyone noticing, isn't it clever?"

"Can you not mention this matter?" Datou covered his burning face.

"Okay, I won't talk about treating me to a few big meals...uh..." Tie Shou was stunned looking at the rain curtain.

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