The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 916 From Ice to Fire

I saw a pair of couples strolling together under umbrellas in the rain. The man was dressed in handsome sports and casual clothes, and the woman was dressed in sexy leather jackets and pants that make people dream about... Seriously, the two People's clothes don't match well, but in terms of appearance, it's a match made in heaven.

Of course, what made Tie Shou dumbfounded was not how handsome the man was or how good-looking the woman was, but that the woman was... Nanji!

Can you imagine what it would be like for Antarctica, who has always been crueler than men, to be in the arms of a boy like a little bird? Tieshou didn't dare to imagine, or could not imagine, but now he really saw it.

It turns out that the cold Antarctic can also be so hot.

"Uh..." When he saw Nanji and Li Zedao hugging each other, the look of surprise on Datou's face was not less than that of Tie Shou.

He wouldn't be surprised if Li Zedao was walking on the street with a girl in his arms, or even change one girl every day. Who doesn't know that this kid is a big pervert? But that girl was Antarctica, the Antarctica that was always as cold as a piece of ice, and he couldn't accept it... Even if he had already seen that these two people were always flirting with each other.

"What are you looking at?" Walking up to him, Nanji asked the two men with a cold look.

"'s's nothing...ha, it's raining heavily..." The two hurriedly waved their hands to apologize, and there was a tacit understanding in their hearts, and they had a common idea...she would only do it when she was facing Li Zedao From ice!

Fire...the two looked at each other, and both could see the lewd thoughts in each other's eyes.

Li Zedao put the umbrella on the ground, put his arms around Nanji's * with one hand very naturally, then looked at Tie Shou and Datou and asked, "I'm sorry, take Nanji to my mother... Did the investigation find any results?"

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, after all, he didn't expose his little lie, and he didn't draw his knife to chop off his salty pig's hand.

"So..." The two looked at Li Zedao and showed a smile that a man could understand. They went to see their parents. No wonder they didn't see him for a long time. Of course, they didn't dare to maintain this kind of smile for too long... for fear of being stabbed by Antarctica.

"There is no progress." Tie Shou shook his head and smiled wryly, "I went to interrogate Li Shicheng, but when he heard that there was a hole hidden in his safe, his blood pressure soared by 200, and he is still being rescued. Some documents and items that were supposed to be in the safe were found in the sewer, but fortunately the documents were packed in bags and were not damaged...Of course, this is not a good thing for Li Shicheng."

"It appears that there is something wrong with those documents.

"Li Zedao nodded.

"There are a few muddled accounts." Tie Shou nodded and said, "Even if he didn't know about the theft of the snake's head, those documents are enough for him to enter this year."

The big head already had a bitter expression on his face: "If we can't find the snake head, our fate will not be much better than that of Liu Shicheng, and we will even have to bear the eternal infamy. After all, the snake head was lost in our hands no matter what. .”

"Don't think too much, aren't all the roads blocked now? There is no way for them to leave Phoenix City, and it is even more impossible for them to escape with the snake head." Li Zedao comforted.

"I'm afraid they escaped from Phoenix City in the early morning." Tie Shou shook his head.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Then we can only do our best and let each of us live in peace."

"Okay, I'll take Antarctica to the mall for a while, do some shopping, and I have to take her back to have dinner with my mother at night. I'll trouble you two about the snake head first. If you have any questions, feel free to call me and Anji. "Li Zedao said.

"Go, go." Tie Shou said with a smile.

Datou smiled even more obscenely: "See you tomorrow..." Seeing that they are so gluey, I will definitely not see these two today.

The big head seemed to be choked by the neck suddenly, and the voice stopped abruptly, and even cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Because there was an extra dagger in Nanji's hand, a dagger that was shining with cold light, he shut up quickly in fright, and turned his head to the side, as if I was counting the stars and didn't know anything posture.

"Call me in time if you need anything." Nanji said coldly.

"Ha... I know... I know..." Tie Shou smiled apologetically, not daring to say anything more.

Li Zedao smiled, picked up the umbrella on the ground and said, "Let's Wanda? I'll buy you some clothes, I like to see you in skirts..."

Datou and Tie Shou looked at their backs as they went away, Datou sighed softly and said: "It's fallen..."

"Yeah, it's completely fallen..." Tie Shou sighed.

Then the two hugged each other and wept with joy: "That's great, mom won't have to worry about me being stabbed anymore..."


"The show is over, can you let go of your hand?" Nanji said. She understood Li Zedao's intentions, he just wanted to show his face in front of Datou and Tieshou, and dispel their guard...if they had any problems.

"No, it's quite comfortable to leave it like this." Li Zedao said cheekily.

"...I'm not feeling well..." Nanji's face turned hot, and he almost threw the knife.

"Just get used to it." Li Zedao smiled, "Besides, I'm not all acting."


After getting into the car parked there, Nanji asked, "Go to that old city?"

"I really want to go to the old city, but before going to Wanda." Li Zedao said.

"To Wanda?" Antarctica has a sense of knowingly asking.

"Okay, I'm going to buy you clothes." Li Zedao looked at Nanji with some playful eyes and said, this woman is actually reserved? It seems that this kind of emotional expression is inherent in women, whether they are violent women or Xiaojiabiyu.

Nanji didn't answer, but Li Zedao saw it very clearly, the corners of her mouth were slightly raised...she smiled again.


After Li Zedao and Nanji returned to the old city again, it was already after eight o’clock in the evening. During this few hours, Li Zedao took Nanji to stroll around the mall several times. In the end, Nanji didn’t buy anything. When I was with Susan for the first time, I had already bought a lot of clothes. In the end, I had no chance to wear them at the bottom of the box, and it was a waste to buy them.

Li Zedao knew very well that she was actually tired of those waiters chattering beside her when she was choosing clothes.

Li Zedao and Nanji walked into the torture room, and the five brothers who were lying there in a disorderly manner changed their expressions slightly when they saw Nanji. They were frightened by this woman's ruthlessness.

"I'm nice to you, right? I've fed you enough, and I've helped you pull out the knives and the bullets. Needless to say thank you." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"..." The five brothers almost vomited blood, and they didn't know who fired the gun or inserted the knife, this shameless guy.

"You really don't need to say thank you, just do me a favor." Li Zedao said.

" go ahead." The eagle-eyed man said with great difficulty. He saw the woman pull out the dagger again, and the muscles on his face twitched inaudibly.

"The client has already sent you an email, and they will meet you at twelve o'clock in the morning, and the money and goods will be settled." Li Zedao said.

"I see, you want our brothers to go there, lure that client to appear, and finally catch them all?" asked the eagle-eyed man.

"It's almost like that." Li Zedao nodded and said, "But three of your five brothers have been injured. We can't torture the injured, can we? So you and you can go there with me tonight."

Li Zedao pointed to Zhou Tao, who was not stabbed by Nanji, and the security guard named Xiaomeng: "If the client is successfully caught, I can promise not to embarrass you... Maybe I will let you go."

"Really?" The eagle-eyed man's eyes brightened. He had expected that the other party would not kill them, but he didn't expect the other party to say that he would let them go.

"You don't have to believe it, or you can only choose to believe it." Li Zedao said.

"We just believe it." The eagle-eyed man nodded and said, indeed, according to the current situation, he can only choose to believe. Then he glanced at Zhou Tao and Xiao Meng, "Taozi, Xiao Meng, please cooperate with him well."

"Understood, boss." The two said quickly.

At that moment, Li Zedao swiftly put Zhou Tao's dislocated hands and feet back on, and untied the ropes from Xiao Meng's body who was tied up in a big way, and then led them out of the torture room and into the living room.

"Give me a brief introduction to your Flying Fox organization." Li Zedao looked at Zhou Tao and Xiao Meng and said.

Zhou Tao didn't dare to hide anything, so he briefly introduced some information about the Flying Fox Organization. Only then did Li Zedao know that the eagle-eyed man who was tougher than his brothers was called Feihu. He is also the registered disciple of the famous international thief Situ Kong. He also founded this organization. He usually helps customers sneak into cultural relics exhibition halls or private mansions to steal some treasures they want.

Li Zedao nodded and said, "You two will go with us tonight, and I will pretend to be your boss. Just call me boss then, don't be a gangster..."

Zhou Tao and Xiao Meng thought that even if we were not mistaken, you would still be in trouble. Our eldest is almost fifty years old, how could it be a brat like you? The other party is not blind?

Of course, this kind of thing can't be said nonsense, so they all shouted: "Boss..."

Li Zedao naturally thought about the remaining two candidates. Naturally, Antarctic and Perverted are the ones. Of course, Li Zedao is really not afraid of being spotted by the other party. After all, it is dark and raining outside, which is enough to hide a lot of things. In addition, I will put on a raincoat and cover my face. As long as I don't speak, I won't show my feet at all.

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