Yanhuang smiled and said: "I don't think it's a coincidence, because if other people knew about this, they might have told Qian Shaopeng, or Datou and Tieshou, even if they hadn't told them three years ago. You will also tell Antarctica, right?"

The pain in the depths of Yanhuang's eyes flashed past. The sharp weapon carefully cultivated by the two countries did this kind of thing, which not only made people feel sad and regretful, but also brought huge losses to the country.

What's more, in his heart, he never regarded these people as subordinates, but treated and cultivated them as his own children.

"But you didn't tell anyone. You realized that the matter didn't seem that simple. You felt that there was an insider, so you chose to hide it from everyone, but you secretly caught those thieves, and then used the plan to let the matter continue. Continue to develop, and finally find out who is behind the scenes." Yanhuang's tone is full of appreciation, "Although the real snake head is still missing, you have done a good job."

Being praised by the legendary **oss of the Shenlong Organization, Li Zedao didn't feel any pride in his heart. Anyway, he was a little puzzled, what did this Yanhuang want to do with such a waste of saliva?

Because he helped Anji see through the scam of the fake snake head. Although he still couldn't find the snake head after all, it also saved the Shenlong organization from embarrassing the snake head. So he wanted to thank himself?

"Unfortunately, the whereabouts of the snake's head is still a mystery." Yanhuang said.

"I will find it." Li Zedao said. Big head, Tie Shou and Qian Shaopeng were all under control. As long as they spoke, it would not be a big problem to find the snake head.

"I know what you think, but there are still many difficulties." Yanhuang is not optimistic about finding the snake head, "Although Qian Shaopeng has been controlled, he is very confused. He was replaced and stolen with a braised pig's head, and he didn't know anything about other things...Of course, maybe he was acting, but we can't be 100% sure that he is acting? As for the big head and the iron hand..."

Yanhuang shook his head, with a hint of bitterness in his voice: "They have received the most professional and cruel training, even if you use all kinds of torture on them, you don't want to pry their mouths open."

Li Zedao smiled wryly. Hearing what he said seemed to be the case. The big head and the iron hand kept silent, so you never knew whether Qian Shaopeng was innocent or not. Not to mention whether it has any effect, I'm afraid Yanhuang can't make such a heavy hand, right?

"I think there is only one person in this world who can find the snake's head." Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao, his eyes brightened.

The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched slightly,

Thinking that this Yanhuang thinks too highly of himself, doesn't he? I thought to myself that even if you tried your best to put a high hat on me, I wouldn't have the slightest chance of getting back the snake's head.

"So I asked Antarctica to bring you here. On the one hand, I wanted to thank you face to face. Because of you, we won't be treated as fools. On the other hand, I hope you..."

"Wait..." Li Zedao smiled reluctantly and hurriedly said, "Yanhuang...Grandpa..."

Although the other party asked him to call him Yanhuang, Li Zedao said he was a polite child, so he added "grandpa". Anyway, judging by the other party's age, it is indeed more than enough to be his own grandfather.

grandfather? This title is really unique! Yanhuang really didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and motioned for Li Zedao to continue talking.

"I don't think I can do what you said."

"Oh, why?" Yanhuang was taken aback, "Don't you know how to contact your master?"

"Huh? Master?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Yes, if there is anyone in this world who can find the snake's head in the shortest time, it must be your master." Yanhuang said, "So I asked Nanji to call you over to ask if you can do it. Get in touch with that master of yours who can't see the end of the dragon, and ask him to come to Phoenix City as soon as possible."

"..." Li Zedao's face was hot, as if he had been slapped several times by an invisible hand. After a long time, he would have made a mistake.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Li Zedao's strange expression, Yanhuang asked.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay..." Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile, "Grandpa Yanhuang, I'm really sorry, I don't know where my master is now, and I don't have his contact information."

Naturally, I feel sad for a while, thinking that even if I can find the master, what kind of mentality should I use to face him? He brutally killed three-year-old children and got their livers to refine the elixir of life. He was afraid that things would be revealed and used poison to kill his grandfather Shangguanwen. His father abandoned his wife and son and wanted revenge wholeheartedly. Naturally, he could not shirk his responsibility. In addition, his father His death also has a certain connection with him... Isn't that Yoshitake Ito bothering himself because his uncle was killed by his master back then?

The former master-student relationship can't go back no matter what.

"That's it." Yanhuang's face was full of regret. Before he saw Li Zedao, he had already found people who had a close relationship with Li Zedao. They didn't know where Li Zedao was, and they didn't even know the whereabouts of Li Zedao's women.

After a while of silence, Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Although he couldn't contact Wang Zi, isn't Wang Zi's apprentice sitting in front of him? Although not as good as Wang Zi's evildoer, there is still a gap between Anji and the others, so if he is allowed to participate in this matter, the chances of finding the snake's head will be greatly increased.

So he said: "Zedao, the higher-ups have issued a death order. If the snake head cannot be found within a week, the relevant personnel will receive the most severe punishment. That is to say, if the snake head cannot be found after a week, then What awaits Antarctica will not only be expelled from the Shenlong organization, but will also be sent to a military court."

"Why?" Li Zedao was taken aback.

"Because she's dereliction of duty." Yanhuang said, "As a member of the Dragon Organization, you can accept death, but you can't accept failure. The snake's head was stolen. Her mission this time, even if it is a complete failure, and if it is not With your help, the failure will be even more complete."

"However, the snake's head was stolen by guards. Doesn't it seem to have nothing to do with Antarctica?" Li Zedao argued hard.

"I understand what you mean, but the higher-ups won't listen to any explanations." Yanhuang shook his head and said in a heavy tone, "Besides, no matter what, even if she was stabbed in the back by her comrades, she failed. It's a failure, and it's impossible to find any excuses...so..."

Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao seriously: "Zedao, I hope you can help Nanji, although you are not as evil as your master, but your ability is obvious to all, with you, the probability of finding the snake head will be greatly increased big."

If it wasn't for Antarctica, Li Zedao would have stood up, turned around and left, isn't this guy talking too bluntly? Although those are all the truth, how can you make people feel comfortable when you say it so bluntly?

Li Zedao looked at Yanhuang, nodded and said, "I see." No matter what, Anji can't be blamed for this, right?

"Then it's hard work for you." Yanhuang said a little excitedly, "Don't worry, after you find the snake head, I will report this matter to the higher-ups, and the higher-ups will definitely reward you generously..."

"No need." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I just don't want Nanji to be blamed, that's all, but... I am not a member of the Shenlong organization, and I just know them well and have no friendship, so ..."

Yanhuang was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, this kid, he was planning to kill the killer, and said immediately: "I understand what you mean, but it's hard to pry their mouths open!"

"Try even if it's difficult." Li Zedao said, "They are the only breakthrough."

Yanhuang nodded: "I see, I will leave this matter to you. I will let Anji and related personnel cooperate with you."

"Grandpa Yanhuang, there is something I want to ask you." Li Zedao said after a moment of silence.

"You asked." Yanhuang nodded and said, "As long as there are no secrets involved, as long as I know, I will tell you everything."

"It's not a confidential question or anything, I just want to ask you, what kind of person do you think my master is?" Li Zedao asked.

Yanhuang was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Li Zedao to ask such a question.

"He is your master, you don't know him?"

"Although he is my master, we haven't been together for a long time." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I only know that although he is over forty years old, he is no different from twenty years old. He likes to pretend to be aggressive, very popular with girls, and his force value is also very strong."

"It's not just strong?" Yanhuang said, "Your master also taught you internal strength, so you should know the third bottleneck of internal strength, right? If there is one person in this world who can break through that bottleneck, it must be your master No way. As for what kind of person your master is..."

Yanhuang laughed and said: "As you said, I like to pretend to be aggressive, and I am very popular with girls. Whether it is EQ or IQ, they have reached the peak state, and no one can stand around..."

Li Zedao was helpless, and after talking for a long time, he didn't get to the point at all. What he wanted to ask was, is the master the kind of murderous maniac who can kill even a three-year-old child.

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