"Grandpa Yanhuang, do you know why my master can stay young forever?" Li Zedao said that he was insinuating, maybe this Yanhuang knows some different inside stories.

Of course, Li Zedao also knew that Yanhuang probably didn't know that Master used the so-called immortality pill refined from the liver of a three-year-old child. After all, he is the boss of the Shenlong Organization. How could the Shenlong Organization be a powerful weapon of the country? To allow such a dangerous person to exist? Not to mention that he is still so respected now.

"Even your apprentice doesn't know about this, let alone me." Yanhuang smiled wryly, "Maybe it was some miraculous medicine he took, maybe it was some kind of adventure your master had, it's all possible, after all your master It can only be described with words like 'monster' and 'legendary'."

Li Zedao nodded, it seems that except for the master himself, no one knows how he achieves eternal youth.

After leaving this office, I saw Antarctica standing there with a cold face.

"Grandpa Yanhuang let you in." Li Zedao looked at Nanji and said.

Grandpa Yanhuang... The corners of Nanji's mouth twitched slightly, this address almost made her laugh uncontrollably. He nodded immediately, walked in, and closed the door of the office casually, while Li Zedao waited outside.

In less than ten minutes, the door of the office was opened again, and Nanji walked out, but without saying a word, he just stared at Li Zedao with a cold face.

"Uh...why are you staring at me like this?" Li Zedao was a little embarrassed.

"Waiting for your order." Nanji said, "Master told me to follow your command in all actions."

"...then...let's go for supper." Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Your treat."

"...Get out!" Nanji was very depressed, and then said, "Follow me to a place."

"Going to a place with you? Where are you going?" Li Zedao already looked embarrassed. God knows if this chick will take him to a secret place, such as the small woods over there, and then plot something. Bar? Let's rob money, she doesn't seem to be short of money; rob sex... It's still possible, after all, I still look like a human being, so it's normal to fall in love with her.

Nanji glanced at him coldly, did not speak, but walked straight forward.

Li Zedao smiled and followed closely behind.

At that moment, the two walked out of a small building,

Come to another two-story small building not far from this small building.

"Where is this place?" Li Zedao asked, pointing.

"The place where I lived when I went to Phoenix to perform missions." Nanji simply explained.

"Where do you live? Boudoir?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, and then he had an embarrassed expression on his face. Antarctica is really a tempting rhythm. Do you want to...cooperate with her?

If she doesn't cooperate, she will definitely be sad, right? When you are sad, you will be passive and sabotage. If you are passive and sabotage, how can you find the snake head in a week? So Li Zedao decided to go all out!

Well, I have to say that sometimes Li Zedao just likes to think too much.

"Idiot!" Nanji glanced at him coldly, she knew that this guy must be fantasizing about something that would make people blush.

"What are you doing?" Seeing Li Zedao walking into the small building, Nanji frowned and asked.

"Aren't you going in?" Li Zedao turned around for a moment.

"Who said they're going in?" Nanji pouted and said angrily, "I'm just passing by here."

"..." Li Zedao ran past millions of grass mud horses in his heart, only feeling that he was not well.

"Where are you going then?" Li Zedao said depressingly.

Antarctic strode forward and said, "I'll take you to meet Datou, Tie Shou and Qian Shaopeng."


Finally, Li Zedao followed Nanji and stopped in front of a dark building that looked like a block of square tofu. A dim yellow incandescent lamp was lit at the gate of the building, probably because the voltage was not stable, and it was not turned off once. , just added a bit of horror atmosphere.

"Big head, Tie Shou and Qian Shaopeng were imprisoned inside." Nanji said, pointing to the building.

Li Zedao looked at the building, which looked a bit like a haunted house in a movie, nodded and said, "You didn't find out anything during the interrogation these days?"

"No." Nanji shook his head and said, "Since the arrest of Datou and Tie Shou, they have been silent, and they haven't said a word until now. The two of them were detained together without any communication; as for Qian Shaopeng , When he was first brought under control, he still looked annoyed, saying that he was also the minister of the Ministry of Cultural Relics anyway, why was he imprisoned? I told him that the snake head was stolen by you, and his face instantly disappeared. It became ugly, saying that I was in a hurry to go to the doctor..."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "You told him that the snake head that was stolen was actually a fake, and that the snake head was swapped when it was in your hands. How did he react?"

"I haven't mentioned this to him yet," Nanji said.

"Then go and meet Qian Shaopeng first." Li Zedao said after a moment of pondering, "By the way, that fake snake head is also here, right? Someone bring it here."

Nanji nodded, took out his mobile phone and made a call, and soon, a soldier in camouflage uniform ran over quickly, first saluted Nanji and Li Zedao respectively, and then held the The safe was handed to Antarctica.

Nanji reached out to take it, the soldier saluted again, then turned around and trotted away quickly.

"Let's go." Nanji said, and then led Li Zedao into the building like a haunted house.

"It was actually a prison in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but it was later converted into a military area. This building was not demolished, and it was kept just like that. The soldiers used it as a training place." Nanji explained briefly.

Li Zedao nodded, and finally understood why this place is so gloomy.

There will be such a place in every violent organization. It used to be called the execution ground, but now it is called the interrogation room. As for the strange atmosphere, it is naturally to put pressure on the prisoners... Have you ever seen anyone interrogate? The prisoner was located in the presidential suite, and a glass of expensive red wine was placed in front of the prisoner?

Led by Nanji, Li Zedao wandered around in this dark and gloomy building with light tubes, and finally came to a room.

The room was about 30 square meters, with only one door, but no half window. It was very dark and damp, and had a strong musty smell.

The furniture and the like are even more simple, a wooden table with a thick layer of dust on it that looks old, and a few chairs that look like they are about to fall apart.

Qian Shaopeng was sitting on one of the chairs, and after a few days of not seeing him, he was visibly haggard, and his shiny hair was already covered with a layer of gray, making him look miserable.

Of course, he wasn't handcuffed or anything like that, presumably because Nanji didn't overly restrict his freedom because he didn't think he had the ability to escape?

When he saw Li Zedao walking in, Qian Shaopeng's face turned red all of a sudden, and he stood up from his chair with a look of excitement, and said in a hoarse voice: "Zedao, it's you!" What the hell is going on here? Why did you bring me to this place? You asked me some questions inexplicably? What is the disappearance of the snake head related to me? Let me tell you, the reason why the snake head is missing is not because of your dereliction of duty? It was your misjudgment that led to the snake's head being stolen and replaced with that shameful braised pig's head..."

"Minister Qian, calm down." Li Zedao looked at him seriously and said.

"Calm down? How do you tell me to calm down?" Qian Shaopeng's voice became louder, almost yelling, "The snake's head was stolen. If you don't hurry to hunt down the thieves, you will instead slander me for being with those thieves. It's ridiculous! Ridiculous!"

"The snake head has been found." Li Zedao said.

"Ridiculous...you...what did you say? Have you found the snake head?" Qian Shaopeng was taken aback for a moment, and then his face brightened with excitement, "Really found it?"

"Yes, the gang of thieves have been arrested, and the snake head lost in the safe has been found." Li Zedao said, "It's here."

Li Zedao pointed to the safe in the hand of Guide Ji, who opened the safe and took out the snake head that could almost be faked.

Qian Shaopeng stared fixedly at the snake head, the excitement on his face became even worse, and his voice trembled a little: "I found it, I really found it... that's good, then Well... this snake head is of great significance to us Huaxia, and it must not be lost..."

Seeing Qian Shaopeng's excited look, he almost rushed over to hug the snake's head and kissed it fiercely, Li Zedao frowned slightly, because Qian Shaopeng was too good at acting, and he didn't have anything Perceived or is he really innocent?

"Minister Qian, don't get excited, just listen to me." Li Zedao stared at Qian Shaopeng's face and said, "Although the thieves were caught, the snake head they stole from the safe was not lost. But...it doesn't make much sense."

Qian Shaopeng was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

"It means that the snake head you see now is actually a fake." Li Zedao said word by word.

"You...what did you say? A fake? You said that...that's a fake?" Qian Shaopeng pointed to the snake head in Nanji's hand, his voice trembling, and he expressed a shocked expression on his face.

"Yes, it's a counterfeit, enough to confuse the real one." Li Zedao said affirmatively, "That is to say, what those thieves stole was actually a fake enough to confuse the real one, and the snake head was stolen by you until it was stolen." In custody... Minister Qian, do you understand what I mean?"

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