"You really want to know?" Qian Shaopeng asked with a slight smile, "That's really unfortunate, I don't want to tell you."

Until this time, he can still smile, and this smile is not a fake, but a real smile because of a good mood.

"Is he not afraid of Xiao Huang?" Li Zedao thought in his heart. If this is the case, then things will become very troublesome. A person who is not afraid of death, tramples his dignity under his feet and spits a few times, what else can you expect him to be afraid of?

On the other hand, for some reason, Qian Shaopeng did not dare to confess the person behind the scenes, because the other party had a clue? Or is it because the other party's personality is really so great that he will not betray him even if he dies?

"You can continue to slap me in the face." Qian Shaopeng raised his head and looked at Antarctica with a nervous smile.

Nanji frowned, and finally didn't slap him, but turned to look at Li Zedao and asked, "Am I going to have someone send the dog and the aphrodisiac here?"

Before Li Zedao could answer, Qian Shaopeng laughed ferociously and said, "Okay, haha, I have lived so long and experienced countless storms, but I have never done anything with dogs. Yes, it must be very comfortable, right? Haha... To tell you the truth, I have done things like Yeyu Wunv... Oh, yes, at that time, there was one who was dressed like you, wearing tight black leather pants, That sexy..."

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded.

Antarctica is playing tricks.

The knife pierced into Qian Shaopeng's thigh very simply, so that his body trembled suddenly, his eyebrows and eyes were twisted together, and his face was instantly deformed. The body trembled extremely badly, but he still forced himself to stay on the chair, not letting himself slip off the chair.

Soon, blood gushed out from the wound, and a strong smell of blood mixed with the damp musty smell of the room, forming an extremely pungent and nauseating smell.

"Ha...haha... well tied..." Qian Shaopeng grinned grinningly and looked at the cold Nanji, "It's really sexy..."

"Nanji, he is begging for death." Li Zedao said quickly, he was really afraid that Nanji would stab Qian Shaopeng to death like this, and things would only become more troublesome.

"I know, that's why I didn't stab him to death." Nanji said coldly.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly, looked at Qian Shaopeng and said, "It seems that male dogs and aphrodisiacs can no longer scare you.


"You can try." Qian Shaopeng panted heavily, his distorted sweaty face was still full of smiles, "The reason why I answered you just now was because I wanted to say something, but I was not forced by you."

"I know." Li Zedao nodded and said, "But... I still want to try, of course, not to let you have a good time with the dog, but, I want to try to see how much pain you can bear. "

"Haha, then you should really try." Qian Shaopeng said through gritted teeth.

Li Zedao looked at Nanji and said, "Give me your pistol."

Nanji took out the exquisite pistol and threw it towards Li Zedao. Li Zedao grabbed it and looked at it, then looked at Qian Shaopeng and said: "This pistol has seven bullets. I will give you seven minutes, every minute , and I'll shoot you...until you answer my question."

Qian Shaopeng pointed to his heart, and laughed ferociously: "Aim at one point and hit this way."

"You have a good idea." Li Zedao said with a smile.

While speaking, Li Zedao shot directly at Qian Shaopeng's other calf.


Qian Shaopeng was shot in the knee, and the expression on his face was even more stagnant, his pupils were dilated, and his teeth were gritted, but he just refused to let himself scream.

"Let's talk, this feeling is uncomfortable." Li Zedao persuaded, "What's more, you will definitely say it in the end, why bother to pretend so much?"

"I won't say it." Qian Shaopeng's face was dripping with sweat, his legs were shaking non-stop, but he still refused to admit defeat.

"I'll bet you a hundred dollars that he will tell you in the end." Li Zedao looked at Nanji and smiled.

"...idiot!" The black line on Nanji's face, when is it, and he is still in the mood to gamble there?

Li Zedao smiled, and then raised his gun to shoot again. This time, he hit Qian Shaopeng's right hand. Now Qian Shaopeng didn't have the strength to force himself to sit on the chair. His body slipped and he fell heavily on the ground. The floor was covered with a thick layer of dust.

"She...doesn't bet...I bet...I'll bet with you..." Qian Shaopeng covered his shot right hand with his left hand, already in a state of madness. At this time, he could even touch the wounds in his body when he spoke. The pain seemed to come from the bone marrow, and someone was digging in the gaps in the bones with a spatula.

"I...I won't lose...ha..."


"There are... four guns..."





When Li Zedao finished firing all the bullets in this exquisite pistol, Qian Shaopeng still did not give in, nor did he faint. Instead, he tried his best to hold on, and even reported the number of remaining guns in a loud voice.

"You're going to lose." Nanji frowned and looked at Li Zedao and said, "Obviously, he has received the most professional punishment training just like us, and physical torture will not make him succumb."

Nanji's heart was actually full of surprises. She never thought that a high-ranking official who was usually pampered could have such amazing willpower. It was too scary.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "No, I haven't lost yet."

"Up to you." Nanji said, then took out a gun and threw it over.

Li Zedao reached out to catch it, but he didn't change the gun, but said: "Since physical torture can't make him succumb, let him have a taste of mental torture."

"You...what else do you have...use it as soon as possible...haha..." Qian Shaopeng's performance was still very arrogant.

"I won't let you down." Li Zedao said with a smile. The smile is a little shy, a little shy. Like he's embarrassed by what he's doing for a while.

At that moment Li Zedao squatted down, stretched out his hand, and patted Qian Shaopeng's body a few times.

"Ha... want to help me scratch..."

Before Qian Shaopeng finished his sentence, he was at a loss for words.

pain! Biting pain! The pain is worse than death! The general pain of tearing! This kind of pain seems to come from the depths of your soul. Not only did you fail to pass out, but you became more awake.

So in less than a few seconds, Qian Shaopeng's spirit was washed away.

"Hmm... woo..." A muffled sound came out of his nose, he gritted his teeth tightly, held his breath, his body was tense, his eyeballs protruded as if there would be a It might have fallen to the ground, but that black face was more like being splashed with a plate of water, with bean-sized beads of sweat desperately falling down.

A few seconds passed, and he couldn't even hum anymore. There was even a pungent smell in the air... Qian Shaopeng had already poured out shit and urine.

Then, Qian Shaopeng's eyes became wet, and big teardrops flowed down, and the teardrops were blood red, just like blood, not only the eyes, but also his mouth, his nostrils, his Blood was pouring out of his ears.

"Minister Qian, if you can't take it anymore, just blink your eyes, and I can help you relieve this pain." Li Zedao said kindly.

As if something suddenly collapsed in his heart, he blinked his eyes desperately.

The eyes of Nanji on the side widened slightly, and she even squatted down slightly to appreciate it with interest, and then she stopped Li Zedao and said, "Don't continue to help him relieve the pain, I am observing."

At this moment, Qian Shaopeng felt that his life would be worse than death! Even if he could, he really wanted to die with this vicious woman.

"Okay, I'll give you ten seconds." Li Zedao readily agreed.

At this moment, Qian Shaopeng also wanted to die with Li Zedao.

Ten seconds later, Li Zedao patted Qian Shaopeng's body a few times casually, and the pain like being fried in a frying pan and roasted on the fire disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Okay, you can answer my question now." Li Zedao said, "Of course, if you still want to taste that kind of taste, you can choose not to say it."

"It's...it's Wang...Mr. Wang asked me to do this...to do..."

"Mr. Wang?" Li Zedao's face suddenly changed drastically, and he shouted in a low voice, "Which Mr. Wang?"

"Wang...Wang Zi..." Qian Shaopeng said in a weak voice.


"Boom!" As if struck by lightning, Li Zedao's spirit was momentarily in a trance.

Antarctica also had an extremely incredible look on his face, and he couldn't believe what he heard.

"What... are you talking nonsense?" Li Zedao stared at Qian Shaopeng and shouted, "Do you still want to try the feeling that life is worse than death? I can help you! I can!"

"I... I'm not talking nonsense, he really asked me to do it, and the snake head is in his hands now... As for... where is he... I... I don't know..."

"Shut up!" Li Zedao roared, his face extremely ugly.

Qian Shaopeng didn't shut up, but said in a weak voice: "Mr. Wang also said... If you get involved... come... you can't hide it from you... your... ha ha, Mr. Wang It's a clever plan, it's exactly as he said..."

boom! There was a muffled sound, and a large amount of black blood overflowed from the corner of Qian Shaopeng's mouth.

Nan Ji frowned and squatted down, sniffed his breath, then stood up and looked at Li Zedao and said, "He's dead, he has * in his body, * is where his teeth are... now his internal organs are blown to pieces ..."

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