The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 924: Two Corpses

"This is planting!" Li Zedao glanced at Qian Shaopeng, who was already dead, and said with an ugly expression.

Regarding the fact that Master killed his great-grandfather, Li Zedao held a skeptical attitude... In other words, he felt that Master may or may not have done it.

Li Zedao was still skeptical about the fact that the reason why the master remained young forever was because he brutally killed a three-year-old child and then took his liver to make the elixir of life.

However, Li Zedao thought 100% that Qian Shaopeng was talking nonsense about Master stealing the snake's head secretly. After all, Master used to choose to pat his ass and leave when faced with a large amount of gold, so he would never go there again. How could someone who took a second look think of a snake head?

Besides, he took the snake head back from France more than 20 years ago. If Master wanted to get his hands on the snake head, he would have done it long ago, right?

Nanji was silent and didn't say anything. In fact, what she wanted to say was that I don't know.

In other words, she is also in a mess now. She originally thought that Qian Shaopeng could help them solve the puzzle and finally find the snake head smoothly. Who knows, what Qian Shaopeng threw to them was another puzzle, or... problem!

If the snake's head was really taken away by the hand of God, how could it be obtained back? Leaving aside whether he could be found, even if he was found, how could it be possible to take the snake's head back from him? The other party is the hand of God, the hand of God who has brilliant legends and strength is not inferior to Yanhuang at all.

"Take me to see Datou and Tie Shou." Li Zedao said with a gloomy face. No matter what method is used, the mouths of these two people must be pried open.

Seeing Li Zedao's murderous look, Nanji nodded, then turned and left the room.

Li Zedao swept another glance at the bloody, scarred corpse of a pig that had not been skinned after slaughter, then took a deep breath, and quickly followed Antarctica.

Soon, under the leadership of Nanji, the two came to another room. Nanji looked back at Li Zedao and said, "The two of them are inside, so I won't go in."

"Well, I'll just go in by myself." Li Zedao knew the reason why Nanji didn't want to go in, and expressed his understanding.

She could watch Qian Shaopeng being tortured by herself with great interest, and even asked Li Zedao to relieve Qian Shaopeng's pain later. She wanted to visit for a while, but she didn't want to see the tragic situation of the big head and the iron hand, after all They used to be life-and-death comrades who could give their backs to each other, but now they are like this, which is really regrettable.

At that moment, Li Zedao opened the door and walked in.

Soon he walked out of the room again, then looked at Nanji with a strange expression and said, "I don't know what I should say."

"What do you mean?" Nanji frowned suddenly.

"Look for yourself." Li Zedao said with a deep breath and pointed to the room.

Nanji glanced suspiciously at Li Zedao, and then strode in. When he saw the scene in front of him, he was stunned for a while, and then his face became completely cold, and his shoulders trembled slightly. An extremely fierce murderous aura emanated from his whole body.

"How could this happen?" Nanji stared at the two corpses, his tone was as cold as ice, and his hands were tightly clenched into fists, "Who did it? Who did it?"

Yes, they are two corpses. The big head and iron hand that were still in good condition before have now turned into two corpses that still have a trace of temperature, but the temperature is disappearing bit by bit, and they don't look like Qian Shao at first glance. Peng gritted his teeth and detonated the biological gun in his body to commit suicide, but both of their chests were stained red with blood.

At this time, the blood was still flowing out from the wound. It was conceivable that they had just been killed not long ago.

The strange thing is that there is no pain or shock on their faces. The possible explanation is that they died very quickly. They didn't expect to die and they died without seeing what the shooter looked like.

"Who did it?" Nanji turned around, staring at Li Zedao with eyes full of grief.

"I don't know." Li Zedao smiled wryly, and stretched out his hand to hold Nanji in his arms.

Nanji didn't resist, didn't show his knife, and buried his small face deeply in Li Zedao's arms.

"Cry if you want to cry." Li Zedao said.

Even with Li Zedao's encouragement, Nanji still didn't cry. She is an elite of the Shenlong organization, she is a murderous weapon carefully cultivated by the state, and she is a can she cry? In other words, she had long forgotten how to cry.

A few minutes later, Yanhuang got the news and rushed to this room. When he saw Big Tou and Tie Shou who were already dead, his old face was full of murderous intent. Even standing in front of him Li Zedao next to him felt an inexplicable pressure. He knew that the boss of the Shenlong organization was angry.

"What's the situation?" Yanhuang looked at Antarctica and asked.

Antarctica has turned back into the cold robot it was before, and said in a dry voice: "The time of death was half an hour ago, and the cause of death was a gunshot wound to the chest, and the bullet went into the heart and killed him..."

With a loud sound of "Crack!", Yanhuang had already slapped a dilapidated and dusty table beside him, and then only heard a muffled sound of "Crack!", and that table had already turned into a pile It's broken.

"Gun? The other party actually used a gun?" Yanhuang couldn't see the extreme. As an elite of the Shenlong organization, the final way of death was to stand still and watch someone put a gun on his chest and then pull the trigger without any ability to resist. It was extremely useless.

The elites of the Shenlong organization can die in battle, but they cannot die in vain.

"And you were in this building half an hour ago, and you didn't find anyone suspicious? That's fine, you haven't heard the gunfire yet?"

"I heard gunshots!" Nanji reported in a very formulaic manner, and his eyes fell on Li Zedao, "He drove it."

"..." Li Zedao felt that Nanji still had a talent for telling bad jokes.

Yanhuang's eyes fell on Li Zedao all of a sudden.

Li Zedao only felt that an extremely fierce murderous aura enveloped him in an instant, and immediately explained with a wry smile: "I did shoot, but the gun was aimed at Qian Shaopeng."

I feel so depressed in my heart, Nanji is taking revenge, taking revenge for holding her in his arms just now.

Li Zedao did shoot, and he fired seven times in a row, but his gun was aimed at Qian Shaopeng, not the big head and iron hand who were in another room.

Yanhuang squatted down, checked the corpses of Big Head and Iron Hand, then scanned the ground and the messy room with sharp eyes, stood up and said to a man standing beside him: "Someone sneaked in, Step up your defenses... Remember, any suspicious person you find will be killed!"

"Yes!" the man said loudly.

"In addition, call out all the surveillance cameras around me to see if I can find any clues."


"You two go to my office." Yanhuang looked at Nanji and Li Zedao and said.

A few minutes later, the three came to Yanhuang's office.

"Sit down." Yanhuang said.

Li Zedao sat side by side with Nanji, and Yanhuang sat opposite them.

"Qian Shaopeng committed suicide? But he must have revealed something before committing suicide? Let's talk about it." Yanhuang said.

Li Zedao turned his head to look at Nanji, but saw that she was keeping her head down, with no expression on her face, as if she didn't hear Yanhuang's words, and it seemed that this matter had nothing to do with her at all.

He had no choice but to say: "Indeed, before Qian Shaopeng committed suicide, he did tell the person behind the scenes who instigated him to get involved in the snake's head."

"Who?" Yanhuang asked with his eyes slightly narrowed, and an extremely strong murderous aura burst out from his eyes. He knew that the big head and the iron hand were probably murdered by the person behind the scenes.

Li Zedao was silent for a while, then took a deep breath and said, "You may not believe me if you tell me."

Yanhuang's eyes narrowed again.

"Hand of God, Wang Zi." Nan Ji raised his head and looked at Yanhuang and said word by word.

"Wang Zi?" Yanhuang's face was already moved, "You mean Wang Zi? How is this possible?"

"We also maintain a skeptical attitude towards Qian Shaopeng's statement." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao and said, "So we want to go to Datou and Tieshou to see if we can get confirmation from him. Who knows, they have already One step was murdered."

Yanhuang was silent, his murderous eyes were fixed on a purple clay pot cup on the table, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"I think this is slander." Li Zedao said with a deep breath, "First, with my master's financial resources, why did he steal the snake's head? For money? He doesn't lack that little money! Besides, there is a problem I find it very strange, why did Qian Shaopeng choose to commit suicide after he finally couldn’t bear to say that the person who instigated him behind the scenes was my master? He has already confessed and confessed, but he chose to commit suicide. Is it too unreasonable? Is it possible to think that Qian Shaopeng’s task is to finally let go after suffering so much and pour dirty water on my master’s head? After his task is completed, he can go to die?”

The more Li Zedao spoke, the more excited he became: "As for the deaths of Datou and Tie Shou, it's easier to explain, because..."

Yanhuang waved his hand, stopped Li Zedao from continuing, and said, "I take back what I said before, don't get involved in this matter, what is the truth in the end, and where is the real snake head now?" , someone will investigate clearly.”

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and could only nod his head helplessly. It is indeed not suitable for him to participate in the situation that has developed like this.

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