The college basketball league is going on in full swing. Because of the large capacity and advanced equipment in the University of Phoenix gymnasium, University of Phoenix is ​​chosen as the venue for the competitions of several universities in the province.

However, Li Zedao refused to play again. He felt that once he played, the game would lose its competitive spirit, and it would be a naked and unilateral massacre.

Besides, Li Zedao didn't have the time, or he wasn't in the mood. The whereabouts of the snake head was still a mystery, and even the master was involved.

Besides, he also promised Ji Yuemo that he would go back to Yanjing with her to visit her seriously ill grandfather. He would leave on Friday, that is, tomorrow afternoon. As for how many days he would stay in Yanjing, he didn't know.

"Boss, are you not thinking about it?" Zhou Yan looked at Li Zedao eagerly, and then listed the benefits of Li Zedao's off-court game one by one, "First, if you end off, our school will definitely kill each other. It will not only be a traditional strong team, but a newly promoted team..."

"None of my business?" Li Zedao rolled his eyes.

Zhou Yan had a mournful face: "This...boss, it's not right for you to do this. The school is my home, and the school's honor depends on everyone..."

Li Zedao pointed to a trash can not far away and said, "Did you see it? There is a trash can over there."

"..." Zhou Yan shuddered, and quickly shut up obediently. He has not forgotten how the boss threw that idiot Zhou Xiaotian into the trash can, and finally picked up another trash can to cover it. Then... Zhou Xiaotian also became trash, even though he was trash in the first place.

"That... Boss, don't you want to accept the worship and cheers of many beauties?" Zhou Yan still didn't give up, "You don't want to be the male god in the hearts of many beauties?"

"I don't want to." Li Zedao said, "I don't care."


"Besides, I am now."

"..." Zhou Yan felt that what the boss said was a fighter in a pretentious manner, but why did he think so and slap him.

"Okay, don't waste your time in vain, I won't end." Li Zedao said, his eyes fell on Long Aotian who was standing aside and didn't say a word or dared to say a word, "Captain Long, I want to quit the school team .”

"This..." Long Aotian smiled forcedly.

"You can disagree.

" Li Zedao twisted his neck.

"Uh... I agree, I agree..." Long Aotian nodded madly, this violent madman is planning to do something.

"Okay, let's go to training and prepare for the next game." Li Zedao waved his hand to send the two away, "If you want to win, don't let Zhou Yan start in the end."

"..." Zhou Yan's face was full of resentment.

Seeing that Li Zedao had no intention of letting go, the two looked at each other and left helplessly.

"Ah, the Prince of Basketball is there... so handsome..." A pleasantly surprised voice came over.

Li Zedao looked back, but saw a few girls rushing towards him like animals, and he was so frightened that he quickly ran away.

Not far away, Long Aotian and Zhou Yan saw the scene of Li Zedao being chased by several girls, besides the expression of envy and jealousy on his face, he was also somewhat lonely. They were also men, how could they almost fall into love? So big?

Li Zedao rushed into the men's washroom and got rid of the girls. At the same time, the phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and picked it up quickly.

"I'm at the school gate." On the other end of the phone, Nanji's voice was as indifferent and crisp as ever, and then hung up the phone without waiting for Li Zedao to say anything.

Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, looked at the handsome face in the mirror, but sighed slightly, then turned on the tap to wash his face, then left the bathroom and walked towards the school gate with big strides.

After arriving at the school gate, he saw the extremely domineering off-road vehicle parked there, walked over immediately, opened the co-pilot's door and got in.

Nanji, who was sitting in the driving seat, didn't start the car. Shi Shi glanced at Li Zedao, and said in a cold tone as always, "I'm going back to Yanjing."

"You mean, are you saying goodbye to me?" Li Zedao asked looking at the delicate profile.

Nanji was silent for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, and maybe we won't be able to see each other in the future... You know, the snake head is lost, Qian Shaopeng is dead, and the big head and the iron hand are also dead, so all this , must be borne by me."

"I don't know." Li Zedao roared in a low voice, his face was extremely ugly, why should this woman be blamed like this?

"You don't know it's your business." Nan Ji glanced at Li Zedao, with the same indifferent expression as before, as if this matter didn't happen to her.

"I only know that the Shenlong Organization can accept death, but it can't accept failure. The snake's head was stolen, and the teammate was betrayed and murdered. It can be said that this mission failed in a mess! Failure is failure, and it is impossible to find any excuses, so , there are some things that I have to bear..."

"I don't think you should bear it, or rather, I don't want you to bear it!" Li Zedao said domineeringly, "You take me to see Yanhuang...I'll talk to theory, at worst I'll fight him or if I promise him that no matter whether the snake head was stolen by my master or not, I will be responsible for getting it back, isn’t that okay?”

"Idiot." Nanji looked at Li Zedao and cursed with red eyes.

"I'm not an idiot." Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I just don't want my woman to suffer any grievances, that's all."


After all, Li Zedao rolled out of the car, or he was kicked out of the car by Nanji, and then the domineering off-road vehicle was activated, roaring forward like an angry beast!

"I won't let you take the blame!" Li Zedao looked at the direction where the off-road vehicle disappeared, and said in a voice that only he could hear.

"Zedao..." A girl's voice came from behind.

Li Zedao looked back, but saw Bai Xiaoxiao standing there pretty, staring at him with bright eyes.

"Senior Bai, hello." Li Zedao greeted with a slight nod.

"Being chased again?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked a little funny. Just before she walked out of the school gate, she heard a few girls complaining over there. It's a pity that they lost the basketball prince or something.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Senior sister laughed... Oh, by the way, do you have time today?"

"Huh? You... want to teach me how to dance the laser beam?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked, her face felt hot for no reason.

Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded: "Senior Bai, I've already explained to you that I really don't know how to dance laser beams, I just want to imitate."

"Then you are really a genius among geniuses." Bai Xiaoxiao said sincerely, "It's just that if you learn everything without a system, you can have such a dynamic effect. It's too powerful."

Li Zedao smiled wryly again, what kind of genius? Then he shook his head slightly and said, "What I mean is, didn't you agree last time that you want to visit your mother at your house? If you have time, go now?"

"Okay, I have time." Bai Xiaoxiao nodded with a smile, "My mother will be very happy when she sees you." In fact, she doesn't have time. She has already made an appointment with Yao Bei to go shopping together. Bei is already waiting for her in a certain shopping mall, but it is normal to forget friends after seeing sex, so Bai Xiaoxiao doesn't think there is anything wrong with releasing Yao Bei's pigeons.

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and said, "When we get here, it's good that your mother didn't sweep me out with a broom."

"Haha, junior, you are so humorous." Bai Xiaoxiao laughed.

"Let's go buy something first?" Li Zedao said, after all, it's not very good to go there empty-handed, although he often does that kind of thing.

"It''s almost noon, let's buy some food and go home to cook." Bai Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"That's fine." Li Zedao nodded without retorting, "Senior Bai, wait for me to get off, and I'll bring the car over."

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Li Zedao's back as he walked into the campus, and patted himself on the head in distress. He knew it was impossible, but why couldn't he help but want to get closer? Do you actually have the potential to be a nympho?

After thinking about it, Bai Xiaoxiao took out her mobile phone and called Yao Bei, saying that she was going to miss the appointment and let her go shopping by herself.

Soon, Li Zedao drove out, and Bai Xiaoxiao opened the co-pilot's door and got in. Then the two went to a nearby supermarket and bought some food.

Bai Xiaoxiao rushed to pay, and Li Zedao let her go. To be honest, when he was with women, he really didn't have the awareness, or habit, to take out his wallet.

After leaving the supermarket, under the guidance of Bai Xiaoxiao, Li Zedao drove to a community called Jingteng. Compared with the Jingrui community where Qin Shaomei lived, there was a certain gap between the community and Li Zedao, who lived with Li Mengchen before. Compared with the residential area, Nawan is also much more upscale.

Of course, this place is not as hard to find as Bai Xiaoxiao said before.

After getting out of the car, Bai Xiaoxiao led the way, while Li Zedao walked into a unit and went up to the second floor with a bag of ingredients for lunch.

"Just live here." Bai Xiaoxiao looked back at Li Zedao and smiled, then knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" The voice of Bai Xiaoxiao's mother Bai Niu came from inside, and the door was quickly opened.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you back? Didn't you tell me you wanted to go shopping with your was you?" Bai Niu was slightly stunned when she saw Li Zedao.

"Hello, Aunt Bai." Li Zedao smiled and nodded. She used to break her leg because of Baili Bing's ruthless hands, but now that she meets again, she still feels a little weird in her heart.

"Mom, Zedao said he wanted to come and see you, and apologized to her, so I brought him here." Bai Xiaoxiao looked at her mother and said.

"Oh, come in quickly." After being stunned for a moment, Bai Niu warmly greeted Li Zedao to go in, and then glanced at her daughter with some doubts in her eyes. Could it be... fallen?

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