After entering the house, Li Zedao first helped deliver the ingredients into the kitchen, and then Bai Niu called Li Zedao to the living room to cook on the sofa, leaving Bai Xiaoxiao to work in the kitchen alone.

According to Bai Xiaoxiao, she thinks her cooking skills are good, and I hope you can save some face and don't dislike her when you eat later.

Soon, Bai Niu brought over a cup of fragrant tea.

"Thank you, Aunt Bai." Li Zedao quickly reached out to take it over to express his gratitude.

Bai Niu smiled slightly, sat down on the sofa and said: "We are all a family, so there is no need to be so polite."

Indeed, let’s not say that Bai Niu and Baili Changhe used to be lovers, even Baili Changhe deliberately caused Bai Niu to become pregnant. Now Bai Xiaoxiao is Baili Changhe’s goddaughter Baili Bing. Sister, and Baili Bing is Li Zedao's woman, that is to say, Bai Xiaoxiao is Li Zedao's sister-in-law, and she still... did it?

Thinking of this relationship, Li Zedao's rare face turned slightly hot, and he felt that he seemed to be getting more and more evil... I should avoid mixing with that wretched guy Zhou Yan in the future.

"Aunt Bai, your feet..."

"Oh, I've been fine for a long time." Bai Niu said with a smile, "Honestly, I don't blame you at all, even, I am very grateful to you, if you didn't make a move in time, I'm afraid I would have made a big mistake .”

Li Zedao hurriedly said: "Aunt Bai, you are more polite. I just didn't want anything to happen to Bing'er at that time, that's all."

The smile on Bai Niu's face became even bigger and she said: "Bing'er is indeed very discerning. Finding a boy like you as a boyfriend, among other things, is at least very safe in terms of safety."

Li Zedao expressed great approval for Bai Niu's words, and he also felt that Baili Bing was indeed very discerning.

Bai Niu glanced in the direction of the kitchen, and continued: "Zedao, you're here today to visit me, aren't you?"

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly and said, "Aunt Bai, it's like this..."

"I understand, I understand." Bai Niu said with some emotion, "Don't worry, I won't say much about the matter between you and Xiaoxiao. Back then, Baili Changhe and I were opposed by our family, and so many children were born later. I don't want to see the tragedy that happened to us happen to your younger generation again..."

"..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched, did this white girl misunderstand something?

"Aunt Bai,

I mean……"

"You seem to have... a lot of women, right? Although it's against the common sense, it makes people feel weird, or makes people think that you are an unscrupulous and shameless person who wants one after another, but Aunt Bai is Knowing that you are not that kind of person, although you have other women, you will definitely make Xiaoxiao happy." Bai Niu said sincerely.


"Is that so? Zedao?" Seeing that Li Zedao didn't speak, but just looked at her with a weird expression, Bai Niu thought that he was shocked by her profound understanding of righteousness, so she asked with a slight smile.

"Uh... it...isn't..." Li Zedao smiled reluctantly.

"Hehe, you child..." Bai Niu laughed, and naturally Li Ze said that she was joking to make him happy.

"Aunt Bai, can I ask about... that... Gu poison?" Li Zedao smiled dryly and quickly changed the topic, lest this white girl would get further and further away.

In my heart, I feel a little emotional, it seems that I am indeed too good, I should have another title like "mother-in-law killer", right? Otherwise, why would anyone who saw her want to push her daughter on him?

"Gu poison? Are you interested in this?" Bai Niu nodded and asked.

"A little bit." Li Zedao said, of course, very interested.

"Your Uncle Baili should have told you what happened to me back then?" Bai Niu asked.

After seeing Li Zedao nodded, Bai Niu continued with some emotion: "After I jumped into the river, I was rescued by an old man, and then I followed him to Miaojiang..."

"Miao Jiang? I heard that many villages in that place are good at Gu poison?"

"It's not what you said, but it's true that it's backward. Although it's developing so fast outside, Miaojiang is still a very closed and secret place. That place has its own customs and a set of management methods, and it's also I don’t have much contact with people outside, and when people outside hear Miao Jiang, they will naturally think of poisonous insects and poisonous things, so they don’t dare to go.”

Bai Niu looked at Li Zedao and said, "In Miaojiang, not all villages know how to use Gu. It must be the ancient villages that are hidden in the deep mountains and old forests and basically have no contact with the outside world. But it’s like eating, it’s closely related to our life, even a child will more or less order something related to voodoo and detoxification, that’s how I started to get in touch with voodoo.”

"That is to say, senior sister Bai will also?" Li Zedao nodded and asked.

"Xiaoxiao." Bai Niu glanced at the kitchen and smiled, "She doesn't know how, because when she was born, I had already left Miaojiang."

Bai Niu explained: "Actually, I only stayed in Miaojiang for one year. After the old man who rescued me passed away, I left and went to Jiangzhou to work. Xiaoxiao, he passed away five years ago, so I brought Xiaoxiao to Fenghuang City and started my revenge plan... Because I stayed in Miaojiang for a short time, I only know how to inject low-level Gu poison. "

"Low-level Gu poison?" Li Zedao asked, "Is there a difference?"

"Of course I have." Bai Niu nodded and said, "I know only superficially."

"So..." Li Zedao nodded, pondered for a while and continued to ask: "Aunt Bai, is there a kind of Gu poison called sickness Gu?"

Bai Niu looked at Li Zedao in surprise and nodded: "Indeed, I heard that it was cultivated from the corpses of those who died of serious diseases. If your body is healthy, this kind of Gu poison has no effect at all." , but if you have a certain disease in your body, this kind of poison will make your disease more than ten times worse in an instant... and this kind of poison can only target one disease. When a person suffers from any disease, a targeted disease Gu will be cultivated."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "Is it true that even if the person infected by the Gu has been burned to ashes, the Gu poison will still adhere to the ashes, and if the Gu is not dispelled, it will not disappear even after a hundred years? "

"That's true." Bai Niu nodded, although she didn't quite understand why Li Zedao asked these questions.

Then the phone she put on the coffee table rang.

"Zedao, I'll answer the phone, you go to the kitchen and stay with Xiaoxiao." Bai Niu looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile.

"Okay, Aunt Bai." Li Zedao nodded, feeling that the eyes of this white girl looking at him are very strange, hot enough, but, did she misunderstand something?

Li Zedao walked into the kitchen, Bai Xiaoxiao turned around and saw that it was Li Zedao, smiled lightly and said, "Are you hungry?"

"Uh... no." Li Zedao smiled, "Do you need help?"

"You will?" Bai Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up slightly, "Then wash the vegetables."

"Okay." Li Zedao nodded, and then helped her wash the vegetables.

And Bai Xiaoxiaoze continued to shred the meat, jumping up and down with the hand holding the kitchen knife, the posture of cutting vegetables is very skillful, there is no skill like this without three or two years of skill, it seems that she said that her cooking skills are not bad Really not blowing.

"I heard that there seems to be a game tomorrow. You will also play, right? I will help you cheer then." Bai Xiaoxiao smiled.

Li Zedao shook his head with a smile: "I won't be playing anymore, I already let Long Aotian kick me out of the school team."

Bai Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, then pursed her lips and laughed and said, "That's right, if you continue to play, then you don't have to fight anymore, just declare that the University of Phoenix is ​​the champion, and then you are the mvp."

"Haha, I think so too." Li Zedao laughed and finished washing the dishes, "I'll cut it next."

"Here." Bai Xiaoxiao didn't refuse, and handed the knife to Li Zedao. She also wanted to see how Li Zedao could cut the vegetables.

When Bai Xiaoxiao saw Li Zedao's miraculous sword technique, she didn't know what words to use to express the shock in her heart.

This boy is really good enough, what else can he not? No wonder those girls are crazy when they see him, even a goddess like Baili Bing has fallen for him.

"It's amazing." Bai Xiaoxiao said sincerely.

"Children of the poor are already in charge of the family." Li Zedao smiled.

"I don't believe it." Bai Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and laughed.

Li Zedao smiled and didn't explain much. Indeed, judging from the resources and wealth he currently possesses, it is really difficult for others to associate him with the words "child of the poor".

With the cooperation of the two, the four dishes, one soup and one pot of rice were quickly prepared. Naturally, Bai Niu was full of praise, and she was even more satisfied with Li Zedao, which made Bai Xiaoxiao who was on the side a little strange. She felt that the way her mother looked at Li Zedao was very strange, it was too hot, and some of her words were inexplicable.

After the meal, Bai Niu even pushed Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao out of the door, saying that she would let them go for a walk in the park opposite the community after the meal, or go shopping and watch a movie, and she would just clean it up.

After going downstairs, Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Li Zedao with some embarrassment and said, " mother seems to have misunderstood something, I'm really sorry." At this time, if she didn't know what her mother was thinking, then she really It's a fool.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "It's okay, then... where do you want to go now? I'll take you there."

Originally, Li Zedao wanted to say goodbye directly, but he just finished eating the food cooked by others and learned a lot about Gu poison from Bai Niu. Would it be too beastly to leave like this?

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