Bai Xiaoxiao smiled and was about to say something when the phone in her pocket rang.

"Sorry, I'll take a call." Bai Xiaoxiao said apologetically, then took out her phone to check, but it was a call from her friend Yao Bei.

Immediately, he looked at Li Zedao with a strange look in his eyes. After all, he called Yao Bei earlier to say that he was going to miss the appointment. Yao Bei jokingly asked if he wanted to go on a date with his boyfriend?

Bai Xiaoxiao also half-jokingly said that she would take the man home for dinner, which frightened Yao Bei to ask the truth, why is the man over forty? What is not shaved? Why do you guys fall in love with his family... oh, that is, does his wife agree?

It was so complete that Bai Xiaoxiao was taken care of, so Bai Xiaoxiao was very depressed and said that the person was Li Zedao, and then Yao Bei on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then screamed, so scared that Bai Xiaoxiao quickly hung up the phone to avoid Ears suffer.

Yao Bei's call at this moment must be to tease him, right?

But Bai Xiaoxiao still picked up the phone: "Hello."

To Bai Xiaoxiao's surprise, Yao Bei's sobs came from the other end of the phone: "Big Lawyer, come here quickly..."

"Beibei, what's wrong with you?" Bai Xiaoxiao frowned suddenly.

"I'm with Senior Mu... We went to Pingtung Mountain to climb the mountain, who knew that at the foot of the mountain..."

"Senior Mu? Mu Bei?"

There was a burst of noisy voices, Yao Bei's screams, and a man's cursing.

"Beibei, what's wrong with you? Beibei..." Bai Xiaoxiao was also a little nervous. It seemed that something happened to Yao Bei.

Then a man's arrogant voice came over: "Hey, are you the friend of that couple?"

"Who are you?" Bai Xiaoxiao calmed down and asked, "What did you do to my friend?"

The man sneered: "Why don't you ask me what those bastards did to me? Damn, they hit my brother and broke his legs..."

"Pengci?" Bai Xiaoxiao frowned suddenly.

She has long known that Mu Bei owns a QQ. Although QQ is not a luxury car, among the student group, having a QQ can be regarded as very cool.

At this time, Yao Bei said that she was with Mu Bei, and now she was at the foot of Pingtung Mountain, presumably after he broke the appointment, Yao Bei found Mu Bei, and then the two met to go to Pingtung Mountain, but something happened.

"Touch your mother's b! They broke people's legs. How dare you tell me to touch porcelain?" The man yelled, "I tell you, little girl, hurry up and bring money to deal with it, otherwise I will be embarrassed, and we will Solve it in your own way."

"Let me tell you, you are illegally restricting other people's personal freedom, and I can sue you..."

"Stupid!" The man on the phone interrupted Bai Xiaoxiao's words and cursed, "I will give you two hours to bring over 100,000 medical expenses, otherwise I will beat both of their legs Cut it off and avenge my brother!"

"Hi, hey..." What Yao Bei heard was the busy tone of "beep...", and the other party hung up the phone very simply.

"What happened?" Li Zedao asked beside him. In fact, he had already heard Yao Bei's voice and the man's extremely arrogant voice coming from the microphone, but he was also amused by Bai Xiaoxiao's words. She really studied law and knew how to threaten the other party with the law, but she ignored one thing Yes, sometimes, that thing is not as practical as a fist.

Bai Xiaoxiao bit her lips lightly, nodded with embarrassment and said, "Yao Bei and senior Mu Bei went to Pingtung Mountain together, but they seemed to have bumped into someone. Yao Bei looks good... No, I'll call the police right now, even if I bump into someone, I have to let the traffic police deal with it, right? How can I hinder other people's personal freedom casually?"

"Senior Bai, I'll go to Pingtung Mountain with you right now." Li Zedao said, he can solve it by himself, so let's not bother the police uncle. Besides, Li Zedao just wanted to go to Pingtung Mountain, to visit the old man who was picking up waste around Pingtung Mountain and looked like he had already stepped into the coffin with half a foot, but in fact, even the master was not necessarily his opponent.

That old man is the creator of the Shenlong organization, and Li Zedao can also see that the old man and his master are like grandparents, so he must know a lot about the master.

"Is it convenient for you?" Bai Xiaoxiao was a little moved, knowing that this guy already had many women, and all of them were not inferior to her in beauty, and knew that there might be no results, but she still couldn't help but want to get closer.

"This...they are also my seniors and sisters after all, and now they are in trouble, so I should take action, right?"

"No... I mean..."

"Senior Bai, get in the car. If we arrive late, Senior Yao and Senior Mu will be in more danger." Li Zedao said.

Bai Xiaoxiao didn't say anything anymore, and hurriedly got into the car with him in a strange mood, and then roared towards Pingtung Mountain.

After all, the class organized a trip to Pingtung Mountain before, and stayed in the farm above for one night. Of course, a lot of things happened, so Li Zedao is naturally very familiar with this place, and Li Zedao's speed is extremely fast. Therefore, under normal circumstances, it took about 40 minutes to drive Li Zedao for more than an hour.

In these forty minutes, Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao didn't have much communication. Li Zedao's mind was all about Master and Snake Head, while Bai Xiaoxiao was worried about Yao Bei on the one hand, and was alone with Li Zedao on the other. Unavoidably shy, even when Li Zedao didn't take the initiative to speak up, he wasn't too embarrassed to take the initiative to speak up.

After getting out of the car, Li Zedao said, "Senior Bai, call them and tell them you brought the money, and ask them where they are."

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, found the phone call that the other party had called him before, and dialed back. As for Li Zedao, he turned around, and his eyes fell on the entrance of Pingtung Village not far away. The old man lived in this small village , but I don't know if he is at home now.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao looked left and right again, wanting to see if the old man was picking up empty bottles around here again.

"Zedao, they said they were in a small forest next to the entrance of Pingtung Village, and asked to bring money there." After hanging up the phone, Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Li Zedao and said, feeling more and more in her heart that Yao Bei and the others might be real. I met Pengci, otherwise how could the other party dare to ask for a hundred thousand so blatantly?

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Let's go." Then he walked towards the entrance of the village.

"Have you been to this place?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked.

"Well, the class once organized an outing here." Li Zedao nodded and said, then pointed to the front, "They should be talking about the small forest."

When he got to the grove, he saw a red QQ parked there, but the QQ had a few dents on its body, but a piece of glass was broken, obviously it had been smashed.

"Senior Mu's car..." Bai Xiaoxiao was even more worried when she saw the car like this.

At this moment, a boy wearing slippers came out of the woods in a big winter, with a cigarette dangling from his mouth, his eyes squinted, and he looked very dragged.

"Hey, are you sending money here?" After seeing Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao, the kid asked aloud.

"Have my two friends been illegally imprisoned by you? Let me tell you, this already constitutes the crime of illegal detention. Article 238 of the Criminal Law stipulates: Anyone who illegally detains others or deprives others of their freedom by other means shall be punished Fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years, criminal detention, surveillance, or deprivation of political rights. Those involved in beating or insulting circumstances shall be severely punished..."

Li Zedao on the side smiled wryly, no wonder that Yao Bei always called her Mr. Bai, she really has the demeanor of a lawyer, but if you talk about the law with such a bastard, isn't that the same as playing the piano against the cow? If such a person is afraid of the so-called law, how can he do such a thing?

Sure enough, the kid swallowed a puff of smoke, looked at Bai Xiaoxiao like a fool and said, "Are you a fool?"

Bai Xiaoxiao was furious: " are flouting the law!"

"Okay, Senior Sister Bai, they are just some punks who haven't read the book, what you said is too profound, they can't understand." Li Zedao gave Bai Xiaoxiao a hand, signaling him to leave it to himself to deal with.

Then he looked at the boy and said, "Our people have also arrived, and the money has also been brought. Can I let my friend go?"

"Let's go." The little gangster spit out the cigarette butt in his mouth, and then walked into the woods, followed by Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao.

From a distance, I saw seven or eight people gathered there, three of them were sitting on the ground, and two of them were Mu Bei and Yao Bei. Among them, Mu Bei still had injuries on his face, obviously he had been repaired. There were two men standing around the two of them, both holding sticks in their hands, looking very fierce.

The other one is a middle-aged man who looks rather vicissitudes. The man sat there clutching his legs and kept *, with exaggerated pain on his face and blood on his pants. It is conceivable that he It was the man who was hit by Mu Bei's car.

"Lawyer Bai, you are a guy who forgets his friends after seeing sex, you are finally here..." Yao Bei almost cried when he saw Bai Xiaoxiao and Li Zedao coming over.

In fact, she didn't want to involve Bai Xiaoxiao when such an unlucky thing happened, but she knew that Bai Xiaoxiao was with Li Zedao, a great man. That is to say, telling Bai Xiaoxiao was equivalent to telling Li Zedao. How could Li Zedao know how to sit idly by? Sure enough, he followed.

With such a violent and powerful person around, isn't it just a joke to deal with these bastards?

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