Seeing that it was only senior Mu Bei's face that was smeared, and her buddy Yao Bei didn't seem to be hurt, Bai Xiaoxiao was slightly relieved.

It may be because of the major she studied, so she paid close attention to various cases, such as some college students who were blackmailed and finally raped in the grove, so she was really afraid that Yao Beizhen would be raped.

And seeing Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao approaching, those people showed playful smiles on their faces. Except for the two people who were guarding Yao Bei and Mu Bei, the rest surrounded them and took this little lamb that they thought was sent to their door. surrounded.

"Did you bring one hundred thousand?" One of the fierce-looking men asked, his eyes were unscrupulous and he glanced up and down the two people. It doesn't look like they have a huge sum of one hundred thousand on them.

"No." A harmless smile appeared on Li Zedao's face. He still has some money on him, a thousand or ten dollars, and there is still a long way to go from a hundred thousand?

The man's face suddenly darkened: "No? Then why are you here? Come to be fucked by us?"

So his younger brothers already showed that kind of extremely wretched smile on their faces. Of course, this kind of smile is mainly aimed at Bai Xiaoxiao. The one is much stronger, it makes people feel the heart pounding.

"You are breaking the law like this..." Bai Xiaoxiao said angrily.

"Haha, chick, what we like to do most is breaking the law, don't you know?" The gangster who brought Li Zedao and the others in said with a very arrogant smile.

"Senior Bai, you should use your fists to solve the problem at this time, and women should stand behind men and be protected instead of walking in front." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Li Zedao and blushed slightly, but obediently retreated behind Li Zedao.

And Yao Bei rolled his eyes even more when he heard it, what time is it, and he is still in the mood to show affection over there? Hurry up and solve the problem in front of you, and then you can find a place where no one is there to do whatever you want, even if it’s just asking this lady to help you out, and there’s a box of condoms in my bag. It's cheap for you...

Those little bastards laughed out loud when they saw that this kid spoke so well. He is such an arrogant kid. It seems that he deserves a beating, so he geared up and planned to "entertain" this guy. kid.

"I'll take my friend away... Anyway, she didn't suffer any harm." Li Zedao glanced at Yao Bei and said, as for Mu Bei next to Yao Bei,

He was simply ignored by him.

"Then let's pretend it never happened, how about it?"

"Hey, junior, you can't let them go. These bastards not only played with Pengci, but also smashed Senior Mu Bei's car. You see, Senior Mu Bei was beaten, and his face is full of color. .”

Seeing Li Zedao say such inexplicable words, those gangsters still haven't responded, Yao Mingbei became anxious, looking at Mu Bei, his heart ached even more.

She had been secretly in love with this senior, but it was a pity that the senior had a crush on Bai Xiaoxiao, so he politely rejected her.

But today, for the first time, after she finished talking on the phone with Bai Xiaoxiao, Mu Bei's call came in, asking her if she was interested in going on a self-driving trip to Pingtung Mountain with him.

Senior Mu couldn't catch up with Mr. Bai and found out that she was fine, so he wanted to date her?

So Yao Bei agreed without hesitation, and secretly prepared a box of condoms... Yao Bei really hoped to make some breakthrough in the wilderness.

Who would have thought that as soon as he reached the foot of Pingtung Mountain, suddenly a person jumped out in front of him, and Mu Bei hurriedly braked. Because the speed of the car was not fast and he braked in time, he didn't hit him at all. Two meters away from the car, it fell down, indicating that it was hit and flew, and then seven or eight people rushed over, aggressively slandering Mu Bei for hitting someone, and wanting to claim medical expenses, otherwise you will look good.

Mu Bei reasoned with them a few words, but he was beaten up and died directly.

Then Yao Bei suddenly thought that Bai Xiaoxiao was with Li Zedao. With Li Zedao around, it should be easy to deal with this kind of thing, right?

So she begged those people not to call, so she called someone to send money, and that's how she called Bai Xiaoxiao later.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Li Zedao's back and was a little strange, because Senior Mu was indeed beaten, how could Zedao say that he was not hurt?

Li Zedao glanced at Yao Bei and smiled, then said, "How?"

"Why is your mother..."

"Crack!" A scalp-numbing voice sounded in the grove, and I saw Li Zedao punching past without warning, and slammed it hard on the face of this little bastard who was swearing, instantly knocking him down. Not to mention that the bridge of his nose was cracked, it even made him faint to death, lying straight on the dead branches and rotten leaves on the ground.


The remaining gangsters were dumbfounded, they never thought that this seemingly harmless kid would be so vicious.

The "injured person" sitting on the ground was also dumbfounded, and the next second he was even more startled. He quickly got up from the ground and ran away in case something went wrong.

Yao Bei's staring eyes were very straightforward. He had heard that this junior was very good at fighting, but he didn't expect that he would be so strong that he killed a person in one strike.

As for Mu Bei, his stricken face became a little embarrassed, and the horror in his eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Do you have to do it?" Li Zedao showed a harmless smile, then looked back at Bai Xiaoxiao and said, "Senior Bai, I haven't broken the law like this, have I?"

"... Self-defense is not a crime." Bai Xiaoxiao said with some difficulty.

"Did you hear that? I was defending myself." Li Zedao glanced back at the gangsters, and said proudly, "So if you break it, you can pay for the medical expenses yourself."

"Let's go together..." One of the men shouted with an extremely pale face.

So the two men guarding Yao Bei and Mu Bei also clenched the sticks in their hands and surrounded them, intending to beat this arrogant bastard to death.

Li Zedao shot, and then the screams resounded through the entire grove, startling countless birds, grasshoppers and ants. In less than a minute, maybe even less, those little gangsters were lying on the ground and howling.

Yao Bei was completely dumbfounded, and only then did she realize that Li Zedao was much more powerful than she had imagined.

And the man who pretended to have his leg broken sat down on the ground again... was frightened by Li Zedao. Li Zedao just glanced at him with a smile, and his legs immediately went limp.

"Student, you... are too good." After Yao Bei came back to his senses, he gave Li Zedao a thumbs up sincerely.

Li Zedao smiled and said nothing.

Bai Xiaoxiao hurried over and helped her up.

"Damn it, my legs are so scared." Yao Bei gritted his teeth and cursed, wishing he could step on those punks lying on the ground a few times to relieve his hatred.

"Senior Mu, are you okay?" Yao Bei turned his head to help Mu Bei up. When he saw his distressed face, his heart ached for a while. Although he hadn't formally dated him, but... after all, didn't he love him?

"'s okay..." Mu Bei's voice trembled, he refused Yao Bei's support, and he didn't even get up from the ground. He didn't even dare to lift his head, as if he was afraid of something.

"Senior Mu, are you okay?" Seeing Mu Bei's weird reaction, Yao Bei became even more worried. Could it be that his brain has been broken?

"Senior Bai, Senior Sister Yao, let's go. I think Senior Mu is willing to stay here. Of course, he must stay here too." Li Zedao looked at Mu Bei and sneered.

"What do you mean?" Bai Xiaoxiao was taken aback.

Yao Bei had a puzzled look on his face, while Mu Bei's body trembled and his face became even more ugly.

"It means that these people on the ground are with him." Li Zedao looked at Mu Bei and said coldly.

"..." Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei's eyes widened suddenly, and they looked at Mu Bei in shock. The special envoy was Yao Bei, and it was even more messy. In other words, she was designed?

"Bastard!" Yao Bei gritted his teeth and cursed at Mu Bei, and beat Mu Bei with hands and feet.

"Beibei, don't be like this...Bebe..." Bai Xiaoxiao tried to stop her.

"Bastard... bastard..." Yao Bei kicked Mu Bei, who had no strength to resist or did not dare to resist, and then ran out of the grove with red eyes and a murderous look.

Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Mu Bei who was curled up there silently, and felt uncomfortable for a while. She knew that Yao Bei liked Mu Bei, but now she was designed by someone she liked. It is conceivable that although she is usually careless Yes, but it must be very uncomfortable.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said, and he didn't bother to worry about why Mu Bei did such a thing, let alone call the police.

Bai Xiaoxiao nodded, glanced at Mu Bei, and couldn't help saying, "'re a bastard!" Then followed Li Zedao and walked out of the grove.

"How did you find out?" Bai Xiaoxiao asked in surprise. No wonder he said that just now. It turned out that he had already seen that Mu Bei was with them. From beginning to end, there was only one victim, and that was Yao Bei.

"When Senior Mu saw me, his eyes were not surprise, but surprise. That is to say, he didn't expect me to appear. At that time, I knew something was wrong." Li Zedao said, and then sighed with emotion.

"It's amazing." Bai Xiaoxiao thought to herself, but didn't say such words.

"Is sister Yao okay?" Li Zedao asked.

"I know her well, she doesn't look for life or anything, and she recovers after a big meal... I guess, she should be eating now." I know this buddy too well, so Bai Xiaoxiao is not too worried.

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