Sure enough, as soon as they walked out of the grove, they saw Yao Bei from a distance running to a food stall, bought a big bowl of fish balls, and ate them with big mouthfuls.

Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao smiled at each other, then walked towards her.

"Do you want to eat it?" Yao Bei shook the fishball in his hand, "It tastes good." At this moment, her face has returned to normal, and she no longer has the panic of being controlled, nor is she liked. Depressed by the kind of deceitful people, sure enough, she is a carefree and heartless girl.

"No, I'm full." Li Zedao waved his hand and said, Bai Xiaoxiao also shook his head.

"Hey, husbands sing and women follow." Yao Bei laughed.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Bai Xiaoxiao shouted with some embarrassment. Li Zedao smiled and didn't explain much.

"However, junior, you are really good. You beat those people to the ground in three or five blows. You are not a legendary martial arts master, are you?" Yao Bei exclaimed.

"I'm very weak." Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and said, "The main reason is that they are too weak."

"Student, you will be struck by lightning if you pretend to be coercive." Yao Bei had a look of contempt, and then a shy expression, "Student, I found out that I like you, what should I do?"

"No, I'm not good enough for you." Li Zedao said quickly.

"That's right, I have a lot more personality than Lawyer Bai." Yao Bei nodded seriously, "You are not good enough for me."


After a bowl of fish balls, plus a few half-truths and some ambiguous jokes, Yao Bei's mood couldn't be better. As for Mu Bei... who is Mu Bei? I do not know.

"I have an elder who lives in that village, and I have to visit. You will come with me?" Li Zedao asked. Of course, the so-called elder naturally refers to the old man Wang who founded the Dragon Organization.

"Your elder is naturally also the elder of Lawyer Bai, so she naturally has to go with you. As for me... I won't be disgusted if I eat dinner, right? Hehe." Yao Bei said with a smile. He seemed heartless, but he could tell that Li Zedao and Bai Xiaoxiao were really not the same thing, but as buddies, why didn't he understand what lawyer Bai was thinking? So help her create opportunities from time to time.

"Beibei..." After being ridiculed by her best friend, Bai Xiaoxiao's face turned red.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Then let's go together.

"He knew that the mysterious old man didn't care how many people he brought there? Of course, whether he was at home or not is one thing.

Going to the entrance of the village again, I naturally passed the QQ parked there again.

"Wait for me, my backpack is still on that broken car." Yao Bei said, and then ran towards that QQ. There was no need to open the door at all, and the backpack on the back seat was taken out directly, because the window glass had already been smashed.

In other words, this Mu Bei was quite cruel to him, he was willing to give up his car in order to cheat Yao Bei of some money, and of course, his face.

At the same time, you Xiaoshulin, those gangsters, and Mu Bei walked out in a state of embarrassment under the mutual support of each other. When they saw Li Zedao standing there looking at them with a harmless face, they decisively Turn around and go back into the woods again.

Seeing those people like this, Bai Xiaoxiao had to admit that Li Zedao was right. It was useless to talk about the so-called law with such people. It was king to scare them.

"Damn, a bunch of scum!" Yao Bei spat at their backs and cursed, "I'm blind, don't let me see you in the future!"

At present, Li Zedao was in front, Yao Bei and Bai Xiaoxiao were behind, and the three walked into the Pingtung Village.

Although it is far away from the urban area, it relies on mountains to eat mountains, thanks to the fact that Pingtung Mountain has been developed into a tourist attraction, so this small village far from the city center seems to be quite wealthy, and many houses have become so-called family hotels. It looks much better than some urban villages surrounded by high-rise buildings in the city.

"Hey, Mr. Bai, this is for you." Yao Bei glanced at Li Zedao who was walking in front, and with a nervous look, you took out a small box from your bag and handed it to Bai Xiaoxiao.

"What is it?" Bai Xiaoxiao took it subconsciously, but when she saw what it was, she felt as if she had picked up a piece of red-hot charcoal. The child became popular, wishing to shoot this Yao Bei to death.

What this guy gave me was...a condom! A small box of brand new unopened condoms!

Yao Bei's expression was as ambiguous as possible, and he lowered his voice and said, "Be prepared, even though we know that our Frog Dancer will throw you down without restraint? Of course, if you want to give It doesn't matter if he has a baby..."

"Get out..." Bai Xiaoxiao threw the things back to her, rubbed her little face that was so hot, "He and I are not what you think..."

"Yes, what I think is that you and him are innocent, whiter than tofu." Yao Bei smiled wretchedly, like a rotten girl.


"Really don't want it? This is a branded product, and it's also scented, with granules on it, it will definitely make you feel good..."


"Okay, then I'll blow two bubbles with it later, and I'll give you one then."



Li Zedao didn't pay attention to what the second daughter was muttering behind him, but his head ached thinking about the things that he couldn't solve at all now, and the root of these things all lay in one person... Wang Zi!

This peerless master who has great kindness to Li Zedao and even in a trance, Li Zedao treats him as his own father is absurd, and now he has become the murderer of Shangguan Wen, and has become the cruel murderer of a three-year-old child to take his liver for immortality. The man-eating maniac who made medicine, now he has stolen the snake's head, and Antarctica has to take the blame...

Of course, there is still a turning point for Antarctic's scapegoat. When he was on the off-road vehicle in Antarctica, Li Zedao called Yanhuang in front of Antarctica, and told him to give him some time. He will retrieve the snake's head. If he can't get it back, he is willing to accept punishment! Yanhuang said that he would report to his superiors and try to accommodate him.

Nan Ji kicked him out of the car with red eyes, because she was annoyed by idiots.

"Master, master, what do you want me to do?" Li Zedao patted his head in distress.

Behind him, Yao Bei lowered his voice and said, "Look, look, your laser prince is slapping himself on the head, I think he's going to have a headache and find some reason to eat you up..."



Last time, because the old man walked too slowly, he walked for nearly half an hour before arriving at the small stone house at the end of the village, but this time the pace was faster, and he arrived at the small stone house in about ten minutes in front of.

"That elder of yours lives here?" Yao Bei began to look around curiously, and then asked Bai Xiaoxiao who was beside him. After all, compared with the two-story or three-story small western-style buildings in the village that I saw along the way, this small stone house is completely different.

"What is my elder?" Bai Xiaoxiao was speechless, her face was still burning hot after being raped by this rotten girl along the way.

"Isn't it your elder?" Yao Bei smiled wickedly.

Bai Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes and refused to answer.

Li Zedao stood in front of the dilapidated courtyard gate, as if he was listening to the surrounding movement, except for Yao Bei and Bai Xiaoxiao chattering behind him, it was the chickens in the yard and the birds on the tree. That is to say, the old man is not here?

But when he thought of the terrifying skill of that old man, even if he was in the room, he couldn't feel any breath, so he gently pushed open the wooden door and walked in.

Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei hurried in, and then looked at the small courtyard curiously.

"You guys wait here, I'll go in and have a look." Li Zedao turned his head and said to Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei, and then walked into the dark little room.

The room was small and dark, with no lights, not even candles, and no fire on the crude stove. Of course, the old man was not seen, and sure enough, he was not at home.

Have you already left or are you picking up empty bottles outside as before?

"This is not a family hotel." An old voice sounded from outside.

Li Zedao's body trembled slightly, and he ran out quickly, and sure enough, he saw the old man standing tremblingly at the gate of the yard, with a bulging cloth bag in his hand, obviously it was today's harvest.

"It's you..." Seeing Li Zedao come out, a smile appeared in the old man's cloudy eyes.

"Old... grandpa..." Li Zedao remembered what Master said before, quickly changed his address, and then trot towards him, reaching out to take the cloth bag in his hand.

It was only then that Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei realized that this old man who looked half buried was the elder Li Zedao said he was going to visit, and Li Zedao also called him great-grandfather... In other words, he is Li Zedao's great-grandfather? However, how could Li Zedao's family let his great-grandfather, who was already so old, live alone in this place?

"Put down the bag, let's go into the house." The old man pointed to a pile of picked up bottles in the corner and said, then tremblingly walked into the house.

As for Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei, he completely ignored them, as if they were not in the yard.

Li Zedao put down the half bag of empty bottles as he said, then turned his head and said to Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei, "Wait for me."

"Well, busy with you." Bai Xiaoxiao nodded and said.

After seeing Li Zedao go in, Yao Bei sat down on the crude stone chair, waved to Bai Xiaoxiao and said, "Lawyer Bai, let's compete and see who can blow the biggest balloon..."


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