Seeing Li Zedao walking in, the old man's old hand, which seemed to have only a piece of skin left, lifted it up as if he had no strength, pointed to the simple stove and said, "Since you are all here, then help me light the fire and cook." Let's order food...Junior Sister told me not to think about her, and said that I have to eat all three meals, please..."

The old man sighed heavily, as if talking to Li Zedao or talking to himself: "What else can I do if I don't want her? At this age, don't I just live by memory? I can't think about it, but three You have to eat every meal, you must do it... This is considered as dinner."

"...Okay, grandpa, I'm going to cook now." Li Zedao said quickly, although he didn't quite understand what he was talking about, but he felt a little sad in his heart. He was also a peerless master like his master, but he also He can't pass the test of birth, old age, sickness and death. Looking at him like this, he shouldn't have a long time to live, right?

But master...

Li Zedao shook his head, who wants to die? Do you want to die? The answer is yes, no!

Especially those who stood at the highest point, such as Qin Shihuang, who unified this chaotic territory more than two thousand years ago, if he was not afraid of death, how could he ask Xu Fu to help him refine the elixir? It's a pity that Xu Fu failed, so Qin Shihuang also died, leaving behind the miraculous Great Wall and Terracotta Warriors.

And now, Master, he succeeded? He is the first person in human history?

If it were me, and such a chance of immortality was placed in front of me, but the price was to murder a few three-year-old children and obtain their livers, would I do it?

Although what is used now is rice cooker, microwave oven, induction cooker, etc., or even if fire is used, gas is used, even if the last one is briquette. It seems that few people use this very primitive stove, but because my family was poor when I was young , When cooking, I use such a simple stove piled up by the door to cook, so this is not a problem for Li Zedao.

Soon, the chimney on the roof of the small stone house began to emit black smoke again.

"Is this junior helping with the cooking?" Yao Bei asked curiously. I wanted to go in and have a look, but I didn't get the approval from the master, that is, Li Zedao's great-grandfather, so I still sat there obediently, waiting for Li Zedao to come out.

"It looks like it is." Bai Xiaoxiao nodded.

"That is to say, we have to wait for a while?" Yao Bei rolled his eyes, "In that case, let's take a look around? The scenery here is very good."

Bai Xiaoxiao shook her head slightly and said: "Let's wait here for a while, it's safe here. I've heard that although the scenery here is pleasant, the folk customs are also quite sturdy. Many gangsters gathered at the entrance of the village to secretly deceive those tourists. What if... what if,

What should I do if I meet those gangsters again? "

"The big deal is just to beat them once...Aren't you afraid?" Yao Bei curled his lips, but he also felt that it would be better not to go out. Li Zedao beat them so badly that even their bones were broken. Who knows if they will or not? Will you seek revenge?

"Really... are you tempted?" Yao Bei pouted at the small stone house and asked gossipingly.

Bai Xiaoxiao smiled wryly and sighed softly: "Who wouldn't be tempted by such a boy?"

"I'm not tempted." Yao Bei said with a chuckle, "You nympho think he's a treasure, but in my Yao Bei's eyes, he's just a piece of grass..."

"Actually, I want to chase him." Yao Bei sighed heavily and shook his head, "There are so many beauties around him, and even the president who made us want to be reincarnated as soon as we saw him, has an affair with him, why? Maybe you can see me like this?"

"..." Bai Xiaoxiao looked at Yao Bei with weird eyes, thinking when did you become so self-aware?

"Although you are far behind the president, you still have the potential to be a class flower...Of course, don't be in the same class as the president, otherwise you will be killed in seconds...So, he should have a little chance Watch yours."


"So..." Yao Bei smiled wretchedly again, "The rest is up to you to fight for. It's best to cook raw rice. Judging by his character, he doesn't know how to play. I kicked you away after I finished, can accept the box of condoms and give him a chance..."

"...Get out!" Bai Xiaoxiao covered her hot face, and didn't want to talk to this rotten girl who was full of unhealthy thoughts anymore.

In about half an hour, Li Zedao cooked some porridge with the things he had, and simply scrambled an egg...Maybe because you raised a few chickens that lay eggs in the yard and the old man rarely eats eggs, so the eggs are still There are really quite a few, so last time when Master was around, there were scrambled eggs besides scrambled eggs.

"Grandpa, it's time to eat." Li Zedao brought the porridge and scrambled eggs to the dark table and put them down.

The old man walked tremblingly to the corner and fetched two dark wooden cups, and another dark wine jar with no visible material at all, and tremblingly returned to the table, Sit down on the chair.

"Today is a very sad day. Although I have lived such a long time, I can't see can drink with me." The old man looked at Li Zedao with cloudy eyes and said.

"Okay, grandpa, I'll help you pour the wine." Li Zedao hurriedly picked up the dark wine jug with no visible material at all, but it was cold and heavy in his hand, and he already knew the wine jug It's not something like ceramic glass, but something like metal.

Immediately filling up the two black wine glasses, the old man picked up one of the glasses with trembling hands. Although his hands trembled, as if he could not hold the wine glasses, the wine inside did not overflow .

At the moment, he didn't say a toast to Li Zedao, just put it next to his mouth, and drank it in one gulp.

Then he said with emotion: "Wine is good wine, but it's a pity that you can't get drunk."

Li Zedao smiled wryly. It seems that this old man who is about to die has a lot of knots in his heart, otherwise why would he want to get drunk? It's just that at his age, shouldn't he look at everything, right?

And what makes Li Zedao very puzzled is that he is the founder of the Dragon Organization, how could he hide in this place? The pension benefits organized by Shenlong...can't be so bad, can it?

Immediately Li Zedao imitated him and drank the glass of wine in one gulp, but he felt that the taste was extremely spicy, as if a knife was cutting your tongue. It is an extremely strong wine, but after drinking it, there is a bamboo-like fragrance spreading in the mouth.

After signaling Li Zedao to help him pour the wine, the old man looked at Li Zedao, his cloudy eyes seemed to burst out with a sharp breath, which made Li Zedao's pouring hand tremble slightly, and there was already a hint of emotion on his face. color.

What a horrible breath!

Li Zedao knew that if the old man was his enemy, he would probably be dead by now.

"I can probably guess the reason why you came to see me." The old man said, "Actually, yesterday, around this time, my apprentice Yanhuang also came..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao was stunned for a moment. That patron saint of Huaxia with an awesome nickname and an awesome name is actually his apprentice?

"He told me about some things that happened recently, and also about your master's situation, and your situation." The old man said, "So I think that you came to me today because of your master Wang Zi thing?"

"Yes, great grandfather." Li Zedao took a deep breath and said, "I just want to ask you, what kind of person is my master? Is he the kind of person who steals snake heads? And...he..."

Li Zedao hesitated and said, "Will he be the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately to satisfy his own needs?"

The old man looked at Li Zedao with cloudy and gentle eyes, instead of bursting out with that terrifying light, he just looked at Li Zedao very gently.

But Li Zedao bit the bullet and looked at him.

"I can't answer the previous question for you." The old man said for a long time, "Because I don't know, although I am very familiar with your master, and even have a certain relationship, but I can't understand him... ...Maybe he did it, but why did he steal the snake's head? The only reason I can think of have nothing to do!"

"..." This reason made Li Zedao feel a little bit pained, and it was the first time he heard such a weird reason.

Then after thinking about it for a while, Li Zedao already understood that this old man was actually trying to excuse his master. After all, who would be idle to steal the snake's head for fun? Then it should be regarded as an enemy of the whole country. Even if it is as strong as the hand of God, it does not have the ability to be an enemy of the whole country, right?

"As for the latter question... I don't understand what you want to express." The old man said, "But what I can see is that although you are trying to suppress it, in your heart, you are very contradictory, and you are respectful." At the same time as your master, you still want to kill him..."

Li Zedao was silent. He couldn't answer yes or no to this question.

"You can't kill him." The old man looked after himself, as if he didn't care whether Li Zedao wanted to kill Wang Zi, and said, "With your current cultivation, ten of you are no match for him. So if you want to kill him, you still have a long way to go."


"Okay, let's eat." The old man said, then picked up an egg with trembling hands and put it in his mouth. Then he chewed on the few remaining black teeth, and then said, "Without you Master cooks delicious food."


"Grandpa, do you know the secret of my master's immortality?" Li Zedao asked after pondering for a while.

"I don't know." The old man said, "But I think he is also very distressed?"

"Afflicted?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, not quite understanding.

"Isn't it?" At this moment, the cloudy eyes of the old man half buried in the ground shone with extremely wise light.

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