Like drinking water, another glass of white wine was down. The old man signaled Li Ze to say goodbye and continued to pour the wine in a daze, saying, "How can I live forever? There are only two ways. After the first level, it is a bit exaggerated to say that the same life as the world, but living for hundreds of years, or even a thousand years, there is no problem in theory. Of course, I have lived for such a long time, and I have never encountered it. .”

"Even if you don't break through that realm, it's enough to make you live decades longer than ordinary people." The old man looked at Li Zedao and said, "But your master, although he is a rare genius who is rare in a hundred years, after all, he only cultivates internal strength for a short time. Twenty or thirty years ago, and he reached his current height, part of the reason is that he took some drugs... I think you know what it is?"

"Ghost pill?" Li Zedao blurted out.

"Yes, it's Ghost Pill. Although this is a very evil drug, it is undeniable that the effect it brings is extremely shocking. Your master has his adventures or abilities. After taking Ghost Pill, his internal strength doubles. , but the poison brought by Onimaru did not appear on him..."

The old man's cloudy eyes looked at Li Zedao, as bright as possible: "You have also taken ghost pills, but the poison brought by ghost pills has not appeared on your body. In other words, your master has already used the method of detoxification give it to you?"

Li Zedao shook his head in confusion and said, "Maybe." Regarding this matter, Li Zedao was also quite puzzled, and he didn't know why his master taught him this ability. In fact, it's not just the poison of Onimaru, but other poisons, even Gu poison, can't bring him any threat.

The old man did not continue to entangle in this matter, and said: "I have discussed with your master a long time ago about the ghost pill. Your master said that there is actually a bottleneck in the ghost pill, that is to say, when you take the ghost pill, the strength It can indeed double, but when you continue to eat it later, the ghost pill will lose its magical effect."

Li Zedao was slightly stunned and nodded. He really didn't know about this kind of thing, and his master didn't mention it to him.

But if you think about it, if the effects of Onimaru are endless, then Master has already broken through the bottleneck of returning to nature. In other words, my father’s wishful thinking was wrong. There is no way to bring that kind of side effect to myself, but I can't rely on Onimaru to become the best master in the world. At most, it is about the same as the master, right?

"The question is far away, what are we going to talk about just now?" the old man asked.

"...You just said that there are only two ways to live forever..." Li Zedao said, and he also knew that the old man's memory didn't seem to be very good. When he was here last time, he told Master that he hadn’t eaten your cooking for a long time,

Master said, I made what you ate in the morning.

"Oh, that's right, that is to say, even though your master has eaten a lot of ghost pills, he still hasn't broken through the bottleneck of returning to nature. Years have passed, and he is still so young and handsome, and I heard that his women are also youthful, so the only explanation is that he does have the so-called elixir of life..."

Here comes the point! What Li Zedao actually cared about was how the elixir of immortality in Master's hands was refined. Is it really made from the liver of a three-year-old child as Dongfang Bubai said?

"Grandpa, do you know how to make the elixir of life?" Li Ze said that this was an insinuation.

"If I had known, the person sitting in front of you now would be a handsome guy who is crazy about martial arts, just like your master, instead of an old man who may die at any time in his dying years." The old man's withered old face appeared A comfortable smile.

How long has it been since you laughed like this? The old man tapped his head, um, it's been seven years. Seven years ago today, my younger sister passed away. Since that day, I have never laughed like this.

"Grandpa, what's the matter with you?" Li Zedao asked. After the old man finished laughing, there was a trace of grief on his face. He must have remembered some sad past, right?

"It's okay." The old man waved his hand, "I also asked your master about the elixir of life, and your master didn't hide it from me..."

Li Zedao's heart trembled slightly: "What did my master say?"

The old man glanced at Li Zedao wisely and said, "Your master said this...Since God has chosen me, there is nothing I can do..."

"..." Li Zedao once had a pain in the butt, and it really was the master's style. What a pretentious and awesome answer, it was really compelling. Most importantly, an answer is indistinguishable from no answer.

"Anyway, he does have the elixir or the method of immortality in his hand." The old man said, "plus your master is a ostentatious person, not a master who hides from the world and does not contend with the world. In this way, even Even if you're a fool, you know that he has a way to live forever, everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty, I think you understand this truth, tell me, can he not be troubled?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly, and the words in the book came to mind, capitalists would take risks if they had 50% profits, would dare to trample on all laws in the world if they had 100% profits, and would dare to trample on all laws if they had 300% profits Well, they dare to risk the gallows!

Immortality is more than a 300% profit? So even if it is as strong as the hand of God, I am afraid that someone has already stumbled in the dark, right?

"Do you know why your master went abroad?" The old man glanced at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao was taken aback, and subconsciously said: "Because... polygamy is not allowed in China?"

Then Li Zedao was in pain again. He has quite a few girlfriends now. The fingers of the two palms and the toes of the two feet can be counted together. After that, will he have to emigrate abroad like Master? ?

"Bullshit!" said the old man, "Which one of the officials out there has kept a few mistresses? Aren't they free and easy now?"


"Because your master is too powerful." The old man sighed slightly.

Li Zedao was taken aback: "But...isn't being strong a good thing for the higher-ups?"

"You're wrong." The old man shook his head and said, "Your master's strength is not only reflected in his own strength, but also his almost heaven-defying IQ. Any conspiracy in front of him is like paper." In general, and at that time, all the big families in Yanjing had a certain relationship with him, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the first person in China...Of course, these are not the point, the point is that no one can suppress He, such a person, do you think it is dangerous?"

Danger is danger, but... Li Zedao still doesn't understand.

"You don't have the heart to rebel, but you have the ability to rebel, which is a mistake in itself!" The old man said seriously, "This in itself is a danger to the higher-ups! What the higher-ups like to see most is not a family. Dominance, but mutual checks and balances! Your master also knows this, and in order to reassure the higher authorities, he resolutely went abroad to enjoy himself."

Li Zedao was silent.

"Boy, pour wine." The old man urged. The third cup of white wine has already been eaten. Judging by the impact of a wooden cup, nearly a catty of white wine has entered his stomach, but the old man's old face has not changed much, just like the old man. It's like drinking water.

Li Zedao knew that this old man would never get drunk, and he was not afraid that he would drink too much, so he quickly poured wine for him. This wine jar made of unknown metal material can still hold it, and the wine in it is three or four catties. .

"Of course, you can rest assured on this point, because you can't reach the height of your master. Even if your force value continues to increase, there are still people who can hold you back." I still have vision, I am afraid that in the next few hundred years, there will be another Wang Zi.

This kid is not bad, but only in terms of force value. In terms of mentality, this kid is not far behind Wang Zi, at least Wang Zi is not confused, but this kid... no matter how you look at it now, he is a beast. Lost lamb.

"..." Li Zedao laughed along with him.

"Grandpa, if Master really stole the snake head, then..."

"Then I can only give it to him." The old man said indifferently.

"..." Li Zedao almost choked to death at his words.

"Who has the ability to get back what he wants?" The old man looked at Li Zedao with cloudy eyes and said, "What's more, why do you think that the snake head was stolen by your master?"

"I just... suspect... now the evidence points to him?" Li Zedao was speechless.

The old man sighed softly: "That's why I said, you are far behind your master. Your master will not doubt others unless he is 100% sure, especially those who are close to him. Let you know, but you... are somewhat chilling."

"..." Li Zedao's face was already red, as if a big hand had slapped him several times.

"Your master believes in his own judgment, that's because he does have that ability and wisdom, but you... are self-righteous." The old man didn't care whether Li Zedao looked good or not, and continued to slap his face.

Li Zedao was silent for a while and said, "Grandpa, I know I was wrong."

"You're right." The old man said, "The fault lies in the fact that you don't have the judgment ability of your master, so don't doubt others, especially your own people."

Well, it's still a slap in the face.

"It's been a long time since I talked so much. When that kid Yanhuang came over yesterday, he said his, and I drank mine. I only responded with two oh-oh back and forth." The old man's face was already full. Full of tiredness.

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