The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 941: Sneaking Into the Gymnasium

But as the owner of this stall, he naturally has to think about the interests of the customers... At least he has to show it in words, right? So he said with a smile: "This is not an easy task, and once one of the darts fails to hit the balloon, then the game is over, and there are no prizes. Do you want to continue playing?"

"Of course, my brother-in-law will definitely shoot them all." Zhou Xiaolu looked at Li Zedao and said, the big eyes hidden under the sunglasses had already started bubbling again.

Hey, the IQ of a woman in love is zero. The boss can only feel so emotional in his heart, wait? Brother-in-law? Is this a popular name among couples these days? Is it too evil? Today's young people really don't know what to say.

Li Zedao smiled, looking at the balloon, he didn't know what to say, it was so close to him, it was easy to shoot it? Even at a distance, it is easy and enjoyable for him to shoot. What's more, if he is not afraid of causing a sensation, he can throw ten darts at the same time to hit ten balloons, which is not difficult.

However, Li Zedao still nodded at the boss, indicating that he was about to start, and then quietly picked up a dart and threw it out.

"Crack!" A balloon burst with the sound, and had already been pierced by a dart nailed to it.

", you are amazing..." Zhou Xiaolu clenched her fists tightly, her little face was full of excitement.

"Coincidence." The boss pouted.

Li Zedao smiled and continued to shoot.

The second dart is thrown and hits a balloon directly.

"Coincidence..." The boss pouted again, what's so exciting about it?

Then the third...the fourth...the short, when each dart is thrown, it will hit a balloon hanging there.

Zhou Xiaolu became more and more excited, and if she wasn't afraid of disturbing Li Zedao, she would have rushed to kiss him a few times.

As for the owner of the darts stand, his eyes widened as he watched, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He has set up a darts stand in this mall for several years, and he has never met someone as accurate as this kid. several! Is it luck? Just like that chick, who was so unlucky that she missed ten darts? And he was so lucky that he won all of them?

But, is it really so lucky? You know, he has stabbed 20 balloons in a row now, as long as he hits 10 balloons, then the authentic Kung Fu Panda doll worth thousands of dollars will belong to him.

"Crack...crack...crack..." The sound of the balloon bursting continued,

In less than two minutes, Li Zedao threw nine darts in a row, piercing nine balloons. Of course, in order to keep a low profile, he even pretended to aim. It only took two minutes, otherwise it would only be two seconds Don't you need a clock?

"Two... twenty-nine..." The boss of the dart stand seemed to have seen a ghost, and he didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this moment.

But even if you don't have to think about it, you know that this kid is not relying on luck, but on strength.

"Crack!" Another balloon burst.

" are so good, so are amazing, you hit all thirty darts...all of them..." Zhou Xiaolu jumped up and down excitedly, pulling Li Zedao's arm, her small face flushed.

"Luck, luck." Li Zedao smiled and said very modestly.

"A master! A master who likes to pretend!" The owner of the dart stand had no choice but to give Li Zedao a thumbs up, and then took down the one-person-tall A Bao.

"Here." The boss's heart was bleeding. In the past, when he gave gifts, he would say "come to play often in the future", but facing such a good person, he dared not say it even if he was killed.

"Thank you..." Zhou Xiaolu let go of Li Zedao's arm, happily took the doll, and hugged her tightly in her arms.

"Are you still playing?" Li Zedao asked.

"..." The boss of the dart booth began to sweat coldly on his forehead, and he wished he could slap this kid to death! play with your sister ah play!

"Brother-in-law, I don't want it anymore. If you continue to play, the uncle will cry. Besides, this is what I want." Zhou Xiaolu said with a smile.

"It's's okay..." The boss wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and smiled apologetically, but he was touched in his heart. This girl is really a kind person.

As for this boy... a big bad guy!

Holding such a huge doll, it is not convenient to even walk, let alone go shopping, so the two decided to leave the mall first, put the doll back in the car, and then continue shopping.

Of course, when she left the shopping mall, Zhou Xiaolu was naturally very eye-catching. She was dressed in sportswear, with an extremely clear figure, wearing a peaked cap, and her long hair tied behind her head. She looked very fresh and eye-catching. The pure breath of the girl is set off to the extreme.

"I'll hug you?" Li Zedao asked.

"Let me do it. You are a big man. If you go shopping with such a big doll, you will definitely become the focus. Maybe some girl will come to take a photo with you." Zhou Xiaolu smiled, thinking of Li Zedao .

Li Zedao smiled and stopped insisting. Indeed, if he walked away with this doll, he might be scolded as a pervert or something, but if a girl is holding such a thing, if others see it, it will only mean that the girl takes a good look at it. Category.

After stuffing the doll into the car, Zhou Xiaolu dragged Li Zedao to continue pressing the road. Finally, the two found a restaurant for dinner. After eating, Li Zedao sent Zhou Xiaolu back to a five-star hotel where she was staying.

The two got out of the car, Li Zedao helped hold the doll, and then entered the hotel. Anyway, hotels are not like shopping malls, and you don't meet a few people at all, so there is no such thing as losing face.

The door was quickly opened, and the assistant Xiao Wu appeared there, looked at Zhou Xiaolu and said, "Xiao Lu, you are back... Ah, what a big Abao..." Xiao Wu's eyes were also caught by Li Ze. Ah Bao, who was holding her in her hand, was attracted, and couldn't help being amazed.

"Brother-in-law won it by shooting 30 darts in a row at the mall." Zhou Xiaolu said proudly, her big eyes looking at Li Zedao began to bubble again.

"Amazing..." Xiao Wu was speechless, looking at Li Zedao as if he was looking at a pervert.

"I won't go in, and you should go to bed earlier, and you have to hold a concert tomorrow." Li Zedao handed A Bao in his hand to Xiao Wu, who quickly reached out and hugged him.

"Okay, brother-in-law, see you tomorrow." Zhou Xiaolu nodded and said obediently, she knew that Li Zedao still had things to do tonight.

"See you tomorrow." Li Zedao smiled and turned to leave.

"Hello...Xiaolu...Xiaolu...Miss Zhou Xiaolu..." Seeing that Zhou Xiaolu was motionless with a nympho expression, Xiao Wu couldn't help but smashed her head with Ah Bao in his hand, "Huh? I have already entered the elevator, the soul should come back..."

"So handsome..." Zhou Xiaolu murmured to herself, her face full of nympho.

"...It's hopeless." Xiao Wu wailed in a low voice.


After coming out of the hotel, Li Zedao drove back to the workers' gymnasium again, parked the car and jumped down, then took out his mobile phone and called the pervert: "Where is it?"

"Orange Hotel next to the gymnasium, room 709." The pervert said hastily.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked back at the Orange Hotel with a lot of neon lights flashing on the wall, and then strode over there.

After entering the hotel, went up to the seventh floor and came to room No. 9. Before Li Zedao could knock on the door, the pervert had already opened the door. It is conceivable that after Li Zedao called him, he had been waiting in front of the door.

"Boss..." the pervert said, moving away to let Li Zedao in.

"Young Master Li..." the tombstone standing there hurriedly asked.

Li Zedao nodded and went in, walked straight to the window, looked at the workers' gymnasium surrounded by neon lights not far away, and said, "We will sneak into the gymnasium in the middle of the night to see if we can find something."

"Is there a treasure inside?" The pervert's eyes lit up slightly.

Li Zedao turned his head and looked at him like an idiot and said, "Yes...if it counts."

"*..." The pervert and the tombstone looked at each other, both of them looked moved.

"Yes, I suspect that something of the * type is placed somewhere inside." Li Zedao said with a solemn expression. In the morning, he searched briefly, but found nothing. On the one hand, there were too many people inside, and he was not good at looking at various places. On the other hand, this kind of thing is not what he is good at, so he found nothing in the end. something suspicious.

"The big star Zhou Xiaolu is going to hold a concert there tomorrow night. Someone wants to harm her?" The pervert asked, with a look of emotion on his face. If there is an explosion at the concert site, even the big star Zhou Xiaolu will disappear If the jade dies, then it will definitely cause a great sensation.

"Almost." Li Zedao nodded, and didn't bother to explain the details to the pervert and the tombstone.

"Oh, Zhou Xiaolu is also your sister-in-law." Li Zedao added.

"..." In addition to worshiping, the pervert is still worshiping, the boss is the boss, even the famous star Zhou Xiaolu has hooked up... Sigh, there is another blind woman in this world.

"Don't worry, Young Master Li, no matter how many guns are inside or what type of guns they contain, I have a way to find and disassemble them." Tombstone said.

"I know, that's why I asked you to come here." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.


In the middle of the night, three dark shadows quietly came to the workers' gymnasium.

Li Zedao gestured to the pervert and the tombstone, then put his hand on the glass of the window, and pushed it lightly, and the window was already pushed open. In other words, the window was not locked from the inside. But this window was not opened by Li Zedao. When Li Zedao was strolling in the stadium during the day, he accidentally found this small window and also found that it was unlocked.

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