The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 942: People from the Western Regions

This is located in a very remote place in this museum, and few people come here.

The reason why Li Zedao made such a judgment was because the place was already covered with a layer of dust. Obviously, because it was too remote, the cleaning staff were also lazy.

Moreover, Li Zedao also found a few footprints here, and there are also handprints on the window, which proves that someone sneaked in from this window in the past few days. As for the thief who sneaked in to steal things, or those guys from Dongtu sneaked in from here Placement *, it is unknown.

"Let's get started." After sneaking into the gymnasium through this window, Li Zedao said in a low voice, "We don't have much time, hurry up."

"Yes, boss..."


Outside the workers' gymnasium, people are coming and going!

There is still an hour before the big star Zhou Xiaolu's concert starts, and there is already a long line outside the hall, there are many hawkers selling fluorescent sticks, signboards, and even a lot of beggars, good catch Opportunities to make money.

On the square at this time, on the large advertising screen, Zhou Xiaolu is beautiful and dignified, kind and natural. And a large number of fans spontaneously put out long slogans under the billboard.

"Zhou Xiaolu, we love you!", "Zhou Xiaolu, you are a goddess!", "Zhou Xiaolu, marry me"... Banners and small colored flags can be seen everywhere.

And those entertainment reporters also rushed to the scene early, set up their cameras, and prepared to get the first-hand news.

Although there are many people in the square, these people are not messy, but stand together in groups, because they are all fans of Zhou Xiaolu, and they all have the same expectations and goals when they come here.

Even so, there are still many security guards and policemen maintaining order at the scene, fearing that unnecessary conflicts will occur.

"I really don't know what these fans are after?" Li Zedao said with emotion when he saw so many people gathered here.

Ji Yuemo, who was hugging his arm tightly beside him, "puzzled" and said softly, "Frog Prince, why do I think you're jealous?"

"You think too much." Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded.

"Let's put it this way, many people have answered the question you just sighed with emotion, but there is no satisfactory answer. Even if you ask me, I don't know how to answer you! For example, I saw a certain person on the Internet A netizen left a message: Said that his girlfriend is a big fan of Zhou Xiaolu,

When she knew Zhou Xiaolu was going to hold a concert in Yanjing, she told him that if she didn't buy tickets for her, she would break up with him. In the end, he entrusted a lot of relationships and spent a lot of money for his happiness. Just bought a ticket! ""

"Okay." Li Zedao was stunned. A woman broke up with her boyfriend just to watch a big star's concert, but he couldn't imagine it anyway.

The pervert and the tombstone following behind Li Zedao and Ji Yuemo glanced around vigilantly while whispering something.

"Boss, let me ask you something." The tombstone whispered, "How many women does Young Master Li have?"

"This question... I can't answer you." The pervert sighed softly, "You just need to know that as long as she is a good-looking woman, basically she has an affair with him."

"Stallion?" The tombstone's mind involuntarily popped up these two golden characters.

"Ordinary men have good friends outside, so they can't make troubles at home?" The pervert continued to sigh, "But this kind of thing didn't happen to the boss. His women actually live in peace and are like sisters to each other, so , the most powerful thing about the boss is not his skill, let alone his IQ, but his magical skills in picking up girls..."

Tombstone's eyes lit up in an instant: "That is to say, as long as you learn Li Shao's magical skills in picking up girls, then we buddies can get rid of being single?"

The pervert looked at the face on the tombstone that was waiting for evolution, shook his head and said: "You kid can't learn... you are not born with it!"


After saying this, the pervert felt a little sad in his heart, because he couldn't learn it either.

Soon, the gate of the gymnasium was opened, and a large number of spectators lined up consciously under the command of the on-site staff, and walked into the gymnasium slowly while checking tickets.

Since Li Zedao took the ticket for the VIP seat, after checking the ticket, Li Zedao was taken to a special passage by the on-site staff and entered the VIP seat in the front row of the concert, which is separated from the audience seats behind , is a relatively spaced area.

After finding a place to sit down, Li Zedao looked at the pervert and the tombstone and said, "Don't be careless."

"Don't worry, boss, I promise I won't let my sister-in-law lose a single hair." The pervert nodded quickly.

"Just to watch a concert, what can happen?" Ji Yuemo looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile, "Go and do your work." She knew that Li Zedao is now Zhou Xiaolu's bodyguard, responsible for her safety, so naturally he can't stay I went to watch a concert with her here.

Li Zedao smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that those bastards in Dongtu wanted to wash this place with blood, how could it be okay?

Last night, Li Zedao perverted and Tombstone infiltrated here, and finally spent most of the night, they found a total of seven *.

Tombstone is an expert in this field, and he immediately recognized that this kind of medicine was made of famous medicine. This is a colorless crystal, insoluble in water, with relatively stable chemical properties, but it can cause combustion and violent explosion when it encounters open flame, high temperature, vibration, impact, and friction!

In other words, it's a highly explosive, potent drug.

And judging from the locations where these seven * are installed, once it is detonated, the entire gymnasium will collapse. At that time, the nearly tens of thousands of spectators and staff, including the popular star Zhou Xiaolu, who are watching the concert inside, will basically None of the admirals was spared, either they were directly killed by bombs or crushed to death by the collapsing rubble!

Fortunately, this *was found out in advance.

How to disassemble it afterwards* That is the matter of the tombstone.

"Well, then you should watch the concert well, and I'll pick you up after it's over," Li Zedao said.

"Yeah." Ji Yuemo nodded with a smile.

After leaving his seat, Li Zedao didn't go backstage to find Zhou Xiaolu, but walked out of the Workers' Gymnasium and came to the square outside.

Because those who came to watch the concert have basically entered the stadium, so compared with before, there are at least 90% fewer people outside, so the whole square seems a bit empty, not as it was before , so noisy and crowded.

"Sir, please do me a favor...have pity on me, a homeless old man..." An old beggar walked up to Li Zedao tremblingly, and begged Li Zedao with inarticulate words. Broken sea bowl, there are a few coins scattered on the sea bowl, and a few banknotes with small denominations.

Li Zedao glanced at him, took out his wallet, took out a fifty and put it on the bowl.

"Thank you...thank you..." The old man nodded and bowed, turned around, and continued to find the next target for begging.

"Wait." Li Zedao stopped him aloud, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The beggar's footsteps stopped slightly, but he continued to walk forward tremblingly, as if he hadn't heard Li Zedao's voice.

Li Zedao smiled, followed behind him unsteadily, and said as he walked: "Don't pretend, you have already shown your flaws... First of all, your appearance and your voice, although you deliberately put on makeup and changed your appearance. The accent, but the fact that cannot be changed is that you are from the Western Regions... I have no regional concept, but it is undeniable that the word 'Western Regions' is somewhat sensitive."

The beggar's face changed in an instant, but he still didn't stop, let alone look back, and continued to tremble, as if he didn't hear Li Zedao's words.

"Of course, there's nothing wrong with people from the Western Regions. After all, people from the Western Regions are also Chinese, aren't they?" Li Zedao continued with a smile, "But when I gave you money, you showed another flaw. What I gave you was fifty dollars. One dollar, for a beggar, this is already a banknote with a very large face value, but you are indifferent, your eyes are not even lit up, it is conceivable that such a small amount of money is simply as big as you Without your eyesight, the only explanation is that you are not as pitiful as you said, you are just pretending."

The old man's face changed drastically again, but he continued to walk forward tremblingly, but the hand holding the bowl was slightly clenched.

"Do you want me to say it?" Li Zedao's smile turned cold, "You are not a homeless old man at all, you are a member of Dongtu, which is notorious for its cruelty, right?"

The old man's footsteps froze for a moment, and the next moment, his face immediately turned ferocious, and he turned around quickly. He didn't have the slightest posture of an old lady, but he was as fast as a cunning rabbit, and he waved directly, and put the big big bowl in his hand It hit Li Zedao's head heavily.

He didn't know where this kid came from, but he also knew that something was wrong, so there was no reason for this kid to continue living in this world.

The other hand shook at the same time, and a pitch-black remote control appeared in his hand.

"Haha, the greatest jihad in history is about to begin..." The old man laughed ferociously, this time he spoke in Western Region language.

"Drip!" The old man decisively pressed the detonation button on the remote control *.

At the same time, Li Zedao stretched out his hand, and he easily grabbed the big bowl that the other party smashed towards him. Looking at the cruel smile on the old beggar's face, there was a sneer on his face, which was more of a playfulness. , his expression didn't change at all because he took out the remote control.

"Huh?" The old beggar waited for a long time, but he was shocked to find that the luxurious workers' gymnasium was still standing there, and the expected violent beating followed by a crash and flames did not appear at all.

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