The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 948 The Bullshit Foundation

"I... don't know... I really don't know what's going on... I don't know who is secretly helping me. When something like that happened, I thought I was doomed..." Chen Yan saw Li Zedao's face showing a murderous look Yes, kneeling on the ground with a limp leg, and begging for mercy again, "I swear, what I said is true, if there is even half a sentence of falsehood, I... will die with a bang..."

Li Zedao glanced at Chen Yan and frowned. It seemed that this guy really didn't know who was behind him to help him.

But there is no love without words and no reason in this world. The person who helped Chen Yan in this way is nothing more than two situations. First, Chen Yan is his beloved, his son, or his concubine. Yan was like this, so he helped out; secondly, Chen Yan was useful to him.

But no matter what the situation is, what remains unchanged is that this person has great energy and absolute strength, otherwise it would be impossible to block the mouths of so many companies at the same time.

"Please, spare me, I promise...I promise I won't dare to do it again..." Chen Yan continued to beg for mercy.

"I don't believe what you said, let alone your so-called oath, all I know is that you almost killed my woman, and you did such nasty things to my woman." Li Ze said coldly He said coldly, without any mercy on his face.

"I...please...I really don't dare..."

"I want you to have one arm and one leg, isn't it too much?" Li Zedao said, of course, he was not discussing with him, but directly convicting him.

"..." Chen Yan's expression changed drastically.

Li Zedao walked over directly.

"Crack!" The sound of broken bones sounded.

"Ah..." Chen Yan let out a sharp scream, and then covered his broken right arm with his left hand, rolling on the ground and crying.

"There is still one leg!" Li Zedao said grimly, and he kicked over again, this time aiming at Chen Yan's crotch, what he wanted was Chen Yan's "third leg"!

You can secretly do that kind of thing to the computer screen, but don't let me see it!

This time, Chen Yan shrank his pupils and opened his mouth wide, but he didn't scream out. Then he rolled his eyes and passed out from the pain.

Ignoring Chen Yan who fainted, Li Zedao strode out of the room and went outside, and then the dim light saw the killer sitting on the ground and panting heavily.

His face was already flat, blue and swollen, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding. It seemed that the pervert and the tombstone did "entertain" him well.

However, this killer is obviously an arrogant and arrogant person. Although he was beaten so badly, he still stared at the pervert and the tombstone with murderous eyes.

"Boss, how do we deal with this guy?" The pervert asked after seeing Li Zedao come out.

Tiger looked up at Li Zedao, and his eyes changed slightly.

"Bury it on the spot?" The pervert suggested that this desolate waste toll station seemed like a good place to kill people and bury corpses.

The tiger looked at the pervert as if he was looking at a dead person, took a sip, then looked at Li Zedao, and said in a hoarse voice: "I'm not afraid of death, but...can you not kill me?"

"Heh...hehe..." The pervert and the tombstone looked at each other, and they both sneered. Damn, I thought I had a lot of backbone. After talking for a long time, I was still afraid of death!

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Give me a reason not to kill you."

"The kill me, doesn't it mean anything to you?" The tiger thought for a while and said, "Although I tried to kill that woman, but I failed in the end, right? So you don't need to avenge her."

"It's two women." Li Zedao laughed.

"I just want to kill that female star." Tiger shook his head.

"But if I hadn't dragged them away, not only the female celebrity, but also the other woman would be seriously injured, even if she wasn't killed by you, wouldn't she?" Li Zedao said, " Besides, who said that it is meaningless for me to kill you? I am naturally extremely upset when you try to pretend to be my woman, and I feel better after killing you. I don’t have to worry about whether you will drive in disorder again later. Hitting could it be meaningless?"

What Li Zedao said seemed quite reasonable, so the tiger was speechless.

"You can kill me, but please give this bank card to my sister." Tiger said, then took out a bank card from his pocket and put it on the ground, pleadingly.

There is one million in the card, which is the deposit for the murder given by Chen Yan.

"This is her life-saving money." Tiger continued, "So please, please send it to her. With this money, she can have a kidney transplant."

"Kidney replacement? Uremia?" Li Zedao frowned slightly.

"Yes." The tiger's voice was a bit bitter, "If she doesn't get a kidney transplant, she will die... I have no choice but to become a killer because I want to save her and let her live a better life. Not a killer."

Li Zedao nodded and said, "Put your card away and take me to see your sister. If what you said is true, I will consider whether to kill you."

"Thank you!" Tiger got up from the ground and said sincerely.

Li Zedao waved at the pervert, and the latter hurriedly came to him.

"You're like this..." Li Zedao whispered a few words in the pervert's ear.

The pervert nodded and said, "Don't worry, boss, I understand."

At that moment Li Zedao walked out, and the tiger followed him in big strides. Although his ribs were broken, he also had many injuries all over his body under the warm "reception" by the pervert and the tombstone, but such injuries were okay for him. Can't stand it.

"Your skill is not bad, my younger brother may not be your opponent." Li Zedao said, looking back at the tiger, and then continued to walk forward, his Maserati was parked not far away.

"Those two people are not my opponents." Tiger said confidently, then shook his head, "Of course, if the two of them join hands, I will only die. As for meeting you..."

Looking at the back that was not necessarily burly or even a little thin in front of him, the tiger really couldn't understand how he could have such an astonishing speed. When he shot, he disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, People had already run behind him.

"If I really want to kill you, the moment you shoot, I can kill you ten times." Li Zedao said lightly.

"..." Tiger's eyes froze slightly, he didn't think the other party was bragging.

"Tell me about you." Li Zedao said, "I can see that you are more like a soldier than a killer... Am I right?"

"That was once!" Tiger said, an indirect acknowledgment.

Tiger's surname is Wu, and his first name is Tiger. His hometown is deep in the mountains and old forests. His ancestors lived by hunting, so the names he chooses are related to animals and birds. For example, his sister's name is Magpie, Wu Magpie.

He retired from a special force, the number of the unit and the reason for his retirement, Wu Huhu said that it is a secret, a secret that will be kept to death.

Li Zedao is not the kind of person who likes to ask questions, so he didn't ask too much.

As for his younger sister Wu Sparrow, she was diagnosed with uremia a few months ago, and it was already at an advanced stage. If she wanted to survive, she had to get a kidney transplant. Matching the patient's kidney source is a very difficult thing in itself.

Wu Huhu said that in the end he contacted a kidney source intermediary, and he said that they had a kidney source that could match his sister, and they could also help her sister with a kidney replacement operation. It only took a few hours, but together with The opening for the kidney source plus the operation fee is one million.

Wu Huhu couldn't afford that much money at all, so he went straight to the killer's path.

But what I didn't expect was that the first time I went on a mission, I stumbled hard.

"I think you've been tricked." Li Zedao said, then turned the steering wheel in the direction Wu Huhu pointed, and turned into the intersection on the right.

"Cheated?" Li Huo was taken aback.

"Although I am not a doctor, I still know a little about this." Li Zedao said, "From a medical point of view, before a kidney transplant operation, dozens of rigorous laboratory tests such as blood type, gene, and lymph are required. They all match, and the final matching may not be successful. In other words, there is no way to complete a kidney transplant between strangers within a few hours, at least it cannot be carried out after more than a week of complicated tests... so a few hours If you can complete the kidney transplant operation, that is simply nonsense!"

"This..." Li Huo's expression turned ugly.

"Besides, it is illegal to buy and sell human organs." Li Zedao said, "At present, the kidneys used in hospital transplant operations are all donated by the deceased for free, and the entire operation does not cost one million yuan, but more than one hundred thousand yuan is almost the same. "

"Uh..." Wu Huhu's face became even more ugly.

"So I think, after you send one million to the other party, the other party will definitely start to play missing. At that time, you will not only lose the money but also delay your sister's illness."

"Damn it, those bastards!" Wu Huo scolded through gritted teeth, "Don't let me meet you, or I will crush your eggs!"

"Do you know about the Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

Wu Huhu was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "I know, didn't the commercials make a lot of noise a few days ago? Oh, I remembered, it seems that the female celebrity I tried to kill was the image spokesperson... But what kind of bullshit fund?" Yes, it's all a lie!"

Li Zedao's face was already darkened, and he wished he could kick this guy out of the car. In his eyes, the Tiandao Foundation is not as reliable as an underground agency!

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