The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 949 Bidding Ranking

"How do you know that the Tiandao Foundation is a lie?" Li Zedao asked, "As far as I know, as long as you ask the Tiandao Foundation, especially about uremia, after verifying the situation, the Tiandao Foundation will It can be of great help to you."

"The boss is a fart." Wu Laohu cursed bitterly, "It's just a group of disgusting guys who cheated money under the banner of so-called charity."

"..." Li Zedao's face turned even darker.

"You don't even know that when I went to the Tiandao Foundation to ask for help a few days ago, that well-dressed guy actually pulled me aside, saying that if he wanted the Foundation to provide help earlier, he would give some help first." Ten thousand yuan, and then I can go to the front of the queue if I ask for help..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, "The staff of the Tiandao Foundation really told you that?"

"Isn't it?" Wu Huhu said, "That guy also said that the more money you give, the higher the queue for your help letter."

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened, and these words appeared in his mind... bidding ranking! When did the Tiandao Foundation learn from those Internet companies that do search business, and come up with such a thing? How come the founder doesn't know anything about it?

"You mean, you went to the Tiandao Foundation? You went to Phoenix City?" Li Zedao said with some difficulty. If this is true, then some people inside are really damned. If this continues, the Tiandao Fund It will be stillborn before it is fully developed.

"I didn't go to Phoenix City, Yanjing has the Tiandao Foundation's office, I went there for consultation." Wu Huhu said.

"...Damn it!" Li Zedao couldn't help leaning out, because he knew very well that the Tiandao Foundation has not established any offices in any cities except Phoenix City. How far has it developed, that is, someone is secretly seeking profit under the banner of the Tiandao Foundation? Even discredit?

Thinking about it, Li Zedao was both angry and grateful. The angry thing is that these people are too much. If this continues to develop, the Tiandao Foundation will soon be discredited.

Fortunately, the bidding mentioned by Wu Huo does not exist in the Tiandao Foundation. This is a misunderstanding.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Li Zedao gnashing his teeth, Wu Huhu asked cautiously. The murderous aura emanating from this young man just now made him feel a little jealous.

"Oh, it's okay... I think you seem to have been cheated again." Li Zedao said speechlessly, "As far as I know,

The Tiandao Foundation does not have such a thing as giving money and then doing something. In fact, the Tiandao Foundation does not have any offices in Yanjing. Except for the headquarters in Phoenix, it has not established any offices at all. at. "

"" Wu Huhu was taken aback.

"No." Li Zedao said, his tone was beyond doubt.

"Damn, I was cheated again?" Wu Huhu was so depressed, he looked so fierce, he was not the kind of honest guy at all, how could he be cheated everywhere he went?

Maserati turned around and turned around, and finally stopped in a dilapidated garden area to be remodeled. Li Zedao was a little surprised that he had just visited this area a few hours ago, and he was in this area. In Building No. 201, the dozen or so guys from Dongtu were trampled on, and after a few hours, they came back again.

Of course, Tiger Wu does not live in Building 7, but in Building 2.

"This community will be demolished and built a new one after a while." Wu Huo introduced, "So most people have moved out, and most of those who still live here are not homeowners, but tenants and landlords. This is to earn some money before the demolition, and some even ask for money by the week, and the rent is also cheap, two hundred yuan a week."

"So." Li Zedao nodded. Because there are few people, Dongtu's bastards chose to hide here.

"My sister and I live on the third floor." Wu Huo pointed at the dark window, feeling very sad, "I didn't go back, and she must have not slept yet, but she can't see now, so I can't order it." Lighting, that's all."

"It will be fine." Li Zedao said.

"Difficult." Wu Huhu was very frustrated. "I thought the agency could save my sister's life. One million is one million. Even if I kill people and set fire to rob banks, I will find a way to get them together. Who would have thought that it would be Liar... Forget it, let’s not talk about it, this way please.”

Following Wu Huhu into the dark unit entrance to the third floor, Wu Huhu took out the key to open the door and went in, then put his hand on the light switch on the wall and turned on the light.

At the same time, a weak voice sounded: "Brother, is that you?"

"Magpie, it's me... don't get up, sit still, what if you fall down later?" Wu Huhu scolded, and then hurried over.

Li Zedao looked over and saw a plainly dressed girl standing there. The girl's eyes were dull, her skin was swollen and dull, she looked so weak, she was gasping for breath even when she was talking, and she really had a serious pain sick.

"Sit down quickly..." Wu Huhu held his sister's hand that was groping forward, and let her sit down.

"Is anyone else coming?" Wu Xique turned his head and asked. Li Zedao didn't deliberately lower his voice, and people who can't see would use their ears to pay attention to the movement around them, so Wu Xique felt that there was another person in the room.

"Oh, yes... yes..." Wu Huhu was a little embarrassed. I can't say that I wanted to kill him but I failed to kill him and was almost killed. Now come back and see you. I might be your brother in a while. Are you going to be killed?

Wu Huhu is not afraid of death, but at the moment his heart is a little sour.

"I'm your brother's friend. I heard that you are sick, so I came to see you." Li Zedao said.

Wu Huhu looked at Li Zedao, and the gratitude in his eyes flashed away. He could kill people, set fires, and do some unconscionable things for his sister, but he couldn't let his sister know, otherwise, she would It must be more painful.

"Thank you, I'm fine." A smile appeared on Wu Xique's seriously ill face and he nodded his thanks.

A very optimistic girl! Li Zedao sighed secretly in his heart, she should have spent her youth on campus with a smile on her face like other girls, but she had to endure the torment of the serious illness, and even the serious illness would take her away at any time life.

"Your brother and I have already contacted a hospital for you, where you will receive the best treatment." Li Zedao ignored Wu Huhu's wide-eyed staring at him in astonishment, and continued, "In terms of kidney source , we will work hard to find it, I believe, it will be fine in the end...Of course, you don’t have to worry about the cost, someone will naturally pay for it.”

"You mean...really?" Wu Xique's voice trembled. Given the choice, who would want to endure the torment of illness? Who wants to die?

"If you don't believe me, ask your brother." Li Zedao said with a smile, and then gave Wu Huhu a look.

"Uh...ah, that's right..." Wu Huhu hurriedly said, "Magpie, you just need to be treated with peace of mind. For the rest, there are your brother and..."

Wu Huhu looked at Li Zedao, and then he remembered that he didn't know the name of the other party. Of course, his eyes were more puzzled. He didn't know what the kid who looked against the sky was doing. what the hell.

"There is also the Tiandao Foundation." Li Zedao took Wu Huhu's words and said, "Your illness and your family situation have fully met the requirements of the Tiandao Foundation to provide assistance, so you can rest assured."

"Tiandao Foundation..." Wu Huhu was even more confused. And Wu Xique was sick in bed, her information was closed, and she didn't even know what the Tiandao Foundation was, but she knew about the foundation. When she heard that such a foundation was willing to help her, the excitement in her heart was unspeakable. table.

"You take your sister to the house to rest first, I have something to tell you." Li Zedao looked at Wu Huhu and said.

Wu Huhu glanced at Li Zedao, and nodded bitterly. He knew that the other party was about to settle accounts.

After sending his sister into the house, he came out to look at Li Zedao, and said sincerely, "Thank you for not telling me in front of my sister... In her heart, her brother is a soldier who serves the people, not a murderer." murderer……"

As he said that, Wu Huhu took out the bank card with one million in his pocket again and handed it over: "If you drive such a luxury car, you know you are not short of money... This one million is for you, I hope you can help me take care of my sister... Even if you can't cure her, don't let her suffer too much..."

"What are you doing?" Li Zedao looked at him like an idiot, "Who said I'm going to kill you?"

"You...don't kill me?" Wuhu was taken aback.

"If I really wanted to kill you, would I still make you yell here?" Li Zedao said a little speechlessly, this guy with a big arm and waist is simple-minded, no wonder he is always deceived.

"Also, don't you believe what I just said to your sister and that the Tiandao Foundation will provide help?" Li Zedao asked.

Wu Huhu nodded: "This... I really don't believe it."

"If, I say, I am the founder of Tiandao Foundation, do you believe it?" Li Zedao asked.

"..." Wu Huhu opened his eyes wide and almost choked to death at Li Zedao's words.

"You... aren't you the bodyguard of that female star?" Wu Huhu asked with difficulty after being stunned for a long time.

"Being a bodyguard is just my side job." Li Zedao said in a calm but pretentious tone, "Who made Zhou Xiaolu my woman? Naturally, I have to protect her safety."

"..." She was really pretentious... No, it was awesome!

"In the next two days, you can take your sister to Phoenix City, and I will let people prepare everything." Li Zedao said.

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