The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 953: Killed in the Cradle

"Really?" Li Zedao asked, but there was a bright or playful smile on his face.

"Of course it's true." The woman quickly assured, and then she was slightly taken aback, this kid looks quite handsome when he smiles! Uh, no, why is he laughing? And laughing so playfully?

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I really want to know, what kind of courage is it that supports you to make such a promise?"

"This... Our Tiandao Foundation's regulations are like this. If you don't believe it, I have nothing to do." The woman said. Looking at Li Zedao, he already felt that something was wrong. Just now this kid was so reserved, shy and flustered, but now his momentum has changed, giving people an aggressive feeling.

"Who in your foundation made the regulations?" Li Zedao asked.

"We... from the foundation..." The woman was speechless, her face turned ugly, her voice turned cold, she stared at Li Zedao unkindly and said, "Sir, if you are not here to ask for help but to tease If so, you can leave now."

The man who had been sitting there staring at the computer screen in front of him also stood up, staring at Li Zedao with a not-so-friendly expression, as if he was about to make a move.

"I came here to seek the leader on behalf of other people." Li Zedao said, "But your approach is different from what I know."

"Oh, what did you learn?" the woman asked with a sneer.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "I understand that the Tiandao Foundation has just been established, so apart from the headquarters in Fenghuang City, there are no so-called offices and branches in other cities, even if it is the power center of Yanjing. .”

When the man and woman heard this, they both narrowed their eyes slightly.

"That's because your understanding is too one-sided." The woman explained, "Our foundation already has an office in was just established two weeks ago..."

Li Zedao pretended to suddenly realize: "Oh, it turned out that it was only established two weeks ago..."

"Okay, sir, since you have doubts, there is nothing our foundation can do to help you, please go out and don't disturb us." The man interrupted his words while watching Li Zedao, and made a gesture of please .

Li Zedao shook his head and said, "I haven't found help yet?"

"It seems that you didn't come here to ask for help, you came here to pretend to be a calf.

"The man twisted his neck slightly, his tone was already full of unkindness.

"You're only half right." Li Zedao said with a look of embarrassment, "It's true that I didn't come here to seek help, but I didn't come here to pretend to be a fool, I came here... to crack down on counterfeiting!"

"Fake counterfeiting?" The man and the woman looked at each other, and their expressions changed slightly. It seems that this kid knows something.

"I heard that a so-called Yanjing office of the Tiandao Foundation appeared on this street, and even set up a bidding ranking. If you give 10,000 yuan, your letter of appeal will be ranked first. The more money you have, the closer you will be." Li Zedao said with a smile, but his smile was a little cold, "So I hurried over to see what happened..."

"It seems that you are indeed here to make trouble." The man said with a cold smile.

"I've said it all, I'm here to crack down on counterfeiting." Li Zedao once again expressed his intention of coming. Does this guy not understand human speech?

"Hit your mother!" The woman stood up suddenly, cursing with a gloomy face, the previous friendliness was gone, and she looked aggressive. Damn it, I wasted so much saliva! And if this matter got out, the store might be closed, and the police might even come to the door.

"Xiao Wu, 'entertain' him well, my wife will close the door!" The woman glanced at the man beside her, and then ran to close the door.

Xiao Wu smiled coldly, stared at Li Zedao firmly and said, "Sister Yang, don't worry, this kid will peel off his skin even if he doesn't die..."

Li Zedao had a harmless smile on his face. The reason why he didn't do anything was because he was waiting for the woman to close the door.

It is said that the door is closed and the dog is closed. How can you beat the dog if the door is not closed? What's more, Li Zedao still wants to smash this small shop.

"Wow..." The woman closed the rolling shutter door, and the room instantly became dark.

Li Zedao stood up lazily, looked at the man and said, "This is more suitable for you."

"What words?"

"Even if you don't die, you will peel off your skin."

"Slap!" Before the man could react, Li Zedao stood up and slapped him, knocking him to the ground, and his face became swollen like a red steamed bun. of.

This slap directly blinded him, his head was buzzing, and he couldn't react for a long time.

But Li Zedao didn't intend to let him go, and kicked him heavily in the stomach again.

"Hmm..." The man's face was contorted in pain, and now, he couldn't get up from the ground for the time being.

"Uh..." The woman's eyes widened, and she couldn't believe what she saw. Shouldn't it be Xiao Wu who beat this kid violently? Why is it the other way around? At that moment, she even had the urge to quickly open the rolling gate and slip away, but when she saw this kid smiling at her and walking towards her step by step, she knew it was too late.

Damn, why close the door? Why?

"Miss, don't worry, I don't hit women." Li Zedao said with a smile. After speaking, he felt guilty for some reason, and then quickly added, "I mean, don't hit women who shouldn't be hit."

"..." The woman looked terrified, she knew that she belonged to the kind that should be beaten.

"You... don't come here, I will call for help if you come here... help... help..." The woman really opened her voice and shouted. It's a pity that this street is relatively remote, and the doors have been closed, so people outside didn't hear it at all.

"Shut up!" Li Zedao said very depressed, "When you yell like this, others will mistakenly think that I want to do something beastly to you. Is my taste so low? Do you think I'm That perverted guy wants to fuck as long as he's a mother?"

"..." The woman had a feeling of being insulted to death.

"Slap!" Li Zedao slapped this nasty woman's face heavily, knocking her onto the ground, causing blood to overflow from the corner of her mouth, and half of her jaw was about to fall off.

Li Zedao squatted down slightly, and said with a smile: "If you are babbling, I really don't mind giving you a few more slaps... Although I don't hit women..."

"..." The woman covered her face, tears were already rolling in her terrified eyes, this devil.

"You will definitely tell me who opened this shit store, right?" Li Zedao asked with a smile. He could tell that this woman was not a boss, but a part-time worker. That is to say, behind her Someone even ordered her to do this kind of thing to discredit the Tiandao Foundation.

Yes, Li Zedao didn't think they used the name of Tiandao Foundation to cheat some money, but to discredit Tiandao Foundation. After all, how long has Tiandao Foundation been established? He doesn't have such a big reputation at all, and he can't cheat much money if he wants to use this to cheat.

Once the masses are deceived, exposed on the Internet, and then after a series of fermentation, then the Tiandao Foundation will be like yellow mud in the crotch, it is either shit or shit.

"I...I don't know what you're talking about..." The woman stared at Yanjing, and said in a horrified voice.


Li Zedao simply slapped him again, and then said with a sneer: "It seems that you have been a little frightened, and your memory has declined severely. Do you need me to use some methods to restore your memory?"

"Woo...I really don't know what you're talking about...My cousin and I...just to cheat some money...Woo...I'm sorry, I was wrong...I don't dare anymore..." The woman covered her face and cried decisively.

Li Zedao shook his head and said: "I am very dissatisfied with your answer, so I'm sorry, I can only knock you out, and then take off your clothes and throw them on the street... Although your face is very ugly now , but your figure is still okay, so I think many people are willing to point the camera of their mobile phone at you, what do you think?"

"No...don't...please..." The woman cried even harder, her eyes full of horror.

"You don't believe it?" Li Zedao smiled evilly, and he was about to reach out and take off her clothes.

"No...don't..." The woman cried and screamed when she saw that Li Zedao was playing for real, "Please... I said, I said... Young Master Sun asked me to do this... Young Master Sun..."

"Master Sun? Which Young Master?" Li Zedao asked loudly. In my impression, there seems to be no one surnamed Sun who has any enmity with me.

"'s Sun Jundong and Sun Shao..." the woman cried aggrievedly.

"Sun Jundong?" Li Zedao was taken aback. That follower of Gao Shenghan? The Sun Jundong who obediently gave the car to himself before, who looked like a grandson in front of him?

Did he really have the guts to engage in these little tricks behind his back?

"What you said is true?" Li Zedao stood up and asked.

The woman nodded hurriedly and cried aggrievedly: "Yes... it's true... Young Master Sun asked me to come here with Xiao Wu. He said that if you can fool one person, the bigger the amount, the better..."

"How many people have you lied to?" Li Zedao asked coldly.

The woman lowered her head slightly, and said in a low voice: "It's only been about ten days, and the reputation of the Tiandao Foundation is not too... loud, and there are not many people entering the store, and they are all... that person who has no money, so... …not a single one……"

Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief, that's good! It seems that this time I have killed the danger in the cradle in time.

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