After getting the answer he wanted, Li Zedao didn't make things difficult for this miserable-looking woman. He couldn't really strip her clothes off and throw them on the street for everyone to take pictures, right? He is not a wretched guy like a pervert, he can't do this kind of thing.

"Shut up!" Li Zedao said coldly. This woman's crying made him a little depressed, as if he had bullied her, please, I'm the victim, okay?

The woman glanced at Li Zedao in horror, and quickly covered her mouth with her hand, not daring to make any sound anymore.

Li Zedao has Sun Jundong's contact information. When Susan tricked him into racing with a transvestite, the transgressor lost a Lamborghini to Li Zedao. Li Zedao asked Sun Jundong to come and drive him away. In the end, Sun Jundong helped send the car to Phoenix city.

At that moment, Li Zedao found Sun Jundong's contact information and called him.

Soon, the phone was connected, and then Sun Jundong's somewhat uncertain voice came over: "Li...Li Shao?"

"It's me." Li Zedao said lightly.

"Li Shao, hello, hello..." Sun Jundong said quickly, his voice was full of flattery and surprise, "I wonder what orders Li Shao has?"

"I'm in Yanjing now." Li Zedao said, "Suddenly want to drink some tea, do you have a good place to go?" Just listening to the voice, I can't tell that there is a guilty conscience in this kid's voice, or it is still the same as before , in addition to flattery is fear.

There are three reasons why this is so. First, this kid is pretending to be calm; second, there is another Sun Jundong in Yanjing; third, although Sun Jundong is behind the scenes, he does not know that the Tiandao Foundation was founded by Li Zedao of.

So Li Zedao decided to ask him out.

If it's really you who are playing tricks behind, then... I'm sorry!

"Yes, yes." Sun Jundong said hastily, "I know there is a teahouse in Yanjing, and it's very nice there... Young Master Li, where are you now, I'll pick you up?"

Li Zedao glanced at the woman on the ground and said, "No need, just tell me a place, and I can go by myself."

"Okay, Young Master Li, that teahouse is called Huangcheng Teahouse..."

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao put the phone back in his pocket, then looked at the woman on the ground and said, "You go to sleep for a while..." As he spoke, he kicked her and knocked her out.

After knocking out the man in the same way,

Li Zedao then opened the rolling gate, walked out, and pulled down the rolling gate casually, then returned to the car he parked on the side of the road, and rushed towards the teahouse in the imperial city that Sun Jundong mentioned.

Finally, Li Zedao stopped in front of a tea house that looked very dignified.

There are so many people in the city, there is a lot of traffic, and Nuo Da's tea room is actually overcrowded.

Sun Jundong, who had been waiting there long ago, stretched his neck and saw Li Zedao getting off a Maserati, hurried over to greet him, nodded and said, "Young Master Li..."

Li Zedao glanced at him, nodded, then pointed to the teahouse in front of him and said, "This teahouse really looks good."

Judging from the various luxury cars parked in the parking lot at the entrance, people who can come here to drink tea are either rich or expensive.

Sun Jundong smiled obsequiously and said: "This imperial teahouse is the most famous teahouse in Yanjing. It has a history of several decades. The tea and snacks inside are extremely sweet and delicious, so it is full of people every day...Of course , Ordinary people can’t come in, Young Master Li, please come inside.”

Under the guidance of Sun Jundong, the two finally came to a box. The decoration style of the box is simple and elegant, giving people a sense of culture. Sitting like this, drinking a cup of tea with elegant movements, you will feel that you are a very cultured person.

The tea is the top-quality Dahongpao, and the refreshments are all kinds of exquisite pastries, exuding a tempting aroma, and a sweet-looking beauty in a cheongsam is in charge of performing the tea ceremony.

Washing tea, cleaning cups, and brewing are skillful and graceful movements. Just smelling the fragrance of tea and watching tea art performances is a beautiful enjoyment.

"You two, please."

After performing a tea ceremony gracefully and skillfully, the beauty in cheongsam brought two cups of tea soup to Li Zedao and Sun Jundong.

"Young Master Li, please." The flattering smile on Sun Jundong's face was always on. Li Zedao didn't drink tea, so he naturally didn't dare to drink it first... Although he was a little thirsty, it was mainly because the frown and smile of this cheongsam beauty was too much. It was touching, and Sun Jundong was a little itchy.

Of course, Sun Jundong didn’t dare to act recklessly, after all, the Imperial City Tea House was the property of the Wei family behind Wei Xiaobao, if he dared to act recklessly, then Sun Jundong might really not be able to see the sun tomorrow .

Li Zedao nodded, picked up the cup of tea soup, and took a sip... that's all.

Since then, after drinking the tea made by the master in the small courtyard of his great-grandfather, which is said to be specially for the big bosses above, Li Zedao feels that it is the same when drinking any tea. Of course, that small pot of tea is now in the in his hand.

Sun Jundong looked like he had a lot of research on tea. He smelled it first, and his face was intoxicated. After taking a sip, he became even more intoxicated. Looking at the beautiful woman in cheongsam, he couldn't help but admire: "Good tea!"

Before the cheongsam beauty could say anything, Li Zedao said with a faint smile, "What's so good about it?"

"Uh..." Sun Jundong was a little embarrassed, he didn't know what was good, he just thought it was delicious, and he also thought that this cheongsam beauty was good-looking, so he praised it.

"Let her go out, let's talk." Li Zedao said.

"Okay, Young Master Li." Sun Jundong nodded quickly and said, then looked at the beautiful woman in the cheongsam apologetically.

"Then don't bother the two gentlemen." The cheongsam beauty stood up with great interest, and wished Li Zedao and Sun Jundong a blessing, looked a little surprised at Li Zedao, and then left the box swayingly.

Li Zedao picked up a piece of pastry, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it, then looked up at Sun Jundong, and said straight to the point: "I found you because I have something to ask you."

"Li Shao, tell me, you know everything." Sun Jundong nodded quickly, ready to answer any questions Li Zedao asked.

"Do you know about the Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao asked casually.

"Tiandao Foundation..." Sun Jundong's eyelids twitched slightly, and then he asked a little cautiously, "Is the Tiandao Foundation Zhou Xiaolu endorsed by Li Shao?"

"It seems that there is only one Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao smiled.

Seeing Li Zedao showing such a malicious smile, Sun Jundong felt even more nervous. Could it be that Li Shao has any connection with Tiandao Foundation? Not only that, but what did Young Master Li discover?

"Do you know?" Li Zedao smiled even wider.

"Know...know..." Sun Jundong said with a stiff smile on his face, cold sweat was already breaking out on his forehead, and he felt an urge to call those two idiots to close the door quickly.

Li Zedao stuffed another piece of pastry into his mouth, and then said casually again: "The shop at No. 178 Wangjing Road...the Tiandao Foundation's office in Yanjing..."

"..." Sun Jundong's face changed drastically, and he almost slipped off the chair as soon as his legs gave way.

"I was in the store when I called you." Li Zedao looked at Sun Jundong with a smile and said, "I told the man and woman in the store that the Tiandao Foundation has not established an office in Yanjing. The so-called 10,000 yuan can put your application in the front row is even more nonsense and absurd, guess what happened in the end?"

"Young Master Li..." Sun Jundong almost cried in fright.

"I beat them both up, and the woman told me pitifully, it's none of her business, it was a man named Sun Jundong who asked her to do it... Coincidentally, your name is also Sun Jundong, so I I just asked you out...Why are you nervous? It's just the same name, isn't it?" Li Zedao's voice was playful, but his eyes turned cold all of a sudden.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Sun Jundong rolled down from the chair, knelt down, looked at Li Zedao pitifully and said, "Li Shao...I...that Sun me..."

Sun Jundong knew that the other party already knew all this, if he blindly concealed it, he would only die more tragically.

"But, I... I don't know that the Tiandao Foundation has something to do with you, Li Shao. If I knew, how dare I help him to secretly trip up the Tiandao Foundation, and even, I will immediately Tell Shao Li that someone wants to secretly harm the Tiandao Foundation..."

"You mean, you are helping others?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Yes, Young Master Li." Sun Jundong's voice was a bit bitter, and then he greeted the other party's eighteen generations of ancestors.

"Who is that person?" Li Zedao asked.

"It's the flower forest, the flower forest of Suhang Huarong Electric." Sun Jundong said quickly.

"Flower forest...Flower forest..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth curled up slightly cruelly, "It seems that you think your 50 million was too unfair."

Under Sun Jundong's explanation, Li Zedao probably understood the whole story. It turned out that Sun Jundong's father and Hua Shulin were good friends, and they were even related relatives. When Sun Jundong saw Hua Shulin, he had to call him uncle. .

Two weeks ago, Hua Shulin came to Yanjing and asked Sun Jundong to do him a favor, that is to secretly set up a so-called Tiandao Foundation Yanjing Office, openly asking for money, and after the money is finished, it will naturally be The choice disappeared, so as to achieve the purpose of discrediting the Tiandao Foundation.

Sun Jundong naturally asked him why, and Hua Shulin explained that he had a gap with the founder of the Tiandao Foundation.

Because the name is not so famous, in Sun Jundong's view, this is not a great foundation, and Hua Shulin gave him a gift that he could not refuse...a valuable sports car, so Sun Jundong directly agreed.

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