Now it seems that Chen Yan's hand and that thing were not destroyed by fans, but by this cruel and ruthless Young Master Li.

Hua Shulin's heart is full of sorrow, this is really a crushing defeat.

"It seems that you intend to admit it." Li Zedao said.

"I admit it!" Hua Shulin nodded very simply, he still has this bit of courage. Besides, the evidence is so strong that Sun Jundong almost knelt down to lick the opponent's shoes, and he couldn't allow him to deny it.

"In that case, let's talk about the issue of compensation." Li Zedao was even more straightforward than Hua Shulin, "You almost killed my girlfriend, and almost destroyed the Tiandao Foundation I worked so hard to build... Of course, I don't know if there are any tricks behind it... I can't guess that you are thinking of the boss, hehe."

"No more." Hua Shulin looked at Li Zedao and said with a bitter voice, "It's true that I did something dishonorable and disgraceful."

"I know, I know." Li Zedao sneered, "Actually, Boss Hua, you know better than anyone else that the so-called dishonesty and dishonor are nothing more than being seen through."

"Young Master Li is right." Hua Shulin said with a fiery old face, "Then ask Young Master Li to tell you the price."

"Boss Hua, it's a bit vulgar to mention money," Li Zedao said with a smile.

Hua Shulin cursed inwardly, damn it, you hypocrite! If it is vulgar to mention money, why did you ask for 50 million at the beginning?

At the same time, I felt a bad feeling in my heart.

Li Zedao said lightly with a chuckle: "Recently, I suddenly became interested in the electrical industry and wanted to enter this field."

"..." Hua Shulin felt a pain in his chest, and almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"I'm suddenly interested in the electric appliance industry, and I want to enter this field." The sentence is light and easy, but the subtext is to give me the Huarong Electric Appliance behind you as compensation... How could Huashulin not hear it?

Sun Jundong on the side was also secretly dumbfounded. It really deserves to be Young Master Li, who directly killed the other party as soon as he made a move. You know, although Huashulin has other industries, such as hotels, entertainment venues, ktv bars, etc., Huashulin Rong Electric is its core industry, accounting for more than 80% of all Huashulin's industries.

If Huashulin really gave Huarong Electric, then there would be no such person as Huashulin in Suhang.

"Young Master Li is planning to take it by force?" Hua Shulin took a deep breath to suppress the violence in his heart and said, and even showed a smile on his face... until now, he can still smile , Hua Shulin also admires himself.

"Boss Hua wronged me for saying this. You asked me to propose a price for compensation, and I also mentioned it. Why do you say that I took it by force?" Li Zedao said with a look of injustice. He is also a college student of a famous university, and he is a good boy who talks about five things, four beauties and three things he loves, and I can't do that kind of thing."

"..." The corners of Hua Shulin's mouth twitched, he wanted to know how he could say such shameless words so calmly?

"Or, do you feel sorry for Hua always thinking that the price I proposed is low?" Li Zedao suddenly realized, "Well, I also think the price is low. After all, you are the woman who wants to kill me, and you want to bury me even more. business...then let's add another hotel...I have been to your hotel in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and the environment is still so-so."

"..." Hua Shulin suddenly had something dripping from the corner of his mouth, he didn't have the nerve to wipe it off with his sleeve, he felt too ashamed.

"Li Shao, if you are like this, we...may not be able to talk." Hua Shulin's expression turned cold. Damn, do you really think that I am a soft persimmon? Make me anxious, then I will fight you to the end!

The smile on Li Zedao's face faded, his expression became cold, and he said lightly: "Boss Hua thinks it's impossible to talk...then it's okay if we don't talk about it?"

"...Are you... a threat?" Hua Shulin narrowed his eyes slightly, already a little vigilant.

Li Zedao laughed and said, "How dare I threaten Boss Hua? Who doesn't know that Boss Hua is a well-known entrepreneur, a philanthropist, and the underground king of Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Hua Shulin was silent, and after a while, he said in a voice that even he felt unfamiliar with: "Li Shao, I sincerely express my apology... 10% of Huarong Group's shares..."

"No need." Li Zedao waved his hand and said coldly, "I'm not short of that money."

Why do you have a picture of Lao Tzu being number one in the world when you are doing bad things in secret of?

As a result, after being discovered, he knew that he could not bear the other party's revenge, and then he felt afraid, so he began to express his apology so "sincerely"?

This made Li Zedao feel a little wronged.

Why should the bad guys kill you if they say they want to kill you, and destroy you if they say they want to destroy your hard work?

And when good people treat their own body in their own way, those bad people feel so wronged, think you are aggressive and talk like a lion?


"..." Hua Shulin almost vomited blood from Li Zedao's words, what do you mean you are not short of that little money? Do you know how much 10% of Huarong Group's shares are worth? Do you know your family is so pretentious?

"How about this, 20% of the shares of Huarong Group!" Hua Shulin gritted his teeth and said, "This is the greatest sincerity I can show. If Li Shao is still dissatisfied and still unwilling to let go, then I will not let you go." There is a way..."

Li Zedao smiled strangely, stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and left the room unsteadily, too lazy to continue the conversation.

Sun Jundong glanced at Huashulin with a livid face and didn't know what he was thinking, and then hurriedly chased him out. In his opinion, he must stay away from Huashulin in the future. Call and tell him to ignore this guy in the future.

"Damn it!" Hua Shulin said in a voice that only he could hear, his face was extremely gloomy, as if he could squeeze out a few catties of water.

After thinking for a while, he took out a shiny golden mobile phone, made a call and went out.

After the call was connected, Hua Shulin said respectfully, "Wei Shao, it's me."

"How is things going?" A man's voice came from the microphone.

"Wei Shao, he just left." Hua Shulin's voice was full of bitterness.


"Li Zedao." Hua Shulin said, "He has seen through... He has seen through both plans. Chen Yan, that idiot's arm and crotch, was destroyed by him. As for Sun Jundong in front of him. It’s like a dog. There’s no difference. He just asked me for compensation. He even asked me to give him the entire Huarong Electric, otherwise this matter would be endless... How could I give him the entire Huarong Electric? He offered to pay him 20% of the shares, but he didn't accept it, and left with a sneer on his face. I think he was murdered, Wei Shao, look at this..."

On the other end of the phone, the man was silent for a while and then said: "Boss Hua, you are still too careless, otherwise how could he see it through?"

"Yes, Young Master Wei, it's all my fault..." Hua Shulin hurriedly said, who let himself rely on the other party's breath?

"Wei Shao, what should we do now? Do you think he will really kill me secretly?" This is what Hua Shulin is most concerned about now. He has seen Li Zedao's powerful force value before. If he wants to If you secretly kill yourself, you don't have any ability to resist at all.

"Where did you meet him?" the man asked. "Who else was there?"

"In Zheju, that guy Sun Jundong is also there." Hua Shulin said.

"Zheju...then you can rest assured that the boss of Zheju has gained a firm foothold in Yanjing thanks to the big tree of our Wei family." The man said, "I will let him spread the news. It is said that Boss Hua of the Huarong Group had a little conflict with Li Zedao in Zheju, and even heard that Li Zedao threatened to kill someone... After such news spread, he would not dare to touch you, at least when you were in Yanjing , he dare not."

"Thank you Wei Shao, thank you Wei Shao." Hua Shulin breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, Li Zedao did not dare to attack him. After all, if something happened to him, everyone would think it was Li Zedao's doing. Under such circumstances, Li Zedao would not act foolishly.


After returning to the previous room, Sun Jundong looked at Li Zedao and asked cautiously: "Young Master Li, I'm worried..."

"What are you worried about?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"The dog jumps over the wall..." Sun Jundong said cryptically.

Although Sun Jundong knew that if Hua Shulin really dared to beat Li Zedao to death, he would only be beaten to death by himself, but Hua Shulin is still the number one person. I heard that he still has a little connection with a certain wealthy family in Yanjing, and his energy is still not small. Yes, once he really risked his life, it would be terrible.

As Li Shao's most loyal little brother, Sun Jundong felt that he had to remind him.

Li Zedao smiled, picked up a piece of Dongpo meat with chopsticks, put it in his mouth and praised: "It tastes good."

"..." Sun Jundong smiled awkwardly and shut up obediently. He knew that Li Zedao didn't want to talk about this matter. If he was talking about it, his slap would probably be on his mouth.

Li Zedao acted as if nothing happened, enjoyed a delicious meal of authentic Zhejiang cuisine, then left Zheju and returned to his Maserati.

"Young Master Li, if you need me to do anything, please contact me at any time." Sun Jundong stood in front of the car and said flatteringly.

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, didn't say anything, stepped on the accelerator, and the car sped forward, then Li Zedao took out his phone, dialed a number and said, "You don't have to die!"

"Don't worry, boss." On the other end of the phone, the pervert said very respectfully.

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