The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 957 Calm down a bit

In the afternoon, there was a piece of news circulating in a certain circle.

According to the news, Xiao Qiangwei's son from Brilliant International, that is, Li Zedao, the son of Su Xuan who took the Su family away in front of everyone at the Yanjing Hotel and slapped the Gao family, went to Zhejiang Ju for some reason. Hua Shulin, the chairman of Suhang Huarong Group, had a conflict and even threatened to keep Hua Shulin in Yanjing forever.

And when he heard the news, Sun Jundong immediately called Li Zedao to report the matter.

"Young Master Li, it is most likely that Huashulin sent people to spread the word?" Sun Jundong analyzed, "This old fox."

Thinking this way, Li Shao is depressed, and he can't do anything to Huashulin, at least not in a short period of time. After all, if something happens to Huashulin now, everyone will definitely think it is Li Zedao's hands.

Sun Jundong couldn't help but admire Hua Shulin, an old fox, who even thought of playing such a game.

Li Zedao smiled, and said indifferently: "It doesn't matter if it's true or not... Well, it's nothing, so I'll hang up and I want to play chess with my grandfather."

After leaving Zheju, Li Zedao drove to the hospital to accompany Ji Yuemo.

After Shangguan Daobo took a nap in the afternoon, he asked Li Zedao if he would play chess. Li Zedao said he would play a little bit, so Shangguan Daobo sent someone to send a pair of chess and a small table, and the two of them prepared on the bed. After killing a few games, Ji Yuemo watched with interest and was responsible for serving tea and water for the two of them.

It's just that Sun Jundong's call came in before the chessboard was set up.

"Grandpa, I'm done calling, let's continue." Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile.

"Haha, okay, continue." Shangguan Daobo nodded and smiled, "I can't wait to see your chess skills. You are the apprentice of that kid Wang Zi. That kid has amazing accomplishments in chess. If he is willing In other words, it is not difficult to get an international grandmaster awarded by the World Chess Federation or the Asian Chess Federation. Of course, not only chess, but also Go, or that sentence, if he wants, it is very easy You can get the professional nine-dan in your pocket... That kid is a pervert."

Li Zedao was stunned. It turned out that Master was even more powerful than he had imagined. He was almost becoming an omnipotent superman.

"As his apprentice, you must have done well." Shangguan Daobo said with a smile.

Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile: "I'm afraid I will disappoint Grandpa,

Master didn't teach me how to play chess, I just learned it by myself. "

"Oh? Then what did that kid teach you?" Shangguan Daobo asked, "How to pretend to be aggressive? How to pick up girls? Well, you have indeed learned from him on these two points."


"Haha..." Ji Yuemo, who was at the side, laughed heartlessly when he saw Li Zedao's embarrassment to death.

"Haha, play chess, play chess." Shangguan Daobo said.

An hour later, Shangguan Daobo had a serious expression on his face, and Li Zedao also looked at the chessboard with frown.

"Boy, what do you think of this game of chess?" Shangguan Daobo looked at Li Zedao and asked.

"Grandpa, I can't win." Li Zedao said after looking at the chessboard.

"Haha, you boy!" Shangguan Daobo said with a slight smile, "Can I take your words as giving me face?"

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "I really can't win."

"Grandpa, Ze Dao, which one of you two won?" Ji Yuemo stared at the chessboard with wide eyes and asked curiously. Although she can play, she is not very skilled in chess, so it is impossible to tell who will win from the few broken pieces on the chessboard. Li Zedao said that he can't win, and it seems that he can't win either. , so Ji Yuemo was also a little confused.

"A draw." Shangguan Daobo glanced at Li Zedao meaningfully, then looked at Ji Yuemo and said with a smile, "Granddaughter, your vision is much better than your mother's."

He expected Li Zedao's chess strength to be good, but he didn't expect it to be so was on par with him! But he has been playing chess for several years, how old is he?

"Of course, don't you look at whose granddaughter and granddaughter I am?" Ji Yuemo said with a smug smile, and glanced at Li Zedao, her eyes were full of love.

Li Zedao couldn't agree more with Shangguan Daobo's words. Ji Yuemo's vision is indeed much better than that of her mother, Shangguan Mingyue.

Then the phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang again.

"Go and do your work. I'm tired too, and my energy is not as good as before. I need to take a rest." Shangguan Daobo said with a smile.

Li Zedao nodded, went to the side and took out the phone that called Zhenghuan, looked at the calling number, but it was an unfamiliar number, after thinking about it, Li Zedao still picked it up.

Soon, Yanhuang's deep voice came over: "I'm Yanhuang, you're at the General Hospital of the Military Region right now?"

"Yes, is something wrong with Antarctica?" Li Zedao asked. He was most concerned about the Antarctic, so he also told Yanhuang to call him immediately if there was anything.

"No, the final results haven't come out yet... You go downstairs, there is someone waiting for you at the entrance of the hospital. It's a black red flag car." Yanhuang said.

"Who is it?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, he could feel Yanhuang's tone was very serious, and it was conceivable that the person who wanted to see him must have some background.

"You'll know in a while." Yanhuang said, "Also, calm down."

"Uh...calm down? Calm down?" Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, but then he was speechless, because Yanhuang seemed to be afraid of delaying Li Zedao's time to go downstairs, so he hung up the phone. This old man is too old to play mysterious things, he deserves a beating.

However, Li Zedao still planned to go to the entrance of the hospital. After all, he was somewhat curious. The person who could make Yanhuang speak so solemnly must have a lot of background.

After saying hello to Ji Yuemo and Shangguan Daobo, Li Zedao went downstairs and waited at the entrance of the hospital. Of course, he didn't tell them that he was going to meet any important person, only that he wanted to meet a friend, Ji Yue Mo was somewhat heartless, so he didn't ask too many questions.

When I went downstairs to the entrance of the hospital, I saw a black red flag car parked in the distance.

If Li Zedao could understand the license plate on the front of the car, he should be able to guess who was looking for him. Unfortunately, although his driving skills are very good, he didn't care about this so-called special photo at all. .

Seeing Li Zedao approaching, two men in black clothes and mirrors came over, looked Li Zedao up and down, and asked, "Are you Mr. Li Zedao?"

"It's me." Li Zedao nodded.

"Yanhuang has already told you that someone wants to see you." The man on the left said aloud, "Please come with us."

"Where are we going?" Li Zedao asked, "Who are we seeing?"

"You'll know when you go." The man on the right said expressionlessly.

Li Zedao knew that there was nothing to ask from the mouths of these two people, so he simply stopped talking and followed them into the car.

Soon, the car started and drove towards a direction that Li Zedao didn't know.

Although I don't know where these two guys who give people a strong feeling are going to take me, Li Zedao is not worried about his safety at all, because although these two people have cold faces, their attitudes are not bad. When they were in the car, they only spoke a few words to him. One sentence is "Are you thirsty? There is a small refrigerator on your right with water in it." The other sentence is "You can open the window to smoke.".

Besides, Yanhuang has no reason to do something cruel to him, even if he really wanted to do it, he doesn't need to be mysterious at all.

However, when he arrived at the place, Li Zedao's heart was already turbulent, because he had already realized where he had come.

Power center! The legendary center of power! This power center is officially where the people above work, which is equivalent to The White House in the United States!

In other words, is the person who wants to see me one of the leaders who stand at the top of the power pyramid? Or even, Chief No. 1? I'm afraid that's the case, and this also explains why Yanhuang calmed himself down when he was on the phone.

Li Zedao couldn't help drawing a few circles in his heart and cursing that guy Yanhuang, and he didn't make it clear, which made him really unprepared. Now he's nervous, much more nervous than when he was taking the college entrance examination. Of course, there is no comparison between the college entrance examination and going to meet the chief.

And once they came here, the expressions of the two people who brought Li Zedao over became more serious, and Li Zedao puffed out his chest, trying to calm down his restless heart and make himself look more serious.

After the two of them went through layers of identity checks, the last two men brought Li Zedao to a quaint building. A middle-aged man in a neat suit and black-rimmed eyes met Li Zedao and the three of them. After the person, he greeted the two of them.

"Mr. Li Zedao?" The man stared at Li Zedao sharply, but with a warm smile on his face, he first extended his hand to Li Zedao.

"I am." Li Zedao stretched out his hands that were sweaty and slightly wet due to nervousness or excitement, or some inexplicable emotion that he didn't know, and shook him.

"I'm the chief's secretary. You can call me Secretary Qian or Lao Qian." Secretary Qian said with a smile, and then his eyes fell on the two men. Come here and take Li Zedao out."

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