People who can make the head of the daily affairs pay attention and spare some time to meet are naturally very capable, so Secretary Qian, who is best at watching people order food, naturally has a very good attitude towards Li Zedao.

"Yes." The two men puffed out their chests and said without taking their eyes off, then they turned and left without delay.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the chief." Secretary Qian said, looking back at Li Zedao.

"Sure enough, I'm going to see the chief." Li Zedao exhaled a few breaths secretly, calming his inexplicably restless heart, and then said, "I'm sorry, Secretary Qian."

Li Zedao is not that rude or stupid, and he doesn't care what old money is called. If he is called that, I am afraid that this powerful secretary will play himself to death, right?

At the same time, he felt inexplicably weak in his heart. This place put too much pressure on him. The few soldiers with live ammunition standing at the door are all masters without exception, and their skills may not be those of the Shenlong organization. under.

Of course, the dangers that can be seen are often not the most dangerous. Li Zedao also felt that there were greater dangers hidden in places he could not see. Although they were well hidden, Li Zedao could still clearly feel the danger emanating from them That oppressive feeling.

If he was besieged by these people, he would probably have to escape for his life.

At that moment, Li Zedao followed Secretary Qian and slowly walked into the office of the legendary chief.

"Don't be nervous. The chief is very kind. You'll know it when you see him...Of course, you must have seen his picture on TV, Internet or newspapers." Secretary Qian said with a smile.

"I will." Li Zedao smiled back, saying that he was not nervous was a lie, but he said he was nervous, but he didn't seem to be that nervous, and the more he walked inside, the calmer he felt.

"Of course, although the chief is very kind, you have to be careful about what you say...proper!" Secretary Qian reminded in a low voice.

"This...I know." Li Zedao nodded, reminding him to think through his brain when speaking, "Thank you, Secretary Qian, for your reminder."

Secretary Qian nodded in satisfaction, thinking that this little kid still knows how to behave.

There are many people in the office, but they are all focused on their own work, with a serious and serious look, and the atmosphere here is very dignified.

At that moment, Secretary Qian brought Li Zedao to a separate office.

Then, as if afraid of scaring the people inside, he knocked lightly on the door.

Soon, a very energetic and extremely loud voice came from inside: "Come in."

Secretary Qian carefully pushed them away, and then made a gesture of invitation to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded his head slightly to express his gratitude, and then walked in, while Secretary Qian who was thrown outside closed the door in good time.

The room is spacious, but looks extremely spartan. A desk, an office chair, and a computer on the desk. Behind him is a row of bookshelves, with a few books on them. Apart from that, there are no other objects in the room.

As soon as Li Zedao walked in, he already realized that he was locked on by an extremely sharp gaze, and that feeling seemed to be that this gaze could see right through your heart.

Li Zedao took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and then looked up, only to see that the No. 1 head of the news network who was very familiar to him and appeared at 7 o'clock in the evening every day was sitting at the desk Come forward, look at yourself.

"Well, it's a little more majestic than what you see on TV, and it feels a little more oppressive." Li Zedao also looked at the other party and muttered in his heart.

The definition of the word momentum in the dictionary is: the power and deterrence shown by people or things.

Now when Li Zedao faced the No. 1 chief standing at the top of the pyramid, the huge figure of these two characters had already appeared in his mind.

But soon, his heart completely calmed down. Although he stood at the top of the pyramid, but with this identity removed, he was just an ordinary old man... an old man with a more dignified appearance.

"Are you Li Zedao?" Chief No. 1 asked, his voice always loud and majestic.

Li Zedao looked at him calmly, nodded respectfully and said, "Yes, Chief, I am Li Zedao."

"Wang Zi's apprentice?" Chief No. 1 asked again. I still have a high opinion of him in my heart. When Wang Zi first faced the old chief, he was calm and confident. Now his apprentice is facing him, and the same is true. This mentality alone is enough to make people look at him with admiration.

This kid is not bad!

"Yes, Chief." Li Zedao said.

"Very good." Chief No. 1 smiled more on his face, his oppressive aura lessened a little, and the smile on his face was like a spring breeze.

"Thank you, chief." Li Zedao said very politely...the elderly have always liked the kind of polite and good children.

"Sit down." Chief No. 1 pointed to the chair and signaled Li Zedao to sit down. After Li Zedao sat down on the chair, he continued: "I've worked hard on you for what happened last night. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid there would be a huge disaster." Luanzi, you did a good job."

"Chief, this is what I should do." Li Zedao said, "Besides, I think that even if I didn't do it, the people from the Shenlong organization would have done it well and completely smashed Dongtu's conspiracy."

"I believe this." Chief No. 1 nodded and said, "But I don't think they can do better than you, and they can do it more neatly than you."

Li Zedao nodded. In this situation, he didn't know whether he should be humble or accept it calmly.

"There was also the loss of the snake's head some time ago. Although the whereabouts of the snake's head is still unknown, you have brought out the three inner ghosts... It's a pity that those three people are all dead. The ending is not perfect. It also greatly exceeded our expectations." Chief No. 1 said.

Li Zedao nodded, feeling a premonition in his heart that Chief No. 1 had someone bring him here today, and it should have something to do with Snake Head...or Master!

Chief No. 1 pointed to the computer on the desktop and said: "Zedao, all the resumes from the time you were born to the day before you walked into this office are all in my computer...I have studied for a long time, so it means that I have a certain understanding of you. I understand."

If someone else said this, Li Zedao would not believe it. When Chief No. 1 said this to him, Li Zedao knew that there was no water in it. He wanted a person's information, and it was just a one-sentence matter.

Of course, Li Zedao also firmly believed that the information was not complete. He didn’t think that the fact that he took Shenwan was also displayed on the computer screen, and he didn’t think that the No. 1 chief knew about the fact that he killed Gao Shenghan and Wei Xiaobao. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to sit here now, and even if he didn't die, he might stay in that prison for certain.

"In the first eighteen years, your information was not worth mentioning." Chief No. 1 said, "But in the last nearly a year, you have undergone earth-shaking changes. You met your biological mother. You have become Wang Zi's apprentice, you have become smarter, you have changed from a poor student to a top student in the college entrance examination, and you have come to surprise everyone on campus, and you have become the most popular person on campus... I have to say, your That kind of overnight transformation makes people feel incredible. This is the same as your master back then... Your master also transformed from an insignificant prodigal son into a one-in-a-million young talent overnight. "

Chief No. 1 waved his hand and said with a serious expression: "Of course, I don't care how you changed so much overnight. I only care about whether people like you will do things that endanger this country and endanger the country. People's affairs come out, after all, with your ability, if you want to cause damage, the degree of damage will not be smaller than those in Dongtu, but judging from your current actions, I am still very satisfied with you. For example, the Tiandao Foundation you established is very good, I hope you will not forget your original intention and continue to persevere."

"Thank you chief, I will." Li Zedao nodded seriously. No matter when, it is indeed a very happy thing to be affirmed.

"I also want to believe that in a few years, you will still maintain such a heart for the country and the people, and do your best to give back to this society and help other people." Chief No. 1 said again with a slight smile.

"Yes, Chief." Li Zedao nodded slightly.

Chief No. 1 nodded, with a slightly serious expression on his face: "Recently, I heard some rumors about your master, you must know some of them, right?"

"Yes, Chief." Li Zedao didn't dare to hide anything. Of course, he also knew that there was no point in concealing it. Chief No. 1 already knew what he should know.

"When I was interrogating Minister Qian Shaopeng, he said that the snake head was stolen by my master."

"What do you think?" Chief No. 1 asked.

"I don't believe it." Li Zedao said in a deep voice.

Chief No. 1 nodded his head slightly and continued: "Besides this incident, there is another rumor...the reason why your master stays young is because he took the Immortality Pill, and the so-called Immortality Pill The best refining method is to take the liver of a three-year-old child and refine it..."

Li Zedao's face changed slightly.

"It seems that you have also heard the rumors." Chief No. 1 had a panoramic view of the changes in Li Zedao's expression.

"Yes, Chief." Li Zedao said with an ugly face. Dongfang Bubai told himself this matter, and few people knew about it, but now it has become a rumor that many people know. It is conceivable that someone deliberately spread this news, and then spread it to Chief No. 1 in the ears.

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