So the penguin took a deep breath, and his legs tensed suddenly.

"Whoosh!" His body was like a fired cannonball, and he slammed into Li Zedao crazily. When he got close, his hands were clenched into fists, and he slammed into Li Zedao's chest!

To Penguin's surprise, Li Zedao didn't fight with his fist as before, but didn't dodge or dodge, as if he didn't know that a fist the size of a casserole was hitting his chest fiercely.

The engineer's eyes also widened, what the hell is the captain doing? It doesn't matter if you don't attack, but you still don't hide? Others want to hit him with their fists, but he uses his chest to "smash" the opponent's fist? What is he trying to do? Begging to die?

Is Li Zedao the kind of person who wants to die? The answer is naturally no, so the only explanation for this kind of thing is that he has absolute strength to suppress the opponent, otherwise it would be impossible to do such crazy behavior.

"Don't blame me for being beaten to death!" Penguin felt that he was humiliated to death, and his eyes were scarlet.

In an instant, his fist had already reached Li Zedao's chest, and then hit it.

"Bang!" Penguin's face changed drastically. He only felt an unstoppable force from his fist that almost shattered his arm bone! From the phalanx, arm bone, to the shoulder joint, the pain of an almost unbearable physical impact spread throughout the body in an instant.

And following the impact of this tyrannical force, the penguin's sculpted body like a hill was hit and flew upside down, and finally fell heavily on the ground with its buttocks.

"Uh..." The engineer looked shocked. He had never seen a penguin so embarrassed. Of course, he often saw those guys who pretended to be so embarrassed by the penguin.

The penguin sitting on the ground stared at Li Zedao with rounded eyes, his handsome face was full of disbelief.

"The difference between me and it really that big? Just like the difference between me and Yanhuang? This guy is at the same level as Yanhuang?" Penguin's heart was already filled with huge waves, and he couldn't believe what he was thinking. all of these.

"Or... just now he secretly ate ghost pills? Yes, ghost pills! He must have secretly eaten ghost pills!"

Subconsciously, Penguin really hoped that Li Zedao took ghost pills. On the one hand, he lost because the other party secretly took ghost pills, so it would not be too embarrassing. On the other hand, he knew the side effects of ghost pills Well, this guy will grow older in a few minutes, and Antarctica might not like him by then.

Of course,

If Penguin knew that Onimaru couldn't cause side effects on Li Zedao, he might vomit blood and die, right?

So the penguin got up from the ground and roared through gritted teeth: "Come again..."

"Forget it, you are not my opponent." Li Zedao waved his hand and said. I didn't do this just to pretend to be aggressive, but to test how far my current strength has reached and how awesome it is. I am still very satisfied with the result.

"Until the last moment, we don't know who will fall." Penguin roared, and rushed towards Li Zedao again.

"You are really not my opponent." Li Zedao shook his head, and then he kicked over very simply.

"Slap!" The penguin was kicked hard on the face, and its body flew out of the way, and finally lay there in an inelegant posture.

The engineer covered his face, as if he couldn't bear to look directly at it. He thought it was torture, and the torture was of great disparity in strength.

No one expected that when the former captain of the Shenlong Organization's Ming Group faced the current captain, he was beaten like a dead pig, without any chance to fight back.

Of course, he also fought back, but he was beaten even worse after fighting back.

Now Penguin's face is burning hot and hurting, not only because he feels ashamed, but also because of the intimate contact with the other party's shoes at that place just now... When I think of my handsome face being raped by a stinky man... The foot was stepped on, and the penguin had an urge to run to wash his face.

But when I think about it, it is very likely that the opponent is taking Onimaru, and it is very likely that it is the legendary Onimaru No. 2. As long as I can survive the time when Onimaru takes effect, I must be the one who wins in the end.

So Penguin decided to wait until he was beaten to the ground and then stepped on his face a few times before going to wash his face.

When he got up from the ground again and was about to rush towards Li Zedao, an indifferent voice sounded behind him: "You are so noisy."

After the penguin heard the sound, his little heart trembled slightly. Looking back, he saw that Antarctica had appeared there at some point, and it was still those capable and sexy leather jackets and pants, and the iconic cold little face.

In the past, after seeing the Antarctic, the penguin's sullen heart would "Plop! Plop!", and now it is no exception. Of course, that face was even redder now, because the penguin knew very well that Antarctica must have seen it when he was kicked away and lay there like a dog eating shit.

"I...I will defeat him soon..." Penguin stammered, thinking he should explain.

"Impossible!" Nanji didn't give face, and directly vetoed it, but his big indifferent eyes fell on Li Zedao, who hadn't seen him for a while, and this guy became stronger again.

"..." Penguin got a knife in his chest, don't do this to me, okay?

"He...has taken ghost pills." Penguin pointed to Li Zedao, with a slightly aggrieved and sad expression.

Nanji didn't even bother to say anything to this idiot, but looked at Li Zedao and said, "Follow me to a place."

"Uh...where are you going?" Li Zedao asked with some embarrassment. God knows if this chick will take him to a secret place, such as the small woods over there, and plot something? Let's rob money, she doesn't seem to be short of money; rob sex... It's still possible, after all, I still look like a human being, so it's normal to fall in love with her.

Nanji glanced at him coldly, did not speak, but walked straight forward.

"Uh...wait for me..." Li Zedao quickly followed up, if it was really a robbery, wouldn't it be too bad if he didn't go?

The cold wind was bleak, blowing the penguin's flowing hair as if it had been washed with Qingyang shampoo. He stared blankly at the back of Li Zedao and Antarctica gradually going away, his eyes were so sad that even the engineer covered his face and looked like he couldn't bear to look directly at him, he looked like a child who was forgotten by this world.

"Antarctica and penguin...shouldn't they be a natural match? It's like French fries with Coke beer and fried chicken?" Penguin felt that his heart was tightly grasped by something, and there was a faint pain.

If Antarctica is a well-deserved goddess of the Shenlong Organization... Of course, there is only one woman in the Shenlong Organization, and Penguin is the undisputed male god in the Shenlong Organization!

Both of them are responsible for the face of the Shenlong organization, and they are working together to raise the appearance of the Shenlong organization. Everyone... oh, except Anji, think that the two of them are a match made in heaven.

Penguin naturally thinks so too, thinking that Antarctica is his true destiny.

Thanks to Penguin's deliberate efforts, his relationship with Antarctica is indeed closer than others. At least Antarctica will not treat him like he wants to treat other people, throwing a knife and kicking him every now and then... Well, Penguin was unwilling to admit anything, and a large part of the reason why Anji didn't move and threw knives at him was because he was the captain.

And just when he was looking forward to the bright future of the two of them, there was a rumor in the organization that Nanji fell in love with the apprentice of the Hand of God.

This incident was like giving him a blow to the head, and what made him almost faint was that he ran to ask Anji if there was such a thing, and Anji actually said very simply: Yes!

In the end, what made him almost vomit blood even more was that the apprentice of the Hand of God became a member of the Shenlong organization, and he even ran out of him, the captain of the pair, to become the captain himself! Why?

So Penguin couldn't take it anymore. After returning from the mission, when he heard that Li Zedao was here, he came directly to challenge him. In his opinion, the reason why Li Zedao entered the Shenlong organization and became the captain was Shenlong at all. The organization sold his master God's hand a face!

So he wants to defeat Li Zedao, he wants to make him lose face, and he wants to let Nanji know that this guy is a related household, just an idiot!

Once this guy's true colors are revealed, will Nanji still like him? Certainly not!

But what Penguin didn't expect was that he was the one who was defeated, and he was the one who lost all face and showed his true colors!

"Are... are you okay?" The engineer patted Penguin on the shoulder and asked. As a teammate, he has to show his concern.

Penguin turned his head, looked at the engineer sadly, and said, "If it were you, would you be fine?"

"..." The corner of the engineer's mouth twitched, the guy's eyes were so dizzying.

"I'm taller than him, handsomer than him, and more like a god than him...Why doesn't Nanji like me?"

"I... don't know." The corner of the engineer's mouth twitched. He couldn't say that it was because he was more capable than you, more violent than you, and smarter than you, right? From the engineer's point of view, if Penguin had to deal with Dong Tu's placement in the Workers' Stadium this time, it might not be able to handle it better than Li Zedao.

But a man who is broken in love is very scary, so it's better not to provoke him at this time.

"You know, I'm a bachelor, and I'm just a rookie when it comes to love...You go ahead, I'll continue watching the moon..."

"I'm very upset, so I want to compete with you..."

"...Ah, my stomach hurts, the toilet..." The engineer ran away clutching his stomach, he was not so stupid as to be this guy's sandbag.


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