The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 963 That's a Confession

Following behind Nanji, Li Zedao finally came to a brightly lit small white building.

"Where is this place?" Li Zedao asked while looking around.

"Where I live." Nanji said.

"..." Li Zedao's sullen heart was already jumping in his throat, this is really a shame, otherwise what are you doing here? So Li Zedao felt a little guilty for no reason, why don't he leave quickly?

Nanji opened the door, looked back at Li Zedao coldly and said, "Come in." Then he walked straight into the room.

"Uh... really want to go in?" Li Zedao felt even more guilty, what if she wanted to touch her? You can't resist, right? I said that if she put the dagger on her neck, she wouldn't even want to resist. After all, life is more important than body!

"I thought you liked to stay outside." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao expressionlessly, and said coldly.

Li Zedao smiled dryly and said: "I still think the air inside is good, haha..." This is the truth, because compared with the cold wind outside, it is much warmer inside because of the heating. There is also a faint smell in the air.

Li Zedao knows very well that when this faint and pleasant smell comes to Antarctica, beautiful girls will always have their own body fragrance... Even if a beautiful girl smells of sweat, it still smells good, otherwise why? Will there be such a word called "Xianghan"?

"Idiot!" Nanji pouted and said, closed the door casually and stared directly at Li Zedao with a pair of bright and energetic eyes.

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on Li Zedao's forehead, and he said nervously: "What... do you want to do?" As he spoke, he looked at her hand with extreme vigilance, who knows if a dagger will suddenly appear In her hand and then directly left a blood hole in his body.

Nanji looked at Li Zedao like an idiot and said, "Are you getting stronger again?"

"It seems to be." Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

"Pretentious!" Nanji said, "No wonder you were so relaxed when you beat Penguin. Penguin's fighting power can be ranked in the top three in the Shenlong organization, second only to Yanhuang and Military Division... Now it is in the top four."

"It's indeed the top four." Li Zedao laughed, after all, he is now a member of the Shenlong organization.

"By the way, who is the military adviser?" Li Zedao asked curiously, he had never heard of such a number one figure in the Shenlong organization.

What responded to him was a muffled sound of "Hiss!", which was the sound of a leather jacket zipper... Nanji had already ripped off her black leather jacket.

Underneath her was a black sleeveless cotton vest, which was very tight, perfectly outlining her strong and shapely figure. The chest is not as proud as Qi Yanran's, but it is tall and full enough, like a large bowl turned upside down, and the front of the shirt is bulging high.

"You...what are you doing?" Li Zedao swallowed and asked with some difficulty. Could it be that he intends to force himself to be an overlord? However, this woman is quite predictable.

Nanji looked at him like an idiot and said, "It's hot, is there a problem with taking off your clothes?"

" problem, no problem." Li Zedao laughed dryly. Because of the heating, or other reasons, Li Zedao also felt a little hot, so he took off his coat.

"Drinking coffee? What kind of flavor?" Nanji asked, and then went to the cabinet to get the coffee. Li Zedao saw that there were boxes and bags of various coffees in the cabinet. Of course, there was also coffee waiting to be ground. Beans, and there is a coffee machine on the small table next to the cabinet. It is conceivable how obsessed this woman is with coffee.

"I will drink whatever you drink." Li Zedao said.

Antarctica stopped talking. He took two packs of coffee and soaked them carefully.

It is not freshly ground coffee beans, but as long as it is soaked carefully, it will have a very extraordinary taste.

Nanji brought over two cups of coffee, put one of them in front of Li Zedao, then pulled out a chair and sat opposite him.

Nanji took a sip of the coffee and let the bitter aroma reverberate in his mouth. Then he said to Li Zedao, "I have been notified that you have now become the team leader of the Shenlong organization..."

Li Zedao had a shy expression on his face: "I don't know why, but for some reason, not only did I become a member of the Shenlong organization, but I even became a captain..."

"It's really inexplicable." Nanji said.

"..." Li Zedao looked helpless, I just wanted to be humble, why did you just say it so shamelessly?

"I've also been notified. From now on, I don't have to perform other tasks. I just need to find the snake head with you and completely defeat Dongtu." Nanji said after taking another sip of coffee.

"That's right." Li Zedao laughed, "Yanhuang also said that if a man and a woman match, work will not be tiring."

"He is trying to send me to the wolf's mouth." Nanji looked at Li Zedao, his sexy thin lips parted slightly, "Pervert!"

"Pfft!" Li Zedao simply spit out the coffee from his mouth.

"Since I was sensible, the things I have to do every day are not only training but also training." Nanji ignored Li Zedao's protesting eyes and said, his voice was neither sad nor happy, as if his colleagues had nothing to do with him, but it made Li Zedao feel a little distressed for no reason .

"When I have the ability to carry out the task, what I have to do every day is how to kill the enemy and complete the task... So I have never been in love at all, and I don't know what the so-called liking is..."

Nan Ji looked at Li Zedao with burning eyes: "I am not as good as you in this regard. I have rich experience in love."

"..." If there was still coffee in his mouth, Li Zedao would definitely spit it out again. But why did she suddenly say these words, is it to pave the way for the following confession? Well, it must be like that!

Li Zedao took a deep breath, already prepared in his heart to be confessed, and looked at Nanji with encouraging but somewhat ambiguous eyes, motioning him to continue talking.

Avoiding Li Zedao's eyes, Nanji bowed his head and drank his coffee without saying anything.

"That...and then?" Seeing that Antarctica had nothing to say, Li Zedao hurriedly reminded him.

Nan Ji looked at Li Zedao as if he was looking at an idiot, "Oh, then I finished my coffee and I'm going to sleep, you can go away."

"..." Li Zedao didn't get lost, he's not that stupid! He knows very well that women like to talk ironically, and when she tells you to leave, she actually wants you to stay.

Sure enough, Nanji continued: "I really don't know what the so-called liking is. Later, I thought about it. Penguins always come to me for nothing. That's liking? I'm with you. I'm going to scare you with a knife if I have nothing to do. Then I punched you a few times, seeing you with a smiling face over there, I would have a feeling of wanting to laugh... Is that also like it?"

Li Zedao hurriedly said, "That's right..."

"Shut up!" Nanji continued, staring at Li Zedao with burning eyes, "When I'm upset, I'll find other people to beat them up and scare them with knives, and they often keep smiling faces at me, but look Looking at them, I didn’t have the feeling of wanting to laugh, instead I felt that I had done it lightly, otherwise why would they still laugh so wretchedly after I beat them up?”

"..." Li Zedao looked pitiful, and he decided to observe three minutes of silence for the poor members of the Shenlong organization.

"I see that when you are with other women, you also want to get angry for no reason... But this kind of nameless anger is less and less, because..."

Nanji raised her face and thought for a while: "You'll get used to it just by looking at it."

"..." Li Zedao almost choked to death on Nanji's words.

"Okay, I'm done." Nanji said. Although she didn't have any special expression on her face, but saying this kind of words made her feel like a deer in her heart.

"I understand too." Li Zedao said with a look of embarrassment, like a little virgin in love, "You like me."


"Hey... don't use the knife if you have the ability... Sister Nanji, can I be wrong..." Li Zedao looked down at the knife that was already on his neck, and directly begged for mercy very spinelessly.

"...idiot!" Nanji scolded, but suddenly laughed, like a mandala flower quietly blooming, comfortable and quiet!


In the presidential suite of the Baise Hotel, Hua Shulin lay naked on the big crystal bed, with a comfortable face, and made * once or twice from time to time, but in front of him, the top-notch young woman who was almost naked had a vicious look on her face. Sitting on his hip, she gently massaged his shoulder.

This woman's name is Qin Jiaojiao, and she is Hua Shulin's secretary, the kind of secretary who works as a secretary when she has something to do, but when she doesn't, Hua Shulin also brought her here when she came to Beijing.

As a well-known entrepreneur in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he has the absolute right to speak in the underground world of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Naturally, there are many women of all kinds beside Hua Shulin, but for this Qin Jiaojiao, Hua Shulin has a preference, The main reason is that this Qin Jiaojiao has a strong vixen taste, every frown and smile seems to take your soul away, Hua Shulin likes this kind of taste the most.

Although at the behest of Wei Shao and with the help of the boss of Zheju, the rumor that Huashulin and Li Zedao had a conflict in Zheju and Li Zedao threatened to kill him has already spread in a certain circle. Under such circumstances, Li Zedao should not dare to take any irrational actions. After all, if something happened to Huashulin, everyone would definitely think that it was Li Zedao who did it.

But Hua Shulin was still afraid after all, what if Li Zedao really killed him desperately? So he stayed in this hotel very smartly, and studied the human body structure with Qin Jiaojiao from time to time, living like a fairy.

"Lin Lin, you have a good figure." Qin Jiaojiao squeezed the fat on Hua Shulin's back, the disgust in her eyes flashed, but she said delicately, the "Lin Lin" sounded even more It made the bones of Huashulin go numb. If he had fought too many times in this day, his waist is sore and his back hurts, and he has no response. .

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