The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 969 Joint pressure

"...Everything is according to Li Shao's arrangement." Hua Shulin said quickly, thinking about this shameless thing, first threatened Wei Yaoming, you see Wei Yaoming's face turned green with fright, and then said that he really liked that As for the teahouse, who in Yanjing doesn't know that the teahouse is owned by the Wei family? This is simply asking for compensation from someone like Wei Yaoming.

However, the bigger the piece of meat that Li Zedao bit off from the Wei family, the happier Hua Shulin would be, and the more balanced his heart would be! So he said very cooperatively: "Young Master Li doesn't know yet, right? This imperial city tea house is owned by the Wei family, and now we, Young Master Wei, are taking care of it."

"Really?" Li Zedao pretended to be surprised, then looked at Wei Yaoming with a smile and said, "It turns out that it is Wei Shao's property. I saw that the environment there is so good before, and I wanted to see if I could find the boss to buy it. Well... it seems that I am thinking too much."

The muscles on Wei Yaoming's face pulled violently, how could he not understand what Li Zedao meant? He is mediocre, at least in his father's eyes, compared with Wei Xiaobao, he is very mediocre.

But mediocrity doesn't mean stupid, it doesn't mean he can't understand what this shameless guy is saying.

Give him the Imperial City Tea House? What are you kidding? Not to mention that it has a history of a hundred years, it is a symbol of status, the teahouse that has witnessed the glory of the Wei family can now be regarded as a symbol of the Wei family, and if the teahouse in the imperial city is given, the Wei family will probably be squeezed out of the top The family ranks down.

Besides, even though Wei Yaoming is currently managing the teahouse, he is not qualified to just give it away. It is the Wei family's teahouse, which is shared by all Wei family members, not Wei Yaoming alone.

But if not... Wei Yaoming looked at the flattened armrest with a look of fear on his face, and the wound on his back started to sting hotly again.

He let himself eat shit and knives without anyone noticing this time, what will he treat himself to next time?

Wei Yaoming didn't know what Li Zedao would ask him to "eat", but naturally he couldn't ask about this kind of thing. Of course, even if he wanted to ask, it was too late, because Li Zedao and Hua Shulin had already left.

At that moment, Wei Yaoming's face changed rapidly a few times, and then he hurriedly endured the severe pain in his back and stretched out his hand, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and wanted to call his father, telling him that he was being threatened. matter.

Before he could remember to call, his father's call came in.

At that moment, Wei Yaoming quickly picked it up, and before he could say anything, his father's almost growling voice came over, which made Wei Yaoming's ears buzzing.

"Why didn't I shoot you on the wall? From now on,

You have nothing to do with Lao Tzu, you have nothing to do with the Wei family! "

When the phone was hung up, Wei Yaoming was in a daze, covered in cold sweat.


"Young Master Li, if Wei Yaoming clenches his teeth and refuses to admit it, it will be quite difficult." Hua Shulin said, "After all, we don't have any real evidence, do we? If I knew it earlier, when Zheju called him, I should have recorded it."

At this time, the two of them were already in a certain box in the tea house in the imperial city. The box was booked in advance by Sun Jundong, and he was sitting next to the flower forest.

Li Zedao took a look at Huashulin, smiled, and naturally knew his extravagance. This guy has already set aside the entire Huarong Electric Appliance and Huarong Hotel as compensation and life-saving. It was bloody once, and now I naturally hope that the Wei family will also be bitten severely by me.

Of course, Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel Li Zedao asked Nintendo to make an acquisition in the name of Tiandao Group. Tomorrow, Nintendo will arrive in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and Hua Shulin will take the afternoon plane to return to Suzhou and Hangzhou to complete the change as quickly as possible.

Li Zedao is not afraid of Hua Shulin's twisted thoughts, unless he wants to die! And he also asked Alice and Crow to accompany Nintendo to the past. With them, those gangsters who know how to bully honest people are no different from scumbags.

Besides, Li Zedao asked Hua Shulin to take the next poison...Of course, it was the medicine that Miffy gave him to bluff people, but the physical reaction it produced was enough to make Hua Shulin think that he was poisoned, and let Hua Shulin feel that he was poisoned. The pervert took Ma Renjie under control as a hostage, so Hua Shulin naturally didn't dare to make any crooked ideas.

"He will." Li Zedao said with certainty.

He has already entrusted the Shangguan family, the Yang family, the Su family, and Brilliant International to unite to demand "justice" from the Wei family. The Wei family is awesome, but how could it be possible to resist the combined pressure of the three major families and this large enterprise? pressure? Furthermore, Shangguan Daobo said that it doesn't need to be so troublesome, as long as the Wei family knows that Li Zedao is Wang Zi's apprentice, the Wei family will have to make a statement.

It is said that the Wei family is most afraid of Wang Zi. Twenty years ago, Wang Zi almost broke up the entire Wei family. Of course, Li Zedao didn't ask too much about the awesome things about his master back then.

Hua Shulin smiled apologetically: "That's good, that's good."

"You are ready to go back to Suzhou and Hangzhou." Li Zedao said looking at Huashulin.

"Okay, Young Master Li." Hua Shulin had a respectful expression, but he couldn't hide the bitterness in his tone. After all, the painstaking efforts of most of my life are gone like this, and anyone will feel bad.

However, Hua Shulin didn't dare to have any wrong thoughts anymore, and he didn't plan to struggle for a while. Even the Wei family was eaten to death and even the tea house in the imperial city was about to be ceded. What a fart? Besides, his and Ma Renjie's lives are still firmly in the hands of the other party.

Fortunately, although there is no Huarong Hotel and Huarong Electric Appliances, there are still some other gray industries, which are enough for him and Ma Renjie to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Therefore, Huashulin is still grateful for Li Zedao not killing them all. .


Sure enough, under joint pressure, and after learning that Wei Yaoming actually tried to "murder" Wang Zi's apprentice, he had to consider Wang Zi's thoughts. Although Wang Zi had gradually faded out of everyone's sight, with the With the passage of time, the influence is decreasing bit by bit, but the deterrent force is still there, and the Wei family cannot be tolerated.

In the end, the Wei family had to give up the Imperial City Tea House and handed it over to Li Zedao. From then on, they also ended up in the same fate as the Gao family. They were squeezed out of the ranks of first-class families and reduced to second-rate.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't care too much about this matter, and left it to the Shangguan family or Ji Yuemo to deal with it. After all, his most important thing now is to find the whereabouts of the snake head.

With the full cooperation of Huashulin, Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel changed hands, and were acquired by Tiandao Group from Fenghuang City!

Yes, it's an acquisition! It's just that the amount of the acquisition is outrageously low... Li Zedao asked Nintendo to pay a symbolic one hundred or so yuan.

Hua Shulin was insulted to death again, but he had to accept the hundred-dollar bill from Nintendo with a smiling face, and decided in his heart that this one-hundred-dollar bill would be his family heirloom, and he would let his descendants Future generations understand a truth... be brave after knowing your shame!

Tiandao Group's acquisition of Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel under the Huarong Group naturally caused a lot of fluctuations in the business world. Rongda Hotel was sold, and I couldn't figure out why the Tiandao Group, which had not been established for a long time, had such ability to acquire Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel.

Regarding this, Huashulin did not issue any statement, and Tiandao Group also remained silent.

The only thing that makes Huashulin feel more comfortable is that although Tiandao Group "acquired" Huarong Electric and Huarong Hotel, it did not change its name, but there are so many words added to the original name...Tiandao's banner!

The reason why the name was not changed was not out of fear of trouble. The main reason is that after more than ten years of development, Huarong Electric has already become a brand of household electrical appliances that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is obviously inappropriate to change the name under such circumstances. .

At the invitation of Li Zedao, Hua Shulin was also hired as the general manager of Tiandao's Huarong Electric and Tiandao's Huarong Hotel.

Hua Shulin couldn't refuse Li Zedao's invitation. On the other hand, Huarong Electric Appliances was also his painstaking effort for most of his life, and he really couldn't just leave, so he naturally agreed.

Of course, Li Zedao left all matters related to the acquisition to Nintendo himself. After all, he is not good at business matters and has no time.

After several days of investigation, there is still no clue about the whereabouts of the snake head.

If Qian Shaopeng's words are to be believed, then Snake Head had already been dropped when he left Yanjing. Naturally, it would not be easy to take such a national treasure away from Huaxia without anyone noticing, so Snake Shou should return it. It's right in Huaxia, and even, it is very likely that it is still in Yanjing.

As for whether the snake head was stolen by Wang Zi, no one can say for sure, no one knows where he is, and no one can contact him.

The Brilliant Exhibition Hall related to Wang Zi was donated to the country for free more than a few months ago.

The teahouse Xiangju in Fenghuang City that was related to Wang Zi also changed hands a few months ago. The current owner is a tea merchant and has nothing to do with Wang Zi.

And Wang Zi's apprentice, the hacker who helped the military open a certain air defense system, Shadow, also left Huaxia a few months ago and disappeared.

As for Brilliant International, it has long been Xiao Qiangwei's property, and has nothing to do with Wang Zi's same dime.

In other words, Wang Zi doesn't have any industry or influence in the country. Of course, his deterrent power is still there. After all, he was coquettish, evil, and ruthless... oh, and he is lustful. It has long been deeply imprinted in the hearts of those from the major families.


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