The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 970 More like a shemale

In a certain bourgeoisie-like coffee shop, melodious light music lingers in the ears, giving people a warm and ambiguous feeling.

Being in such an environment, Li Zedao didn't feel any relaxation, but rather depressed. In fact, from the moment his father died in his arms, he never really relaxed.

That scene seemed to be a lingering nightmare.

"What do you think?" Li Zedao looked away from the information obtained from the investigation on the table and landed on Nan Ji, who was gently stirring a cup of coffee in front of him.

Nanji glanced at him and said: "Judging from the current situation, your master is planning to completely break away from Huaxia. His forces and people have also completely left Huaxia and disappeared...Of course Now, you can't be counted as his, the shadow is."

Li Zedao smiled wryly, he naturally understood what Nanji meant, but he didn't understand what Master wanted to do.

Could it be that Master, the old man, knows that he can't hide the fact that he brutally killed a three-year-old boy and took his liver to make the elixir of life. Knowing that the higher-ups will definitely hold him accountable, he disbanded all the powers in the country early, Let everyone who has a close relationship with him evacuate China, and then live freely abroad?

As for stealing the snake's head... Is it a small revenge or a prank before leaving?

Naturally, those who are closely related to him do not include Chen Xiaomo, a good brother whom he has not seen for more than ten years, nor those from the Shangguan family, nor Xiao Qiangwei, Meng Jing who is next to Xiao Qiangwei, and There is also the apprentice Li Zedao.

Those who are closely related refer to those core figures who will be involved once he is arrested, such as his women, such as his younger brother Tathagata, Lin Sen, and shadows.

Of course, these are all the results of Li Zedao's conjectures. I am afraid that only the master himself knows whether this is the case.

"I was able to sneak into the military area where my master Yanhuang was in charge without anyone noticing, and even sneaked into that building without telling you or me, and finally killed the big head and the iron hand with a gun, before you and I found out..." Nanji Looking up at Li Zedao, there was a trace of murderous look on his small face, and more of a moving expression, "This person is not inferior to my master! In addition, my master said that Wang Zi still has great influence in the Shenlong organization. He introduced several people in the organization, including the big head and the iron hand."

Li Zedao smiled wryly again. In the world, there must be people who are not inferior to Yanhuang in skill, but there must not be many. Such a person who is stronger than Yanhuang can also instigate the big head and the iron hand, and can also make Qian Shaopeng the dignified Minister of Cultural Relics If he risked his life to watch and steal himself, then the identity of this person is almost ready to be revealed.

"I still don't believe that he stole the snake's head." Li Zedao shook his head.

"Whether you believe it or not doesn't change the truth." Nanji said, "And whether you believe it or not is not the point. The point is, where is the snake head now? How can we get it back?"

"I don't know either." Li Zedao spread his hands, with a wry smile on his face.

"Just do your best..." Nanji looked at Li Zedao, feeling a little distressed.

Seeing Li Zedao looking at him strangely, Nanji frowned slightly and asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You can speak so softly?" Li Zedao looked incredible. No wonder, after knowing Antarctica for so long, it seemed that it was the first time she spoke so softly, instead of being cold and fierce like before, as if someone owed her five million.

Nanji's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he said coldly, "Is there a problem?"

", no." Seeing that the other party looked like he was about to show his knife, Li Zedao quickly apologized, "Oh, right, where did we just talk? Oh, right... just let me do my best... …Now that things are up to now, I can only do my best and obey the destiny.”

Nanji took a sip of coffee and said, "Why do you think the chief asked you to perform this task?"

Indeed, Li Zedao is Wang Zi's apprentice after all. Although he has not been his apprentice for too long, the relationship between master and apprentice is there. Logically speaking, the higher-ups should avoid suspicion and not let Li Zedao participate in this matter. , but the No. 1 chief directly asked Li Zedao to take full charge of this matter.

Li Zedao smiled bitterly: "What do you think?"

"You are born with an upright face, so the chief thinks you won't cheat for personal gain?" Nan Ji asked, but he had a face full of disbelief...don't believe what he said.

"..." Li Zedao was very dissatisfied with Nanji's expression, and he was indeed that kind of person, okay? Well, Li Zedao felt a little guilty, after all, he did a lot of favoritism and fraud.

For example, the Yan Luodian established by his father, the core figures of the Yan Luodian, such as Guan Le with a bull head and a horse face, and Miffy are all living well now.

If they were to be sentenced, these people would be enough to be dragged out and shot several times.

"Or, he didn't want to cause unnecessary casualties?" Nanji said again. Indeed, if it is true that the snake head was stolen by Wang Zi, plus those rumors are true... Wang Zi is the kind of person who can kill even a three-year-old child, he killed the big head and the iron hand , then if someone is sent out to chase him, he might really kill the killer directly.

But Li Zedao is his apprentice, Wang Zi might really let him go, even if Li Zedao knelt down and begged for a while, Wang Zi might just wave his hand and give the snake head directly to Li Zedao , let him take it away.

Li Zedao said dumbfoundedly: "Can't it be because I'm smart? I'm careful? Can you find some clues?"

"There are reasons for this, but the proportion is very small. The two reasons I just mentioned account for ninety...nine percent." Nanji said lightly.

"..." If it weren't for the fear of the other party throwing a knife, Li Zedao would have wanted to slap her ass hard, this girl's words are too choking.

"But no matter what, the higher-ups have already determined that the snake head was stolen by your master!" Nanji said with certainty.

Li Zedao nodded, then looked at Nanji seriously and said, "I'm going back to Phoenix City in these two days, and there are a few important things to do first."

Seeing that Li Zedao was so serious, Nanji's expression also turned serious. Does this guy think that the opportunity to find the whereabouts of the snake's head is in Phoenix City?

"What's the matter?" Antarctica asked.

"Take you back to see my mother, and get to know your other sisters... Oh, your sister Mengchen called me and said that the villa is completely renovated and can be moved in. When you go back, you can choose it yourself. A room." Li Zedao ignored Nanji's pretty face that was red but full of anger, and said like a few treasures, "There are still a few days until the final exam, and I have to review it, so as not to turn on the red light and have to make up the exam at that time. Shame..."

"...Get out!" Nanji cursed.

"As for the snake head..." Li Zedao's expression became serious, "If there is still no news in the end, we can only take the last step."

"Find your Master God's Hand?" Nanji asked with a frown. According to the data, on the Pyrenees Mountains at the border between France and Spain, it is said that there is a castle of Baise standing on the edge of a certain cliff on the mountain, and the Hand of God and his woman live in that castle.

As for whether the Hand of God has moved, it is not known.

Li Zedao nodded with a wry smile. All the mysteries will be known after seeing the master. Of course, the premise is that the master can be found and he is willing to talk about it.

Li Zedao's cell phone rang, and when he took it out, it turned out to be an unfamiliar number. After pondering for a while, he picked it up anyway.

"Hello, who is it?" Li Zedao asked.

"Zedao, it's me, your Uncle Dongfang." A laughing voice came over.

Dongfang Ming's father, Dongfang Invincible!

Li Zedao recognized his voice immediately. Maybe it was because his son, a monster, gave him a disgusting feeling, maybe because of Yan Luodian, or other reasons, Li Zedao didn't have a good impression of his father's former friend or even a good brother.

But he still said politely, "So it's Uncle Dongfang."

"I'm afraid that in your heart, my role as an uncle is very light, right?" Dongfang Bubai said jokingly, "Otherwise, why don't you know to visit your uncle after you have been in Yanjing for a few days?"

"Uncle Dongfang was joking. I just wanted to say that I would visit you." Li Zedao said. This is not false, after all, the rumors about Master taking the liver of a three-year-old child have spread, and it is very likely that this matter was spread by this Dongfang Bubai, so Li Zedao really wanted to visit him and ask Why would he spread this out.

In addition, he also wanted to see the things that his great-grandfather left to Dongfang Bubai's father, Dongfang Buqun, before his death.

Dongfang Bubai smiled and said: "That's just right, where are you? I'll ask Ming'er to pick you up."

Although Li Zedao didn't want to get together with that dead ladyboy, he also knew that the place where Dongfang Bubai lived was a bit special. Without someone to guide you, there was no way for you to drive the car to your front.

Li Zedao asked Nanji to go back first, and he waited outside the coffee shop for a while, when a very cool yellow Lamborghini stopped in front of Li Zedao.

The glass of the car window was opened, and the transsexual Dongfang Ming's face, which was so alluring that Li Zedao got goosebumps all over his body, appeared there.

Damn, it's been a while, this guy looks more like a woman... oh no, it's more like a shemale! Moreover, he even painted eye shadow, put on those long false eyelashes, and there was a shiny lipstick on his lips, which made Li Zedao feel so disgusted that he had the urge to punch that face at the same time.

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