The last time Li Zedao saw Dongfang Ming was when he and Ji Yuemo went to the club owned by Jiang Yuru in Zhang City. At that time, Li Zedao was still with Dongfang Ming's new favorite, the so-called underground car king Frank from France. The Langshan Biao car.

It's just that when Dongfang Ming was Frank's male favourite, Frank was a flirtatious plaything when he was Dongfang Ming. He even used a shemale to compete with Li Zedao. The purpose was to kill Li Zedao, but he was killed in reverse. Yes, and on the mountainside, those two island ninjas were killed.

And Li Zedao also knew that these three people were sent by that idiot Katsuta Taro, the future helm of Niso.

"Zedao, let's meet again. You look so handsome in this dress. Are you sure? Are you sure?" After getting out of the car, the ladyboy licked her lips and stared at Li Zedao with demonic eyes. , the fingers are in a standard posture... Orchid Finger, and the voice is even more delicate.

Susan said that it's not a problem for him to hold on for forty minutes at a stretch... Tsk tsk, he's too manly, it would be nice to have sex with him if possible.

So, Dongfang Ming looked at Li Zedao with brighter eyes, and even licked his lips, looking very hungry.

"There is your sister..." Li Zedao almost cursed, and even almost gouged out his eyeballs! Damn, don't stare at me with such eyes.

"Let's go, don't make your father wait too long." Li Zedao resisted the urge to beat him to death.

"It's okay to let him wait for a long time." The ladyboy raised his slender fingers and shook gently in front of Li Zedao and said, "Even, you can go at night."

The implication couldn't be more obvious, you go to the hotel with me first or something, and after night, I'll just take you to meet my father.

What makes people sad is that Li Zedao didn't even bother to answer his words, and even pointed to a Maserati and said that he would follow behind in that car.

This makes the monster even more sad and regretful. He still wants to sit in the co-pilot's seat and see how this manly handsome man drives. He can even use the excuse of the car shaking to follow him. His body thumped a few times, and he ate his tofu.

"I hate it!" The ladyboy stomped her feet slightly, looked at the Maserati with resentment in her eyes, then twisted her waist and returned to her own car, leading the way ahead.

Following behind the shemale Dongfang Ming, Li Zedao finally drove into an old alley and came to an old house.

After getting out of the car,

Li Zedao looked at this ancient alley that looked very old and ordinary, but in fact it was not simple at all.

On both sides of the alley are some courtyards with red walls and gray tiles, some of which still maintain the style of the previous courtyard houses. However, the gates of each courtyard are closed, so you can't see the movement inside, and you don't know what kind of people live in this courtyard.

The old road covered with blue bricks is narrow, and only one car can pass through the middle of the alley, and larger vehicles cannot pass at all.

There is no traffic, and you rarely see people here, so the alley is very quiet, and you can hardly hear any noisy sounds.

And here, Li Zedao also felt the aura of masters. At least four masters were ambushing at the positions he could know, and some people were even more hidden. Only after they took action would they know their exact positions.

If it wasn't for the transvestite's pass, these two cars wouldn't be able to drive in at all.

Of course, Li Zedao is not so unfamiliar with the surrounding area, because Li Zedao has only been to and entered the building not far from the alley two days ago... Chief No. 1 and those big bosses are in that building office.

The ladyboy got out of the car, glanced at Li Zedao with resentment but burning hot eyes and said, "This is it." He twisted his waist and walked over, grabbing the copper buckle inside the big mouth of the beast on the door panel and flapping it. With the door panel.

Soon, the wooden door, which seemed to have been around for some years, was pulled open from the inside, and a dull-looking man appeared there, looked at Dongfang Ming and said, "Master."

"Uncle Liu, this is Young Master Li, a guest invited by my father." The ladyboy pointed to Li Zedao and said. At this time, he looked a little more normal. It is conceivable that this man's status in this family is still quite high, at least she dare not stretch out her orchid fingers in front of him.

"Young Master Li." The man looked at Li Zedao and nodded, "The master is with the old master now, please come with me."

"I'm sorry." Li Zedao said.

"Uncle Liu, I still have an appointment with my friend, so I won't go see my grandfather and my father." Dongfang Ming said, then turned around, looked at Li Zedao with resentment and said, "Young Master Li, remember to call him..."

The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched slightly, he didn't bother to speak, and even wanted to punch him in the face, thinking that I would definitely forget it, so don't worry.

"If you have time at night, go racing..."

"No time." Li Zedao directly pinched the shemale's unreasonable thoughts.

"You... so disgusting, I'm so sad." Dongfang Ming's eyes became even more resentful, as if Li Zedao had done something beastly to him, and his little hand stretched out, trying to take pictures of Li Zedao's chest.

While the muscles on Li Zedao's face were twitching violently, he quickly took a step back, avoiding his salty hands.

As for this Uncle Liu, he has long been familiar with the young master's delicacy. He even saw the young master kissing someone in the courtyard behind him... Oh, that person Of course it's a man! That time, Uncle Liu turned around silently, then found a trash can and vomited wildly.

At that moment, Li Zedao followed Uncle Liu and walked inside.

The front yard is not big, but the backyard is not small. There are many flowers and plants here, and even some land has been reclaimed to grow some fresh vegetables. It looks like a very comfortable and beautiful countryside.

Passing through the backyard, he finally came to an antique small building. Li Zedao saw an antique square table under the eaves, and on the table was a set of purple sand tea set. At this time, Dongfang Bubai was sitting there, brewing with tea.

And next to him was an old man in a brown padded robe. The old man was not tall and thin, not immoral, nor gloomy, cold or majestic... At first glance, he was a very ordinary old man.

But when Li Zedao looked at him, he felt that this old man was not ordinary at all. It is impossible for an ordinary old man to have such bright eyes.

"Zedao, you're here... Hurry up." Dongfang Bubai looked at him and smiled, beckoning him, motioning him to sit down.

"Hello, Uncle Dongfang." Li Zedao nodded, and then sat down on the chair opposite the old man. As for Uncle Liu who brought Li Zedao in, he retreated by himself.

Li Zedao didn't know who this old man was, but he vaguely guessed that Dongfang Bubai respected him so much when he lived in this place, so it was very possible that this person was Dongfang Bubai's father.

I don't know how this family got their names, one is Dongfang Buqun...hypocrite, and the other is Dongfang Bubai...eunuch! One is Dongfang Ming... Although the name is a bit normal, the person is not normal at all!

Sure enough, Dongfang Bubai's introduction confirmed Li Zedao's guess: "Dad, this is Li Zedao... Zedao, he is my father."

"Hello, Grandpa Dongfang." Li Zedao was a polite and good boy, and he nodded his head quickly.

"Good... good, good, good." Dongfang Buqun looked at Li Zedao with fiery eyes, and his face flushed quickly, showing a little excitement, "Mr. Wen has a great great-grandson...cough...cough cough ..."

"Dad, the doctor said that your health is not very good, don't be so excited." Dongfang Bubai hurriedly stood up and patted Dongfang Buqun on the back.

"Can I not be excited?" Dongfang Buqun waved his hand, indicating that he was fine, then looked at Li Zedao with burning eyes, and said with some emotion, "Son, these years have made you suffer."

Li Zedao felt sad for a while, he knew that what Dongfang Buqun was referring to was that he was taken away from his mother's womb and then became an idiot for eighteen years.

"Your father's death, I express my regret." Dongfang Buqun said again very sadly.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, nodded sadly, and said nothing.

"Dad, don't get excited, drink tea first." Dongfang Bubai persuaded him again, fearing that his father would be too excited to affect his condition, and then put a cup of freshly brewed hot tea in front of Dongfang Buqun, and then picked up another cup Put it in front of Li Zedao.

"You can't drink this kind of tea outside, you can try it." Dongfang Bubai said.

Li Zedao nodded, picked up the cup of tea, smelled the aroma, um, the familiar refreshing tea fragrance, and then inhaled the tea in one gulp.

There is sweetness in the bitterness, after slowly swallowing down the throat, there is still a fragrance of sweetness lingering between the lips.

"How is it? Not bad?" Dongfang Bubai asked.

Li Zedao nodded and said: "It's not bad, it's the best... If the tea in the world is precious, there are only two hundred-year-old solitary wild tea trees on a certain cliff in Wuyi Mountain, which only produce a few catties of Dahongpao every year. .”

This is what the master said when he was making tea in the small courtyard of Grandpa Wang at the foot of the Pingtung Mountains, and now Li Zedao repeats it verbatim.

"You know... oh... I see, he made you drink it and explained it to you?" Dongfang Bubai was taken aback for a moment, and then expressed that he understood. With Wang Zi's status, it is not difficult to get this kind of top-quality tea.

Of course, the current Wang Zi no longer has that detached status. Once the rumors of his immortality spread, it would be enough for him to lose his foothold in the country.

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