The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 973: Devil's Cave Forest

"It's the darkest prison in China, and the prisoners are all horrible people who are not suitable for the death penalty but can't let them escape." Dongfang Bubai said, "Of course, this is not the main reason why the grave cannot be excavated. The point is, the specific location of the tomb is likely to be in the Demon Cave Forest."

"The Devil's Cave Forest?" Li Zedao was taken aback again, "What kind of place is that?"

"That is the real Devil's Cave." Dongfang Bubai said with a solemn expression, "Many people know that there is a prison in Huaxia called the Devil's Cave, but they don't know that the origin of this name is not because of the horror of this prison, but because this prison is similar to the Devil's Cave. The forest is next door, because that’s why it’s named! From a distance, the forest is smoky, but in fact it’s a highly poisonous gas. Once you inhale this poison, there’s no medicine to cure it. It's shrouded there and won't spread out, as for what's inside, no one knows."

"No one came in to investigate?" Li Zedao asked curiously, "For example, wearing a gas mask or something?"

Dongfang Bubai asked with a wry smile again: "I heard that you are from the Huaxia Special Bureau? Then you can go back to the bureau and search for information about Moku Senli. Over the past few decades, the Huaxia Special Bureau has exhausted all kinds of information. There are many ways to unravel the veil of the Demon Cave Forest, but none of them end in failure... Even if someone goes in with an advanced gas mask, they will die immediately when they come into contact with the smoke."

"Uh..." Li Zedao's face was horrified, the poisonous gas in the Devil's Cave Forest was really overbearing to such an extent.

"I even heard that the people from the Huaxia Special Bureau threw a small white mouse into a sealed box with oxygen, and then sent the box into the fog with a remote control car. When the box came into contact with the smoke, In an instant, the little white mouse was on all fours."


Li Zedao was dumbfounded, completely shocked by the poisonous gas of the Demon Cave Forest. If Dongfang Bubai hadn't lied, then that little white mouse would have no access to that poisonous gas at all. How could it have come into contact with that poisonous gas in that sealed box? The instant the poisonous gas hit, he was on all fours?

"So, do you know now? This map is useless at all. No one can enter the Devil's Cave Forest while alive, let alone find Duanmuweizhuang's tomb in the forest and dig it. "Dongfang Bubai smiled wryly.

Li Zedao also had a wry smile on his face. He also felt that the map in his hand was really tasteless.

The lunch dishes are dumplings, stuffed with leeks, and the leeks are freshly cut in the leek field in the backyard.

Li Zedao thought he would eat that kind of very rich fish and meat, but he didn't expect to eat this kind of dumplings that he rarely ate at all.

After all, in the south, there are still fewer dumplings. What's more, Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai are the father and son who make dumplings by themselves. What's more, the dumplings are quite delicious.

Dongfang Buqun made the dumpling stuffing by himself tremblingly. Dongfang Bubai and Uncle Liuhe rolled out the dumpling wrappers and made dumplings one after another. Li Zedao... watched from the sidelines.

After one bite, the mouth was full of oil. The green aroma of the leek and the aroma of the egg were completely integrated, and the taste was really not bad, so Li Zedao accidentally ate three bowls.

"You grew up in Fenghuang City, so I'm afraid you didn't eat much dumplings." Dongfang Buqun looked at Li Zedao with a smile.

This is the truth. In China, northerners eat a lot of dumplings, but southerners eat a little less. In some parts of the north, it is a must-eat New Year’s food during the Spring Festival. In many provinces and cities, there is also the habit of eating dumplings during the Winter Solstice. There is a folk proverb: it is better to be upside down than to be comfortable, and dumplings are better to be delicious.

Of course, this folk proverb has also been changed now, and it has become that it is not as delicious as dumplings, and as fun as sister-in-law...

"It's true that I eat less. From childhood to adulthood, I can count the number of times I eat with a slap, and I buy ready-made ones." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Dongfang Buqun nodded: "The taste of the bought ones is much worse than that of the homemade ones. After you finish eating in a while, drink a bowl of soup, tsk tsk, that taste is really delicious."

Li Zedao tried it, and it tasted really good.

Dongfang Buqun has the habit of taking a lunch break, so after the meal, Li Zedao bid farewell, Dongfang Bubai sent him to the door, watched the Maserati he drove leave the alley, and then returned to his father's study .

At this time, Dongfang Buqun didn't go back to his room to rest as he told Li Zedao, but came to the study.

When Dongfang Bubai walked in, he was holding a brush and writing stroke by stroke on the rice paper in front of him.

His movements are very slow, but they seem to be very fast. His expression is very serious, as if he is doing something big, but his wrists are flexible, hooked up and down, and his lines are round and gentle. , gentle but not soft, with strength in it, like a not gorgeous but exquisite art performance.

Dongfang Bubai knew that his father didn't like to be interrupted when he was practicing calligraphy, so he stood aside and watched honestly. He didn't know calligraphy, so he didn't know whether his father's writing was good or not.

But it should be fine, right? Otherwise, why would so many people come to ask for calligraphy? And it's the price of a thousand dollars.

Of course, Dongfang Bubai also knows that anyone whose power reaches the level of his father, even if the writing is bad, is worth a fortune.

"Sit down." Dongfang Buqun pointed to the chair and said. At this time, he had already picked up the pen, and on the rice paper there were already four big characters: Immortality!

"Father, do you want to start the next plan?" Dongfang Bubai asked.

Dongfang Buqun looked up at him and said, "What do you think?"

"I'll let someone prepare." Dongfang Bubai said with a nod.

"Go." Dongfang Buqun waved his hand and said.

After Dongfang Bubai left, Dongfang Buqun took out a piece of rice paper, then picked up a pen and continued writing. Soon, there were four more words on the rice paper: Shoubi Tianqi!


After driving back to the Shenlong Organization, Li Zedao went straight to Yanhuang's office and asked him about the Moku Forest.

"The Devil's Cave?" Yanhuang looked at Li Zedao with a slightly weird look and asked, "Why do you suddenly become interested in that prison?"

"I just suddenly remembered that I was threatened by a young master, saying that I would find a way to put me in the devil's lair, so I asked." Li Zedao said with a smile, "I heard that it is called the most terrifying prison in China?"

Yanhuang nodded and said: "It is indeed the scariest prison in China. Of course, what is scary about him is that the Devil's Cave Forest is next to him, and the name of the Devil's Cave Prison comes from the Devil's Cave Forest."

Li Zedao nodded and said: "I heard that the forest is shrouded in a kind of poisonous white smoke. Anyone, or any living animal or insect, no matter what method you use to prevent the poison, as long as they get on it That smog will kill you immediately?"

"That's true. The Huaxia Special Bureau has been studying it for decades, and I don't know how many mice have died. It still can't solve the mystery of the poisonous mist."

Yanhuang nodded and said: "Actually, in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was not a prison, but a military training base. One day during training, I accidentally found this place. In the fog, as soon as his front foot walked in, he fell to the ground. Seeing this, his brothers ran over to find out what happened, and they fell to the ground as soon as they walked into the dense fog... After a while, everyone realized that there might be some kind of gas in it, which would make people unconscious..."

Yanhuang said as if lost in memory: "Then the other soldiers didn't dare to approach rashly, and found a long bamboo pole with a hook tied to it, and hooked their brothers back one by one, only to find that they were all dead. Terribly dead! What's even more strange is that those soldiers didn't suffer any injuries, nor were they poisoned. They died completely naturally. For example, if a person has lived to a certain extent, it should be the end of his life. Those soldiers are Such a death!"

Li Zedao nodded with a solemn face. This poison is similar to Gu poison. People who died of Gu poison can't find out the cause of death even if they check hundreds of times with the hospital's equipment.

"Later, in order to find out the cause of death, several people in the army were sent to put on gas masks and enter the magic cave forest again, but who would have thought that even with gas masks on, when their front feet entered the thick fog , and his right foot fell down... and the cause of death was exactly the same as that of the soldiers in front! Later, a little white mouse was found, tied up, and let it slip into the forest. When you see that cloud of smoke, you will die immediately and you can't die anymore."

"However..." Yanhuang's tone changed, and he looked at Li Zedao with burning eyes and said, "Our ancestors are right, there are exceptions to everything."

"Exception?" Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, "You mean, there are people who went in but didn't die?"

Yanhuang glanced at Li Zedao, nodded and said, "Yes, your master went in back then, but finally came out safe and sound."

"..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded.

"Back then, your master was accused of murdering a soldier, and was finally thrown into the Devil's Nest Prison. However, he went on a rampage in the prison, massacring more than twenty soldiers in a row, and finally escaped from the Devil's Nest Prison..."

"Uh..." Li Zedao's expression was moved. He didn't expect the master to be so cruel, and he didn't expect the master to live a good life under the premise of massacring more than 20 soldiers.

"Of course, it turned out that he didn't kill those soldiers." Yanhuang said.

"..." Li Zedao was speechless, wondering if he could finish the sentence in one breath?

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