The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 974 The only man who came out of the Devil's Cave Forest

"At that time, I brought two members of the Shenlong organization to the Moku Prison, and fought with your master in the woods in front of the prison. Your master was not as powerful as he is now, and he was not my opponent. In the end In a hasty escape, your master strayed into the Demon Cave Forest, we all thought he was dead, but in the end he reappeared in front of everyone intact."

"Finally, I asked your master, how did he survive? The answer your master gave was..."

"Yes..." Li Zedao swallowed, and stared at Yanhuang with wide eyes. He was really curious about how Master survived.

Yanhuang said: "Your master said that he doesn't know anymore, he just remembers that after he smelled a strange smell, he fainted, and when he woke up, he met a woman."

"Woman?" Li Zedao was taken aback, thinking that Master must have seen a ghost, right? If the Morgul Forest is so terrible, how could anyone live in it?

"Your master also said that he thinks that woman is not so much a human being as a female ghost. Her face is very pale, her long hair is also white, she is wearing a pair of white clothes and white cloth shoes on her feet. And it's three inches off the ground!"

"...I'm timid, don't scare me." Li Zedao looked stunned, did Master really see a ghost?

Seeing Li Zedao's stunned idiot look, Yanhuang smiled and said, "Later, I deduced with your master, and I think that it should not be a female ghost, but a master who has returned to the basics! Legend has it that people who have reached this level , can be integrated with nature, can walk against the wind...that's why she can walk three inches above the ground, only smell its breath, but not see its person!"

"That is to say, my master was rescued by an expert?" Li Zedao asked.

"That's right." Yanhuang said, "It can only show that your master is very lucky to meet such an expert, otherwise there would be no God's Hand now."

Damn, why can't I meet such a master? In Yanhuang's heart, besides envy, he is still envious.

"So, there is a back-to-basics expert living in the Devil's Cave Forest..." Li Zedao said.

"I don't know about that." Yanhuang smiled wryly, "Anyway, that place is now a forbidden area, no one dares to approach it."

Seeing Li Zedao's unpredictable face, Yanhuang frowned, his eyes became a little wary, and he asked aloud: "Is your boy planning to attack the Demon Cave Forest? Do you want to go in?"

"How is this possible?" Li Zedao immediately denied,

Although he really wanted to see what that terrible poisonous mist looked like, and what the legendary back-to-basics master looked like.

Of course, he also wanted to see if there really was a cure for cancer in the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang, the so-called ghost doctor of the first generation in the forest.

However, when he remembered that he had only one life, and there were so many things waiting for him to do, and so many women waiting for him to accompany him, Li Zedao quickly dismissed that terrible and unrealistic year.

"That's good." Yanhuang's tone was a little warning, "No matter what time, don't try to enter the magic cave forest, although I know that your kid is immune to poison like your perverted master, but this It doesn't mean that you are immune to the unknown poisonous mist in the Devil's Cave Forest."

"Don't worry." Li Zedao nodded with a smile and said, "I'm not stupid enough to die for nothing."


After the plane landed at Phoenix International Airport, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Li Zedao didn't care whether the Anji Tong agreed or not, and directly took her little hand and walked out.

Nanji wanted to throw it away several times, but failed to break free from the claws. He wanted to throw the knife, but he was afraid of scaring other people. And the others also thought it was the young couple's quarrel, which made the big beauty even more uncomfortable, so they simply stopped earning, as if they were being slammed by a pig.

After arriving outside the airport, Li Zedao looked at Nanji and said with a smile: "The women at home are probably already asleep. It would be bad to go back and wake them up, so I won't go back tonight."

"..." Nanji almost swung the knife, and his panting became thicker. He didn't know whether it was shame or annoyance, but even the idiot could hear what the subtext of this guy's words was.

Then she also understood why Li Zedao had to book such a late flight, in fact, he could have arrived in Phoenix City earlier, couldn't he? This scheming bitch!

"Lujiang Hotel is nice, it's close, we don't need to take a taxi, and it's good to go for a walk at night."

"..." There was already a trace of sullenness on Nanji's slightly hot face. Of course, it was more shy and nervous. She could clearly feel her heart beating faster. You know, when performing tasks Those who have narrowly escaped death many times have never been so nervous as they are now.

"Huh? If you don't say anything, I will take it as your default." Li Zedao secretly looked at Nanji while talking. Seeing her flushed face, he was secretly amused, but he showed his concern, "Forget it, you also I'm tired, so let's not take a walk, just take a taxi to the Lujiang Hotel, it will take five minutes, and then you can take a comfortable bath, or let me give you a massage."

"...Get out!" Nanji gritted his teeth and scolded, this shameless guy.

However, although Li Zedao was told to leave, Nanji still followed Li Zedao's taxi to the Lujiang Hotel inexplicably, and then Li Zedao asked for a room, but Nanji didn't stop him and said he wanted two rooms.

Of course, if anything happened at night, and if Li Zedao massaged Anji, only the person concerned would know.

It's just that when the two of them walked out of the hotel the next day, Li Zedao was in a state of trembling, while Nanji's face that couldn't see the joy, anger, sorrow and joy was covered with two blushes, and if you look carefully, , Her walking movements are slightly weird.

"Bastard!" Nan Ji glanced at Li Zedao and said, with an indifferent expression, but when you looked at Li Zedao, there was a touch of tenderness in your eyes that even she herself might not have noticed.

Li Zedao smiled embarrassedly and said, "It's not because I'm too handsome, so I'm afraid that you can't help but feel embarrassed, so I'll take the initiative..."

After feeling a faint murderous intent pervading over him, Li Zedao smiled tactfully and shut up.

Afterwards, Li Zedao took Nanji back to Xiao Qiangwei's villa. When Xiao Qiangwei saw Nanji, she was naturally overwhelmed with enthusiasm. Her attitude towards her was the same as that of her other daughters-in-law, while Nanji blushed and said timidly. Sentence: Hello, Auntie.

This made Li Zedao imagine that this cruel and violent woman has such a shy side.

And at noon, this villa is full of beauties such as Yingying Yanyan, He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen, Nintendo, Susan, Su Xuan, Alice, Lin Susu, Miffy, Wu Xin, Jia Qianqian, Zhao Xiaoying, Qin Shaomei They all came one after another, and then Baili Bing, Yang Xueer, Ji Yuemo and Zhou Xiaolu arrived at the villa together.

Nanji felt dizzy even more. She knew that Li Zedao was a womanizer and there were so many women, but she didn't expect that there would be so many women... two slaps can't count.

And Xiao Qiangwei looked at these girls, all of them were fat, yan, thin, and beautiful, and they were all first-class little beauties. There were familiar faces and strange faces, and she was very happy. She thought that her son was really awesome. There are so many girls who are fascinated by it, and so many daughters-in-law, how many grandchildren will they have to have by then, granddaughter, by then, she can open a kindergarten by herself, and then she will be the director of the kindergarten.

Xiao Qiangwei suddenly felt that her later life would be extremely colorful and full of happiness.

Afterwards, Xiao Qiangwei even asked Li Zedao to go out and get two million cash and buy some big red envelopes back. She wanted to give each of them a change of 100,000 yuan...just let these girls change their name to mother, of course, the 100,000 yuan It's just a meeting gift, and there will be bigger red envelopes later.

Li Zedao looked at the girls who were all blushing, and said dumbfoundedly: "Mom, is it too... too early?"

"What's too early?" Xiao Qiangwei said with a smile, "I'm a mother who already recognizes it. Is it possible that you, a little bitch, want to eat it, wipe your mouth clean and leave?"

Li Zedao is wronged, am I that kind of person? But he didn't dare to disobey his mother's wishes, so he hurriedly went out to get money and buy a red bag. And when he came back, he was shocked to find that all the girls called Xiao Qiangwei "Mom" unanimously.

Right now, Li Zedao couldn't help feeling that Xiao Qiangwei's skills in fooling people were too high, and also felt that these women were all money lovers, and they sold themselves for one hundred thousand yuan!

Afterwards, Li Mengchen dragged Li Zedao aside, then stared at him with some resentment in his eyes, biting his thin lips lightly, looking a little pitiful.

"Sister Mengchen, are you okay? Who bullied you?" Li Zedao asked cautiously. Among these women, he was most afraid of this girl.

This is the first woman that moved his heart. Li Zedao once thought that he would grow old together happily and happily with this girl, but who would want the women in the back to come home one by one.

"You bullied me." Li Mengchen's eyes became even more resentful, "Smelly lecherous-thief, dead lecherous-thief, the villa has decorated eighteen rooms for you, you really put it up to eighteen..."

"...No eighteen, seventeen, right? If you don't believe me, count them." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and whispered.

"Count you big-headed ghost, don't think I don't know. Although that little sister Zhou Qian didn't come today, it will be a matter of time before she is raped by your perverted pig. Isn't that eighteen?" Li Mengchen hum road.

"That..." Li Zedao's expression became even more embarrassing.

"Be honest, is there any more?" Li Mengchen stretched out his hand bitterly, and pinched Li Zedao's waist fiercely.

"Hiss..." Li Zedao gasped exaggeratedly, and said quickly, "It's gone... It's really gone... Sister Mengchen, it hurts..."

"It's good to hurt you to death, so that you don't want to hurt other girls." Li Mengchen said angrily.

"Is it okay to harm you?" Li Zedao looked embarrassed.

Li Mengchen looked shy: "Hmph! If you don't dare to 'harm' me, I will... hum!"



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