The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 975 There is room anyway

Li Mengchen actually lied a little, because the villa named "You Yue" obtained by extorting Qin Shaofeng was actually decorated into 20 rooms instead of 18, if Zhou Qian is included If that is the case, it is equivalent to occupying eighteen rooms and leaving two rooms.

According to Li Mengchen, the remaining two rooms are spare rooms, who knows if a certain prostitute-thief has any other friends when he is outside? Of course, there is another purpose, that is, if a certain prostitute is presumptuous, he will be sent directly to that empty room to kneel on the keyboard!

The dozen or so girls from Yingying and Yanyan began to allocate rooms in this villa, and they all consciously gave the first three rooms to Li Mengchen, Baili Bing and He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen was Li Zedao's first favorite Bai Libing is the girl who took Li Zedao's virginity away. As for He Xiaoyu, she spent the longest time with Li Zedao...Of course, He Xiaoyu basically ignored this in the past two years. Just poor students.

As for the next few rooms, they were arranged according to the order Li Zedao knew. No one would fight for it, and they even gave in to each other.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to who lived in which room. Hearing the chirping voice, he was secretly happy, happy, but confused.

Looking at so many beauties who are so beautiful, and these beauties only belong to him, anyone who has such a blessing will have a feeling of dreaming.

Li Zedao had such a feeling of dreaming, and he even felt that he was in a dream from the moment he was tricked by Guan Le on the bridge.

After waking up from the dream, will you find that you haven't taken any so-called magic pills at all, and Hei Xiaoyu and the class leader Hei Xiaoyu will be two parallel lines that will never intersect, and you will never meet Li Mengchen, and Nintendo behind you, won't He had physical contact with Baili Bing, who is known as the number one beauty in Fenghuang City... In short, he was that underachiever who was like garbage, and his father was Li Dahai... Li Dahai, who was about to leave him in the late stage of uremia.

Seeing Li Zedao standing in front of the window, looking at the sea not far away, Bai Libing looked stupid and didn't know what he was thinking, so he walked over and asked, "What are you thinking?"

Li Zedao came back to his senses and looked at this face, which was disastrous to the country and the people, and said, "I always feel a little unreal, like dreaming..."

"Hiss... why are you stepping on my feet?" Li Zedao grinned, and Baili Bing stepped on his feet fiercely, and even crushed them, as if he was venting something.

"Pain?" Baili Bing asked calmly.

"It hurts!" Li Zedao pretended to be wronged, but it didn't hurt that much.


You are not dreaming. "Baili Bing came to such a conclusion.

"...Ah Bing, you are so cute, let's chat in a place where no one is around." Li Zedao smiled wretchedly.

"Get out!" Baili Bing blushed, and she found herself getting shy more and more easily.

Li Zedao stretched out his hand and put his arms around Baili Bing's waist.

Baili Bing didn't resist, let him hug her, hesitated for a while, and finally leaned her little head on his shoulder, watching with him the rough sea not far away, in fact, she also had a kind of dream that was extremely unreal a feeling of.

Rao thinks that her IQ is already not low, and can be compared with Conan. For example, when watching Detective Conan, Conan was still looking for clues in some cases, but Baili Bing already knew who the murderer was, and she was perfect. I reasoned it out, but I still didn't expect that such a bloody thing would happen to her. It was the first time that she was so confused, and what I didn't expect was that she would fall in love with this little kid. The most important thing is, He also has so many girls.

She actually shared a man with such a girl, which she never thought of before.

"By the way, what happened to Bai San?" Li Zedao asked. That night, after he called Baili Changhe and said that he had found Bai San, Li Zedao stopped paying attention to this matter. After all, this was a family matter between Baili Changhe and Bai Niu, and it also involved Baili Changhe's father. It is convenient to participate.

Besides, he was also overwhelmed by the matter of the snake head, and he really didn't have the heart to pay attention to such matters.

"Sentenced, seven years in prison." Baili Bing said.

"It seems your father has forgiven him." Li Zedao nodded and said. If Baili Changhe thought about it, it is possible that Bai San would be shot to death directly, but now he is only sentenced to seven years in prison, which proves that Baili Changhe not only did not trouble him, but instead went up and down and only sentenced him to prison. In seven years, at most, he would commit manslaughter, right?

In the later period, Baili Changhe was working hard, and Bai San performed better in prison, and he probably will be released in less than seven years.

But Bai San is really not a good person, as can be seen from the fact that he tried to violate Bai Xiaoxiao and Yao Bei in broad daylight.

It's just that when he learned that the girl he raped turned out to be his granddaughter, would he blush?

"After so many years have passed, time can dilute everything, including hatred." Baili Bing said, "Besides, I have to give Aunt Bai Niu some face. He is also her father."

"Afterwards, Aunt Bai gave her father a slap in the face, scolding him for being inhuman, for wanting to rape his granddaughter, and then slapping herself twice, scolding herself for being unfilial."

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Sister Bai must not be in a good mood, right?"

"Just go and comfort him." Baili Bing glanced at him and said calmly, "Anyway, there are still two vacant rooms."

"..." Li Zedao almost choked to death at her words.

"If it's not enough in the end, there are still two unsold villas next to it." Baili Bing is rich and powerful, "Anyway, this real estate belongs to our family."



Baili Group has a large-scale and high-quality furniture city, so after allocating the rooms, the girls dragged Li Zedao to kill them in a mighty way, each choosing their favorite bed or something, so as to decorate their own room .

Naturally, when the buyer group composed of more than a dozen beauties arrived at the furniture city, it naturally caused quite a stir in the furniture city. It's okay to occasionally see one or two beauties of such high quality. What, but seeing more than a dozen at once, it is really a dizzying thing to drool, and many men were dragged away by their female companions by their ears.

Of course, Zhou Xiaolu still dressed up deliberately, at least at first glance, people really can't recognize her as Zhou Xiaolu, otherwise, I'm afraid it will cause a bigger sensation.

After all, this is the property of Baili Group, so after a phone call from Baili Changhe, the person in charge of the furniture city ran over, nodding and bowing, serving tea and pouring water, and doing his best to serve the dozen or so aunts. After choosing their favorite beds, they prepared the goods as quickly as possible, and then sent them to the villa named Youyue located in Baili Real Estate, and assembled the furniture in each room overnight.

Then the next day, Li Zedao and the girls officially moved into this villa. The girls were busy cleaning their rooms, and Li Zedao was responsible for cleaning all the other places except the seventeen rooms.

Of course, Li Zedao also protested a little, but naturally, the protest was invalid.

And in the next few days, Li Zedao had a very fulfilling life. During the day, he honestly went to school to read some books in class, and listened to the teacher marking the so-called key points there. After all, the final exam will be in a few days. If the red light really turned on, it would be a shameful thing to throw at grandma's house.

In my spare time, I went to the hospital to visit Zhou Qian's parents. At this time, Zhou Qian's mother was discharged from the hospital with minor injuries, and Zhou Qian's father had to stay in the hospital for a while.

At the same time, Li Zedao also went to the Second Hospital to visit those who received the best treatment with the help of Tiandao Foundation, including Gao Niu's father Gao Erleng and Wu Huhu's younger sister Wu Xique.

At this time, Wu Laohu, like the crow mercenary, became a perverted younger brother, and Gao Niu became a driver of Tiandao Group.

And at night, Li Zedao perfectly transformed into a night owl, a very qualified flower picker, running wildly from room to room, and finally spent three nights, patronizing all seventeen rooms from beginning to end In other words, every night he managed five or six women in a row with his heroic attitude, but the next day he was still shaking. Li Zedao expressed his satisfaction with his almost perverted fighting power!

In the room, after Li Zedao let out a muffled roar, he lay on Jia Qianqian's body, pulled out and slowly shifted his position, buried his head deeply on Jia Qianqian's chest, and a faint fragrance of body permeated his nostrils , gentle and comfortable.

Jia Qianqian brushed the man's hair lightly, making his face and her chest fit closer together. Although the storm just now made her unable to resist, the aftertaste was still fascinating.

"Dear Miss Qianqian, come again?"

"Your sister, if you want to, go to the next room. I can't do it anymore. My body is about to fall apart..." Jia Qianqian panted softly and said coquettishly, her voice filled with endless tenderness.

"I'll sleep here tonight." Li Zedao said with a smile.

After another burst of sweet lingering, Jia Qianqian lay on Li Zedao's body, drawing circles on his chest mischievously with her fingers, and suddenly said with a gloomy expression: "Tell me, where will he go? Was it because I broke his heart by ignoring him that he left quietly? Or was it because he went to gamble again and was hacked to death so that the body was dragged and buried somewhere?"

Li Zedao stroked her hair and comforted, "Where did you think so exaggerated?"

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