"Hiss...don't bite it, it will fall off after you bite it. Although it's the size of a soybean, it can't compare with yours, but it's better than nothing..." Li Zedao begged for mercy.

The Antarctic teeth bite even harder.

"If that's the case, why did you agree so happily?" Nan Ji raised her head and looked at the bastard who made her want to be brutal to him with puzzled eyes, "If you refuse, the higher-ups can't force you, can they? "

Li Zedao said with a sacred face: "I am now a member of the Shenlong organization, and I am also the captain of the first team... Although I am very irresponsible as the captain, I just use a name, but the captain is the captain, who will I not be? Say After all, I am also a serious soldier, but a top-notch soldier, and a soldier takes obeying orders as his vocation..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Nanji said angrily, wanting to bite again, she didn't believe that this guy had such ideological consciousness.

After a while of silence, Li Zedao said, "Do you really think I can ignore the decisions made by the higher authorities?"

Nanji froze for a moment and remained silent. Indeed, besides accepting, Li Zedao accepted it. Even if he knew that this was a task with a low probability of survival, all he could do was accept it.

To put it bluntly, you are a member of this country, and you are even a soldier... At least now Li Zedao is really, the rank is even a colonel. Of course, all the members of the Shenlong organization have the rank of lieutenant colonel or above !

As a soldier, it is your bounden duty to absolutely obey the orders from above, so Li Zedao has no reason to refuse to perform this mission.

To put it mildly, it was Wang Zi who got his finger on the head of the snake. He was Li Zedao's master. To bear some corresponding responsibilities, and no one will pick it up.

Besides, the above also stated that as long as Li Zedao can bring back the snake head, considering the huge contributions Wang Zi made to the country before, he will make up for it by then, and tacitly agree that he will not take any action measures against Wang Zi, just for this At one point, Li Zedao also had to go into the magic cave forest to bring the snake head out... If the snake head was really in the safe in the car.

What's more, the higher-ups didn't just want to push Li Zedao to the brink of death for no purpose. There was a basis for their decision! Many years ago, Wang Zi strayed into the magic cave forest and finally came out alive and kicking. As his apprentice, maybe he also has such perverted abilities?

Moreover, it turns out that Li Zedao's body is immune to many poisons, and even the side effects of ghost pills are not reflected in him, which is exactly the same as his master Wang Zi.

"I just think things are kind of weird,

Some things are just too coincidental. Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What do you mean?" Nanji frowned.

"I can't say it, but I feel that someone wants me to enter the magic cave forest. As for the purpose, it should not be as simple as there may be a snake's head in it." Li Zedao said.

A few days ago, I just learned about the news about the Devil's Grotto Forest from Dongfang Bubai, and I also got a map. I also learned that there is a so-called grave of Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctors from thousands of years ago. There are so-called prescriptions that can cure cancer.

Then it happened that Uncle Lin Sen might be carrying the missing snake head and was chased and intercepted. In the end, it was such a coincidence that Lin Sen also rushed into the prison of the devil's cave, and finally entered the forest of the devil's cave.

This is a coincidence? Or was it premeditated by someone?

And Li Zedao also wanted to find Lin Sen's body. He wanted to see if that person was really Lin Sen!

Long ago, Li Zedao had learned about the existence of face-changing surgery from Miffy. According to Miffy, the face-changing surgery is to peel off Mr. A's face, after some processing, and then paste it on Mr. B's face In this way, Mr. B will almost perfectly become Mr. A.

The reason why it is close to perfection is because there are still flaws, that is, the eyes, the appearance can be changed, but the heart cannot be changed, and the eyes are the windows of the soul, so naturally they cannot be changed.

And when Mr. A's face was stripped off, he would naturally be unable to survive.

But later Li Zedao also raised his own doubts to Miffy, and his father also changed Huang Yu's face, how could Huang Yu still live well?

Miffy's explanation really surprised Li Zedao. It turned out that Huang Yu had a car accident three or four years ago and his face was disfigured, but a friend who was in the same car with him died accidentally. His buddy's face wasn't hurt.

Afterwards, Huang Yu contacted Yan Luodian and asked him to perform a face-changing operation. He took off his friend's face and put it on his face. From that moment on, he wanted to live for his good friend, of course. According to the outside world, he has too deep a relationship with his friend, and he himself was disfigured, so he underwent plastic surgery according to his friend's face.

That is to say, there is actually another face under Huang Yu's current face, so naturally there is no such thing as having his face peeled off.

Miffy also broke the news that there is something wrong with Huang Yu's sexual orientation, so Li Zedao, an impure guy, immediately understood... The man who died in the car accident was Huang Yu's lover!

Huang Yu, a teacher who is very popular in the school, turned out to be glass? If this news is leaked out, I'm afraid those girls and teachers who admire him will be covered and cried bitterly, right?

However, regardless of whether this person was Lin Sen or not, Li Zedao couldn't accept it. Yes, it means that the snake head was really touched by the master. As for why Master Lin Sen brought it into the magic cave, I don't know.

No, that's even more unacceptable, because it means that Master Lin Sen has been killed!

So even if the order was not issued, Li Zedao actually wanted to sneak into the magic cave forest.

After a while of silence, Nanji raised his head, looked at Li Zedao calmly and said, "I won't stop you from entering the Devil's Lair, but I want you to know one thing."

"What is it?" Li Zedao asked curiously.

"Today is a dangerous period, and you are not wearing a condom, so I am very likely to be pregnant." Nanji's face is so calm, without shyness, tweaking, or fear, as if saying that something has nothing to do with him Something like, "So, there's a good chance I'm going to get pregnant..."

"..." Li Zedao looked at Nanji with wide eyes. He really couldn't imagine that Nanji would say such a thing.

"If you die, maybe a child won't have a father." Nanji threatened.

"..." The muscles on Li Zedao's face twitched even more, and he looked at Nanji with a silly look, not knowing what to say, he couldn't tell her that there was such a thing called the contraceptive pill, right? ?

"Do you need to go back to Phoenix City?" Nanji asked.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "You just need to know about this kind of thing."

"Alright, it's useless to let them know, you still have to go, this will make you restless and increase unnecessary danger." Nanji nodded and said.

"Why do I feel that you are not worried anymore?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile.

"Don't worry." Nanji said, "Although you are close to death, I know you will definitely come back."

"Because...the child can't be left without a father?" Li Zedao smiled cheaply, as obscene as he could be, "Well, in fact, one shot may not necessarily hit the target, we still have to work hard, what do you think?"

"Get out... pervert..."


In the next three days, Li Zedao took this Antarctic who had been a near-death mission since he was a child, except for training, to visit almost the entire Yanjing City, eating all kinds of delicacies, and looking for a hotel at night. The two seemed tireless. They are intertwined again and again, as if a baby is really going to be created.

But both of them knew in their hearts that this really tasted like there were only three days left in their lives, but no one mentioned it, they ate happily, went shopping happily, and enjoyed every second to their heart's content.

On the fourth day, the sun was already high, and Antarctica woke up from a deep sleep. The first thing he felt was that his breast pigeon was being caressed by a big hand.

Opening his eyes, he saw Li Zedao's eyes gently examining his face.

"It's time to get up, it's already nine o'clock, and the time agreed with your master is ten o'clock, I think someone will knock on the door in a while?" Li Zedao said with a smile, "The higher-ups are still too suspicious, even afraid of me Run away, who do you think I am?"

When wandering outside in the past three days, Li Zedao had already noticed that someone was following behind him, so he naturally understood what was going on, so he didn't care, just follow if you want, as long as you don't come when you and Nanji go back to the hotel room Just interrupt.

Nanji felt sad for a while, and finally said only one sentence: "Maybe she is really pregnant, don't let the child lose his father."


Li Zedao felt inexplicably sad, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold this delicate body tightly in his arms, and said emotionally: "Well, there is still an hour, so there should be time to work hard again, right?"

"..." Nanji kicked him out of bed very simply.

Sure enough, just as Li Zedao expected, there was a knock on the door of the hotel room at ten o'clock.

Having been dressed and perfectly transformed into the cold-looking Nanji in a black leather jacket, he strode over without looking through the cat's eyes, and opened the door directly with it, as if with There is something vengeful about this door.

It was the engineer who knocked on the door. After feeling the murderous aura of Nanji who opened the door, he really had the urge to turn around and leave, but he had to bite the bullet and squeeze a smile on his face and said: "Nanji sister……"

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