Then the engineer smiled dryly at Li Zedao who came over: "Captain..."

"Let's go." Li Zedao said straightforwardly without talking nonsense, he knew that Yanhuang was already waiting downstairs.

The three of them walked out of the hotel, and saw two aggressive-looking military green off-road vehicles parked on the side of the road, and the old man Yanhuang was leaning against one of the vehicles.

The penguins were also there, but this guy really didn't want to see Nanji and Li Zedao kissing each other, so he didn't get out of the car. Of course, he has basically suffered from insomnia for the past few days... What is the woman he likes doing in bed with other men, can he sleep?

After seeing Li Zedao, Yanhuang greeted him with a hesitant expression, which finally turned into a sigh: "Let's go."

Li Zedao smiled, took Nanji's little hand and got into a car, while Yanhuang and the engineer got into the other car where Penguin was, and then rushed towards the Moku Prison.

Even though the speed was already very fast, the two cars still walked for two hours, and they still made many twists and turns. After passing through countless checkpoints guarded by soldiers with live ammunition, they finally stopped in front of a big iron gate. down.

It seems that after that incident, the guards here have also been upgraded, and it is definitely not easy for a car to break into it.

The iron gate was quickly opened, and the car continued to drive inside, then turned into the woods, and finally stopped far away in front of the magic cave forest shrouded in strange thick fog.

Li Zedao opened the car door and jumped out of the car, looking at the terrible thick fog ahead, but his expression was relaxed.

Nanji's expression was as indifferent as ever, but her hand was tightly grasping Li Zedao's hand, and there was a posture of saying no and not letting go. Li Zedao clearly felt that her little hand was cold and wet, and it was still wet. In slight jitter.

Immediately, while the salty pig's hand touched her belly, he whispered in her ear: "I will not let my child be without a father, and I will not let my woman be without a husband."

Nanji glanced at him sideways and said nothing.

Yanhuang walked over, looked at Antarctica, sighed in his heart, then looked at Li Zedao and said: "Before you go in, we will tie a rope on your body, it is several kilometers long, there is no danger, you shake the rope , we'll pull you out."

However, Yanhuang felt that tying the rope was a bit redundant, after all, it was very possible that Li Zedao went in with his front foot and died with his back foot.

at this time,

The engineer had already taken the rope out of the trunk of the car.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "I think you don't want me to die without a whole body?"

Old Yanhuang blushed and smiled wryly. In fact, tying the rope around him was not to prevent any danger. After all, he knew better than anyone else that once he entered the thick fog, he might just fall down. If he tied the rope, It is really convenient to pull the body back.

Nanji looked at Li Zedao expressionlessly, then punched him like lightning, and finally hit Li Zedao's chest lightly like a gun, and then hugged his waist with both hands, head deep Buried in his chest, his shoulders trembled slightly.

Soon, Li Zedao felt his chest was hot and wet.

Li Zedao smiled wryly, patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said: "You are an elite of the Shenlong organization. You have wandered on the death line many times, and you have harvested many lives with your own hands. You have seen too many lives and deaths. Are you still alive?" Didn't you see it?"

"I see other people's things, but I can't see yours." Nanji's voice was very dull.

Although these words sound a little selfish, they are also in the hearts of women.

Then she pushed Li Zedao away vigorously, bowed her head and strode away... She could calmly enjoy a cup of steaming or cold coffee in front of the corpse, but she couldn't help but watch her man like this to death.

Li Zedao smiled wryly again, looked away from the departing figure of Nanji, then looked back at Yanhuang and said, "I'm going."

Yanhuang patted him heavily on the shoulder twice, and said nothing. At this time, any words are very pale, they are bullshit.

The engineer stepped forward, tied one end of the rope tightly around Li Zedao's waist, and also patted Li Zedao's shoulder without saying anything.

Penguin stepped forward, looked down at Li Zedao, his handsome face was full of gloating, and said, "Don't worry, I will take good care of Antarctica."

The subtext is, you can rest assured to die, Antarctica is me!

Li Zedao smiled, very brightly, then pointed to the penguin, looked back at Yanhuang and said, "I suddenly thought, I have one more request...I want to beat this guy up hard."

"..." Penguin's expression became a little wary.

As for what Penguin just said, Yanhuang had already heard it, and he was naturally a little annoyed. It's already this time, you kid still have the mood to be jealous and sarcastic? Even if you really think so in your heart, don't say it out, right?

Immediately, his eyes were sharp and he glanced at Penguin, but Penguin was a little guilty and avoided Yanhuang's eyes.

"You can't beat him, but you can challenge him." Yanhuang said.

The smile on Li Zedao's face became even hotter. He looked up at the penguin and said, "Yes, I remember you told me that the Shenlong organization can challenge each other, and after the challenge is issued, the other party must accept it." , as long as you don’t kill or maim, that’s fine, right?”

Looking up at the other party like this made Li Zedao feel somewhat uncomfortable. Grandma, why didn't she grow taller in the first place? Of course, Li Zedao's height of more than 1.8 meters is not too short, but compared with the penguin's height of nearly two meters, there is naturally a big gap.

"That's right." The smile on Penguin's face had long since disappeared, and his expression became vigilant. I regretted it even more in my heart, didn't I make a fool of myself? Anyway, he is going to die. After he dies, Antarctica will naturally return to his embrace. Why is he being so mean? Let this guy beat himself half to death before he died, so what if he is not a fool?

The last time Li Zedao was lying on the ground, Penguin suspected that Li Zedao had taken ghost pills, but Yanhuang then simply poured a large basin of cold water on his head. From Yanhuang's point of view, even if Li Zedao's current strength is not as good as him, he is about the same .

Yanhuang's words made Penguin almost spit blood, but he didn't doubt what Yanhuang said, after all, Yanhuang didn't need to tell such a lie.

"In this case, let's start." Li Zedao said as he tore off the rope tied to his body, and even put one hand behind his back, and hooked the penguin with the other hand, with the posture of a martial arts master, " Anyway, I am also the captain, so I will let you have one hand, lest others say that I bully the small with the big."

"..." The penguin almost spat out a mouthful of blood, do you despise people so much?

Looking at Li Zedao now, there was already a hint of coldness in his eyes. I thought to myself that since you are so cheap and want to be whipped, then I will beat you hard.

So, in a flash, he directly bullied Li Zedao.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao slapped the penguin's chest directly with his palm, and he was slapped flying out of the penguin very simply, and he was slapped until he vomited blood. It was a caring tone and said: "Brother Penguin, are you okay?"

Li Zedao kicked the penguin again and kicked it on the stomach. Looking at his frightened face, he persuaded him, "Why did you fall down by yourself? Why don't I challenge you... the captain I lost, okay?"

"..." The penguin spurted blood again, but this time he was pissed off.

Not far away, the engineer was dumbfounded. He knew that the new captain was very powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. He beat the penguin to bleed with one hand. That is to say, when Penguin challenged him that day, the new captain was hiding his clumsiness and didn't use his full strength at all.

Yanhuang had black lines all over his face, he felt that the whole person was not good, he didn't understand, how did such shameless words come out of Li Zedao's mouth? But he knew that Li Zedao wanted to teach Penguin a lesson, and he was likely to die soon, so he could vent his dissatisfaction before he died, and he also knew Li Zedao It will maim the penguin, let alone kill it, so I didn't try to stop it.

"Bang!" Li Zedao kicked the penguin's stomach again, and then said with a very helpless look: "You say you boy, the captain, I have already told you that I am going to pretend to admit defeat, why are you still so dead Xinyan has to continue're not hurt, are you?"

The penguin was so angry that another mouthful of blood spewed out of its mouth, and then stood up with great difficulty while supporting a big tree. It looked at Li Zedao with three parts horror and seven parts resentment in his eyes, and then gritted his teeth. Yes, just fall to the ground, close your dead!

Although it's embarrassing, Penguin has to do this, because even if this guy beats himself to death, he can only consider himself unlucky, but this guy has no loss and will not be sent away. Going to a military court, he won't be sentenced to eat a gun or something, because he will die soon.

"This is the elite of the Shenlong organization." Li Zedao looked back at Yanhuang and grinned, "Sure enough..."

Yanhuang's old face was hot, and he wished he could go over and kick the penguin lying on the ground, pretending to be dead, flying away, this shameful guy.

"If I survive by luck, am I still the captain of the first team?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes." Yanhuang said with certainty.

"Well, I don't need such a smart person in my team." Li Zedao pointed to the penguin pretending to be dead on the ground and said.

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