The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 982 The rope is broken

"I see." Yanhuang glanced at the penguin and said, feeling very ashamed. Besides, this is a trivial matter for him, and he will be transferred to the second team at that time. He is also afraid that if the penguins continue to stay in the first team, Li Zedao may find various reasons to play him to death.

That guy pretended to be dead over there, Li Zedao didn't kick him a few times in the past, but picked up the rope on the ground and tied it tightly around his waist... If he can't die, he can't even retrieve the body, can he?

"I'm going in..." Li Zedao felt that the tone in his tone was rustling, the water was cold, and the strong man was gone and would never return. At this moment, he thought of Jing Ke more than two thousand years ago, and then he thought of a hundred years ago. Ribing...

"Be careful." Yanhuang said, and then felt that what he said was nonsense, maybe he would die if he touched the poisonous fog, so be careful.

"Captain, I'll buy you a drink after you come out." The engineer tied the other end of the rope to a big tree and said, looking back at Li Zedao. For this little kid who was a few years younger than him, he sincerely admired it. It was no different from going to the guillotine, and there was no possibility of surviving, but his expression was so calm and calm.

"Okay, after you come out, call all the members of the first team." Li Zedao said with a smile, "After becoming the captain, I haven't had time to meet the other members... let's go!"

Li Zedao waved his hand freely, and then walked step by step towards the dense fog shrouded in strange white mist not far away.

The penguin lying on the ground pretending to be dead also came back to life, and looked at Li Zedao's back with wide eyes, his eyes were changing, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

A few seconds later, Li Zedao had already arrived in front of the dense fog. As long as he took a small step forward, his body would enter this strange-looking thick fog. Whether it was life or death, it was at this hour. Between steps, one step back is not necessarily heaven, but one step forward is definitely hell.

It would be a lie to say that I am not nervous, and it would be a lie to say that I am not afraid of death. In an instant, all kinds of past events flooded Li Zedao's mind.

Then he gritted his teeth, exerted a little force on his feet, and rushed forward. In an instant, his whole body was immersed in the thick fog, and his figure was instantly covered by the thick fog, disappearing in front of everyone.

At the same time, the tense-faced engineer holding the rope tightened his heart suddenly when he saw Li Zedao wrapped in thick fog, and his face became very ugly because he found that the rope in his hand was not in place. He continued to pull forward, in other words, Li Zedao in the thick fog did not continue to move forward, which means...he fell down!

"Yanhuang..." The engineer looked back at Yanhuang.

Yanhuang's face is also ugly,

He sighed heavily, although he already knew that the result would be like this, but he still felt uncomfortable for a while.

"Pull it out." He waved his hand and said.

"Yes!" said the engineer, and tried to pull back the rope with his hand, but was surprised to find that the rope had become lighter, and the weight didn't seem to be tied to a person at all.

At that moment, he jerked back suddenly, already with a dumbfounded expression, the other end of the rope was empty, where was it tied to Li Zedao's body?

"What's going on?" Yanhuang saw that he couldn't pull Li Zedao's body out, and his face was moved. He rushed over in a flash, picked up the rope on the ground, and was stunned. .

But I saw that the rope was cut neatly. In other words, someone inside cut the rope with something like a sharp weapon!

Did Li Zedao cut the rope?

Or is there someone else in there? The peerless master who broke through the realm of returning to innocence with internal force that Wang Zi encountered by chance more than 20 years ago?

Yanhuang looked at the neatly cut rope in his hand, and then at the dense fog that was close at hand, and for a moment, his thoughts surged.

A few minutes later, when he learned that the rope had broken, Nanji's little face showed no expression, but stared at the engineer with scarlet eyes, as if he was looking at a dead person.

The engineer's scalp was a little numb from being stared at, and he already knew in his heart that he would inevitably be beaten up by this woman.

For the first time, Nanji did not attack him, but strode straight towards the thick fog.

"Nanji, what do you want to do?" Yanhuang was really taken aback, his figure flickered, and he quickly blocked her way. Is this girl unable to think about it?

"Master, I won't do anything stupid, I want to wait here for his return." Nanji glanced at Yanhuang, and said word by word, "I know, he's not dead."

Indeed, if what was pulled out was a corpse, there would be nothing to say, but the rope was broken, whether it was cut by Li Zedao himself or someone else, it undoubtedly shows that Li Zedao is probably still alive, at least he didn't think about other mice That way, as soon as you touch the white mist, you will die.

"He's dead." Penguin's face was full of gloating, but he didn't dare to say this, for fear of causing public anger.

"After I report to the higher-ups, I will wait with you." Yanhuang nodded and said.


"Didn't you die right away?" After rushing into the thick fog, this was the first thought in Li Zedao's mind, and then he fell to the ground and gasped for breath.

His grandma, this way of breaking through the gates of hell is so exciting that his legs are a little weak.

After taking a few breaths, Li Zedao stood up and looked at the surrounding things. He was now in a forest shrouded in thick fog, and his visibility was extremely low, basically more than one meter away. , with Li Zedao's current eyesight, he felt a little strenuous.

There seems to be no living creatures around, and there is a kind of tranquility that makes people want to go crazy. At the same time, there is a pungent smell of decay in the air. Li Zedao knows very well that it is the smell of corpses .

In other words, there is a corpse around, and it is very likely that it should be Lin Sen's corpse. If he died immediately after driving into this ghost place four days ago, the corpse will definitely emit This kind of taste.

But Li Zedao was thinking of finding the corpse first, but he wanted to identify the direction first and then go out first. Anyway, the thick fog will not poison him, so he can come in at any time, right? Going out can also reassure Antarctica.

Thinking of Antarctica who might be hiding behind that big tree wiping tears now, Li Zedao felt distressed for a while.

At the moment, Li Zedao looked left and right, but he was a little dazed. In other words, he didn't know which direction he came in from at all. Fortunately, he still had a rope tied around his waist, so he just followed the rope to get out. ?

"Damn it!" Li Zedao was completely dumbfounded, because the rope that was originally tied around his waist was cut off by something at some point, leaving only a small piece tied around his body.

Before he could continue to be dumbfounded, Li Zedao only felt a strange smell. In an instant, all the strength in his body seemed to be completely taken away, and he suddenly softened to the ground, and his eyes became more and more blurred.

"I was still poisoned... It's just that other people died on the spot, and I died a minute later..." Thinking of Li Zedao gritting his teeth and shaking his head with all his strength, he was very Stretching out his limp hand with difficulty, he gave himself two slaps like stroking, trying to wake himself up...

But his vision was still getting blurred, Li Zedao felt that he couldn't move at all, lying on the dead branches and leaves like a dead dog, leaving only his faint breathing sound.

"Yes... I'm sorry... don't be a widow for me... Remember to remarry..." Li Zedao used up the last trace of his body, said this softly, and closed his already heavy eyes...


Li Zedao opened his eyes slowly, but what caught his eyes was a cloud of dead branches and leaves that seemed to be wrapped in a faint thick fog, and there was also a pungent rotten smell.

Come back to life?

Li Zedao's eyes were a little confused. Looking at the surrounding situation, he seemed to be in this thick fog, not like he was in heaven...Of course, Li Zedao had never been to heaven.

After thinking about it, Li Zedao stretched out his hand and slapped himself.

"Crack!" A burning pain came from his face.

"Really not dead?" Li Zedao opened his eyes wide, and slapped himself again without hesitation, the burning pain became even worse.

Then, Li Zedao cried, and then laughed out loud, like crazy.

In a short period of time, he first experienced from life to death, and then from death to life. It is no wonder that Li Zedao had the current crazy reaction of crying and laughing. In a word, that is: Life is so exciting with its ups and downs.

But in any case, Li Zedao's mind will become stronger after undergoing such a tempering now, although it will not be so great that "Mount Tai collapses in front of him, but his color does not change, and the elk thrives on the left without blinking." The realm, but it is already a lot stronger.

After thinking that he was crazy enough, Li Zedao patted his ass and stood up, looking around. The first thing to do now is not to find the off-road vehicle, the snake head and the corpse in the off-road vehicle, but go out first.

It's just that before I fainted from smelling that strange smell, I was already confused and couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north, and now I can't tell the difference even more.

Wait... Strange smell... I seem to faint after smelling that smell, right? That is to say, my body is immune to the white poisonous gas, but it is not immune to that strange smell. Of course, that strange smell may only make people fall into a coma and will not kill you. His life is also uncertain.

Thinking of Li Zedao, he took two breaths cautiously, but except for the rotten smell of dead branches and rotten leaves, he never smelled the smell that he remembered, and even the smell of corpses that he smelled before was gone.

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