Li Zedao frowned slightly, how could this be? Logically speaking, the corpse smell shouldn't have disappeared, unless... I was moved when I passed out!

Is it the expert that Master met after he strayed into the magic cave forest more than 20 years ago?

Thinking of Li Zedao looking around, he didn't find any ghosts, besides the sound of his heartbeat and breathing, there was also the "creak..." when his feet stepped on the dead branches and leaves. Apart from the sound, there is no sound at all.

In other words, apart from myself, there are no living creatures including birds, mice, and grasshoppers here!

However, Li Zedao was calm and calm, and he didn't panic much. After all, he also knew that if that expert was really here, if he really wanted to kill him, then he would have died a long time ago.

Anyway, let's get out of this place first.

Thinking about it, Li Zedao raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist, which has the function of displaying the day of the week and time, and then he was slightly stunned.

The watch clearly shows Tuesday, and the time is ten o'clock in the morning.

Li Zedao clearly remembered that it was Monday at noon when he came in, that is to say, after smelling that strange smell, he had already slept for nearly twenty-four hours?

Suddenly, a cold, emotionless, but ethereal woman's voice reached his ears: "In the past few decades, you are the second person who broke into this place without dying."

"Who?" Even though Li Ze was brave and courageous, he was startled by the sudden voice. After roaring angrily, he turned around vigilantly and looked around. Li Zedao couldn't see what was in front of him because of the white mist.

At the same time, he suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a top expert living here, so he said again in a respectful tone: "Is... Senior?"

The woman said, "In the past few decades, you are the second person who broke into this place without dying." The first person should be referring to Master, right?

"Senior?" The unfeeling female voice sounded in his ear again. In an instant, Li Zedao had goosebumps all over his body, because he felt that the voice was so close this time, as if it came from behind him, and it was so close!

At that moment, Li Zedao took a deep breath, turned around abruptly, but there was still a cloud of white mist in his eyes, but he didn't even see a ghost.

"My master strayed into this magic cave forest more than 20 years ago,

It was because I met you, senior, that I was able to be rescued proudly. "Li Zedao shouted. Anyway, let's talk about relationships first, maybe for the sake of Master, this master who only hears his voice and sees no one should not embarrass himself, and may even guide himself to leave this ghost place.

"That kid from more than 20 years ago is your master?" The woman's voice rang in my ears again.

"Yes, senior." Li Zedao said in a respectful tone, and at the same time, he felt a little more assured that this woman really knew Master, so his own safety would be a little more.

It's just that a little cold sweat broke out on his forehead, because he clearly felt that someone was behind him, and they were about to stick together, but he couldn't hear the other person's breathing. You know, even a master , just like myself, although breathing can be very light, but after all, there is still some! What makes him collapse now is that he can clearly feel the other party's existence, but he can't feel the other party's breathing... Could it be...Damn it?

Or, once you break through the realm of returning to the basics, can you have such a skill?

"Master also said that he met a senior expert here, and that's why he was able to escape here. This great kindness and virtue will always be remembered in his heart." Li Zedao flattered him. Taken by Master.

It's just that the master didn't say this to me, it was the master who told Yanhuang, and Yanhuang told me, so if I calculate it this way, it's like the master told me... Well, I didn't lie, I was still the honest and polite person Good boy.

"What else?" The senior's voice was gloomy and ethereal, which reminded Li Zedao of the female ghost in the ghost movie he had seen, and the voice of the female ghost was almost like this.

"Others, nothing else, Master didn't say much." Li Zedao said very honestly.

"Senior, are you... behind me?" Li Zedao asked cautiously, rolling his eyeballs.

"What do you think?" the woman said, "You don't have to turn your eyes to try to see me. With your speed, you will never see me."

"..." Li Zedao was a little helpless, feeling that this senior was really bad, wasn't he basing his own happiness on the "pain" of others?

"Are you just like that kid, you also came here by mistake?" the woman asked coldly.

"No, senior, I didn't enter by mistake, I came in by myself." Li Zedao said hastily, "One of my elders drove a car into this magic cave forest by mistake, and I came here to collect his corpse."

The senior said in a cold tone: "So that's the case, but since you can get in, it proves that you also have that thing."

"That thing?" Li Zedao was taken aback, what is it? But there is nothing but doubts in my heart, but what is certain is that with that thing, I can avoid being poisoned to death by this poisonous gas, but it seems that the master didn't give me anything.

"Your master didn't tell you how to get out?" asked the senior.

"No... Actually, my master didn't know that I came in, and I haven't seen him for a long time." Li Zedao said.

"Are you a medical student?"

"Ah... what do you mean?" The other party's thoughts jumped so fast that Li Zedao was a little dumbfounded. Why did this senior suddenly raise such a question? Is she sick? Someone of hers is sick and needs to be treated by himself... Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much.

Or is it because it has something to do with Duanmu Weizhuang? After all, if Dongfang Bubai does not talk nonsense, it means that the grave of Duanmu Weizhuang, a generation of ghost doctor thousands of years ago, is likely to be in this place. This awesome female senior is not a descendant of Duanmuweizhuang Bar?

At that moment, Li Zedao said cautiously: "Senior, I am not a medical student." Although he had indeed read some medical books given to him by his master, at most he could only say that he had glimpsed into the so-called "Chinese medicine".

The frosty voice sounded beside my ears again: "Now there is a book under your feet, pick it up!"

"Book?" Li Zedao was taken aback again, and quickly lowered his head to take a look, because the thick fog was too thick, so he could vaguely see the shadow of a book. Now I bent down to pick it up, but I found that it was a book that looked old at first glance. It was bound with that kind of thin twine, full of antique charm, and there were several traditional Chinese characters written with a brush on the book cover. Large characters... Zhongzangjing!

Li Zedao looked at this book called "Zhongzangjing", but vaguely remembered where he had read it, but he couldn't remember it for a while, but he didn't understand at all what this secretive senior expert was. What do you want to do, why should you give him this book.

"Back then, your master broke in by mistake. I asked him to memorize the entire Buddhist scriptures within an hour. He finally did it. I told him the way to get out of this fog." The senior said.

Li Zedao looked at the ancient book in his hand, his eyes widened slightly, and there is such a thing? However, endorsement seems to be as easy as eating and drinking for Master, right? Li Zedao knew very well how perverted his master's memory was. Of course, his own memory was not too bad. In other words, if this senior also asked him to endorse, then he would be able to deal with it easily.

So Li Zedao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Senior, what you mean is that as long as I memorize this book within an hour, you will tell me how to get out... Oh, and let me take my elder's body and Take a box in the car away from this place?"

Li Zedao thought about it, how many hours is an hour?

"That's right, but I'll only give you half an hour." The senior expert said gloomyly.

"Why? You clearly gave my master an hour?" Li Zedao muttered with a little grievance. Is it because the master is handsome and attractive? Or does this senior feel that he is better than blue? Please, don't think so highly of me, okay? I am far behind my master.

"Because your master left by himself, and you still have to take away the corpse and the box you mentioned." The senior said coldly, "Only I can deliver what you want to you."

So Li Zedao understood that this senior expert is not a broad-minded master, and he will not let you take advantage of it at all, just like most women, they like to care about every detail...Of course, this senior expert It was indeed a woman, at least the eerie voice sounded like a woman's.

Your master left by himself, so I gave him an hour, and you still have to take the corpse and the box, and only I can bring the corpse and the box to you for you to take away, so I can only give You spend half an hour... This is simply too petty.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't dare to complain about anything, and he was a little excited in his heart. After all, this senior expert said so, it proved that she had seen the uncle's body and the box.

"You don't have to do it, then just wait here to die. Anyway, for thousands of years, there have been eight hundred people who have died here if not one thousand. One more than you is not too many, and one less than you is quite a lot." The woman said coldly Said, "You choose."

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