The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 988 Launch a New Jihad

Just talking about Li Zedao, Zhou Qian stammered and blushed, looking very embarrassed, so Su Li instantly understood that this little girl fell in love, so she didn't take less This brushing against Zhou Qian made Zhou Qian so nervous that she didn't dare to lift her head casually every time.

" can..." Zhou Qian said in a low voice, not wanting Su Li to see her embarrassment. I thought to myself that I sent a text message to confess my love to Brother Zedao, which is more or less... ah, I am ashamed

Just at this moment, the mobile phone she was holding in her hand rang. Zhou Qian saw that her face was even more red, because the call was from Li Zedao.

Su Li's eyes were sharp, and she saw the four big characters "Brother Ze Dao" displayed on the screen. She immediately smiled and thought of playing a prank. She reached out and snatched the phone from Zhou Qian's hand. Come here, laugh and turn around and run.

"Ah..." Feeling shy and anxious at the same time, Zhou Qian exclaimed, trying to reach out to grab the gun back, her tone filled with tears, "Su Li, you... ...Give it back to me quickly..."

"No..." Su Li let out a mischievous laugh like silver bells, then answered the phone, and said delicately, "Brother Ze Dao, I miss you..."

"Ah..." Zhou Qian almost passed out like this, and her heartbeat was even faster, as if it was about to jump out of her throat.

On the other end of the phone, Li Zedao was stunned when he heard that delicate voice, did he make a wrong call? Obviously, this is not Zhou Qian's voice, besides, Zhou Qian would not say such a thing in such a least not now. But that's not right, if you make a wrong call, why would the other party say the words 'Brother Ze Dao'?

"You are?" Li Zedao felt that the voice was somewhat familiar.

"I hate it, she's sister Qianqian...Brother Ze Dao really hates her, he even forgot about her." Su Li said coquettishly, holding back a burst of laughter, while Zhou Qian stood there stupidly, with tears around her eyes Rolling over, at a loss, not knowing what to do at all.

But Su Li is not a man, so she doesn't feel sorry for her. Even seeing Zhou Qian like this, she became even more mischievous.

"You are not Zhou Qian, you are... Zhou Qian's deskmate, Su Li?" Li Zedao had a strong memory after all, and he already remembered who the owner of the voice was.

"Tsk tsk, handsome guy, you are so amazing, you can even recognize my voice." Su Li said pretending to be embarrassed, "Could it be that you have a crush on someone?"

"" Li Zedao was a little speechless, why are the little brats so tough nowadays?

"It's just... a better memory,

I'm the number one student in the college entrance examination. "

"Handsome guy, you are so funny, what should I do if I like you more and more?" Su Li laughed, and glanced at Zhou Qian, who was shy and aggrieved, angry and helpless, "I'm going to put my phone Give it to Qianqian, she is already crying, if you don't return it to her, I will break up with me."

"Here... your Brother Ze Dao is looking for you." Su Li returned the phone to Zhou Qian, hummed a little song, and blinked her eyes, very proud.

Zhou Qian snorted angrily. She really felt helpless towards this buddy. When she took the phone, she didn't know what to say.

Li Zedao obviously heard the sound of rapid breathing coming from the other end of the phone, and said with a smile: "Is it true or not that you said you missed me?"

"Ah...Brother Ze Dao..." Zhou Qian let out a "beep", her face flushed red again, and she felt dizzy.

"Of course it's true..." Su Li, who had good ears, laughed and made trouble.

Zhou Qian glared at Su Li angrily, trotted into the bathroom, and locked the door behind her, to prevent this buddy from continuing to make trouble.

"Focus on sex and despise friends!" Su Li looked at the closed bathroom door with disdain, and immediately put her hands on her heart and looked forward to it. When will there be a handsome guy like Qianqian's brother Zedao appearing in the room? How about going through the ups and downs with me in my own life?

"Now in Yanjing? What kind of winter camp are you attending?" Li Zedao asked, not continuing to tease, after all, this girl's skin is too thin... Well, it's almost as thin as her own.

"Well, brother Zedao... I'm in Yanjing Jiaotong University..." Zhou Qian whispered, and then patted her chest to slow down her heartbeat that was about to come out of her throat.

But it was very sweet in my heart, as if I had eaten several jars of honey.

Then I talked about some things about the winter camp.

This winter camp was actually jointly organized by the Fenghuang City Education Bureau and Yanjing Jiaotong University. That is to say, not only the top 20 top students in the third grade of No. 1 Middle School participated, but also four other schools in Fenghuang City, including The top 20 students in the third grade of four high schools, including Namei Concentration School, which Li Zedao graduated from, are eligible to sign up.

Of course, you have to pay part of the fee yourself, not all families can afford this amount, so not everyone signs up, but there are still 60 to 70 students in the five schools.

And the students who performed well in this winter camp can get the admission qualification of Yanjing Jiaotong University! In other words, you don’t need to take the college entrance examination, just come and report after school starts.

Although Yanjing Jiaotong University is not as good as Yenching University and Shuimu University, it is also among the top ten universities in the country. Even if you usually study well and rank first in key high schools, you can guarantee that you will pass the college entrance examination. Enter the top ten universities in the country? Therefore, this recommended quota is undoubtedly very attractive for students.

It's just that, for Zhou Qian, it doesn't matter at all, even if the recommendation quota really falls on her, she will refuse it, because she has already decided which university she wants to go to, and she will participate in this competition. The winter camp here is nothing more than wanting to exercise myself.

"So that's how it is." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Then you should pay attention to your own safety. You are so good-looking, who knows if there will be someone who is not good-looking who will bully you or something. If you have any troubles, call me immediately. These few days, I will always be in Yanjing, after your winter camp is over, I will go find you."

"...Okay, brother Zedao..." Zhou Qian whispered, but there was a silly smile on her hot little face. It was such a good feeling to be cared about.

Of course, Li Zedao was indeed joking. After all, this winter camp is a serious event. Any of these students will have an accident, whether it is the Fenghuang City Education Bureau, those key high schools, or Yanjing Jiaotong University. , that would be bad luck, plus the students are relatively simple and don't have so much ambition for fame and fortune, so no matter how good-looking Zhou Qian is, who would be so foolish as to beat her other female students when they are young? The idea is that if you go with me to that room in that hotel to chat about your ideals in life, I will give you a guaranteed spot?

Isn't that courting death?

Even if there is something fancy, you can only think about it in your heart - a little bit or two times, that’s all.


Late at night, in the old garden area to be remodeled.

If Li Zedao was present, he must be very familiar with this community, because those people who tried to rape the Dongtu that blew up the Workers' Stadium were hiding in this community, and Wu Huhu and his sister Wu Xique also lived in it before. it's here.

At this time, in front of the dim No. 7 building, several black shadows quietly appeared here.

"Chief Kari Aji, our great fighters were taken away by those damned people here." One of the men pointed to the second floor and said in a low voice, the voice was full of the smell of blood , "If I hadn't gone out to buy things, I'm afraid it would be difficult to escape! Those damn soldiers, they must be members of the Shenlong organization, they really deserve to be killed!"

Kari Aji nodded, and his voice was as cold as ice: "Lati, the people of the Shenlong organization should be killed! They killed one of our great soldiers, and I want them to use the lives of ten, hundreds, or even thousands of ordinary people Come to repay! When I came out, the leader of Aishan had already ordered me, no matter what, we must launch the most successful jihad, and let the senior management of Huaxia know that our Dongtu is not easy to mess with!"

"Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!" Others shouted slogans like mosquitoes... There is no way, according to the tradition, slogans must be shouted at this time, but if the voice is too loud and someone hears it, they even call the police. I found it, isn't that fucked?

"This time, there will be a powerful person to help us launch this jihad!" Kari Aji didn't blame these guys for being too quiet when they shouted slogans, special treatment for special circumstances! Then find a place where there is no one to make it up.

"Chief Kari Aji, who is that powerful man?" La asked.

"It's me!" A sneer sounded behind him, but it was in extremely pure English.

The few people in Dongtu were really startled. They turned their heads one after another, but saw a black shadow standing there quietly, and they didn't know when it came.

"It's...Mr. Tom?" Kari Aji stepped forward and said in extremely broken English. Before he came out, the leader Aishan had already told him that after he arrived in China, he would be approached by a very powerful friend. That friend was named Tom, who was from the United States. Aishan also told Kari Aji to obey this Tom in all actions. He also said that Tom is one of the three diamond bodyguards of the Black Hawk Security Company, so don't offend him.

But now, the other party speaks pure English, is burly, and is extremely powerful, and unexpectedly appeared behind them without anyone noticing, so Kari Aji basically concluded that he was the one proposed by the leader of Aishan. The friend who arrived, Mr. Tom.

"It's me." Tom said lightly, with an extremely arrogant look on his face, "Your leader Aishan has already told you?"

Kari Ati hurriedly said: "Yes, the leader of Aishan said, you are our friend."

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