"Oh, no, no, I'm not your friend." Tom interrupted Kaziaji's words with a cold smile, his tone was full of disdain, "You are not qualified to be my friend! We are just a cooperative relationship... ...Temporary partnership!"

"Yes, Mr. Tom, we are... a temporary cooperative relationship." Facing such a master, Kari Aji, the so-called Dongtu fighters who usually bully the weak, did not have any anger on their faces. smile apologetically.

"Mr. Tom, what are we going to do next?" Kariaji asked respectfully.

"Don't you guys want to start a jihad? Then come with me." Tom said, turning around and walking forward very chicly.

Kari Aji and the others hurriedly followed without any hesitation, and even the blood in their bodies began to boil! Recently, Dongtu has failed many times, and many great fighters were either taken away or died unexpectedly. Even the leader of Aishan's younger brother, leader Reyimu, died in Huaxia. It became a big joke to hurt Dongtu's vitality.

Now, it's time to fight back!

A few minutes later, Kari Aji and his party followed Tom and came under a high wall.

"Mr. Tom, is this place?" Kari Aji looked around and asked, looking at the surrounding environment, this place seems to be the wall of a certain school. Could it be that Mr. Miyamoto wants to launch a jihad in this school? This is a good choice!

It's just that school seems to be on holiday now, right? Will there be fewer people? You know, if you don't slaughter more than a hundred of him this time, it will not be enough to calm the anger of the entire Dongtu!

"The wall to the north of Yanjing Jiaotong University." Tom said, obviously familiar with this place, and then pointed to a dark hole under the corner of the wall that was covered by weeds. Inside the school."

"This..." The corners of Kari Aji's mouth twitched. Is this a dignified soldier from Dongtu who wants to drill into a dog hole?

"Oh, is it possible that you want to pick the lock to go in through the gate and alert the security inside?" Tom shrugged and said, "Or climb over the wall... The point is, can you get over it?"

Although he was humiliated to the death, Kaziaji had to admit that the wall was too high, and it was really impossible to climb over it without a ladder.

"For the great Dongtu! For the great jihad! What's the point of drilling a dog hole if you don't even want your life?" Kari Aji looked back at his subordinates and said in a low voice, "Great fighters, Let us get into this dog hole to meet the next great holy war that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history!"

"Dong Tu! Dong Tu! Dong Tu! Jihad! Jihad! Jihad!" The expressions of his subordinates were as if they had been spat with chicken blood.

But he could only shout slogans like mosquitoes... Shouting slogans like this is really uncomfortable!

"Stupid!" Tom pouted, with a sneer on his face.

After Kaziaji and the others got into the campus through the dog hole, Tom had already climbed over the wall and waited for them.

"Mr. Tom, what are we going to do next?" Kariaji asked. Then I looked around and saw that there was still light in a building not far away. It was obvious that there were night owls working or something in it. Could it be possible to sneak over and kill those people inside?

"There is a toilet walking forward from here. The place is a bit deserted. Usually, few people go there, and now that it's a holiday, there are even fewer people. Go there and hide for a while. Remember, don't be caught by the night watchman. The security found it." Tom shrugged lazily.

"Uh... Dear Mr. Tom, don't you want... Jihad?" Kari Aji asked in a daze.

"Yes, Kari Aji, but that will be after dawn." Tom said with a dark smile, "After dawn, nearly a hundred teachers and students will gather in a certain classroom. When you start."

Kaziaji's eyes lit up all of a sudden.


"Something went wrong." The engineer rushed in with a document in his hand, looking at Li Zedao who was sitting there with a serious expression, and said to Nanji.

For the past two days, Li Zedao also stayed at the headquarters of the Dragon Organization.

On the one hand, wait for the above processing results to come down, and on the other hand, get to know the members of the first team. Of course, the big head and the iron hand who originally belonged to the first team rebelled and were murdered in the end, and the captain of the first team, Penguin, went to The second team, so the first team simply suffered heavy losses.

In addition, due to the loss of the snake's head and the appearance of traitors within the Shenlong organization, it is only a matter of time before the Shenlong organization faces a huge reorganization. There are no other traitors, but the specific decision above has not yet come out.

Moreover, Li Zedao also knew that even if his captain, who became a monk on the way, was powerful, he might not be so popular and unconvincing. In addition, he really didn't have much experience, and he didn't have much thought to deal with things and make any plans, so he just Find Yanhuang and resign from the captain's position, and take care of whoever you love.

Yanhuang couldn't change Li Zedao's decision, so he approached Nanji and asked her to be the captain. What made Yanhuang want to vomit blood was that Nanji didn't show face and said: No!

In the end, Yanhuang had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and asked the engineer to replace Li Zedao as the captain of the first team.

Of course, for the engineer, being the captain is a pain in the ass, because in terms of his own strength, he is no match for Antarctica, let alone Li Zedao. He originally wanted to follow the example of Anji in rejecting Yanhuang ruthlessly, but Yanhuang's nonchalant eyes swept over him, and the engineer immediately stopped working, and he had to grit his teeth and temporarily take over the captaincy.

Fortunately, Li Zedao was also very considerate, saying that he would follow the command of the captain in most cases. Although the engineer knew that what this guy said was nonsense, he still felt better. Of course, The engineers were not so stupid as to instruct Li Zedao what to do, but would discuss with him what to do.

"What's the matter?" Nanji frowned seeing the dignified expression of the engineer. It is not an ordinary thing that can make the members of the Shenlong organization frown.

"Those scumbags from Dongtu jumped out again." The engineer had a serious expression on his face.

"Dongtu..." Nanji frowned. He thought that after the conspiracy of the workers' gymnasium was exposed, they should have been honest for a while. They didn't expect to jump out so quickly to make trouble again. They really deserve to be killed!

"Just 20 minutes ago, an innumerable number of Dongtu members sneaked into a teaching building of Yanjing Jiaotong University and controlled nearly a hundred students who were teaching in a trapezoidal classroom. Yanhuang asked the three of us to hurry up Let's deal with it in the past..."

Li Zedao's expression changed drastically, and he interrupted the engineer and said, "You mean Yanjing Jiaotong University?"

Isn't that girl Zhou Qian attending the winter camp at the university? Could it be them?

The engineer looked at Li Zedao with some surprise in his eyes. Shouldn't he be most concerned about such shocking words as "Dong Tu" and "nearly a hundred teachers and students were controlled" at this time? Why the words "Yanjing Jiaotong University"?

He nodded immediately and said, "It's Yanjing Jiaotong University... As for those teachers and students, their identities have basically been confirmed. A few days ago, Yanjing Jiaotong University and the Phoenix Education Bureau jointly held a winter camp. Beijing Jiaotong University, the hostages held by Dongtu are eighty-one students from various middle schools in Phoenix City, and there are five teachers from Yanjing Jiaotong University..."

"Let's go to Yanjing Jiaotong University." Li Zedao stood up and said with a very ugly face, and his body was filled with an extremely strong murderous aura.

Nanji's complexion was not good either. She knew that there was a sister who hadn't met yet among those hostages.

Looking at Li Zedao and Nanji who were striding away, the engineer's resolute face was full of sadness, and he said to himself: "It's wrong for you to be so ignorant of the existence of my captain..."

Then hurriedly followed up: "Wait for me..."


In front of the Deyi Building of Yanjing Jiaotong University, the entire teaching building has been surrounded by special police groups with live ammunition, but they dare not enter rashly. Holding it hostage, if you enter rashly, if the other party jumps over the wall in a hurry and kills him directly, wouldn't it be fucked?

The city leaders and school leaders who rushed over after hearing the news were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. If something really happened, if the teacher or student was really killed, then they would be held accountable at that time.

Because the incident took place on campus, the entire school gate was surrounded by criminal police, and the car that Li Zedao and the others drove over naturally couldn't get in.

The engineer jumped out of the car, threw his ID in the past, and said with a serious face that he asked you to lead over... When facing these small shrimps, the engineer's momentum is still very strong, which is different from when facing Li Zedao and Antarctica. If there are two people.

Soon, Liang Changsheng, the director of the Municipal Bureau, rushed over with a few people, but saw that they were nervous, with thick cold sweat on their foreheads...they were still sweating in the cold weather. Said that things have reached a point where it is almost impossible to deal with it.

Liang Changsheng wiped the uncontrollable cold sweat on his forehead, then stretched his hand towards the engineer soldier who walked to the front, and his tone gave a feeling of relief: "Three comrades, it's time for you, I'll take you there."

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