The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 991 I Will Shoot

"Brother Li, what's the matter?" The engineer asked in a low voice as he tugged on Nanji. He always felt that Li Zedao seemed a little restless.

"One of his women is up there," Nanji said.

"Uh..." The engineer's expression also changed. No wonder he focused on the words "Yanjing Jiaotong University" before.

Li Zedao suddenly thought of something, then turned his head and waved to Liang Changsheng who was not far away, signaling him to come over.

Seeing this, Liang Changsheng thought that the men sent from above were about to start action, so he wiped off the cold sweat from his forehead, and hurried to the front: "Comrade, how can we cooperate?"

"There must have been a recording when the other party called the police, right?" Li Zedao said, "Hurry up and get someone to send it."

Nanji and Datou's eyes lit up instantly, yes, don't they suspect that the other party might not be from Dongtu? Then listen to the other party's voice, don't you know? You must know that the accents of people in each place are different. The people in Dongtu are almost all from the Western Regions, and they also have their own unique accents when they speak Huaxia.

Soon, Liang Changsheng asked someone to bring a recorder with the voice of the informant in it. Li Zedao put the recorder to his ear, turned on the play button, and soon, a man rang in his ear. the voice.

"Oh, dear Mr. Police, I am a great fighter from Dongtu... I am in a trapezoid on the fifth floor of the German-Italian teaching building of Yanjing Jiaotong University together with several great fighters from Dongtu. In the classroom, oh, there are nearly a hundred students with us! You must not believe it, right? It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe it, but we want to play a game..."

Li Zedao frowned slightly. This man was indeed very blunt when he spoke Huaxia, but the accent was not like the accent of people from the Western Regions at all. If it comes out, that is to say, their conjecture is likely to be correct, and those people above are probably not from Dongtu, but they are just doing something in the name of Dongtu.

"What's going on?" Antarctica asked.

"It's not the accent of a person from the Western Regions, but more like a foreigner, such as a person from the Eagle Country or a person from the United States." Li Zedao said with a frown.

Antarctica also frowned.

"Brother Li, what should we do now?" asked the engineer, "Sneak in secretly? Or let snipers start looking for sniper spots?"

Li Zedao shook his head and said: "I always think this is weird,

Fortunately, it should not be Dongtu, so you don't have to worry about them killing people indiscriminately inside, so let's wait for what they want to do first. "


At this time, in the T-shaped classroom on the fifth floor, there was another scene, completely different from what Li Zedao and the others had imagined.

A total of more than 80 people, including teachers and students from several major universities in Phoenix City and teachers from Jiaotong University, collapsed on the ground with their eyes closed, apparently passed out.

On the side, three men with black hoods on their heads who couldn't see their faces clearly also collapsed there, motionless, in a state of coma, and there were gleaming machetes slipping from their hands beside them.

The line of sight is moving forward. On the podium and at the back door, there are three people, one woman, two men, who are also in a coma. The difference is that they all have blood holes in their calves, and there are many blood holes beside their bodies Blood, obviously shot.

And under the window on the right side of the podium with a bullet hole in the glass, Karhiage and his subordinate Lati collapsed there, gasping for breath, with a pale face and cold sweat on his forehead. Looks extremely tired.

And Ratti also had a small bee that the teacher used for lectures in his hand spread out on the ground, but he was so weak that he could hardly even hold this thing.

Kari Aji felt extremely aggrieved and angry!

What's frustrating is that among the five Dongtu fighters including him, three of them are sleeping there, so I'm afraid I won't remember it for a while! And although he and Lati didn't faint, they almost lost the strength to say a few words, let alone pick up a knife and hack those damn Chinese people lying on the ground to death one by one!

What's even more aggrieved is that the police came! If they found out the clues in this classroom and rushed in, would the five of them become the people who were taken away by the police before killing anyone in the history of Dongtu? At that time, they will definitely become a disgrace to Dongtu, right?

The angry thing is that the reason why they are like this is thanks to that damn guy Tom!


The course of the matter is actually like this.

According to Tom's request, Caryati and his subordinates hid in the relatively deserted and remote toilet until after dawn. Tom, who didn't know where to hide and had a good sleep, showed up, even with his left hand holding a hamburger and a cup of coffee in his right hand.

Poor Kari Aji and the others, they were frozen outside for most of the night, and now watching Tom eating delicious hamburgers and drinking steaming coffee over there, I feel even more hungry and thirsty And cold.

This damn foreigner, curse you for choking to death on hamburgers and coffee! Kari Aji could only swallow desperately while cursing in his heart this condescending foreigner who likes to pretend to be impersonal!

After eating hamburgers and drinking coffee, Tom pointed to a teaching building not far away and said, "Is that teaching building not far away? After half an hour, there will be a hundred or so teachers and students gathered in the building." In a classroom on the fifth floor, it's time for us to do it."

When Kari Aji heard this, his blood boiled immediately, and his face was already full of cruelty: "Dear Mr. Tom, we are ready."

As they said that, Kari Aji and his subordinates put their hands into the black coat pocket, and when they stretched out their hands again, there was already a glaring machete in their hands. up.

"Oh, very good, I thought none of you were armed." Tom said, but there was a meaningful sneer at the corner of his mouth.

Because the school had been on holiday for a long time, the whole campus was empty, there were not many students, and Tom was obviously very familiar with this school, so half an hour later, a group of six people entered the building without hindrance. In the teaching building named Deyi Building, I went up to the fifth floor and came to the door of the classroom.

At this time, a woman's voice came from the classroom, speaking impassionedly in English.

Tom looked back at Kaziaji and the others, and the latter understood, took out the hood that had been prepared in advance and put it on his head, only showing his two eyes.

Tom also put on the hood, and then he smiled strangely, and then slammed his foot on the door of that classroom.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Tom kicked open the door of the classroom that had been lightly closed, and even cracks appeared on the door panel.

After kicking open the door, Tom strode in with five Dongtu soldiers.

The teachers and students in the classroom were instantly shocked by the loud noise and the six people who walked in with a murderous look. For a moment, a very strange dead silence appeared in the entire classroom.

Those teachers and students didn't even know what the six people who came in wanted to do, and they didn't realize the danger.

Then Kari Aji, the five warriors from Dongtu, suddenly showed their shining machetes, ready to chop at these lambs who hadn't reacted at first glance.

But Tom reached out to stop them, and said in blunt Chinese: "Oh, damn it, you don't have to worry so much, you are slowly killing me when I finish my work."

While talking, Tom's hands seemed to be juggling, and there was already an extra pistol. Then he looked at these with a smile, or he was puzzled, or scared, or looked at his hundred-year-old gun in bewilderment. The teacher and student number said with a smile: "Good morning, friends, I would like to ask you to do me a favor... Please stand up, go to the corner, put your head in your hands, and squat down..."

"..." No one moved, everyone looked at Tom helplessly, and the whole classroom was still in an absolutely eerie dead silence.

These teachers and students still failed to respond.

"Uh... well, I'm really sorry, it's not a help, but a request." Tom shrugged and said apologetically, "Now I ask you all to stand up immediately, then go to the corner, put your head in your hands, Squat down...or I'll shoot you."

The eerie silence in the classroom was broken by the nearly fifty-year-old female professor standing on the podium. The female professor had entered menopause, and her temper was really not very good. In addition, she thought that it was some students who hadn't come back home after the holidays were messing around.

So he pointed at Tom, stared and cursed: "Which department are you a student from? What are you doing? Do you believe that I made you unable to graduate?"

"Bang!" What answered her was a crisp gunshot.

The old professor's body trembled slightly, and when he looked down, his old face twisted all of a sudden, and he collapsed on the ground in the next second, with a sharp scream from his mouth.


There was a bullet hole in her left calf, and the blood was bubbling, directly staining her flesh-colored stockings red.

"Dear lady, I said I would shoot, why don't you believe me?" Tom blew the wisps of smoke from the muzzle of the gun gracefully.

The eyes of all the teachers and students fell on the old professor who was lying there crying, and his expression changed from bewildered to horrified.

"Ah..." I don't know who took the lead in screaming, and then the whole classroom was already in chaos.

Most of these people are high school students who haven't even gone to college and have almost zero social experience. The others can be said to be helpless teachers. When have they experienced such a bloody nightmare? up?

So everyone was so frightened that their faces were pale and their bodies were trembling, screaming again and again, and even some timid crotches were wet, and they were already scared to pee, and the whole classroom became a mess in an instant!

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